did you lose consciousness during the test? (i apologize, my English is not very good, so i might misinterpret smth)
if so, did you have any bad, uncomfortable feelings? do you know how long it took? and what was your oxygen level at that moment?
ofc if you don't mind answering these questions
I did once. It felt like fainting, getting a little dizzy between breaths, then going black. No discomfort or SI during this process (detailed below). I didn't have a timer going, so I'm not sure exactly how long it was, but I had a TV show going in the background and it was very similar to when you're watching TV while really tired, and just miss a little bit of the show when you blink but not enough to completely lose track of what's going on - so I imagine it was only a few seconds.
Afterwards, I had a little discomfort in my chest, tighness, but no worse than I've had after a workout or hyperventilating. This went away after about an hour, and today (after sleeping) I feel completely fine. The lowest reading I remember seeing on the oximeter was 46, but it's a cheapy Amazonian one and lags quite a bit, and I'm not sure how accurate it is. The oximeter was literally just there to ensure the N2 was working as expected the first couple of times, and I probably won't wear it going forward.
I will probably do it again today, and will try and record it on my phone so I have a better idea of how long, and if there's any weirdness.
Within this thread, I've seen alot of posters talking about " the blackout test". Is there a thread on this? Is there a particular procedure ? What exactly is this .
The test I did, based on how I understand all of this to work, was:
- Set up the N2 as detailed in this thread, 20lpm, tubing, etc
- Hold an empty oven bag around the end of the tube and turn on the cylinder
- Wait until the bag is almost full
- Deep exhale (no hyperventilating)
- Hold bag opening over my face (N2 tube is still in the bag, held against my cheek), inhale deeply
- Continue to breathe into the bag, letting it a little loose on exhale to ensure gas is purging
- Start feeling dizzy/wobbly, can't hold the bag properly
- Once the bag falls, normal breathing recovers
So, the first time I just did this until I felt dizzy, watched the oximeter show me that it's clearly working, no feeling of choking, no SI. So I stopped. About an hour later I tried it again, this time held the bag until I lost consciousness. Wasted a bit of N2 since the tubing was loose after I dropped the bag, but not a considerable amount. I don't feel it would be possible to turn off the cylinder at the right time to continue to test (or ctb) without the N2 flowing as it happens too quickly.
I'm sure there's other ways to do it, but that's what I've pieced together for myself.
Based on these experiences, I am convinced this is how I will go.