• Hey Guest,

    An update on the OFCOM situation: As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. OFCOM, the UK’s communications regulator, has singled out our community, demanding compliance with their Online Safety Act despite our minimal UK presence. This is a blatant overreach, and they have been sending letters pressuring us to comply with their censorship agenda.

    Our platform is already blocked by many UK ISPs, yet they continue their attempts to stifle free speech. Standing up to this kind of regulatory overreach requires lots of resources to maintain our infrastructure and fight back against these unjust demands. If you value our community and want to support us during this time, we would greatly appreciate any and all donations.

    Read more about the situation here: Click to View Post

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Jun 12, 2018
So the BBC wrote an article about us a few days ago and I decided to respond to some questionable claims. But I want to point out right away I'm not going to address the claim that we're pro-suicide in this thread. I'm working on a thread right now, parallel to this thread, deconstructing that claim. And it's a very important thread because the claim that we're pro-suicide has been circulating for a few years now and it's very important to address that claim seperately and without the backnoise of this poorly written BBC article. I just want to make that clear, I'm not dodging that accusation but I want to focus on some other nonsense in this thread here.

And another reason why this thread isn't gonna be a very elaborate response is because I've already digged into the coverage of our forum in this thread - responding to the 2021 NYT article, in this thread - responding to the hysteria about the SN epidemic and in this thread I gave a very extensive response to Tantacrul who made a viral video about us and there is a follow up on other content creators who acted irresponsibly when talking about this forum. And that's just a few of the threads I've written over the years. And it's simply boring to repeat the same talking points over and over again when none of the journalists ever adressed any of my statements responding to the media in the first place, let alone any of the almost 2000 posts I wrote over the course of 5 years. Like they literally pretend I don't exist, as you'll see a further below.

So. In other words, all the talking points of the BBC have been addressed in other threads and the community of our forum also gave a lot of pushback to the narrative of the BBC article in this thread. So when even affected people, the supposed victims of this forum, people who are struggling with suicide ideation every day, disagree with your narrative about this forum, something obviously can't be right. I mean isn't it interesting that most opposition to this forum always comes from outsiders looking into us - and these people ususally don't deal with suicidality - and people who are familiar with this community, people who have spent a lot of time here and talked to our members and therefore know how things are run, disagree entirely with the way this forum has been framed?

I think the biggest red flag is the fact that yet another news outlet decided to talk about us and not with us. It's again a missed opportunity to highlight the struggles of this community. And that's been a constant theme over the years, I've talked about this over and over again. For example back in 2022 when I called out the NYT article, I already mentioned this seemingly ignorant approach to suicide.

Read here. I can only recommend to read my response to the NYT because it's still as relevant today as it was two years ago.
They didn't talk to one single active SS member - it's because that article was designed from the start to represent a clear anti-choice narrative and throw every single suicidal person under the bus - because we didn't get a voice. We didn't get to talk about the reasons why we are here. Because that article was never meant to be about suicide prevention or... investigative journalism. If you wrote an article about a community, wouldn't you at least want to know what they think?

They made the exact same mistake again. I mean, if you care so much about the struggles of our members, why didnt't you decide to give them a voice? Why did you only talk to grievings family members, not to the people affected by suicide ideation themselves? Why are you not talking to people who want to exercise their right to die, people who suffer every single day without relief and people who can explain to you why the perspective of this forum is important? Why didn't you give them space to talk about the things that made them suicidal, right? I'm just guessing but I assume it's because it makes the entire situation look a liiiittle bit more complicated than it's presented in your article? Maybe if suicidal people started to talk about the issues that brought them to the brink of suicide, your readers would realize that this forum doesn't play as much of a role in their decision making as you made it look like. And you don't want that, right? The narrative was already clear before you did any research, the forum is bad, the forum is to blame and the forum alone makes people end their lives - for magical reasons, that's literally your narrative. No, let's not dive into the background of any of these people, let's just infantilize them and make them look like they had no agency over their own life.

And I mean the title of the article is literally 'Failure to act' on suicide website linked to 50 UK deaths - linked in what way? You're implying that people ended their lives because they had an account on our forum, strongly implying not just a correlation but a causation and you completely ignore the point that people who struggle and therefore want to end their life are more likely to make an account in our forum because they're allowed to discuss their struggles here. Like this is simple statistics, you need to demonstrate that this forum is linked to these deaths, you fail to do that during the entire article.

So yeah, that's the narrative of the BBC article. You could have literally approached some members and asked them how they feel about your framing or why they use the forum. Like the why is the most fundamental question you need to ask when you want to understand suicide and why a certain community exists. But instead, the only people who get to talk about our forum are the ones who want to take it down, and these are people who were left behind when someone committed suicide. So asking them is obviously not a very good idea if you want to approach suicide from a rational and level-headed viewpoint. And don't you think that's kind of an imbalanced reporting, leaving out the perspective of suicidal people and only talking to people who obviously don't (want to) understand suicide? I don't understand it. It's just surprising how experienced journalists, veterans of their job, fail so spectacularly when trying to talk about our forum. Like it's almost like they tried to make the most uninformed, ignorant and sensationalist article about this forum as possible. It's certainly a candidate. And then you have politicans praise the BBC article as "one of the most important and decisive examples of public sector broadcasting in many years. It will save lives." when they even fail to do the very basics and completely disregard their journalistic objectivity - what a joke.

Anyway, let's talk a bit about meme-worthy statements of the article next. For example, they open their article with this sentence, stating they don't name the forum - obviously with the goal to not expose anyone to it, right. They want to limit exposure.
The article claims:
The online forum, which we are not naming, is easily accessable to anyone on the open web, including children.

And that's not the first time they have refused to mention our forum. They also did it here, explaining they want to limit exposure to the forum. But let's check out what happened with the registrations when the BBC released their article.


Oh yeah, the registrations almost tripled. Now, such articles are very short lived compared to Youtube videos, which get boosted by the algorythm and exposed to new people over a long period of time, that's why the increase in the registrations this time was only temporary while the Tantacrul video has boosted us permanently and you can still see that in the registrations. Before Tantactrul released his video, we had like 20-30 registrations per day, we're still at approximately 100 per day. Just to put this into perspective, a video that was published almost one year ago still boosts our forum to this day. Thanks a lot, Tantacrul.

Anyway, I want to congratulate the BBC for actually not exposing anyone to the forum, this clearly worked very well in this case. The few hundred people who decided to make an account after reading your article certainly appreciate that. Great work, Angus Crawford. I also want to point out that many of the registrations over the past few days came from the UK. The constant public talks about our forum has an impact, it drives people to us.

So, I think this meme here sums it up very well.

Image 1 copy
I want to thank @Againstthewind for this excellent piece of art.

And you know, they complain about the size of this forum but it's exactly articles like this one that contributed a lot to our growth over the past few years.

The forum is hosted abroad and is well known among those struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. It has more than 40,000 members worldwide. More than two million messages have been posted, many of them horrifyingly graphic.

The problem is, all of these reporters who are so enlightened and intelligent can't stop talking about this forum for two seconds and then you're surprised that this forum has already tens of thousands of members? And why do you think this forum is so popular among suicidal people and those struggling with depression? You would know if you had asked anyone in our community - which you didn't do. But this article is 'one of the most important and decivice examples of public sector broadcasting in many years' according to some political hack. While this article leaves open the most important question. Serious question, what's even the benefit of every single news outlet repeating the same garbage talking points over the course of 4 years without answering even the most basic questions? Here are some prominent examples.

Incels Are Running An Online Suicide Forum That Was Blamed For A Young Woman's Death - from 2019
People Are Dying After Joining a 'Pro-Choice' Suicide Forum. How Much Is the Site to Blame? - from 2020
Mother speaks out against suicide forum after son's death - from 2021
Why a website with explicit directions for suicide remains active - from 2021
Fight to block pro-suicide website that discusses substance linked in spike to deaths - from 2022
Where the Despairing Log On, and Learn Ways to Die - and of course the notorious NYT article

Like did you really bring any new substantial information to the table with this particular BBC article? No, right. If you think the popularity of Sanctioned Suicide is a problem then I hate to say it but you contributed to the problem. Every single one of you, like what do you think was going to happen when you give this forum so much free exposure? We're not advertising ourselves, you do that - for free. There is no question about it, all of these articles are essentially redundant. The BBC didn't provide any new information at all. Yeah, they flew to the US to harass someone, an altercation that lasted 5 seconds... wow - that has so much value for your readers. How much money did the BBC spend on that flight?

Let's look at another statement, which raises more questions than anything.
post: 2220098 said:
The problem for the authorities is that the website is hosted anonymously and no-one knows who is currently running it.

Hm... no-one knows who is running it.

awkward pulp fiction GIF

That's an interesting question. Who is running this forum? Who could be running this forum... I don't know.

And before I head over to the last and most important point of that article, I want to address this petition quickly, which was written right when the BBC article was published.

And they claim the following.
According to Samaritans, there were 6,859 suicides in the UK and Republic of Ireland in 2018 alone (source: Samaritans Suicide Statistics Report 2020). We believe that these forums have played a significant role in this figure. The National Crimine Agency, Police and Government need to acknowledge this growing problem and take immediate action.

They claim in that petition that "these forums" have played a significant role in this figure. Ehh... no? The following suicide rate is from the website of the UK goverment. As you can see, there is no increase of the suicide rate since 2018 and that's when the forum was created. In fact, you can clearly see the suicide numbers decrease slowly until 2007 and the numbers of suicides slowly increased again over the years. So you can't possibly blame us for a trend that already started years before this forum was a thing. And a claim alone isn't evidence. You need to demonstrate that your claim is true. You can't just point to some numbers and blame us for a higher suicide rate without actually making the case that these are linked to us.


I marked the red line when the decrease in the suicide rate stopped and where you start to see a slow increase of the numbers, the male suicide rate even spiked before the forum existed - how do you explain that? That's what happens when you have people who have no clue what they're talking about make demands to the goverment to take "immediate action" to take something down...

This article provides some context as to why young people might commit suicide and I mean it's generally no secret that younger generations aren't doing so great in our world. They're more likely to have mental health issues compared to other generations.


But yeah, sure let's just pretend taking down a forum, which is merely a symptom of a dysfunctional society, is going to drastically reduce the suicide rate.
Finally, I want to address a claim that's been circulating for a very long time now. Joe's goodbye note. I'm sure you've seen it by now, Melanie and Catherine mention it every time they talk to the media and they also uploaded it to Twitter, see here.

The BBC article also picked this up and included this in it's story, of course without fact-checking and consulting us first.
Joe spent a month online, exchanging messages from other forum users, being coached on the most effective way to die.
Joe even left a note to his family, spelling out how dangerous the forum had been for him. "Please do your best to close that website for anyone else," he wrote.
"The government are failing people. The police are failing people" says Joe's sister-in-law Melanie.

They repeated that claim in another BBC article.
Joe Nihill, 23, died in 2020 and left a note asking his family to get the forum shut down.

Now, some of you might think, well that's weird - why would someone who used the forum and praised it in the past, ask their parents to shut it down while they exercise their right to die? Well, the answer is actually easy and once you understand the context, you'll understand it had nothing to do with him opposing the right to die, the forum or anything that's discussed here. The situation is actually way less complicated.

Let's a take a look at his account. We can find two warnings, both 50%, given for posts written in the partner megathread because he was actually looking for someone else to ctb with. And the partner megathread is a thread that has very specific rules and he violated these rules. You'll notice there are only a few days between these warning, either way - it resulted in 100% on his account and that led to an automatic ban.


Like nobody manually applied a ban to his account, the system did that automatically. And nobody knew, like for years we didn't know that, I didn't know that either until I looked into his account. And I'm pretty sure the moderator who applied the second warning also didn't notice it. In other words, this member simply slipped through the system, if he sent us a ticket, we would have most likely removed a warning and he could have continued to use the forum.

But that didn't happen. Instead, he made another account back in April 3, the account was rejected. One day later he died.

So just to sum it up again to make it clear for everyone.

Joe made an account in this forum on March 29.
The first warning was applied on the same day, March 29.
The second warning was applied on April 1 and it led to a permanent ban.
Joe made another account on April 3.
He died one day later, on April 4 according to the news.

Now, does the context I've provided make sense to you? I think it does. Joe didn't ask for the forum to be taken down because he felt exploited or pushed into suicide, as his family claims. He didn't disagree with us on the philosophy, he didn't disagree with our stance on the right to die. In fact he used the partner megathread to find someone who would depart with him, that's where the warnings came from. Okay. And I think his goodbye letter was simply an act of anger. Like he made another account one day before he left, so he gave it another chance, possibly to find a partner to end their lives together because the sad truth is, nobody wants to die alone. But we're forced to die alone if we don't want anyone to compromise our right to die and intervere with our decision. But he couldn't do that because we banned him and that caused him to write that goodbye note, urging his family to shut down the forum.

Now, let's compare these stories. Melanie claims he wrote the goodbye note because he saw the evil behind the forum. He hated it. He wanted it to be taken down because it's so repulsive, right? Despite him praising the forum just one week before he left, despite him making a new account after we issued a ban, one day before he took his life. No. That doesn't make sense, in my opinion. I think what I've just described is the reason for the goodbye note. He was banned. And nobody likes to get banned from a community that provides support. And the reporters would have known that if they actually talked to us, instead they just listened to only one side and completely misrepresented the nature of that goodbye letter.

And it's sad, I think this might even be absolute proof that if he hadn't been banned, maybe Joe wouldn't have taken his life three days later. Maybe that proves that the forum and the support network that comes with this community actually prolongs lives. I hate to say it but that makes 100x more sense than the media narrative about us pushing people into suicide or Melanie's story about Joe's letter, alright. This forum has a positive impact and it does prolong people's lives, you can literally find confirmation of that if you read the posts in this forum. And you know how often members of our forum essentially said, "hey, when they take down the forum, I'll have to ctb. I won't have a support network anymore. I'll be alone". It happens all the time, that's a serious issue and it's been ignored ever since the media has talked about us. They don't want to improve society and fix the dependance of suicidal people on this forum, no they want to just pull the rug from your feet, which would send so many people into a pit of loneliness and despair and it would push them over the edge. Some people are dependant on this forum. They need it. That's the reality because you can't compensate for that forum right now. And none of the journalists acknowledge that because they've been fed lies by angry hateful people, relatives of people who decided to end their suffering and the vast majority of these people were adults by the way, and instead of directing their hate toward the systemic causes of their suffering, the things that made them struggle in their life in the first place, they direct all their energy and hatred towards us - simply because we're a convenient scapegoat and they want to pretend that everything is perfect out there. No, as someone who has depression, BPD and gender dysphoria I can tell you it's not. And I have so much more insight into the mind of a suicidal person than you'll ever have - because I'm one of them. And that's why this forum works so well. It's suicidal people looking after suicidal people and that's what people want. They want to talk to people who understand, who relate and who know how it feels like. That's why this community is so important and that's how it prolongs life, through peer-to-peer support and a different approach, tackling the issues without the moralizing undertone and forced narrative that happens in different settings when you talk about your struggles. We do that from a pro-choice perspective and that's what people want.

But we're the scapegoat. We will always be the scapegoat. And as long as we're the scapegoat, we're not going to get it right. That's for sure. The fact that people blame this forum, still to this day, just proves that we're unable to tackle suicide with the maturity and sensibility that's needed. And that's really sad. Instead, I'm portrayed as a villain who enjoys death and that's why I run this forum. That's literally their narrative. Really. I'm barely holding on myself but sure. It's not like I went through the same like everyone else who made an account in this forum. It's not like I have that experience, being a suicidal person in a society that is incapable to deal with suicide in a constructive manner. I couldn't just disagree with the way society is handling things, no - I have to be the bad guy of course. So all of you out there can pretend if we just ban this one forum, all the problems will go away. It's literally cope.

Look. we're not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. The more they oppose us, they more they yell at us, they more they try to take us down, the more I'm motivated to keep fighting. You're not going to silence us. We deserve a voice and that's what this platform does - it gives marginalised people who are overlooked in this cruel world a voice. I know it makes you feel uncomfortable, reading all these posts in this forum, posts describing people's suffering and I know you would love to just shut it down, swipe it all away and pretend it doesn't exist because that's essentially what you're going to do when you take this forum down. You're going to erase so much suffering. All the posts here are just a mirror and you can't handle it. And you deserve that mirror, you don't get to look away. Look at us and listen(!) - don't look away, don't close your eyes. All these posts in this forum, millions of posts, are a reflection of all the invisible pain that's in our world and what you see here is just a tiny percentage of all the people who are struggling and I can tell you right now, there are so many more out there, so many people who don't have a voice who are just feeling like that, all over the world. This forum is merely a symptom of that pain. You should be thankful to have insight into the mind of struggling people and use this ressource to do something positive, something that goes beyond these shallow hotlines as if they're the cure to all struggles - instead you want to shut this forum down, pretend it has never existed and just move on with the status quo. Yeah, that worked so well over the last few decades. As long as you don't realize that preventing suicide doesn't mean there are less people who are miserable on the planet you're never going to succed. Even all the programs in the world aren't going to help you until you understand that.

Anyway, I think that's it. I'm already working on other threads trying to deconstruct some other narratives, mainly that we're pro-suicide, which just isn't true. I hope I managed to point out the issues with the approach of the BBC, the incomepetence of those in charge and how this forum isn't the dark ominous place as it's been portrayed in the media. Thanks for reading.
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Jul 10, 2022
I have already told you this in private but once again you are bang on.
Thats why those people vomit out all types of accusations because they fear you because you are not a crazy unhinged person. You are able to put a case across, maturely, eloquently and articulate yourself very well. You show grace, honesty and humility, and provide quantitative evidence to what you are putting across.
(Also Wind Meme services is open for business_)

Bbc Office GIF
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Yh tht artcle ws v prbbly propgnda b-ing usd t/ hlp psh dffrnt polcies 4wrd -- BBC hve recntly bn defndng thr 'neutrl langug' bt tht luxry ws nt resrvd fr SaSu

Slf am awre tht thse journlsts hve bn chasng dwn multple ppl acrss th/ cntry bt lke as u sd nne of th/ voics withn th/ frum wre ackwldgd

Th/ artcle in Tornto Lfe ws mch mre balncd & ws obvsly nt tryn2 psh an agnda whre th/ frum ws concrnd -- thre r biggr dscussns tht nd 2 b hd bt BBC missd th/ mrk wth tht opprtunty

Slf agree wth evrythng hre & apprci8 fr puttng th/ tme in
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perpetually confused
Jan 12, 2023
Thank you for adamantly supporting and fighting for this forum, Rain. I appreciate and admire your diligence and heart. Sincerely, thank you.
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Oct 10, 2023
I mean, it's sort of obvious. A capitalist-owned propaganda network will have to blame anyone but themselves...Except for, they're deflecting the faults of capitalism onto whomever they can. Delay and Defend tactics on a long-term basis.
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Oct 1, 2023
Thank you and all your moderators for the continued support and continuation of this forum in the face of all this crap. It means a lot to us to have somewhere we can return to.
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No hope in heaven, No fear of hell
Oct 30, 2023
I never read non-local articles anymore (unless it's something important like what's happening in Gaza). They never paint the full picture, especially on stigmatized subjects. They want to 'save us' but also demonize us.
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Jun 7, 2023
I really appreciate how well sourced your claims are! It makes takedowns like this much more convincing :)

Out of curiosity, would you ever accept an interview with a journalist? Perhaps you could reach out to a publication and offer an interview on the condition they don't take you out of context?
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Mar 11, 2023
This forum has brought me much comfort within the time I have used it. I have fallen asleep reading people's posts on here after coming down from a breakdown that only didn't escalate because I had a place to turn to! Even if I'm not directly speaking to others here, I have found someone sharing words I have thought or words that I needed to hear. Thank you for continuing to fight for this forum.
"All the posts here are just a mirror and you can't handle it. And you deserve that mirror, you don't get to look away. Look at us and listen(!) - don't look away, don't close your eyes."
Reading this, I felt empowered.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
As always- so well written and eloquent Rain. Personally, I don't know what I'd do without this place. I feel free to be myself here.

Thank you also for giving us the back story on Joe. I'd read bits and pieces about the aftermath and it never made sense to me- why he would ask his family to try and take this place down. I'd say most (suicidal) people are either grateful for this place or- it makes them realise it's not for them and they want to give recovery a shot. I've never seen anger or disgust directed at it- from suicidal people. Pro- lifers are a different matter- of course.

But yeah- in that context- it makes sense now. You're right- no one enjoys being rejected. Most especially if they were already in a vulnerable place and perhaps thought they had finally found somewhere they belonged. Like you say though- it doesn't sound like it was a personal ban- it sounds like it triggered automatically. I wonder if his Mum has read through his old posts here. I know she absolutely hates this place. It's hard to imagine how painful it must be for her. I guess I've always been curious to read his posts to get an idea on whether there was a reason he (supposedly) wanted to get the site taken down. It's probably not fair to disrespect his privacy though.

On another note though- fellow UK citizens, aren't you absolutely livid that we pretty much have to fund the BBC by law? I hate paying my licence fee. The honest truth is- the last television I watched- and specifically BBC was back in January! I'm paying in order that they don't come and harass me. The only saving grace for me is that I'm paying towards David Attenborough's salary. What an absolute legend!

But yeah- I agree Rain. A very predicable article that simply played into general (pro-life, anti-choice, alarmist) consensus. It pretty much says it all if people are hailing it as groundbreaking. Shows how utterly out of touch they are with these people (us) they claim to care so much about.

I wish there were maverick journalists out there who would be willing to swim against the flow and not just churn out the same old sensationalist stuff they know people will hail them as heroes for.
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Old Friend

Old Friend

Sleep well, Airstrip One.
Sep 24, 2023
The BBC are cranks at this point. How a once respected institution has fallen. Their website is pretty much the only thing of theirs I use these days (and I have to pay for the damn thing through the license fee) and there's no proper good old-fashioned journalism. No desire to get to the bottom of anything. No desire to seek the truth or to inform. Pretty much everything on that site starts from a ready-made conclusion they want the reader to imbibe and they work backwards from there to support said conclusion.

All the "anglo saxon" media (as the French like to call it) is like that nowadays. Take the New York Times: supposed newspaper of record. Read any of their output; it's a joke.
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per ardua ad astra
Sep 9, 2023
Thank you for this and your thoughful and detailed responses to articles like this in general.
You're correct with this forum prolonging lives in my case. In no other place on the internet can I speak so freely about my suicidal ideation, about the struggles I as an autistic lesbian woman have to live through, about the loneliness and hopelessness that comes with it. Not only that, there are people who understand. Who make me feel seen and less like a broken human or a waste of space.
I feel genuine sadness when members of this forum ctb. Not because I want to stop them or take their decision from them. It's because I read about the suffering they went through before deciding to end their lives, in some cases tragic and in some cases infuriating when people who needed and wanted support with their financial struggles, chronic or mental illnesses didn't get any. Great Britain especially is a top condender when it comes to governments that don't give a damn about poor and ill people. And yet they can't have a peaceful exit and their most basic right to decide when their lives end has been taken from them.
Thinking that shutting down this forum will keep people from killing themselves is willful ignorance in my opinion. It's an active choice to ignore suffering, avoid looking for solutions to reduce the pain of this community and instead centering on the parents and friends of those who decided to ctb.
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Jan 27, 2021
So the BBC wrote an article about us a few days ago and I decided to respond to some questionable claims. But I want to point out right away I'm not going to address the claim that we're pro-suicide in this thread. I'm working on a thread right now, parallel to this thread, deconstructing that claim. And it's a very important thread because the claim that we're pro-suicide has been circulating for a few years now and it's very important to address that claim seperately and without the backnoise of this poorly written BBC article. I just want to make that clear, I'm not dodging that accusation but I want to focus on some other nonsense in this thread here.

And another reason why this thread isn't gonna be a very elaborate response is because I've already digged into the coverage of our forum in this thread - responding to the 2021 NYT article, in this thread - responding to the hysteria about the SN epidemic and in this thread I gave a very extensive response to Tantacrul who made a viral video about us and there is a follow up on other content creators who acted irresponsibly when talking about this forum. And that's just a few of the threads I've written over the years. And it's simply boring to repeat the same talking points over and over again when none of the journalists ever adressed any of my statements responding to the media in the first place, let alone any of the almost 2000 posts I wrote over the course of 5 years. Like they literally pretend I don't exist, as you'll see a further below.

So. In other words, all the talking points of the BBC have been addressed in other threads and the community of our forum also gave a lot of pushback to the narrative of the BBC article in this thread. So when even affected people, the supposed victims of this forum, people who are struggling with suicide ideation every day, disagree with your narrative about this forum, something obviously can't be right. I mean isn't it interesting that most opposition to this forum always comes from outsiders looking into us - and these people ususally don't deal with suicidality - and people who are familiar with this community, people who have spent a lot of time here and talked to our members and therefore know how things are run, disagree entirely with the way this forum has been framed?

I think the biggest red flag is the fact that yet another news outlet decided to talk about us and not with us. It's again a missed opportunity to highlight the struggles of this community. And that's been a constant theme over the years, I've talked about this over and over again. For example back in 2022 when I called out the NYT article, I already mentioned this seemingly ignorant approach to suicide.

Read here. I can only recommend to read my response to the NYT because it's still as relevant today as it was two years ago.

They made the exact same mistake again. I mean, if you care so much about the struggles of our members, why didnt't you decide to give them a voice? Why did you only talk to grievings family members, not to the people affected by suicide ideation themselves? Why are you not talking to people who want to exercise their right to die, people who suffer every single day without relief and people who can explain to you why the perspective of this forum is important? Why didn't you give them space to talk about the things that made them suicidal, right? I'm just guessing but I assume it's because it makes the entire situation look a liiiittle bit more complicated than it's presented in your article? Maybe if suicidal people started to talk about the issues that brought them to the brink of suicide, your readers would realize that this forum doesn't play as much of a role in their decision making as you made it look like. And you don't want that, right? The narrative was already clear before you did any research, the forum is bad, the forum is to blame and the forum alone makes people end their lives - for magical reasons, that's literally your narrative. No, let's not dive into the background of any of these people, let's just infantilize them and make them look like they had no agency over their own life.

And I mean the title of the article is literally 'Failure to act' on suicide website linked to 50 UK deaths - linked in what way? You're implying that people ended their lives because they had an account on our forum, strongly implying not just a correlation but a causation and you completely ignore the point that people who struggle and therefore want to end their life are more likely to make an account in our forum because they're allowed to discuss their struggles here. Like this is simple statistics, you need to demonstrate that this forum is linked to these deaths, you fail to do that during the entire article.

So yeah, that's the narrative of the BBC article. You could have literally approached some members and asked them how they feel about your framing or why they use the forum. Like the why is the most fundamental question you need to ask when you want to understand suicide and why a certain community exists. But instead, the only people who get to talk about our forum are the ones who want to take it down, and these are people who were left behind when someone committed suicide. So asking them is obviously not a very good idea if you want to approach suicide from a rational and level-headed viewpoint. And don't you think that's kind of an imbalanced reporting, leaving out the perspective of suicidal people and only talking to people who obviously don't (want to) understand suicide? I don't understand it. It's just surprising how experienced journalists, veterans of their job, fail so spectacularly when trying to talk about our forum. Like it's almost like they tried to make the most uninformed, ignorant and sensationalist article about this forum as possible. It's certainly a candidate. And then you have politicans praise the BBC article as "one of the most important and decisive examples of public sector broadcasting in many years. It will save lives." when they even fail to do the very basics and completely disregard their journalistic objectivity - what a joke.

Anyway, let's talk a bit about meme-worthy statements of the article next. For example, they open their article with this sentence, stating they don't name the forum - obviously with the goal to not expose anyone to it, right. They want to limit exposure.
The article claims:

And that's not the first time they have refused to mention our forum. They also did it here, explaining they want to limit exposure to the forum. But let's check out what happened with the registrations when the BBC released their article.

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Oh yeah, the registrations almost tripled. Now, such articles are very short lived compared to Youtube videos, which get boosted by the algorythm and exposed to new people over a long period of time, that's why the increase in the registrations this time was only temporary while the Tantacrul video has boosted us permanently and you can still see that in the registrations. Before Tantactrul released his video, we had like 20-30 registrations per day, we're still at approximately 100 per day. Just to put this into perspective, a video that was published almost one year ago still boosts our forum to this day. Thanks a lot, Tantacrul.

Anyway, I want to congratulate the BBC for actually not exposing anyone to the forum, this clearly worked very well in this case. The few hundred people who decided to make an account after reading your article certainly appreciate that. Great work, Angus Crawford. I also want to point out that many of the registrations over the past few days came from the UK. The constant public talks about our forum has an impact, it drives people to us.

So, I think this meme here sums it up very well.

View attachment 122072
I want to thank @Againstthewind for this excellent piece of art.

And you know, they complain about the size of this forum but it's exactly articles like this one that contributed a lot to our growth over the past few years.

The problem is, all of these reporters who are so enlightened and intelligent can't stop talking about this forum for two seconds and then you're surprised that this forum has already tens of thousands of members? And why do you think this forum is so popular among suicidal people and those struggling with depression? You would know if you had asked anyone in our community - which you didn't do. But this article is 'one of the most important and decivice examples of public sector broadcasting in many years' according to some political hack. While this article leaves open the most important question. Serious question, what's even the benefit of every single news outlet repeating the same garbage talking points over the course of 4 years without answering even the most basic questions? Here are some prominent examples.

Incels Are Running An Online Suicide Forum That Was Blamed For A Young Woman's Death - from 2019
People Are Dying After Joining a 'Pro-Choice' Suicide Forum. How Much Is the Site to Blame? - from 2020
Mother speaks out against suicide forum after son's death - from 2021
Why a website with explicit directions for suicide remains active - from 2021
Fight to block pro-suicide website that discusses substance linked in spike to deaths - from 2022
Where the Despairing Log On, and Learn Ways to Die - and of course the notorious NYT article

Like did you really bring any new substantial information to the table with this particular BBC article? No, right. If you think the popularity of Sanctioned Suicide is a problem then I hate to say it but you contributed to the problem. Every single one of you, like what do you think was going to happen when you give this forum so much free exposure? We're not advertising ourselves, you do that - for free. There is no question about it, all of these articles are essentially redundant. The BBC didn't provide any new information at all. Yeah, they flew to the US to harass someone, an altercation that lasted 5 seconds... wow - that has so much value for your readers. How much money did the BBC spend on that flight?

Let's look at another statement, which raises more questions than anything.

Hm... no-one knows who is running it.

awkward pulp fiction GIF

That's an interesting question. Who is running this forum? Who could be running this forum... I don't know.

And before I head over to the last and most important point of that article, I want to address this petition quickly, which was written right when the BBC article was published.

And they claim the following.

They claim in that petition that "these forums" have played a significant role in this figure. Ehh... no? The following suicide rate is from the website of the UK goverment. As you can see, there is no increase of the suicide rate since 2018 and that's when the forum was created. In fact, you can clearly see the suicide numbers decrease slowly until 2007 and the numbers of suicides slowly increased again over the years. So you can't possibly blame us for a trend that already started years before this forum was a thing. And a claim alone isn't evidence. You need to demonstrate that your claim is true. You can't just point to some numbers and blame us for a higher suicide rate without actually making the case that these are linked to us.

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I marked the red line when the decrease in the suicide rate stopped and where you start to see a slow increase of the numbers, the male suicide rate even spiked before the forum existed - how do you explain that? That's what happens when you have people who have no clue what they're talking about make demands to the goverment to take "immediate action" to take something down...

This article provides some context as to why young people might commit suicide and I mean it's generally no secret that younger generations aren't doing so great in our world. They're more likely to have mental health issues compared to other generations.

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But yeah, sure let's just pretend taking down a forum, which is merely a symptom of a dysfunctional society, is going to drastically reduce the suicide rate.
Finally, I want to address a claim that's been circulating for a very long time now. Joe's goodbye note. I'm sure you've seen it by now, Melanie and Catherine mention it every time they talk to the media and they also uploaded it to Twitter, see here.

The BBC article also picked this up and included this in it's story, of course without fact-checking and consulting us first.

They repeated that claim in another BBC article.

Now, some of you might think, well that's weird - why would someone who used the forum and praised it in the past, ask their parents to shut it down while they exercise their right to die? Well, the answer is actually easy and once you understand the context, you'll understand it had nothing to do with him opposing the right to die, the forum or anything that's discussed here. The situation is actually way less complicated.

Let's a take a look at his account. We can find two warnings, both 50%, given for posts written in the partner megathread because he was actually looking for someone else to ctb with. And the partner megathread is a thread that has very specific rules and he violated these rules. You'll notice there are only a few days between these warning, either way - it resulted in 100% on his account and that led to an automatic ban.

View attachment 122136

Like nobody manually applied a ban to his account, the system did that automatically. And nobody knew, like for years we didn't know that, I didn't know that either until I looked into his account. And I'm pretty sure the moderator who applied the second warning also didn't notice it. In other words, this member simply slipped through the system, if he sent us a ticket, we would have most likely removed a warning and he could have continued to use the forum.

But that didn't happen. Instead, he made another account back in April 3, the account was rejected. One day later he died.

So just to sum it up again to make it clear for everyone.

Joe made an account in this forum on March 29.
The first warning was applied on the same day, March 29.
The second warning was applied on April 1 and it led to a permanent ban.
Joe made another account on April 3.
He died one day later, on April 4 according to the news.

Now, does the context I've provided make sense to you? I think it does. Joe didn't ask for the forum to be taken down because he felt exploited or pushed into suicide, as his family claims. He didn't disagree with us on the philosophy, he didn't disagree with our stance on the right to die. In fact he used the partner megathread to find someone who would depart with him, that's where the warnings came from. Okay. And I think his goodbye letter was simply an act of anger. Like he made another account one day before he left, so he gave it another chance, possibly to find a partner to end their lives together because the sad truth is, nobody wants to die alone. But we're forced to die alone if we don't want anyone to compromise our right to die and intervere with our decision. But he couldn't do that because we banned him and that caused him to write that goodbye note, urging his family to shut down the forum.

Now, let's compare these stories. Melanie claims he wrote the goodbye note because he saw the evil behind the forum. He hated it. He wanted it to be taken down because it's so repulsive, right? Despite him praising the forum just one week before he left, despite him making a new account after we issued a ban, one day before he took his life. No. That doesn't make sense, in my opinion. I think what I've just described is the reason for the goodbye note. He was banned. And nobody likes to get banned from a community that provides support. And the reporters would have known that if they actually talked to us, instead they just listened to only one side and completely misrepresented the nature of that goodbye letter.

And it's sad, I think this might even be absolute proof that if he hadn't been banned, maybe Joe wouldn't have taken his life three days later. Maybe that proves that the forum and the support network that comes with this community actually prolongs lives. I hate to say it but that makes 100x more sense than the media narrative about us pushing people into suicide or Melanie's story about Joe's letter, alright. This forum has a positive impact and it does prolong people's lives, you can literally find confirmation of that if you read the posts in this forum. And you know how often members of our forum essentially said, "hey, when they take down the forum, I'll have to ctb. I won't have a support network anymore. I'll be alone". It happens all the time, that's a serious issue and it's been ignored ever since the media has talked about us. They don't want to improve society and fix the dependance of suicidal people on this forum, no they want to just pull the rug from your feet, which would send so many people into a pit of loneliness and despair and it would push them over the edge. Some people are dependant on this forum. They need it. That's the reality because you can't compensate for that forum right now. And none of the journalists acknowledge that because they've been fed lies by angry hateful people, relatives of people who decided to end their suffering and the vast majority of these people were adults by the way, and instead of directing their hate toward the systemic causes of their suffering, the things that made them struggle in their life in the first place, they direct all their energy and hatred towards us - simply because we're a convenient scapegoat and they want to pretend that everything is perfect out there. No, as someone who has depression, BPD and gender dysphoria I can tell you it's not. And I have so much more insight into the mind of a suicidal person than you'll ever have - because I'm one of them. And that's why this forum works so well. It's suicidal people looking after suicidal people and that's what people want. They want to talk to people who understand, who relate and who know how it feels like. That's why this community is so important and that's how it prolongs life, through peer-to-peer support and a different approach, tackling the issues without the moralizing undertone and forced narrative that happens in different settings when you talk about your struggles. We do that from a pro-choice perspective and that's what people want.

But we're the scapegoat. We will always be the scapegoat. And as long as we're the scapegoat, we're not going to get it right. That's for sure. The fact that people blame this forum, still to this day, just proves that we're unable to tackle suicide with the maturity and sensibility that's needed. And that's really sad. Instead, I'm portrayed as a villain who enjoys death and that's why I run this forum. That's literally their narrative. Really. I'm barely holding on myself but sure. It's not like I went through the same like everyone else who made an account in this forum. It's not like I have that experience, being a suicidal person in a society that is incapable to deal with suicide in a constructive manner. I couldn't just disagree with the way society is handling things, no - I have to be the bad guy of course. So all of you out there can pretend if we just ban this one forum, all the problems will go away. It's literally cope.

Look. we're not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. The more they oppose us, they more they yell at us, they more they try to take us down, the more I'm motivated to keep fighting. You're not going to silence us. We deserve a voice and that's what this platform does - it gives marginalised people who are overlooked in this cruel world a voice. I know it makes you feel uncomfortable, reading all these posts in this forum, posts describing people's suffering and I know you would love to just shut it down, swipe it all away and pretend it doesn't exist because that's essentially what you're going to do when you take this forum down. You're going to erase so much suffering. All the posts here are just a mirror and you can't handle it. And you deserve that mirror, you don't get to look away. Look at us and listen(!) - don't look away, don't close your eyes. All these posts in this forum, millions of posts, are a reflection of all the invisible pain that's in our world and what you see here is just a tiny percentage of all the people who are struggling and I can tell you right now, there are so many more out there, so many people who don't have a voice who are just feeling like that, all over the world. This forum is merely a symptom of that pain. You should be thankful to have insight into the mind of struggling people and use this ressource to do something positive, something that goes beyond these shallow hotlines as if they're the cure to all struggles - instead you want to shut this forum down, pretend it has never existed and just move on with the status quo. Yeah, that worked so well over the last few decades. As long as you don't realize that preventing suicide doesn't mean there are less people who are miserable on the planet you're never going to succed. Even all the programs in the world aren't going to help you until you understand that.

Anyway, I think that's it. I'm already working on other threads trying to deconstruct some other narratives, mainly that we're pro-suicide, which just isn't true. I hope I managed to point out the issues with the approach of the BBC, the incomepetence of those in charge and how this forum isn't the dark ominous place as it's been portrayed in the media. Thanks for reading.
Perfectly said. Thank you for your dedication and devotion Rain. The BBC reached a new low in destroying any reputation it might have had. I was a devoted radio 4 and World Service listener once. Now I see that the corporation is on its way out and deservedly so, its reputation in tatters.

Peer support is what works, the battered life raft we're left clinging to in this increasingly dystopian hell. Even in my 30 years in the psychiatric system I've seen a marked deterioration in mental health 'care' on the NHS. Never before was I unable to even reach the local mental health team on the phone to even book an appointment with my psychiatrist to review medication. Last time I tried he refused saying it 'wasn't urgent' wtf. Two months later I was sectioned. So-called care coordinator is off sick and proactive involvement from them is a thing of the past in any case.
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The Songs of Distant Earth.
Sep 18, 2022
Fuck the BBC.
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Jan 7, 2023
I have a question for you and/or anyone else: what can I do to support Sanctioned Suicide's continued existence? I don't post here super often, but I support this site's mission and I want to see it thrive in the future. In my experience, SS is not only a crucial resource, but also a compassionate and welcoming community. How can random citizens such as me help to keep this forum online and functioning properly?
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awaiting the end
Oct 16, 2023
Unfortunately, they will never listen to us. They pity us and our struggles; and they believe that blocking this website will 'heal' us from our pain. But, SaSu is not the reason why we are suicidal. We came here, already feeling hopeless, hoping to find a community that understands us. They will never interview any of us, because they want to have complete control over the narrative. The rationality and intelligence we share goes completely against the 'death cult' that the media wants to portray us as. While the media wants us to recover from our mental health struggles, they adamantly refuse to consult with us - the people who are struggling. Like the rest of the world, they want to brush us aside and hide our struggles from the world. The only time that the media will even utter our names, is in the event that we do kill ourselves. They will 'tell our stories' by lying about this site and the intentions of its members. It's so frustrating.

On a personal note, my heart dropped when I searched for this website today. It was lower in my search feed than usual, and I was afraid that I had lost access to it forever. While I don't live in a country where SaSu is banned, I do fear losing my connection to it. I have not been here long, but I deeply appreciate this forum for the conversations it hosts. I don't have to hide my pain; I can freely express my emotions without judgment. Shutting down SaSu will only serve to isolate us - the people who are struggling the most.

Thank you, Rain, for standing up for our community, time and time again.
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Oct 4, 2023
All the people doing media coverage are hilarious if they think taking down a space like this will "save" people. Without this community truly suicidal people will still commit suicide. Not everyone has this luxury of help, especially those who would have to pay hundreds or thousands for it. Well said on how they really don't care about the source of people's suffering, people choose to die not because they are a member of a website but because before joining here they already planned on it. If anything if they don't get help anywhere else here they at least get last resort understanding without getting locked up for opening up.

I have not been here for long but I am terribly thankful for being allowed to be here. Being able to discuss these hard topics without burdening those who can't handle it has been a massive help and I can see the mods are nothing but kind. My heartfelt thanks to all of you.
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Oct 22, 2023
Uk society is honestly brutual towards anything mental health related and they would rather point there anger and some website instead of admitting there failures a classic tactic they like to use time and time again. British mental health services r a joke, mental health is so stigmatised youll get actively chastised and laughed at for bringing it up and a heap of other problems
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
I'd like to validate you, Rain. You have your own struggles that you are dealing with, yet you still have the compassion to help people like myself have a place where I feel safe. You and the other mods probably run the largest global support forum for suicidal people. I use the word support as in positively supportive, not negatively destructive. You should be proud of filling a void left by multiple governments and mental health organisations.

Our voices are quiet, because that is how we're told to be. We cannot be allowed to articulate our thoughts or feelings openly, because… well because the vast majority don't want to accept that the society that has been created is not universally rosy. From an early age, we're taught to be defer to other peoples opinions, to hide emotions, to not complain, to hold our pain silently so it doesn't affect others. Legally, talking about suicide can result in you being involuntary held - that isn't conducive to feeling safe or recovery. Like women being restricted from voting, gays being sinful and blacks being second class humans it's bourne from out dated and frankly ignorant and dangerous beliefs.

Suicide does affect others. It affects others when it becomes so unbearably painful to hold anymore that we kill ourselves. Or, for the lucky ones, we find a place like this that allows us enough of a pressure release to keep trying. In a future nirvana, this forum shouldn't exist - it shouldn't exist because we should have robust mechanisms of identification, support, care systems, treatment, open communication Etc. etc. to mean it doesn't need to exist. We should be proactively tackling the causes of suicidal ideation rather than reactively panicking to the symptoms.

I am still alive because of you. Thank you.

I am also still waiting for the BBC to contact me, after I offered to talk to them. They have my contact info if they want to step into the uncomfortable world of honest, unbiased reporting.
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Deleted member 65988

Succinct and Astute breakdown from you Rain, just as i enjoyed the "SN hysteria" thread you did, this was even more enjoyable to read through. Fuck the BBC, I still don't get how they think that shuttling down a website like this, policing as many methods as possible will "save" people, I don't understand why they don't ever try to talk to you or any of the mods here but have just ran with their narrative that is a Pro-suicide forum that actively celebrates the fact that people come here to end their lives, completely ignorant of how supportive and open-mindes this forum is to users and the struggles they have IRL that they have no place elsewhere to talk openly about. Rain, you are an absolute gem, to even do this for all of us, it's just amazing and yes, ironically, this forum does actually prolong people from ctb and some have even said they would've ctb had it not been the forum being supportive instead of the usual "hotlines and therapists" out there who are supposedly the way to solve all struggles when clearly, that has failed.
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Sep 30, 2023
Living in the UK is becoming more dystopian by the day. We have a broken mental health system, and an extremely biased media including the BBC , also known as the British BULLSHIT Corporation spewing pro - life nonsense as usual.
What do they expect suicidal people to do when the people who are supposed to care don't actually care at all ?
Who are we supposed to talk to when nobody wants to listen, and nobody understands, or even wants to understand ?
The ONLY real place we have to come to for support is SaSu. Yet these people who supposedly care for our welfare want to take this away from us.
Something is very wrong here, and it's obvious that these sinister people have a nasty agenda.
Thank you rain for all your hard work.
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I Wish I'd Been a Jester Too.
Apr 3, 2023
I truly just don't get how anyone with an ounce of compassion or human understanding can't get that this group is more about mutual support and somehow enduring another day than any type of weird, sinister "death wish cult".
Thanks for trying to impart some sanity to them R & S.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Very well said. Thank you @RainAndSadness and thank you to all others who make SaSu a safe place for so many people. SaSu is very important for me one of the factors that keeps me alive. Thank you!!
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Sep 9, 2023
Incredibly well said, every one of your responses to these obviously biased and uninformed articles/videos are so thoughtful and detailed. Thank you for putting so much time and effort into this forum, and for being able to explain things in such a beautiful and informative way <3
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Jan 8, 2022
Apes together strong.

Anyone remember that video of the BBC guy drinking £800 wine and talking about how he hates the working class?

The working class is the most affected by suicide/shit life syndrome. It's just class war & class hatred. Nothing new under the sun.
One day all these upper middle class toffs will get put against the wall.
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Sep 27, 2023
Incredible work as always, tysm for everything u do to keep the forum alive
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Someday, eventually
Mar 29, 2020
So the BBC wrote an article about us a few days ago and I decided to respond to some questionable claims. But I want to point out right away I'm not going to address the claim that we're pro-suicide in this thread. I'm working on a thread right now, parallel to this thread, deconstructing that claim. And it's a very important thread because the claim that we're pro-suicide has been circulating for a few years now and it's very important to address that claim seperately and without the backnoise of this poorly written BBC article. I just want to make that clear, I'm not dodging that accusation but I want to focus on some other nonsense in this thread here.

And another reason why this thread isn't gonna be a very elaborate response is because I've already digged into the coverage of our forum in this thread - responding to the 2021 NYT article, in this thread - responding to the hysteria about the SN epidemic and in this thread I gave a very extensive response to Tantacrul who made a viral video about us and there is a follow up on other content creators who acted irresponsibly when talking about this forum. And that's just a few of the threads I've written over the years. And it's simply boring to repeat the same talking points over and over again when none of the journalists ever adressed any of my statements responding to the media in the first place, let alone any of the almost 2000 posts I wrote over the course of 5 years. Like they literally pretend I don't exist, as you'll see a further below.

So. In other words, all the talking points of the BBC have been addressed in other threads and the community of our forum also gave a lot of pushback to the narrative of the BBC article in this thread. So when even affected people, the supposed victims of this forum, people who are struggling with suicide ideation every day, disagree with your narrative about this forum, something obviously can't be right. I mean isn't it interesting that most opposition to this forum always comes from outsiders looking into us - and these people ususally don't deal with suicidality - and people who are familiar with this community, people who have spent a lot of time here and talked to our members and therefore know how things are run, disagree entirely with the way this forum has been framed?

I think the biggest red flag is the fact that yet another news outlet decided to talk about us and not with us. It's again a missed opportunity to highlight the struggles of this community. And that's been a constant theme over the years, I've talked about this over and over again. For example back in 2022 when I called out the NYT article, I already mentioned this seemingly ignorant approach to suicide.

Read here. I can only recommend to read my response to the NYT because it's still as relevant today as it was two years ago.

They made the exact same mistake again. I mean, if you care so much about the struggles of our members, why didnt't you decide to give them a voice? Why did you only talk to grievings family members, not to the people affected by suicide ideation themselves? Why are you not talking to people who want to exercise their right to die, people who suffer every single day without relief and people who can explain to you why the perspective of this forum is important? Why didn't you give them space to talk about the things that made them suicidal, right? I'm just guessing but I assume it's because it makes the entire situation look a liiiittle bit more complicated than it's presented in your article? Maybe if suicidal people started to talk about the issues that brought them to the brink of suicide, your readers would realize that this forum doesn't play as much of a role in their decision making as you made it look like. And you don't want that, right? The narrative was already clear before you did any research, the forum is bad, the forum is to blame and the forum alone makes people end their lives - for magical reasons, that's literally your narrative. No, let's not dive into the background of any of these people, let's just infantilize them and make them look like they had no agency over their own life.

And I mean the title of the article is literally 'Failure to act' on suicide website linked to 50 UK deaths - linked in what way? You're implying that people ended their lives because they had an account on our forum, strongly implying not just a correlation but a causation and you completely ignore the point that people who struggle and therefore want to end their life are more likely to make an account in our forum because they're allowed to discuss their struggles here. Like this is simple statistics, you need to demonstrate that this forum is linked to these deaths, you fail to do that during the entire article.

So yeah, that's the narrative of the BBC article. You could have literally approached some members and asked them how they feel about your framing or why they use the forum. Like the why is the most fundamental question you need to ask when you want to understand suicide and why a certain community exists. But instead, the only people who get to talk about our forum are the ones who want to take it down, and these are people who were left behind when someone committed suicide. So asking them is obviously not a very good idea if you want to approach suicide from a rational and level-headed viewpoint. And don't you think that's kind of an imbalanced reporting, leaving out the perspective of suicidal people and only talking to people who obviously don't (want to) understand suicide? I don't understand it. It's just surprising how experienced journalists, veterans of their job, fail so spectacularly when trying to talk about our forum. Like it's almost like they tried to make the most uninformed, ignorant and sensationalist article about this forum as possible. It's certainly a candidate. And then you have politicans praise the BBC article as "one of the most important and decisive examples of public sector broadcasting in many years. It will save lives." when they even fail to do the very basics and completely disregard their journalistic objectivity - what a joke.

Anyway, let's talk a bit about meme-worthy statements of the article next. For example, they open their article with this sentence, stating they don't name the forum - obviously with the goal to not expose anyone to it, right. They want to limit exposure.
The article claims:

And that's not the first time they have refused to mention our forum. They also did it here, explaining they want to limit exposure to the forum. But let's check out what happened with the registrations when the BBC released their article.

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Oh yeah, the registrations almost tripled. Now, such articles are very short lived compared to Youtube videos, which get boosted by the algorythm and exposed to new people over a long period of time, that's why the increase in the registrations this time was only temporary while the Tantacrul video has boosted us permanently and you can still see that in the registrations. Before Tantactrul released his video, we had like 20-30 registrations per day, we're still at approximately 100 per day. Just to put this into perspective, a video that was published almost one year ago still boosts our forum to this day. Thanks a lot, Tantacrul.

Anyway, I want to congratulate the BBC for actually not exposing anyone to the forum, this clearly worked very well in this case. The few hundred people who decided to make an account after reading your article certainly appreciate that. Great work, Angus Crawford. I also want to point out that many of the registrations over the past few days came from the UK. The constant public talks about our forum has an impact, it drives people to us.

So, I think this meme here sums it up very well.

View attachment 122072
I want to thank @Againstthewind for this excellent piece of art.

And you know, they complain about the size of this forum but it's exactly articles like this one that contributed a lot to our growth over the past few years.

The problem is, all of these reporters who are so enlightened and intelligent can't stop talking about this forum for two seconds and then you're surprised that this forum has already tens of thousands of members? And why do you think this forum is so popular among suicidal people and those struggling with depression? You would know if you had asked anyone in our community - which you didn't do. But this article is 'one of the most important and decivice examples of public sector broadcasting in many years' according to some political hack. While this article leaves open the most important question. Serious question, what's even the benefit of every single news outlet repeating the same garbage talking points over the course of 4 years without answering even the most basic questions? Here are some prominent examples.

Incels Are Running An Online Suicide Forum That Was Blamed For A Young Woman's Death - from 2019
People Are Dying After Joining a 'Pro-Choice' Suicide Forum. How Much Is the Site to Blame? - from 2020
Mother speaks out against suicide forum after son's death - from 2021
Why a website with explicit directions for suicide remains active - from 2021
Fight to block pro-suicide website that discusses substance linked in spike to deaths - from 2022
Where the Despairing Log On, and Learn Ways to Die - and of course the notorious NYT article

Like did you really bring any new substantial information to the table with this particular BBC article? No, right. If you think the popularity of Sanctioned Suicide is a problem then I hate to say it but you contributed to the problem. Every single one of you, like what do you think was going to happen when you give this forum so much free exposure? We're not advertising ourselves, you do that - for free. There is no question about it, all of these articles are essentially redundant. The BBC didn't provide any new information at all. Yeah, they flew to the US to harass someone, an altercation that lasted 5 seconds... wow - that has so much value for your readers. How much money did the BBC spend on that flight?

Let's look at another statement, which raises more questions than anything.

Hm... no-one knows who is running it.

awkward pulp fiction GIF

That's an interesting question. Who is running this forum? Who could be running this forum... I don't know.

And before I head over to the last and most important point of that article, I want to address this petition quickly, which was written right when the BBC article was published.

And they claim the following.

They claim in that petition that "these forums" have played a significant role in this figure. Ehh... no? The following suicide rate is from the website of the UK goverment. As you can see, there is no increase of the suicide rate since 2018 and that's when the forum was created. In fact, you can clearly see the suicide numbers decrease slowly until 2007 and the numbers of suicides slowly increased again over the years. So you can't possibly blame us for a trend that already started years before this forum was a thing. And a claim alone isn't evidence. You need to demonstrate that your claim is true. You can't just point to some numbers and blame us for a higher suicide rate without actually making the case that these are linked to us.

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I marked the red line when the decrease in the suicide rate stopped and where you start to see a slow increase of the numbers, the male suicide rate even spiked before the forum existed - how do you explain that? That's what happens when you have people who have no clue what they're talking about make demands to the goverment to take "immediate action" to take something down...

This article provides some context as to why young people might commit suicide and I mean it's generally no secret that younger generations aren't doing so great in our world. They're more likely to have mental health issues compared to other generations.

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But yeah, sure let's just pretend taking down a forum, which is merely a symptom of a dysfunctional society, is going to drastically reduce the suicide rate.
Finally, I want to address a claim that's been circulating for a very long time now. Joe's goodbye note. I'm sure you've seen it by now, Melanie and Catherine mention it every time they talk to the media and they also uploaded it to Twitter, see here.

The BBC article also picked this up and included this in it's story, of course without fact-checking and consulting us first.

They repeated that claim in another BBC article.

Now, some of you might think, well that's weird - why would someone who used the forum and praised it in the past, ask their parents to shut it down while they exercise their right to die? Well, the answer is actually easy and once you understand the context, you'll understand it had nothing to do with him opposing the right to die, the forum or anything that's discussed here. The situation is actually way less complicated.

Let's a take a look at his account. We can find two warnings, both 50%, given for posts written in the partner megathread because he was actually looking for someone else to ctb with. And the partner megathread is a thread that has very specific rules and he violated these rules. You'll notice there are only a few days between these warning, either way - it resulted in 100% on his account and that led to an automatic ban.

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Like nobody manually applied a ban to his account, the system did that automatically. And nobody knew, like for years we didn't know that, I didn't know that either until I looked into his account. And I'm pretty sure the moderator who applied the second warning also didn't notice it. In other words, this member simply slipped through the system, if he sent us a ticket, we would have most likely removed a warning and he could have continued to use the forum.

But that didn't happen. Instead, he made another account back in April 3, the account was rejected. One day later he died.

So just to sum it up again to make it clear for everyone.

Joe made an account in this forum on March 29.
The first warning was applied on the same day, March 29.
The second warning was applied on April 1 and it led to a permanent ban.
Joe made another account on April 3.
He died one day later, on April 4 according to the news.

Now, does the context I've provided make sense to you? I think it does. Joe didn't ask for the forum to be taken down because he felt exploited or pushed into suicide, as his family claims. He didn't disagree with us on the philosophy, he didn't disagree with our stance on the right to die. In fact he used the partner megathread to find someone who would depart with him, that's where the warnings came from. Okay. And I think his goodbye letter was simply an act of anger. Like he made another account one day before he left, so he gave it another chance, possibly to find a partner to end their lives together because the sad truth is, nobody wants to die alone. But we're forced to die alone if we don't want anyone to compromise our right to die and intervere with our decision. But he couldn't do that because we banned him and that caused him to write that goodbye note, urging his family to shut down the forum.

Now, let's compare these stories. Melanie claims he wrote the goodbye note because he saw the evil behind the forum. He hated it. He wanted it to be taken down because it's so repulsive, right? Despite him praising the forum just one week before he left, despite him making a new account after we issued a ban, one day before he took his life. No. That doesn't make sense, in my opinion. I think what I've just described is the reason for the goodbye note. He was banned. And nobody likes to get banned from a community that provides support. And the reporters would have known that if they actually talked to us, instead they just listened to only one side and completely misrepresented the nature of that goodbye letter.

And it's sad, I think this might even be absolute proof that if he hadn't been banned, maybe Joe wouldn't have taken his life three days later. Maybe that proves that the forum and the support network that comes with this community actually prolongs lives. I hate to say it but that makes 100x more sense than the media narrative about us pushing people into suicide or Melanie's story about Joe's letter, alright. This forum has a positive impact and it does prolong people's lives, you can literally find confirmation of that if you read the posts in this forum. And you know how often members of our forum essentially said, "hey, when they take down the forum, I'll have to ctb. I won't have a support network anymore. I'll be alone". It happens all the time, that's a serious issue and it's been ignored ever since the media has talked about us. They don't want to improve society and fix the dependance of suicidal people on this forum, no they want to just pull the rug from your feet, which would send so many people into a pit of loneliness and despair and it would push them over the edge. Some people are dependant on this forum. They need it. That's the reality because you can't compensate for that forum right now. And none of the journalists acknowledge that because they've been fed lies by angry hateful people, relatives of people who decided to end their suffering and the vast majority of these people were adults by the way, and instead of directing their hate toward the systemic causes of their suffering, the things that made them struggle in their life in the first place, they direct all their energy and hatred towards us - simply because we're a convenient scapegoat and they want to pretend that everything is perfect out there. No, as someone who has depression, BPD and gender dysphoria I can tell you it's not. And I have so much more insight into the mind of a suicidal person than you'll ever have - because I'm one of them. And that's why this forum works so well. It's suicidal people looking after suicidal people and that's what people want. They want to talk to people who understand, who relate and who know how it feels like. That's why this community is so important and that's how it prolongs life, through peer-to-peer support and a different approach, tackling the issues without the moralizing undertone and forced narrative that happens in different settings when you talk about your struggles. We do that from a pro-choice perspective and that's what people want.

But we're the scapegoat. We will always be the scapegoat. And as long as we're the scapegoat, we're not going to get it right. That's for sure. The fact that people blame this forum, still to this day, just proves that we're unable to tackle suicide with the maturity and sensibility that's needed. And that's really sad. Instead, I'm portrayed as a villain who enjoys death and that's why I run this forum. That's literally their narrative. Really. I'm barely holding on myself but sure. It's not like I went through the same like everyone else who made an account in this forum. It's not like I have that experience, being a suicidal person in a society that is incapable to deal with suicide in a constructive manner. I couldn't just disagree with the way society is handling things, no - I have to be the bad guy of course. So all of you out there can pretend if we just ban this one forum, all the problems will go away. It's literally cope.

Look. we're not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. The more they oppose us, they more they yell at us, they more they try to take us down, the more I'm motivated to keep fighting. You're not going to silence us. We deserve a voice and that's what this platform does - it gives marginalised people who are overlooked in this cruel world a voice. I know it makes you feel uncomfortable, reading all these posts in this forum, posts describing people's suffering and I know you would love to just shut it down, swipe it all away and pretend it doesn't exist because that's essentially what you're going to do when you take this forum down. You're going to erase so much suffering. All the posts here are just a mirror and you can't handle it. And you deserve that mirror, you don't get to look away. Look at us and listen(!) - don't look away, don't close your eyes. All these posts in this forum, millions of posts, are a reflection of all the invisible pain that's in our world and what you see here is just a tiny percentage of all the people who are struggling and I can tell you right now, there are so many more out there, so many people who don't have a voice who are just feeling like that, all over the world. This forum is merely a symptom of that pain. You should be thankful to have insight into the mind of struggling people and use this ressource to do something positive, something that goes beyond these shallow hotlines as if they're the cure to all struggles - instead you want to shut this forum down, pretend it has never existed and just move on with the status quo. Yeah, that worked so well over the last few decades. As long as you don't realize that preventing suicide doesn't mean there are less people who are miserable on the planet you're never going to succed. Even all the programs in the world aren't going to help you until you understand that.

Anyway, I think that's it. I'm already working on other threads trying to deconstruct some other narratives, mainly that we're pro-suicide, which just isn't true. I hope I managed to point out the issues with the approach of the BBC, the incomepetence of those in charge and how this forum isn't the dark ominous place as it's been portrayed in the media. Thanks for reading.
I got no VPN on. I'm not hiding. I'm not doing that. My reasons for sometimes not wanting to exist anymore aren't because of this website. I have trauma and when I come here I feel relief, I feel normal knowing that others feel the same, I don't feel so alone either.
Which is weird because on the phone with a receptionist at the docs she told me "we've all thought about suicide"
So they can talk about it but we can't talk about it as a community? Got it.
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Sep 21, 2023
I have read your other responses to this bullshit and I have a lot of respect for you. I barely have the energy or patience to make it through a regular day, and here you are running a forum that is supporting us in vastly better ways than any mental health system could. In addition to that, fighting a war where your opponent seems to have all the power and support they need to keep attacking.

You and your team are heroes. I was ready to ctb and was looking for methods. I came across tantacrul and NYT which led me to here and instead of just finding a method, I found a place where people can relate to me, and me to them.

Since I have been here, my mood has improved. I put nicotine patches on
everyday so I can quit smoking and I have even started to work out again. I am at least trying to find a future I can exist in. I'm still depressed as all fuck, but there is a little hope. I'm not crazy because I have evaluated this life and found it wanting.

Thank you for your effort and fighting for people like me.
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Psychology (B.A.) & Substance Use Researcher
Oct 24, 2023
I support this forum's existence on the principle of the right to self-determination, but there's a few discussion points you raised that I'm not sold on:

- The notion that increasing exposure leads to more registration and thus (insinuated) it doesn't do anything to effectively combat suicide - As much as it is a bit ironic since it leads to more registrations, Mainstream exposure is a necessary prerequisite for legislation that would restrict access to websites like these and lethal drugs like SN. It's just the practical nature of social change; people have to be able to name something before they can enact social change towards it. Social advocates are playing the long-game and that means raising enough awareness that people will bring it to policymakers for change. Otherwise it gets shoved in the file drawer. So short term it may increase activity on this site, but long term it is the only way they can advocate action against this site, pragmatically speaking

- The idea that it won't reduce the number of suicides - Research has proven without a doubt that restricting access to (including information on access) more lethal means of suicide does reduce the number of successful suicides and increases the number of life years lived. It may be marginal (what percentage of people who completed suicide have increased access to lethal means due to this thread?), but it is still considerable enough for law makers to want to regulate.

I'm not saying I approve of these restrictions or the BBC's claims in any capacity, but only that we can't deny that coverage like this does reduce the activity of forums like these, access to certain means of suicide, and by virtue, reduces the number of suicide deaths, even if only incrementally. The fact that you are being framed as a bad guy, an incel, and various other false claims is not only dishonest but probably fails to tackle the issue... Even if one were to assume a pro-life rhetoric, it only serves to create more problems by being dishonest. The facts are always friendly and the fact is that you are running this website with good intentions.

It's all the moral attacks and defenses from both sides that seem perplexing to me. Suicide is morally neutral and I believe this forum attempts to be neutral to the extent it can; offering people the option to pick life or death and communicating a person-centered respect and acceptance of whatever decision the person wishes. However, the admin/mods' values, ethics, and logos probably do not align perfectly with what members (who are largely depressed, grieving, angry, etc.) do. The forum is neutral, but the way it is used by members is far from neutral and certainly encourages suicide, even if only implicitly.

Again, please understand I support this forum 100%. I'm very thankful for the resources it has provided me. But I do believe in being honest/realistic about what this forum represents, it's cultural influence which does have the ability to increase the number of suicide deaths, and the means through which legal restrictions gain traction.

I think the deeper argument to be had is not around whether it facilitates death or not (it does), but around deeper philosophical questions around the right to die, the right to self-determination, etc. and around the importance for suicidal people to have non-judgmental, person-centered spaces where they can talk about suicide so that they aren't ostracized, and can make informed decisions and die a dignified death if they choose to.

Having these spaces in my opinion could facilitate a safety net to ensure people have adequately considered suicide so they don't do so hastily, while allowing people who are certain to more effectively plan for dying while doing so more comfortably.
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finger on the eject button
Oct 4, 2022
I support this forum's existence on the principle of the right to self-determination, but there's a few discussion points you raised that I'm not sold on:

- The notion that increasing exposure leads to more registration and thus (insinuated) it doesn't do anything to effectively combat suicide - As much as it is a bit ironic since it leads to more registrations, Mainstream exposure is a necessary prerequisite for legislation that would restrict access to websites like these and lethal drugs like SN. It's just the practical nature of social change; people have to be able to name something before they can enact social change towards it. Social advocates are playing the long-game and that means raising enough awareness that people will bring it to policymakers for change. Otherwise it gets shoved in the file drawer. So short term it may increase activity on this site, but long term it is the only way they can advocate action against this site, pragmatically speaking

If you didn't write something like this, I was going to. This is an inherent problem with this sort of activism; it'll get worse for them before it gets better.

I think the deeper argument to be had is not around whether it facilitates death or not (it does), but around deeper philosophical questions around the right to die, the right to self-determination, etc.

Agreed, I think these are the points we need to focus on. The right to free expression and freedom of information, etc. We don't want to concede that our lives need to be saved. I guess the point RaindAndSadness is probably making is something like, "We don't endeavour to save lives necessarily--that's the whole point--but pro-lifers want to save lives, and so they should be placated to know that we do save lives!" But yeah, I'm not convinced it's a net gain there. All I know is there's a cohort who would be dead without the site, and another that are dead because of its influence.
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