I mean I haven't been on the forum as long as you and only came after tantraculs video ngl.
But I haven't seen much of what your talking about...honestly this is the nicest, most non toxic forum I've ever been in it's a really nice place everyone is so nice and understanding and unlike other social medias people dont start attacking each other for no reason.
I've also only seen a few pro-lifers here...at most 15 but that was in my like 6 months of being here.
However I will admit I do low-key kinda spam making post. I just usually come here when I'm at a low point and vent. But then right after venting a random question comes to my mind and I just ask. I do like the attention I get on this site I'm not going to lie. Though not in the way I think your describing...it's more like in real life everyone just wants me to shut up about my mental issues and suicidalness but here I barely ever see a post without at least one comment and I like that.
The majority of people here are broken and I like that everyone here provides some comfort for complete strangers by responding to post or reacting.
I think I spam sometimes because I have so much to say but don't know how to word it. Not sure if I was one of the people you're talking about but I'll try to cool back on it
But despite my spamming there are people who have only been here a month who have like 2x the comments as me
I've been looking at posts in the past (around 2021 to 2022) and the posts back then seemed to be interesting and full of people who were respectful to people in vent posts. However, now, it's exactly like you say. People who are just venting tend to get insulted and get advice when this isn't the recovery forum. At this point, it's why I started venting to myself on my own profile post as opposed to making posts too much as I know that making venting posts here won't end well most of the time.
Hope you find peace soon FC and that you don't have to rely on this forum ever again due to being permanently non existent
I've never seen anyone really get insulted though :/
Like I've seen one or two people who get triggered for no reason and start cussing but that's it.
I haven't seen anyone here get insulted tho...the only one I really saw was when someone was venting about being a pedo. But even then the replies weren't mean they were more of concern.
TBH your posts often rub me up the wrong way. I often get the impression that your posts are subtly trying to push people off the edge.
It almost feels you're annoyed that everyone on the board isn't completely hopeless and immediately seeking ways to kill themselves.
I really fail to see how your pro-extinction points of view should be allowed but pro life points of view shouldn't be allowed. Pro-Life =/= necessarily anti suicide. This forum's existence can only be justified with a firm belief in freedom of speech, which always has to work both ways.
When I see you comment in response to suicidal peoples threads, I see you making subtle attempts to reinforce a bleak point of view of life but then promote death as peaceful and positive. E.G. "This world is so horrible and everything is hopeless.... I hope that death provides the bliss you are looking for".
I just get a really bad vibe from you tbh. It's one thing for people to support and accept people's choices but it's another thing to consistently trying to reinforce a negative opinion about life and a positive opinion about death.
This board SHOULD NOT be about convincing people to die, but allowing them to vent their suicidal feelings and thoughts without judgment and come to their own conclusions.
It's a pro choice forum not a pro suicide forum. You are annoyed at the nature of other people's posts but you expect people to be ok with your anti natalist style points of view like the only positive thing humanity can do is to just extinct itself.
P.S. PEOPLE I'm not anti-suicide, there's a good chance I'm going to CTB soon, but I don't think anyone should be trying to reinforce a bleak point of view, this website should be about supporting individual atonomy, not reinforcing the idea that suicide is a good thing for everyone.
If someone lives a happy life then that's great, but if someone lives a shit life and wants to ctb, that's not good but it should be accepted here and people should be allowed to vent.
We should not be treating suicide as if it's a good thing, because sometimes it's not and sometimes it is. We should be treating personal freedom as a good thing.
I won't lie FC's post are sometimes a bit repetitive...but I feel its because that's their main focus and problem which is existence so that's all they talk about. It also seems they're a bit scared of attempting due to the risk of failure. In like every goodbye threads FC usually offers the person best wishes and hope of peace and sometimes even calls them brave.
I'm sorry but this is a really non toxic nice forum and I feel like having bad feelings about a member shouldn't be voiced specifically...just feels toxic and kinda attacking.
If you don't like her so much just block her. That's what I do when I feel like someone's toxic no reason to attack her. (Kinda feels like you don't like her)
Remember everyone here is suicidal which usually equals being depressed. Leave the girl alone okay she's not comfortable commiting right now and depressed suicidal people can hate the world and wish for non existence as much as they want she's not harming anyone. It's not like she's every told someone not to back out...this is a suicide forum if you haven't noticed ofcourse she's gonna congratulate them for reaching the goal that most people here want.
I usually do the same but add that it's okay if they back out and not to do it if they feel uncomfortable. That's honestly only because of how many times I wrote here I was going to ctb and back out.
Im kinda ranting but I just see multiple posts and comments about people disliking FC. Which is fine but really you don't need to voice it. She's depressed (probably) and suicidal if you don't like her block her and leave her alone.