Worthless, helpless and clueless. How the heck am I supposed to rise up from my situation as a winner? I am so sick of explaining the same things to my friends etc. About my hopeles situation over and over again if even could do that to everybody around me tbh. I just don't see light at the end of the tunnel for me. The only thing I can see is pitch-black veil of darkness looming in front of me everywhere I roam and it is making me more and more overwhelmed step by step. Why can't this journey of torture and cruelty just end?
I don't know if I am willing enough to die because I have my moments of short-sighted joy and excitement. But eventually the fix of joy and excitement ends and I stumble again and find myself again flattened on my face and think, is that even worth anymore, those short fixes of joy and excitement. Like a hit from a joint they are after all, coloring the dull gray or miserable black mindspace only for a while. Why this cycle has to continue? Can't my brain just admit finally that there's simply no hope for me anymore that no infinite amount of theraphy can't fix? Why does my brain have to hit the copium button when I am quite sure there's no end to this, this lament I feel deep inside? Why, just why doesn't it consider this endless loop as a mindfuck torture and would consider putting end to it? Just why my brain wants to sustain all this toxicity I have to come contact with every day during silent hours when mind isn't able to seek for another short-lived fix of joy and exitement? Those silent hours, they are full of agonizing pain and suffering. Why, why isn't the cost of those silent hours enough for you, my dear brain?
You see, I keep continuing this query from you but you are an evil dictator and just want me to stop asking these vital questions and struggle forever. You want me to get exhausted and out of non-anxious breaths. You want me to panic and tear my whole self into a million pieces. All this, through your stubborn attitude to keep me in line with your demands. The demands to live and shut the fuck up about its consequences. To live, even with this non-ending cruelty and pain.
Well, like all that I've said before implies that mind is a prison (for many, myself included) like a wise man once said. Why can't I free myself off of its shackles? Maybe I have to manifest something unknown to me but what and how? Maybe that manifestation would make me realize something and make me do something my brain cannot overpower with its sustaining-itself-with-all-cost logic. Maybe that manifestation would free me from my brain's wicked tactics by suicide, maybe it is something else. But how? Just how...?
Well, this text became quite interesting actually in the end and I only had to express myself how I am feeling rn. Excuse me for a long of a text but this actually eased me a little. I have to figure that manifestation part though...