Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I am always searching for news stories on suicide to learn about the people's circumstances that lead to their ctb. If you have stories please share

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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Like the idea of being able to read about these things. It would be great to get a source of unbiased factual reports on suicides.

On a side note, after seeing the last article, I think all "influencers" should fall off something very high. :))
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Rational man

Rational man

Oct 19, 2021
Thanks for sharing.
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May 16, 2021
On a side note, after seeing the last article, I think all "influencers" should fall off something very high. :))
How weird of you to say.
You have more sympathy for a potential murderer(1st article) than an unsuccessful influencer(last article).
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
How weird of you to say.
You have more sympathy for a potential murderer(1st article) than an unsuccessful influencer(last article).
Well now you're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say I have any sympathy for anyone. You can't assume that because a person displays a dislike for one thing it automatically indicates they like another. For example, if I said I hated ketchup it doesn't indicate I love mayo. Anyway, I hadn't read the articles at that point. Purely going by the titles I was literally just picking up on the term "influencer". It makes me cringe because of it's very nature. I just dont like the manipulative shit finding it's way into pop culture these days, and subsequently young minds. People don't need influencing/manipulating into buying loads of crap because is incrementally 'better' than the last delicate piece of tech, helping ruin our planet, getting shit injected into their faces and arses, segregating people and making people feel 'less than' if they don't fit a certain demographic or aesthetic. So no, I don't think it is that weird of me to say that I'm not fond of influencers or anything they stand for. So yeah, chuck them all of something higher than the morales they display. That said, my original comment was at least to some extent, tongue in cheak. Hence the smiley at the end and the quotes around the word influencers.
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May 16, 2021
Well now you're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say I have any sympathy for anyone. You can't assume that because a person displays a dislike for one thing it automatically indicates they like another.
But if you clearly single out one thing from the rest as being worse, it suggests you have a more neutral respect for the others.
For example, if I said I hated ketchup it doesn't indicate I love mayo.
No, but this indicated you hate ketchup but have no problem with mayo, mustard, bbq sauce etc..
Anyway, I hadn't read the articles at that point. Purely going by the titles I was literally just picking up on the term "influencer". It makes me cringe because of it's very nature. I just dont like the manipulative shit finding it's way into pop culture these days, and subsequently young minds. People don't need influencing/manipulating into buying loads of crap because is incrementally 'better' than the last delicate piece of tech, helping ruin our planet, getting shit injected into their faces and arses, segregating people and making people feel 'less than' if they don't fit a certain demographic or aesthetic.
Sure, but you have no idea what this particular "Influencer" even put out. she could have been a vegan lifestyle influencer for all you know. It's a broad term for a reason. You said yourself you hadn't read the articles.

Also weird that you care so much about influencers ruining young peoples lives by steering them towards materialistic consumption more than actual young people being murdered by their partners? I mean everybody knows Brian Laundrie for that.
So no, I don't think it is that weird of me to say that I'm not fond of influencers or anything they stand for. So yeah, chuck them all of something higher than the morales they display. That said, my original comment was at least to some extent, tongue in cheak. Hence the smiley at the end and the quotes around the word influencers.
yeah sure you have full freedom to say whatever you feel, joke or not, but I also have full freedom to react to it however I feel
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Mar 9, 2020
Does anyone know how to prevent your ctb from appearing in the news? Is there some kind of privacy stipulation that can be put in place - perhaps in a note?
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
Does anyone know how to prevent your ctb from appearing in the news? Is there some kind of privacy stipulation that can be put in place - perhaps in a note?
Some countries i believe have media regulation against reporting suicides to the public. Some have regulation against naming the victim. I think either way it is outside of your control and it ultimately depends on your state/country regulations.
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Mar 9, 2020
Some countries i believe have media regulation against reporting suicides to the public. Some have regulation against naming the victim. I think either way it is outside of your control and it ultimately depends on your state/country regulations.
Sigh yeah I can see that. I believe in several US states at least the media are strongly encouraged to refrain from posting the means to CTB but not the victim's name. Just wish dying by suicide (reason for death) could be ommitted
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
Sigh yeah I can see that. I believe in several US states at least the media are strongly encouraged to refrain from posting the means to CTB but not the victim's name. Just wish dying by suicide (reason for death) could be ommitted
I dont honestly think every suicide is reported in the news unless it caused some kind of commotion or for someone with a rank or fame or another crime related suicide. I wouldnt worry too much. My friend was in Oregon in the time she took her own life drinking N in a hotel and I scoured all the news outlets there searching for any report about her suicide for days afterwards but didnt find any
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Nov 3, 2021
Normally comes up in the coroners court hearing long afterwards which seems to have resident journos who report on findings.

Most after the fact stuff I see is age and gender with links to helplines


Dec 31, 2019
We had a desperately sad case here in Florida recently.

Two LEOs committed suicide a day or so apart in separate attempts, leaving behind a infant that is now an orphan.

If you do a perfunctory search, you can find the information online.

I can't imagine what happened to cause both of them to make that choice. I found the whole thing quite depressing.
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Sep 29, 2021
We had a desperately sad case here in Florida recently.

Two LEOs committed suicide a day or so apart in separate attempts, leaving behind a infant that is now an orphan.

If you do a perfunctory search, you can find the information online.

I can't imagine what happened to cause both of them to make that choice. I found the whole thing quite depressing.
I heard about it. very sad news. I felt angry because some social media jerks started rumors about the child not being his and how the wife cheated. People just like to make stuff up to justify and understand reasons for suicide. They usually do that in a stupid way
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Sep 9, 2021
He used SN. I wonder where he got his information from. 


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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
The CEO of Atlanta's public transit agency, MARTA, committed suicide by jumping in front of a train at a station. :aw:

Ironically, across the world, operators such as MARTA routinely come up with plans to prevent suicide by train at their stations. It's very sad that their own CEO CTB using this method.

He used SN. I wonder where he got his information from. 

One doesn't have to be a member or reader of this site to find out the SN method. I found out the SN method by merely reading the NYT article, and also discovered this forum in the process.

SN is an ordinary inorganic salt used in the meat curing process. It's quite cheap as it's a simple salt and can be manufactured easily. Only highly pure (> 99.5%) concentrations may prove to be expensive.
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Of The Universe

Of The Universe

Dec 31, 2021
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even a procrastinator in suicide
Nov 14, 2021
It's from a few years ago, but the case always stuck out to me when I learned about it. Basically a college student went to his campus, entered a classroom, and set it on fire to kill himself. He suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Even though emergency responders got him to a hospital relatively quickly, he died later that day.
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Dec 28, 2021
View attachment 84379
"He is such a bright light who cared so deeply about the happiness of others"

That's probably why he died, no one truly appreciates people like this when they have them. They take them for granted and take advantage.

I'm always there for everyone in need but now that I'm in need, I get triggered and pressured by my loved ones.
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
"He is such a bright light who cared so deeply about the happiness of others"

That's probably why he died, no one truly appreciates people like this when they have them. They take them for granted and take advantage.

I'm always there for everyone in need but now that I'm in need, I get triggered and pressured by my loved ones.
Sometimes even love, privilege and goodlooks combined is not enough
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Isn't it strange that they're not mentioning how he committed suicide?

Or is it a deliberate ploy on the part of mainstream media not to mention the method of CTB for fear of setting off a 'suicide contagion'???
Sme places wnt tlk methds in paprs as prt of guid-lnes 2 prvnt cpy-ct suicds
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
Veteran South African actor Patrick Shai committed suicide at his home

Patrick was found hanging in the garage and his body was untied by his wife.

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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I found SS in the German news. I am quite surprised I have searched it often in the past but did not find anything. I think the reason is the outlet is very small. I just made some research maybe it is not that small. But I have never heard of it.

It is very similar to the NYT article it overtakes the narrative of the NYT and its framing. Calls us a death cult and victims of two incels. The article talks a lot about incels. But also about this forum.
I am too tired to answer.

Here is a thread of mine about a study that says media dramatizes the influence of suicide forums.
This is the wrong thread

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