• Hey Guest,

    As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.

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Oct 19, 2022
Most members who have been active in this forum for a while know that the media has blatantly misrepresented the purpose and philosophy of this forum for years. For example, let's take a look at these articles here.

The titles already give it away and contribute a lot to the public opinion that we are "pro-suicide".

We're more than just a "pro-suicide" forum as the media likes to smear us, very often implying we're some kind of cult. We're a very diverse community with thousands of members, with most of them struggling to the extent that they think about suicide, some more than others, and that results in a wide variety of content, from conversations about recovery and life to discussions around suicide and the right to die. And yes, I strictly reject the claim that we are "pro-suicide," people in our forum recover all the time and when they announce they're doing better, we cheer them on in this community. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] This is just a small selection of threads I've found by doing a 5 minute search on this forum and all of them are members announcing their departure because they found something to live for and in some cases, our community directly contributed to that change. For example, here are two specific threads where members of the forum specifically point out this community has contributed to their recovery, again - with nothing but positive feedback under these threads. Nobody is telling them to change their mind, nobody is encouraging suicide, nobody is frowing upon their decision. It's nothing but compassion and acceptance for someone's decision. This is not pro-suicide. This is pro-choice.

Okay. And there is not one single case that I'm aware of, where someone reported significant improvement of their situation, which then resulted in an overhelmingly negative response to that thread. It just doesn't happen. I gave the examples above. If you can prove me wrong, do it. There are so many threads of people basically announcing 'hey, I'm doing better, SaSu helped me through that journey and I'm going to leave this forum now to enjoy my life' and that's a good thing and these threads are always met with kindness and praise as I've demonstrated above. How does that match the accusation of us being "pro-suicide"? Doesn't this kind of behavior displayed in these threads demonstrate a pro-choice position of the overhelming majority of participating members in our forum? This is direct and irrefutable evidence that this community is not pro-suicide but passionately pro-choice. Furthermore, there is not one thing I've said in the last 5 years that would suggest I'm pro-death or pro-suicide. And I think that's quite significant given I'm the admin of this forum, right. I made very clear that I'm pro-choice and everything I've said so far in my position underlines that notion. I have also made clear towards bad actors who try to exploit this forum that suicide encouragement isn't okay. Sadly, trolls with no intuition and nuance sometimes mistake us for 4chan 2.0 and invade this forum with the intention to cause harm. But there is a difference between encouraging suicide and respecting someone's voluntary and well thought-out choice to exercise their right to die. One is pro-suicide and one is pro-choice. That tiny bit of nuance sadly goes unnoticed by the majority of journalists who report on this forum.

The problem is that most people who cover this forum simply don't understand language. The media suggests we're "pro-suicide" - and that's a position that prefers suicide over all other options, right? That's at least how I understand that word. Being pro-suicide means you think suicide is the right answer to every problem, that you should commit suicide if you're thinking about it, without any second thoughts. And that's how we're framed. But that's just not true, we don't suggest to anyone what's the right decision, that in itself makes us pro-choice per definition. It's up to anyone in this forum to make their own decisions, we don't tell anyone what to do - that's explicitly drawn out in the rules. And what you do with your own life is by the way a deeply personal matter, what decision someone makes in regards to their own welfare is not the business of anyone here and anyone out there either. If you want to live is a question only you can answer. Okay, so it's factually inaccurate to report the entire community, thousands of active members with a diverse background and history, as generally "pro-suicide" - as if we're a homogenic hivemind that all have the same thoughts and ideas, it's simply dehumanizing and insulting. And the philosophy of this forum underlines the fact that we are pro-choice very clearly. So again, the constant reporting of this forum as a pro-suicide forum has no factual basis other than a extreme misunderstanding of what it means to be pro-choice in regards to suicide. And again, recognising and accepting someone's decision to exercise their right to die isn't "pro-suicide" the same way that accepting and recognising someone's decision to (not) have an abortion isn't "pro-(or anti-)abortion" either. It's a "pro-choice" stance in both cases because in both cases you're merely accepting someone's decision and action that are expressions of individual and bodily autonomy. You make the decision, nobody else - that's the philosophy of this forum. And giving you a choice to make your own decisions, even when "destructive" (and that's again a question of perspective), is pro-choice. That's the consequence of a liberal interpretation of individual autonomy. And that alone is the determining factor if a position is pro-choice or forced-anything, such as pro-life or pro-suicide. This forum doesn't make the case that there should be more suicides. In fact we say there should be less suicide but as I've pointed out in my response to the BBC, the methods which are applied to achieve that goal are wrong and cause more harm than good. I've also outlined this here in my most recent thread about SN regulation. But I don't think I have seen a representative amount of members make the case that more suicides are a preferrable outcome, we as a community hope that the lives of people who use this forum improve, of course. That's also the position of every single moderator, by the way. Me included. And I would never promote someone to the position of a moderator who doesn't have the best interest of every single member in mind. I have written countless posts and threads discussing suicide prevention and I have literally begged the media to use this forum as a resource to better understand suicidality. But instead they're demonizing us because that's just easier. Don't get it twisted, the current reporting is a mix of both ideological barriers which prevents people from understanding the purpose of this forum but also straight-up laziness, which prevents people from doing their own investigative research and instead they merely adapt the narrative of other journalists that's and why I'm writing this thread right now.

So again, we're pro-choice. And being pro-choice always comes with an accepting notion for the decision you make, right. When I accept and respect a decision you make, that doesn't mean I encourage that decision. These are differences between encouraging a decision or acknowledging and respecting it. So we're pro-whatever-decision-you-make-for-your-own-life as long as you don't harm anyone else. That's inherently pro-choice and until you demonstrate and explain to us why we're more pro-suicide than pro-choice, why it's logically correct to call an entire community of suicidal people collectively pro-suicide, I will reject any article that follows that narrative and this thread here is going to be the standard response to any future articles that calls us pro-suicide and in the future, any questions about this forum can be answered by reading this thread because it contains all the answers you need to know. I also don't take any journalist seriously who writes obviously biased articles and I have no desire to interact with them. I also hope that answers why knocking on my door is going to be a waste of time... right, Angus?

Next, now that I've outlined that we're pro-choice, I'm going to explain to you why it's the morally correct position. If you want to infringe on someone's individual and bodily autonomy, you need very good reasons - which hopefully is a statement that journalists out there covering this forum agree with. And that applies even more so to a fundamental human right like someone's right to die. Your subjective feeling that someone prolonging their suffering might be the better outcome long-term doesn't outweight the perceived emotional and mental distress of the person who wants to die, so their decision to end said pain is always more important than your demand that they should keep suffering. In other words: you do not override someone's lack of consent to stay alive. You have no right to say that they should have to endure their (physical or mental) pain for your own emotional peace, you have no right to force them. We use the same logic to justify abortion, the needs of someone who seeks out an abortion is more important than your subjective feeling as to why it's wrong to have one. And that's literally the concept of individual autonomy and it's the empathic approach to the question whetever someone has a right to die. Relief from pain is a good thing and we need to stop pretending it's not. Of course, if you don't have any empathy for suicidal people, you'll be unable to see that. And if you've never been suicidal, you have no idea how it feels like to be in that position, to sit on hot coals, to suffer so much that you just want to die. That's why suicidal people hate when non-suicidal people speak for and over us and sadly, that's what the media has been doing all along, constantly infantilizing suicidal people in the process and pretending to act in our best interest as if our input doesn't count, and they're showing us exactly everything that's wrong in our world. We have so many members in this forum, like we literally count 45k registered members at this point and it's concerning that the exchange between journalists who want to understand this forum and members of this forum who agree with the philosophy of this place hasn't happened in 5 years. And that's not our fault, I know that members have reached out to these journalists who call us pro-suicide. The problem is, that they're not interested in interviewing people who could humanize Sanctioned Suicide and justify the existence of this forum, as an alternative to the current oppressive approach that's the status quo when it comes to preventing suicide. On the other hand - the exchange between journalists and people who oppose this forum for very irrational reasons has happened very frequently, and that's the problem. There is an inbalance in the research that's done to understand this forum and represent both sides. In other words, there has been no attempt to understand us, that was never the intent - from the start.

And yes, there are some people, for example staff members, who do not want to give an interview but that's because there has been no attempt so far to accurately portray this forum in good-faith and no sign that these reporters are ready to protect people's privacy. But there are enough people who would be open to given an interview to defend SaSu's existence, for example here and here - but as I said, interviewing people who use this forum and giving them space to talk about the necessacity of a website like this forum would contradict the narrative so it doesn't happen. Again, I reached out to a journalist a few years ago, before I was even a moderator, trying to defend this forum and we did actually talk for almost an hour but they never published that interview.

So yeah, the constant misrepresentation of this forum is annoying but it isn't surprising given the journalists covering this forum aren't interested in objective and factual reporting and instead have always emotionalized and dramatized the conversation around this forum by highlighting the apparent repulsive and outrageous nature of this forum or by posting the names and faces of members who have exercised their right to die, as if their implied opposition (none of them have spoken out against SaSu) to suicide has more value and legitimacy than the needs of those who want to die, while also pushing the reasons why they were suicidal in the first place into the background and focusing on their membership in this forum instead to make the forum look responsible for their decision to end their lives and not the real life problems that haunted them every day. And I think that's disrespectful to the people who have passed away. None of those articles are written with the intention to motivate systemic change and more awareness for things that make suicide an attractive option in the first place, it's all about writing bombastic headlines, shifting the blame to the forum. It's obvious. Why wouldn't these journalists want to talk about the systemic causes of suicide, which is certainly a dry topic and instead make a forum responsible which is merely a symptom of a dysfunctional society? We're not the reason why people want to die. According to the data I've seen, the increase in suicide numbers that so many journalists complain about has started before this forum even existed and most members who make an account here in this forum communicate in their registration that they've been suicidal before, sometimes for years - and that's why they want to join this forum. The forum clearly isn't the problem here. They come to this forum as suicidal people because this place has to offer something that's appealing to them... So wouldn't it be interesting for these journalists to look into the reasons why these members who make an account here were suicidal for years, instead of blaming us? It's quite easy, because it doesn't fit the narrative that we're the bad guys.

Another issue is that a big portion of the journalists who are covering this place get most of their information from people who oppose this forum and these are very often the protagonists of their coverage. These are people who oppose us for ideological reasons and push for legislative change to criminalize this forum because they have lost someone to suicide themselves. The problem is, they do not care about the systemic causes of suicide that drove their loved ones to take drastic measures to escape their pain. What they care about is deplatforming the forum because we're an easy scapegoat. And that makes sense, it's easier to cope with the idea that this forum pushed someone into suicide instead of reflecting and thinking about potential signs for someone's suicidality you might have missed or holding the people in charge (politicans and lawmakers) accountable who are blocking systemic change which would allow struggling people to live under better conditions. And shouldn't that be the goal, create a more compassionate and empathic society that makes people want to stay alive voluntarily instead of relying on coercision to prolong people's lives? There is so much you can do to improve people's lives that doesn't attack people's freedom, right. Not all but the majority of those journalists that have covered us and portrayed us in a very negative light in the past are directly in touch with people who are campaigning to shut us down and sadly they refuse to cover this forum with the same neutrality that's applied for the coverage of other, equally controversial, topics. They throw journalistic standards out the window. Journalists like Angus Crawford, Aisling Murphy and Thomas Daigle have never investigated this community properly because if they did, they would know we're anything but "pro-suicide" - as I've explained above - and they would also know that describing a community with 45'000 total members with one word ("pro-suicide") is the most dishonest thing you could possibly do. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. That's the result of listening to grieving people. What they're experiencing is without a doubt painful but they're not good picks for a level-headed and rational conversation on ethical issues like suicide (prevention) and the right to die. Journalists took the input of these people who want to see the forum gone as reliable information without fact-checking claims and taking into consideration that there might be a certain bias, influenced by emotional pain. And that's how you end up with very one-sided reporting, over and over again. Because again, these people have a very clear interest in framing this forum in the worst way possible and feeding those journalists false information, for example that we allow members to use this forum as a marketplace or that we encourage suicide when none of that is true. Their self-proclaimed goal is to make us disappear - that's obvious when you look their Twitter activity and who they blame for the death of their loves ones. And these opponents of our forum are motivated by very negative emotions and that's why they doxxed members of our forum in the past, something that's always brushed aside when these people are interviewed and portrayed as victims in these articles. For example, Kelli Wilson - who is one of the most vocal opponent of this forum has doxxed a member of our community, Catherine Adenekan has done the same and on top of that celebrated the suicide of a member who has taken their own life, mocking their goodbye thread and Lee Cooper has repeatedly threatened to murder the founders of this forum on Twitter yet they're still seen as credible sources and still featured in their coverage on our forum despite the very obvious fact that they have an agenda and they will do anything necessary - literally walking over corpses at this point - to achieve their goals. They also harassed a trans woman who they mistook for me relentlessly. They make very clear that doxxing suicidal people is part of their playbook. These repulsive actions aren't the topic of this thread but it's important to mention that these people are not credible sources for anything related to this forum. I might dive into their problematic online conduct in more detail in a seperate thread if people are interested in that. But they're vigilantes who take the law into their own hands because we're operating this forum 100% legally and none of their political efforts to deplatform us have paid out. That's why they're harassing and intimidating those who run this forum and those who participate as members. They have every incentive in the world to push a certain narrative and spreading lies and misinformation is part of their strategy.

But it gets even worse. Some of the journalists I've mentioned above are members of the anti-Sanctioned Suicide group on Facebook.

This group was founded by Kelli Wilson, the same person that created the website Fixthe26. The same person who also doxxed a member of our forum as I just mentioned before and the same person who said my predecessor needs to get publicly executed and claimed I'm not a human. Does anyone here think that it's a coincidence that journalists who who call us pro-suicide and mirror the "pro-suicide" narrative without wasting any time to fact-check anything are also members of a Facebook group founded by someone who wants to take down the forum and is on the record encouraging physical violence and doxxing someone who committed suicide one month later? I think that's a very questionable connection there for journalists who are supposed to remain some objectivity.

We also made a Twitter thread about this problematic alliance and Thomas Daigle has since left that group while Aisling Murphy still remains a member. I guess some journalists aren't even pretending to be neutral here. Kelli's Twitter account has been banned as a result of all the harassement towards our community and she is actively evading her ban right now with her new account.

Again, unlike the journalists who write these articles I'm not here to tell you what to think. But I find it very suspicious that journalists who have described us as "pro-suicide" (repeatedly) are in a group of vigilantes trying to take down this forum - with questionable methods - and it looks a bit to me like some people are using their position as "reporters" to act as someone's mouth piece. I don't think it's a coincidence that these articles are written like that. Kelli also never made it a secret that she sends emails to journalists, politicians and authorities to influence the narrative - and she has admitted on Twitter that she doesn't care if the information is correct as long as it furthers their agenda.

That's how badly the coverage around our forum is compromissed, specific individuals were able to take advantage of naive journalists and influence the framing of this website. How could you question the framing of a grieving parent? You don't, you just look at the frontpage of this forum and you know all you need to know - if you're a lazy journalist. So again, journalists covering our forum never tried to understand us and why we exist, there was never any investigative research and an attempt to portray this community fairly. It's also odd that they also never even looked at my post history in this forum. I mean if they aren't interested in obtaining a representative view of our community on subjects like suicide and suicide prevention, something that would debunk the claim that we're pro-suicide, they could at least look at my posts - not that I'm representative in any way but I'm the admin after all, right - if you really wanted to know what's the intention behind a forum, what are the thoughts that went into it, how its existence is justified, you could look at my output and include some of my posts into these articles. There are countless threads and posts that explain my position on suicide. But they don't even do that because it directly contradicts their reporting because I've said plenty of things that highlight the importance of meaningful suicide prevention. And no, infringing on someone's autonomy isn't meaningful suicide prevention

And it's remarkable that journalists covering this forum until 2021 made a big deal out of the fact that the founders identified as incels, evidence that supposedly highlighted the sinister nature of this community [1][2][3][4]. You don't really need to do any investigative research into this community anymore when you can just brush this forum aside as some malicious incel trap and that was the framing on this forum back in the days. But for some reason, now that I'm running this community, backgrounds suddenly aren't important anymore. They've never mentioned my background - that I'm a trans woman. There were so many articles that made their coverage on this forum all about the founders' identification as incels but none of the articles that were released after they stepped down highlighted the fact that I'm suicidal myself and a trans woman, someone who supports left-wing policies. They never mentioned in any of the articles that I'm suffering from mental health issues myself and that this could maybe be the reason why I have a different approach to suicide. Wouldn't that be important context when you cover this forum? Wouldn't that give insight into the why I'm doing this? Yeah, maybe if you point out that the person running this forum is trans and has a long history of struggling with several mental health conditions themselves it would kinda ruin your well crafted narrative about evil incels who run this forum with malicious pro-suicide intentions, right. And that's certainly a reputation that haunts this forum to this day. I think we all know why they media has pretended that I don't exist, in the 2.5 years I've been running this forum, they have mentioned my username once... they're clearly trying to pretend that I don't exist while they still harass and annoy one of the founders, even going so far to camp three days in front of this house just a few months ago when he hasn't been involved in this forum for over 2 years. Because it serves the narrative that we're an evil pro-suicide forum and that's easier to sell when you can make an incel responsible for the existence of this forum because it allows you to just ignore the left-wing, anti-oppressive trans woman who has been suicidal for many years, who supports individual autonomy and meaningful suicide prevention via systemic change. In other words, talking about my background would humanize this community to a degree. It's all tied to their narrative.

And no, I'm not saying these journalists are conspiring together and working out the best way to smear this forum. It's all coming together naturally, lazy journalists talking to the same few dishonest people and other lazy journalists just copy-pasting the narratives of other articles. I mean, if the BBC calls us "pro-suicide", it has to be correct, right? And you can kinda guess their political viewpoints on certain topics when you read their articles and some of those who have reported on us have a very clear opinion on this forum, as you can see here and here and that contributes to their bias. Why else would they be a member of a anti-Sanctioned Suicide Facebook group? I wasn't aware that journalists should have an opinion on subjects they research but it explains why there isn't even an attempt to write nuanced articles. Tony Smith also complimented these vigilantes who harassed members for their 'hard work', again proving that there is a clear opinion on our forum... We're the bad guys, period.

And look, it was no problem for me to debunk the NYT when they wrote an article about our forum and just recently I updated my response to them with more empirical data because that's how I approach these subjects unlike these journalists. I don't just make claims, I try to back them up with data whenever possible. I have also addressed the SN hysteria in another thread. I don't fear to challenge the media and confront myself with their claims, it gives me great joy to dunk on these clowns who imply in their articles that we contribute to a rising suicide rate when they're unable to provide evidence for such claims. And there is also data that indicates easy informational access to resources regarding ways to exercise your right to die (in plain terms how to commit suicide) does not increase the overall suicide rate but it rather influences how people exercise their right to die. And it makes sense, this kind of information only affects those who already made a decision to end their life. People think reading peaceful ways to exercise your right to die somehow makes you magically suicidal and having open access to methods therefore increases the amount of people who end their lives but again, that's not how it works. The media always portrayed the forum as the single most important contributing factor to a member's suicidality but people are already suicidal when they make an account - as I explained above. And it's a voluntary process. Nobody has ever forced someone to sign up on this forum and we don't advertise this forum either. Every single member has a feature on their profile to deactive their account and leave whenever they desire. There is nothing that keeps anyone here who doesn't feel comfortable with the subjects discussed in this forum. And again, we see why people make an account here, there are so many people who describe their lifelong struggles with suicidality, their suffering that's been a part of their entire life and failed attempts to recover as reasons why they want to make an account here. All of this contradicts the idea that people are trapped in some kind of pro-suicide prison, where people are sucked in and unable to leave. The entire premise of the reporting about this forum is based on the misconception that people who stumble upon this forum, healthy people with no struggles at all, magically commit suicide because the content of this forum is literally brainwashing them and the data I've included in my response to the NYT or the BBC does not confirm that idea. In fact it debunks the idea that this forum has any meaningful impact on nationwide suicide numbers, both in the US and in the UK. We don't change the metrics, even if we tried we couldn't. That's the reality.

It's a blatant misrepresentation of how suicide works in its entirety. People make an account here by choice. They participate in this forum voluntarily. And any decision they make for their own life has little to do with this forum. They're conflating causation and correlation. We don't make people think about committing suicide. People who think about commiting suicide make an account here. That's an important difference. But that would again go against the narrative.

It's also weird that the recovery section is invisible to everyone who thinks we're pro-suicide. Maybe I'm hallucinating but pro-suicide communities aren't exactly known for their recovery resources...

And none of those articles covering our forum with sensationalist headlines seem to remember that pro-choice communities have existed as long as the internet, as these articles from 2011 and 2015 prove. It's safe to say that the philosophy of this community will not disappear but re-emerge under a different name if this forum is taken down successfully and no amount of oppression and censorship will change that, as long as fundamental flaws in the treatment of suicidal people aren't addressed. And calling us pro-suicide at this point is merely an admission that you don't want to talk about the real problems.

Last but not least, what's "pro-suicide" seems to be highly subjective. The BBC covered the topic of assisted suicide a few years ago and they were even accused of a pro-suicide bias. It's almost as if people who disagree with the right to die will attack anything that's remotely pro-choice, hm? Utterly ironic though that the BBC was attacked with the exact same slander that we have to endure right now.

We're almost done with my thread but I also want to shed some light on some academic research to further back up my position. For example, this academic paper here, which dives into the ethical dilemma of pro-choice forums, looking at both pro-life and pro-choice viewpoints and at possible solutions for the ideological conflicts that's at play here between both parties.

And, would you look at that, very early in that paper it acknowledges that the media very often describes pro-choice forums as "pro-suicide", combined with calls to shut them down. And that's exactly what's happening here and that's exactly the reason why I'm writing this thread. So again, maybe journalists aren't really doing much research here as pointed out earlier and maybe they're just dismissing this forum as pro-suicide without knowing what they're talking about or what this forum stands for. I can only recommend to read this paper, it's very interesting and it also explores the ethical conflict in communities like ours when it comes to more controversial methods like train rails due to the fact that bystanders and third parties are involved in that method. Very interesting paper and obviously approaching the issue from an open mind - unlike those journalists.
Here are some snippets.​

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That paper cites a professor and researcher who is located in Canada, who has written some work about suicide, see here.

And it's by far one of the best academic papers on the subject of suicide from an anti-oppressive perspective. Here is a snippet of their proposals. And it's honestly the best thing I've read in a long time. Like that's exactly what I've been talking about all these years. That's how real suicide prevention could look like without throwing people under the bus who sincerely want to die. But yeah... journalist who have no idea what goes through the mind of a suicidal person will never understand that. Here is a snippet.​

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So maybe some of those Canada-based journalists who have called us a pro-suicide forum want to reach out to actual experts on this issue before they just slander an entire community as pro-suicide? Like again, why do I have to read and link these academic papers? Why is it obvious that none of the journalists covering this forum did their research, not even basic research, looking into the ethical considerations around spaces like ours? Like, the academic discourse on suicide forums has been going for a while and there are answers that already tell you why this forume exists and why people use it. Why there is a demand. And the answers aren't as sinister as you'd like.

On top of that, there is also another academic paper that looked into this forum back in 2021 and they didn't find any suicide incitement. They said idea reinforcemenet might be present that's a very different claim than us "encouraging" suicide. They also call us a pro-choice suicide forum in that study, which I think is a more accurate depiction and it makes sense given researchers care about the truth and not about exciting headlines.

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So how is that for scientific evidence?
This entire thread is me going out of my way to address allegations which have been thrown around for years without ever being substantiated by anyone. None of those journalists have ever been able to back up up their questionable accusation that we're pro-suicide, that we encourage suicide or similiar claims. And that's concerning. As a journalist you have a duty to report the truth. It's not your job to make up your reader's minds but that's what you've been doing by making the decision for them if the forum you're reporting about is pro-choice or not. You have violated basic principles of good journalism and you clearly don't care to uphold any journalistic objectivity in any of your articles covering this forum. In other words: you're bad reporters.

And again, I didn't have to write this thread yet I did it anyway - because I wanted to. I don't have a problem responding to these journalists and taking them apart. I've done it for years. And it goes without saying that I don't take any journalist or reporter seriously who calls us pro-suicide and in my humble opinion, neither should you. They just expose their own ideological bias when they do that. Scientific articles to this day describe us as pro-choice, such as this one that just came out a few days ago. Odd, isn't it? And I also linked to an academic paper that doesn't use charged language, that take nuance into consideration and recognises there might be no incitement but reinforcement instead which blows the entire pro-suicide construct apart. That's my conclusion after reading it but you're free to make up your own mind. I spent quite a lot of time writing this thread and I tried to include research backing up my position, something that people who call us pro-suicide never do.

That was the first and last time that I've addressed these allegations. And I hope I explained why it's problematic to call us pro-suicide, why it's problematic that the journalists obviously don't care about truthful coverage, why it's problematic to ally with vigilantes and why it's problematic to neglect the academic discourse. Obviously, this thread isn't going to change the narrative because they don't care. Reporters covering this forum ususally ignore threads like this one where I directly respond to their claims, correcting misinformation. But I hope at least my community gets something out of it and I'm at least on the record now responding to these allegations. Thanks for reading.​

Idk if it's necessarily good to be pro-suicide. I think what you're trying to convey is it's good to be anti-suffering, which suicide can be seen as the end all method of which. Pro-choice is preferable. Humans are uniquely different, and so forcing opposing or extreme beliefs are dangerous and harmful. In the same way anti sasu Pro-lifers are disapproved because they are forcing their ideologies in attempt to remove SaSu, so to can pro-suiciders, who might inadvertently cause harm to someone who might not be fully committed or sure of their actions.
Pro-choice, anti-suffering says it well.
I don't believe in imposing choices on others. I also don't believe that anyone else has a right to judge what suffering is or isn't for another person.
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The sad wise old man
Dec 20, 2024
I've been a member for 8 day now on this forum and I can honestly say i have not encountered anything encouraging anyone to harm themselves.
This is a place where like minded people get together to provide or learn information or experiences on a subject most of us consider private without fear of judgement.

I feel if sites like this didn't exist, there would be a lot more people causing themselves unnecessary damage or harm. Just think, if people couldn't obtain the information that they require there would be many people ingesting crap like supplements, or otc medication or who knows what else to satisfy their needs.
People are gonna do what they are gonna do, the best course of action is educate them and allow them to make their own choice
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Dying is your latest fashion.
Mar 16, 2023
To me we're not a cult. We're not "pro-suicide", We're a community where people can speak their mind without having to worry how they'll be perceived by others who don't know how it feels as they have never felt what we may be feeling.
We're a community of people who do care about others, and we do support eachother whether it be recovery or something else.

We support people who have come to a decision that they have made themselves. No one forces anyone to do anything here. We all have freedom of speech and we all are able to help people in whatever way possible.

For me this community has helped me realise that there is people like me out here and that I should not be ashamed of how I feel or what I may be thinking at the time despite other people maybe viewing me as having nothing to be suicidal about.

There's always going to be someone on SaSu who knows how you feel, knows what you're currently experiencing, and how you might be able to recover by reading what others have posted here.

This place has helped me a lot both past and present, and all the media wants to do is put us down and call us a cult, and say we're responsible for people's deaths when the reality is, we don't force anyone, we don't say people should do it because it's the best possible outcome no matter what and we don't only speak of suicide here.

It hurts when people do shit on SaSu and say bad things about a place where many people have found help and have yes recovered, and there's of course people on the road to recovery too everyday.

As for the other people who do commit suicide, we just wish them peace. They came to that decision on their own, and we just wish them the best in their endeavours.
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Sep 6, 2020
I just wanted to say that SaSu really helped me. I developed a debilitating chronic illness in 2020 and the prognosis was poor (in terms of quality of life). Knowing that there were efficacious "options" was crucial for me in terms of coping. I haven't posted in years, but I still take a peek around sometimes. Life is better now and I'm thankful for the comfort I gained in knowing that no matter how bad things got, I was not trapped.

More on topic: I have never personally witnessed someone be encouraged to make a choice one way or another. I have browsed "goodbye" threads and there are, more often than not, gentle reminders that there is no shame in changing your mind, which I personally believe to be very important. I feel that deep thought is frequently encouraged in regard to this enormous decision. I have never observed a lackadaisical attitude to the concept or occurrence of an individual choosing to end their life -- for whatever reason.

Rambling aside... I hope everyone finds what they're looking for, regardless of the choice they make.
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Nov 11, 2024
This site will always carry a bad reputation BUT it doesn't stop people from lurking🙄 If anything this site prob has saved more lives and several failed attempts! People always look for someone and something to blame when their loved one commit suicide. I can understand the misconception. For the lurkers you can clearly see by our post count a lot of us has been here for a long time. Everyone is one different stages in life and their reason for being here may or may not be the same as mines or what you think!
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May 28, 2024
As if someone could be told to kill himself. It is an inner decision. And anyway, the information in this forum is more like a glimpse. Using this forum alone one wont be able to kill himself, it takes much more than this.
It is because is not socially acceptable to talk about this that this forum gets labelled whatever it gets labelled, I didnt follow. If anything, ...anytime I asked a direct question about suicide ( did it about 5 times) I wasnt answered here, so, well, yea, it aint no death cult. Is just a strange forum.


A Flower of Flesh and Blood
Feb 7, 2025
This is a comfort to me, as I worried that others would encourage my end. I am glad they will be here hoping I get better, but accepting my choice to end if I do not.


Feb 7, 2025
I completely agree with this post. The belief that people should be able to choose whether or not to end their life is not the same as actively encouraging it. You can be someone who tries their hardest to respectfully try to help someone recover and to improve their mindset to a point where they no longer desire to end their life, but ultimately respect someones decision to end it if there is no chance of recovery. This does not require guilt tripping them in the process. If someones life is truly miserable and filled with suffering, with no realistic hope of improvement, why should the be forced to continue to live that way? We can encourage people to consider their circumstances objectively and to try to eliminate the factors of what is making them feel so terrible, and to treat suicide as an absolute last resort, but if that last resort is the only option left short of some magical intervention, who are we to take that from them?

The point of a forum like this to begin with is people who have severe depression, and hope to find people they can relate to in order to find validation in their experiences and encouragement to keep living. This forum, for many people, is their final thread between life and death, not by itself a "guidebook" for how to die. it's a support community that simply respects the right to die. The guides that are available, offer low-risk ways to die, and are available for those that choose to end their life in spite of the support within the community, because it's the principle of the right to choose. You can't and shouldn't force an adult who is mentally cognizant of their own decisions to keep living a life that is completely miserable to them with no clear way out of their circumstances. The people who waggle their fingers self-righteously against those who are suffering with suicidal depression, only prove themselves to be the least caring and despicable people around who don't actually care about the person suffering.
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Feb 7, 2025
By talking here, many of us feel less alone, and a little conversation with kind people is more effective than 20 seconds talking to a doctor who is colder than a piece of ice and who only cares about prescribing pills that are useless. In my case, this forum makes me feel less alone, and that makes me overcome depression little by little, so this forum is more effective for me than the doctors of the system, a system that not only does not help me, but only seeks to deprive me of the little freedom I have.
The disgusting system is hypocritical, if people really matter to the system they should put effort into helping us, giving us different possibilities, different environments in which to live, and helping us to have our basic needs covered. Less millions in the military budget and shitty wars, and more budget to help people with depression to overcome this painful situation.
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Feb 7, 2025
By talking here, many of us feel less alone, and a little conversation with kind people is more effective than 20 seconds talking to a doctor who is colder than a piece of ice and who only cares about prescribing pills that are useless. In my case, this forum makes me feel less alone, and that makes me overcome depression little by little, so this forum is more effective for me than the doctors of the system, a system that not only does not help me, but only seeks to deprive me of the little freedom I have.
The disgusting system is hypocritical, if people really matter to the system they should put effort into helping us, giving us different possibilities, different environments in which to live, and helping us to have our basic needs covered. Less millions in the military budget and shitty wars, and more budget to help people with depression to overcome this painful situation.
Totally agree. This is literally a support community for people who have no where else to turn. Nobody wants self-righteous hand wriggling from privileged assholes who want to treat someones feelings of deep despair or suicidal thoughts as something to be ashamed for, or as simply a "mental illness". This is especially so, when the 'illness' is very much a Social Illness, in a society that encourages this sort of chauvinistic and disparaging behavior towards people who are a little different from the norm and rejected due to thinking or behaving a little differently from others. If anything, the feeling of despair is a perfectly normal reaction to a deeply socially hostile environment that encourages ostracism, rudeness and disparaging behavior. it's a society that encourages social behaviors like this which is ill, not the people who are simply the victims of it.
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New Member
Jan 10, 2024
I just don't understand: what is the problem of being pro-suicide? Why it is considered bad reputation?
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Feb 14, 2025
it's so cruel for people to want to exit and not know how to, and rely on methods that are painful/don't work/cause life limiting disabilities.

Everyone should have the right to a dignified and peaceful death on their own terms.
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Feb 7, 2025
it's so cruel for people to want to exit and not know how to, and rely on methods that are painful/don't work/cause life limiting disabilities.

Everyone should have the right to a dignified and peaceful death on their own terms.
I agree. It is extremely dehumanizing and lacks compassion to assume that anyone who wants to die is always "mentally incompetent" or caused by 'temporary issues'. It's a total failure to understand why many people suffer chronically with severe depression issues for years, with no real resolution in society as it currently operates. It assumes that people who have had years to digest the reality of their severe depression, have never once rationally considered their circumstances.

In fact, the dehumanization can be so disgusting,that it often attempts to suggest that chronically depressed people are responsible for their own issues that cause it. the abhorrent "Self-Help" scams do this crap. Such scams will attempt to downplay the real conditions people face that cause them to spiral into depression. Conditions like major mental illnesses, physical conditions, disabilities, anxieties, major traumas, neurodivergent conditions, prejudices, bigotry and so much more. The focus is not put on how they are treated in society, self-help scam is based on the disgusting notion that it is individuals who are marginalized in society that must be responsible for their own success, not the responsibility of society to enable people who deal with prejudices to succeed and thrive in life. the "Self-Help" scam is only relevant in a society that is structured to keep people who are predisposed to suffer and deal with depression to remain in that cycle.

The right for individuals to die should be a basic human right. Forcing people to live regardless of their circumstances is deeply cruel. I try to provide deeply depressed and suffering people comfort and understanding when I can, but if they choose to die, i wont fault them or deny them their right.

We simply need a society structured to serve the common good without any form of prejudice or class interest, a society that enables everyone to become the best version of themselves rooted in humanity and compassion to individual circumstances, provide educational opportunities and quality job opportunities to anyone at any age, regardless of prior circumstances, even if they have no prior work experience. This is naturally incompatible with a capitalist political system, which is based on an inhumane regime that serves a class interest and marginalizes anyone who is deemed "incapable" of serving corporate profits. We need to outgrow this disgusting, ableist and prejudiced class society and fight for a system that serves humanity in general.
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Apr 14, 2022
I just don't understand: what is the problem of being pro-suicide? Why it is considered bad reputation?

Aside from the fact that it's just not what this place is about, this isn't really a good position.

Suicide should be an option for people who are on the brink. A means for them to escape that which is unescapable, a way to end a a suffering that is and always will be unending.

It's not really something that should be promoted in cases where someone still has other options or potential paths to a better place. It's NOT that the person should be denied the option of suicide, judged for taking it, or have their path to suicide obstructed, but I don't think trying to promote that path is really justified and, to repeat, it's not what this site is about.
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New Member
Jan 10, 2024
Aside from the fact that it's just not what this place is about, this isn't really a good position.

Suicide should be an option for people who are on the brink. A means for them to escape that which is unescapable, a way to end a a suffering that is and always will be unending.

It's not really something that should be promoted in cases where someone still has other options or potential paths to a better place. It's NOT that the person should be denied the option of suicide, judged for taking it, or have their path to suicide obstructed, but I don't think trying to promote that path is really justified and, to repeat, it's not what this site is about.
Well, it seems the rationale underlying is "life is better that death". That's what I don't understand.


Apr 14, 2022
Well, it seems the rationale underlying is "life is better that death". That's what I don't understand.

I understand you.

The popular notion that people should cling to a life, even when it is miserable and painful, in the hope it'll get better, often spoken by people who live very comfortably and next to no idea of what misery truly is, can be frustrating to hear. When it is spouted by people who will offer trite, ridiculous solutions to the painful existence another faces such as "go to the gym" or "get a job" it can be actively depressing and enraging.

I think the issue is less about that, and more about the fact that suicide should be a *personal decision*. One way or the other, it should be up to the individual to decide their fate. That's what I feel this site, this community, is really about. If someone comes, suicidal, looking to be helped back to a place where they want to live - they'll be as welcomed and as supported as someone who wants to end it but is having problems going through with their chosen course of action.

I don't think promotion of suicide is any better than trying to obstruct it - it's would be pushing our own opinion or ideas on suicide onto another.
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Jan 15, 2024
Well, it seems the rationale underlying is "life is better that death". That's what I don't understand.
This is why I firmly believe in the saying that Death solves all problems.

No human, no problem.
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Alo the obvi alien

Alo the obvi alien

Jun 20, 2023
I've never read about anyone encouraging other to commit ctb. If anything, this site is way more pacific than any other social media I know of. I've been using my profile here almost as a diary for hard times, and it really helps to be able to come in contact with people who are almost always willing to talk out about our problems.

It's great not to have to deal with people who judge others who want to do CTB as selfish, as it is a horrible thing to read depending on the moment you are in. I never thought I would been so grateful of creating a profile on an internet forum like I do.
If you even encourage it you will get a warning because that is in a way bullying which violates the rules. Saying "i hope you find peace" is just that. You finding peace whether you live or die. We all hope you find peace but of course the media will portray it in a different light because they love to put fear out not information. The people reading the media will not actually go research it for themselves and the media knows that. What the media says is law to many people and only when the media change their mind; the people will. It's a disgusting cycle of lack of knowledge and willing to learn for themselves. People want a one-stop shop for all their views and opinions and its working better than the media and the ALL governments thought.
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New Member
Mar 7, 2025
I don´t see many on here who are pro-suicide and see none who uncourages people to ctb which also is against the rules. I for certain am pro-choice not pro-suicide because I know how amazing life has been and can be under the right conditions but I also know what a nightmare life can be under the wrong conditions such as living with chronical physical illnesses and/or mental illnesses then life just becomes a struggle and too unbearable when you have to suffer every day with no happiness for years or decades.
Your perspective makes a lot of sense. There's a big difference between being "pro-suicide" and being "pro-choice" in the sense of respecting individual autonomy. A lot of people here seem to focus more on providing support, understanding, and a space for open discussion rather than encouraging any particular decision. Life's quality varies drastically depending on personal circumstances, and acknowledging that reality doesn't mean advocating for harm—it means recognizing the complexity of human experience.
All I can say is that this forum, or shoud I say, more like a home has been an absolute blessing for me. I have been here for many years and many times I could have CTB, but it has been the acceptance to share my issues and not be judged, well I am still here. When my Mum died just over 2 years ago, I thought my entire world would fall apart and in many ways it did but it was this forum that gave me solice and believe it or not, hope. I am pro-choice and I respect all choices. To be honest, I do not believe there is one person here who would ever consider CTB on a whim, I know I wouldn't. If other medics were more open and understanding and actually listen to people and I mean truly listen, I believe this would give a greater respect to those who actually CTB. Thank you.
That's a really heartfelt perspective. It's powerful to hear how having a non-judgmental space to express yourself made such a difference in your life. Grief and struggles can be incredibly isolating, and sometimes, just being heard and understood can be enough to keep someone going. The point about medical professionals truly listening is important too—compassionate support can make all the difference. Thanks for sharing your experience.
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Aug 27, 2018
Your perspective makes a lot of sense. There's a big difference between being "pro-suicide" and being "pro-choice" in the sense of respecting individual autonomy. A lot of people here seem to focus more on providing support, understanding, and a space for open discussion rather than encouraging any particular decision. Life's quality varies drastically depending on personal circumstances, and acknowledging that reality doesn't mean advocating for harm—it means recognizing the complexity of human experience.
I feel most people on this forum well as the name suggest needs a sanctuary a place they can vent about their suicidal thoughts, thoughts you´re not allowed to express to friends or family without getting preached to or treated as a crazy person despite there are plenty of rational reasons for people having suicidal thoughts but it seems the only widely socially accepted reason for having such thoughts is if you have an incurable deadly illness like cancer.
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New Member
Mar 7, 2025
I feel most people on this forum well as the name suggest needs a sanctuary a place they can vent about their suicidal thoughts, thoughts you´re not allowed to express to friends or family without getting preached to or treated as a crazy person despite there are plenty of rational reasons for people having suicidal thoughts but it seems the only widely socially accepted reason for having such thoughts is if you have an incurable deadly illness like cancer.
That's a really important point. Society often struggles to acknowledge that suicidal thoughts can stem from a variety of complex and valid reasons beyond terminal illness. Many people just need a space where they can express themselves without fear of judgment or being dismissed. Having a place to be honest about these feelings can make a huge difference—sometimes, being heard and understood is the first step toward finding hope or support in ways that work for each individual. Everyone's struggles are valid, and having a space for open discussion can be a lifeline.
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Mar 4, 2025
That's a really important point. Society often struggles to acknowledge that suicidal thoughts can stem from a variety of complex and valid reasons beyond terminal illness. Many people just need a space where they can express themselves without fear of judgment or being dismissed. Having a place to be honest about these feelings can make a huge difference—sometimes, being heard and understood is the first step toward finding hope or support in ways that work for each individual. Everyone's struggles are valid, and having a space for open discussion can be a lifeline.
A lot of us go on here anon I was just wondering if you are on here with your real name honestly I am already scared of people finding out who I am even with the no connection to my real identity I guess I'd find it interesting if you were doing that. Sorry if I give you anxiety or offended you I'm not great at this stuff. I mean I'm probably gonna make an identity reveal video if it gets to the end of myself but It hasn't come to that yet
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Dec 7, 2018
I just saw this site has a article on wikipedia. I don't think that is a good thing.
사람이 없어

사람이 없어

슬픈 나비
Oct 11, 2020
I just saw this site has a article on wikipedia. I don't think that is a good thing.
We've been on the media as well and I've seen various YouTubers talk about us etc.
We're not a secret thing by far.

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