

chronically unlucky
Nov 27, 2021
The fact is we live in a world where people want to control our choices and live according to their ideals. Nothing will ever change that because if people can seize power and advantage over others than they will. People are the ones who flagrantly conceive and birth us into this world and they are the ones who think they own our lives as such though we also think we own the lands and animals and oceans and god knows whatever else we possibly could contain or control- the sky is the limit. Humanity has always had the biggest god complex. Thank goodness for the existence of this sweet sweet sanctuary, the only respite I've ever had from people non-stop nagging me throughout my entire life that this is right and this is wrong and you need to do this and life is only worth it if you do this and bla bla bla bla bla. This is the only place on the internet of it's kind that's both accessible and pro-choice.
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Jul 10, 2024
Any time I've seen people on here encouraging suicide, it's always reported and dealt with swiftly. Any type of trollish or malicious behavior I've seen here is always handled very well by mods. Frankly this forum has one of the best mods I've ever seen anywhere, I say this as someone who has been in multiple places where mods didn't do anything about harassment or trolling.
Can you elaborate for me I'm a new member here and I see alot about suicide and read in the New York times there trying to get this site taken down, and there's step by step instructions on how to commit suicide, so that's way more encouragement then someone saying do it, this is where a majority of people come because they do not want to live.. so can ypu elaborate on this a little for me.


Jul 13, 2024
This website is absolutely not for pro suicide but more for pro choice and knowledge to the people on items that are not commonly discussed.

just cant

Jul 11, 2024
Why not say you support ending pain and suffering.
I don't get why dying and wanting to die are viewed so negatively?
People are quick to support a person diagnosed with cancer for instance to end things before they get bad so why not someone in chronic pain?

The other really odd thing is we can choose when to euthanise pets but not ourselves, seems really screwed up


May 11, 2024
Dealing with the media sound depressing. Most journalists just don't go deep enough to understand a post like RainAndSadness wrote.

Not that I have much hopes of it making much of a difference, but does SaSu have a "media kit" ?
A collection of articles aimed at journalists, that attempt to be short and digestible?
Perhaps there is a different way we could frame the issue in a way that would be more palatable to journalists.


Jul 9, 2024
Seems like the site is intended to be merely supportive - no matter what the participant desires or intends. I'm glad it's here. Glad I found it.
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Jul 1, 2024
Ok, so there is always going to be an underlying sense of negativity here due to the very nature of this websites purpose, however, my experience has been one of positivity.

People do talk about some rather taboo subjects but that is part of being a member in this community. We have problems and want to share. We see problems and want to help, and a big part of that is talking about it.

While this place does hold resources to ease the ctb process, I'm positive that it also helps people. I see it everyday! I'm also sure there are the opposite types of people lingering about here, but personally I've yet to see anyone who maliciously encourages it, or worse, gets a sense of joy from it. This place is nothing like how it is portrayed. It is clearly given this label by lazy, misinformed fear mongers looking to get paid. End of story.


Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Dealing with the media sound depressing. Most journalists just don't go deep enough to understand a post like RainAndSadness wrote.

Not that I have much hopes of it making much of a difference, but does SaSu have a "media kit" ?
A collection of articles aimed at journalists, that attempt to be short and digestible?
Perhaps there is a different way we could frame the issue in a way that would be more palatable to journalists.

Journlsts r perfctly capble of readng RaS threds & commnts

Thy jst chse t/ ignre thm
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May 11, 2024
Journlsts r perfctly capble of readng RaS threds & commnts

Thy jst chse t/ ignre thm
They are capable, but they don't have time to wade though thousands of posts and understand what is going on.
Journalists cannot be expected to be experts on every field they cover. They are generalists, who look to
experts to get their view about different issues. These experts process the information in the world into
views which journalists and the public are able to digest.

In our case the experts are likely to be either parents of teens who exited, or psychologists.

If we don't distill our ideas into a coherent view they wont get it.


Mar 21, 2019
In today's all-or-nothing world, not being anti suicide means you are pro suicide. We seem to have lost the power of reasoning, politically.

Admitting suicide is a viable option for some brings up thoughts many do not want to process or simply cannot process.
Our indoctrination seems nearly complete.


Jul 12, 2024
So far finding this website is the only reason I'm still alive… I've found connections and people to relate to. So no maybe it isn't as bad as they make it out to be. Yeah I'm still on the fence but I attempted before I found this site. Numerous times mind you. As recently as attempting to slit my throat in public last month. Got tased three times by police as a result. And I was planning another attempt anyway but then I found this site. I found people to talk to. Like minded people. And the recovery forum. Shutting down this platform would be a grievous mistake. Esp for ppl like me who need the connection to give us a reason to stay here.


May 7, 2023
Why should we care what they think we are? Nobody is hurting others here, why is it so wrong to be sad and self determine? Why would they rather tell us to shut up about being this way than to actually fix the things that suck? So annoying


Mar 2, 2024
I'm pretty new here and I can't believe after watching all materials from TV, YouTube etc how many lies is told about this site. I see compasion and professional approach. And decision what one person want to do with his / her life is his or her own. It reminds me polish site (unactive unfortunately) chce-zabic.pl which also was talking about suicide, after bashing from media police closed this site. I hope fate of this site won't be same.
This site is not responsible for suicides, this decision is made by a person who would do it anyway and this site is giving advices how to do it properly to not suffer during this and sometimes tries to rethink suicide.


Guided by the void
Jun 7, 2024
They are capable, but they don't have time to wade though thousands of posts and understand what is going on.
Journalists cannot be expected to be experts on every field they cover. They are generalists, who look to
experts to get their view about different issues. These experts process the information in the world into
views which journalists and the public are able to digest.

In our case the experts are likely to be either parents of teens who exited, or psychologists.

If we don't distill our ideas into a coherent view they wont get it.
I respectfully disagree with you. While we can't expect journalists to be experts in every field. we can and should expect them to do there due-diligence & research, even relying on others to give them the details. because they lost a loved one through it. It is tragic they have gone through that, have so many unanswered questions.
I know if my brother or sister did it, it'd break me in ways I wouldn't even know & I truly believe I can't get any worst than I am.
Considering how they give the info to the public, they should put extra work into getting to the truth. Because it is saddening.

Most people who hear that there loved one has ctb'd always say the same stuff and ask the same questions, the answers are in here & if I was a journalist taking my pride in my job, I would be in this forum at this 2 weeks before even trying to understand what is bringing people here.

People are quick to agree how tragic it is anyone even considers doing it or
say 'they'd do anything to help' or 'there's help out there'
Im certain they actually mean it too. But you know when the same thing happens over and over and over and the problem is getting worst, not better? Well that's kinda the consensus with this subject in my eyes.

I've personally seen a lot of posts here with peoples date of plan & determination behind doing it & there still around now, to me that's a positive- of course there's still a high chance any off us will do it eventually, but doesn't knowing the thought of this forum is comforting people just enough to make it to the next day- I know it was the case with me.

There is the argument of methods etc… just in my experience ideation isn't something you can just not think about, I had it since 12.. 3 years ago I started seriously learning my methods before I even knew this forum existed. I came up with 2, then this year I started putting my plan into action and I came across the pph, with that it said sn was legal and easily accessible- I nearly impulse bought the 6% stuff & decided to try look into overdose study's.. ended up on Reddit(may I add I found my source on Reddit), a pro-lifer made a post on there saying he was actively bringing this site down and that's what led me here.
For me without this site I 100% would have committed the act Atleast a month or 2ago. If any outsiders or prolifers cannot be grateful for that, maybe there the part of the problem to why I'm ending my journey anyway…
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Jul 31, 2024
pro suicide? i man that's laughable.

First off I don't think many people on earth are pro suicide.

People who are pro suicide are people like Marshall Applewhite,
the mere idea of someone being pro suicide would
mean that the person would have to be a psychopath

and as sick as psychopaths can be, i don't even think they are suicidal.

Suicide is not the same thing as abortion.
With abortion you have two sides of the debate.
The pro choice side and pro life side.

These types of debates usually revolve around life forms outside of ones self.
although the embryo is inside a woman.

In terms of suicide, I don't think its something i would ever suggest
for someone else to do. i mean it really is a personal choice.
and if anything, from the time i have spent on this website.
Iv seen a lot of what i would probably consider
anti suicide members, people who spread miss information
and try to confuse or persuade people not to go through with their plan.


Jun 27, 2022
This is an intelligent and thorough response. Thank you.

The media, in general, when talking about this site, are spewing bombastic lies in order to gain readership. (After all, a story about an evil, cult-like cabal of twisted monsters, is FAR more juicy and exciting, and therefore much more likely to be read, than a story about a group of people who just want to be able to talk about their problems.) Either that, or the journalists in question are so obsessed with the idea of so-called normalcy that they cannot comprehend anyone thinking differently than the official normal people approved reactions.

I've said it before, and I will say it again: this site saved my life. I am sure it has done the same for others. It provides a much-needed space in which we can discuss our feelings without being judged, guilt tripped, accused, punished, etc. It gives us a much-needed space where we can talk to others who actually understand what we're going through. And I have never once seen members of Sanctioned Suicide encourage others to catch the bus or discourage them from getting better. Hell, we have an entire Recovery section.

I think you put your finger on it when you mentioned the Normal People TM taboo surrounding suicide. They consider it wrong and unnatural. They literally cannot comprehend suicidal ideation. For them, there is an intense "creep factor." Merely thinking about it makes their skin crawl, so they lash out. They get angry and go on the attack. We're not obediently staying within the confines of Official Socially Acceptable Behavior, and that makes us scary. Normal People attack things they find scary. Because, of course, from their point of view, why try to understand people or discuss uncomfortable issues when you could simply bully people into normalcy instead? That way, you don't have to deal with it.

I really believe those attitudes are a major factor in the media unfair and bias representation of this website.
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Aug 1, 2024
Tagging to come back later and give you my experience and perception in my short time here in more length.

For now let's just suffice it to say this forum not only saved my life, it has drastically improved the quality of my life in a VERY short time (though I will admit I have completely submersed myself in the forum since I found it last week -- my OCD had been in full bloom) I have been here.
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Jul 9, 2024
I agree SS is not a pro-suicide site.

But I am NOT against having a pro-suicide site.

There are lots of reasons why you should consider suicide depending on your situation. But the most important thing is that it's your own choice and should not be taken away from you.

I would be in favour of a "consultant" who would provide you with all the good reasons why you should CTB. Not in a pro - YOU MUST DO IT - way, but more like here are the positive and negative reasons to do it - and be non-judgemental about it. And then leave the choice up to the individual.


What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
I agree SS is not a pro-suicide site.

But I am NOT against having a pro-suicide site.

There are lots of reasons why you should consider suicide depending on your situation. But the most important thing is that it's your own choice and should not be taken away from you.

I would be in favour of a "consultant" who would provide you with all the good reasons why you should CTB. Not in a pro - YOU MUST DO IT - way, but more like here are the positive and negative reasons to do it - and be non-judgemental about it. And then leave the choice up to the individual.
That's not pro suicide, though: that's pro choice.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
I agree SS is not a pro-suicide site.

But I am NOT against having a pro-suicide site.

There are lots of reasons why you should consider suicide depending on your situation. But the most important thing is that it's your own choice and should not be taken away from you.

I would be in favour of a "consultant" who would provide you with all the good reasons why you should CTB. Not in a pro - YOU MUST DO IT - way, but more like here are the positive and negative reasons to do it - and be non-judgemental about it. And then leave the choice up to the individual.

No1 on SaSu wll evr tll u Y u 'shld' ctb

N.e1 wh/ sys tht wld b warnd &/or bannd

= wld b ethclly wrng t/ influnce ur own decsn or pt ideas in2 ur hed - = bettr fr u 2 voic ur own thght procsses w/o jdgemnt
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What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
Define for me then - what a pro-suicide be like?
Overtly or covertly convincing you to kill yourself, and overtly or covertly dissuading you from seeking a second opinion elsewhere.
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Apr 4, 2024
I consider most of the members on SaSu to be suicide neutral where the rest of the world is dead set against it. When someone here thinks they might recover, SaSu locals are happy for them, they don't try to convince them that suicide is the way after all. When someone here thinks there's no way out, people understand why that makes them think about suicide.
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Mar 28, 2023
My blood boils when the prevention advocates call suicidal people "irrational". The freeing thing about this site is that sometimes, people's life circumstances are so shitty that suicidal ideation is the ONLY rational thing and it is cathartic to be around people who agree that life just sucks sometimes. Most journalists only care about their sensationalist buzzwords, not digging deep into the real issue.


Jul 18, 2023
we should be "pro' in some capacity or other probably lol; but we unfortunately aren't, as several members often bitterly pointed out


Optimists are wrong
Jul 28, 2024
This message is an honour to say that I have not been influenced in my decision-making. Namely, end my life the way I decided.

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Mar 11, 2022
I view this forum as open to suicide as an option. Since it's unique in that perspective, suicide discussions tend to dominate. I never understood running suicidal people off of groups and forums dedicated to mental health. It's about their own comfort and liability, but it sucks and is alienating. It's nice to have a place to say you want to die without the cops knocking on your door. Ironically, more people die from suicide after being forcibly detained in psych wards than they would have otherwise.
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Selfharm Specialist♡
Nov 11, 2023
I personally don't see this forum as a pro-suicide forum but as a self-help forum. . . which it actually is. . .
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Mar 21, 2019
If any of these people would actually look at this site, read and understand, they would find the majority of posts cover coping and managing issues. Yes, death if frequently discussed. I have observed a much smaller percentage end thier life than a casual observer would expect.
Websites, voting, life and death...we need good information to make good descicions. This is just an information site and we should be proud of that.
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New Member
Mar 7, 2023
They keep telling us to Not comit suicide.
But why dont they make life beter so we dont do it!

Look at the suicide with Doctors!
they put some much pressure on them they end
up with severe depression and comit suicide.
and we go to doctores for help!

Bullying at scholls and work.
they do Nothing to realy stop it.
and they then tell Us we have some thing wrong with US!

Nothing is wroung with us.
it IS the rest of the world.

PS. try theravada buddhism.
No gods and you only have to Try folloing the rules.
Look for your local buddist centre.

And I would like to thank the NEWS for helping me Find this web site.