Smart No More

May 5, 2021
The whole premise of instagram is grimy. Some social media platforms have a certain innocence on the surface but unfortunately they're made for human use and therefore become entrenched is narcissism and greed and perversion. It holds a mirror to peoples hidden side when interacting IRL. Humans can be wonderful but they're outnumbered by the worst examples of humanity.


Oct 25, 2021
I am always searching for news stories on suicide to learn about the people's circumstances that lead to their ctb. If you have stories please share

Ty for these stories I to collect pictures of and stories of to learn
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𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
she was really really pretty). I think it marked me because part of me is sad that I'll die young and waste my "beauty".
wow you weren't exaggerating she really is.
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𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
wow you weren't exaggerating she really is.
yes, she definitely was the ideal woman in terms of looks.

Kpop embed 191129 hpEmbed 20191129 230957 9x14 992

but she was in an abusive relationship with a boyfriend that was violent with her. Poor soul.
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Aug 15, 2021
I looked up Regina King's son and saw he was an only child. That had to be so tough and difficult for him to come to terms with (what it would do to his mother). Of course my thoughts are my Regina and her son's father/family at this time, they must all be suffering so tremendously.

It's interesting there's no thread here about being an only child and the effect it would have on how people feel about ending their lives - I really expected it, because it's tough enough knowing how your actions will make your parents feel when you have siblings, I can't imagine the conflicts of being an OC.
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Dec 20, 2020
The whole premise of instagram is grimy. Some social media platforms have a certain innocence on the surface but unfortunately they're made for human use and therefore become entrenched is narcissism and greed and perversion. It holds a mirror to peoples hidden side when interacting IRL. Humans can be wonderful but they're outnumbered by the worst examples of humanity.
Always interesting to look back at 90s and early 2000s tech Utopianism about how all this communications tech would create world peace by getting people to start talking

Nothing could have been further from the truth
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Dec 19, 2021
I dont honestly think every suicide is reported in the news unless it caused some kind of commotion or for someone with a rank or fame or another crime related suicide. I wouldnt worry too much. My friend was in Oregon in the time she took her own life drinking N in a hotel and I scoured all the news outlets there searching for any report about her suicide for days afterwards but didnt find any
I think there is an unofficial journalism code in the US that deaths are not reported as suicides in the press unless (1) it is a murder-suicide, (2) it occurs in a public place, or (3) the person is well known in the community.
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Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
The suicide of Sulli and Goo Hara https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/International/deaths-goo-hara-sulli-highlight-tremendous-pressures-pop/story?id=67303374

the suicide of Sulli and Goo Hara marked me because they were both really hot an successful young women (especially Goo, she was really really pretty). I think it marked me because part of me is sad that I'll die young and waste my "beauty".
Theyre also bestfriend and ctb just a few month apart.
Sulli also create songs about being 'different' , depression and say how many people are manipulative and fake
From childhood theyre being left alone and pressured to work in showbiz with many demand to be perfect i guess they feel alone

many people look up to them cause they seem to be living in a dream and glam life. But sometimes happiness and sadness only can be feel from inside
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I think there is an unofficial journalism code in the US that deaths are not reported as suicides in the press unless (1) it is a murder-suicide, (2) it occurs in a public place, or (3) the person is well known in the community.
Yup. For some historical reason, reporting on suicides is perceived as a possible cause of suicides
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Nov 23, 2020
The suicide of Sulli and Goo Hara https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/International/deaths-goo-hara-sulli-highlight-tremendous-pressures-pop/story?id=67303374

the suicide of Sulli and Goo Hara marked me because they were both really hot an successful young women (especially Goo, she was really really pretty). I think it marked me because part of me is sad that I'll die young and waste my "beauty".
' As idols are subject to stricter moral and ethical standards, they often become the center of gossip and suffer from severe criticism as well as cyberbullying when they are involved in unwanted scandals, Kim added.

"Idols are, despite their young age, influential figures with wealth and fame, and, as a result, are recognized as individuals who are vicariously realizing the youth's hopes and dreams," Kim continued. "At the same time, however, they are the subject of jealousy. In South Korea, celebrities, including young idols, are held to much higher standards, which can cause intense amount of stress." '

From the article. Sheesh, being raised in an Asian country for half of my life, I definitely see this tbh and it's a double edged sword. On one hand, as the article also mentioned, the fans of these idols see themselves moreso as companions than passive onlookers, thus anything idealized in their minds are closer to them since they get to vicariously through this "companion." But well, this is clearly not healthy as it's a pretty warped perception of reality, and could very well easily abused in many different ways obviously...
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
' As idols are subject to stricter moral and ethical standards, they often become the center of gossip and suffer from severe criticism as well as cyberbullying when they are involved in unwanted scandals, Kim added.

"Idols are, despite their young age, influential figures with wealth and fame, and, as a result, are recognized as individuals who are vicariously realizing the youth's hopes and dreams," Kim continued. "At the same time, however, they are the subject of jealousy. In South Korea, celebrities, including young idols, are held to much higher standards, which can cause intense amount of stress." '

From the article. Sheesh, being raised in an Asian country for half of my life, I definitely see this tbh and it's a double edged sword. On one hand, as the article also mentioned, the fans of these idols see themselves moreso as companions than passive onlookers, thus anything idealized in their minds are closer to them since they get to vicariously through this "companion." But well, this is clearly not healthy as it's a pretty warped perception of reality, and could very well easily abused in many different ways obviously...
This is splendid. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this
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𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
Mayor of Maryland death by suicide confirmed.
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𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
Wow the poor woman must have been desperate, to use jumping as a method. And she was a model, she was ready to go in a way that dammaged her physical beauty. I just don't understand why I can't reach this level of desperation and these successful people can.


Teen jumps to his death in the ocean from a cruise ship

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Jan 6, 2022
Wow the poor woman must have been desperate, to use jumping as a method. And she was a model, she was ready to go in a way that dammaged her physical beauty. I just don't understand why I can't reach this level of desperation and these successful people can.
When you have nothing, there is little to lose, if you have everything you have everything to lose.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
Toyota settles, apologises for suicide of employee caused by overwork and harassment.

I don't understand why the Japanese work themselves to death or kill themselves for companies and bosses that treat them like crap.
Japanese people are reputed to be extremely loyal to their companies, often sacrificing their personal well-being and putting in enormous amounts of overtime, while taking pride in being part of a company.

The government received 2,835 complaints of deaths from overwork, or "karoshi," in 2020. Compensation was paid in more than 800 cases, including suicides.

Fuck Toyota! 🤬 Fuck such large corporations and employers who wring the lives out of their employees. 🤬

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Nov 9, 2019
Shocked I tell you, shocked, that Suicide, Inc. would sink to this level...
Suicide hotline caught sharing user's data for profit companies

https://archive.md/bYJa7 - in case the original gets removed

edit to add:
Isn't it strange that they're not mentioning how he committed suicide?

Or is it a deliberate ploy on the part of mainstream media not to mention the method of CTB for fear of setting off a 'suicide contagion'???
Describing suicide methods is heavily discouraged by the media hivemind, at least in the USA.

Snipping this b/c the site has about 87 million stupid pop up boxes....
Suicide reporting guidelines

1. Exclude suicide method

[ Model is under construction - strong need for labeling to make model work better ]

Use: Include only the least amount of information about the method as possible. Example: "John Doe died by suicide";

Avoid: Avoid reporting the specific details around the suicide, to minimize the contagion effect or copy-cat behaviors.
Examples to avoid: "pointed a 357 Magnum to his right temple"; "took 100 pills mixed with Gin."
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Mar 18, 2021
Not sure if this belongs here but this catholic "news" outlet compares voluntary euthanasia to the holocaust and calls it "barbaric". Meanwhile they worship a 3000 year old jewish mountain-god that calls for mass rape and genocide (even for women and childen), in the old testament, and eternal hellfire for those who don't believe in him, in the "reformed and humanistic" new testament. Thought some of you might get a laugh out of this.

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read Dostoyevsky
Jun 15, 2019
I am very interested in learning about others who have caught the bus. I hope those who come to gawk and screenshoot us don't take this thread the wrong way, as us glorifying suicide perhaps. I can see how this thread could be spun into further evidence that we are a death cult. But for myself, as I'm sure is the case for many others, it's a comfort that we are not alone in our plights.

With that said, I always think of the suicide of Jan Palach who died by self immolation. It was his death anniversary (deathiversary?) recently, as well. Even though his suicide was politically motivated, it's amazing, the way he chose to go....Very flashy... must've been painful. Rest in peace, Jan.

Jan Palach rodinn archiv Jana Palacha
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Nov 9, 2019

Lawmakers Press Amazon on Sales of Chemical Used in Suicides

Even as grieving families tried to warn Amazon and other e-commerce sites of the danger, there were more purchases and more deaths.

NYTimes Link

https://archive.md/x5zdD - NY Times has a weird paywall than I never know I'm gonna hit.

Disappointed, but not surprised. The Nanny State wins again. And again. I guess we need to go splatter ourselves in front of trains or something.
Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
Former MLB star Jeremy Giambi has caught the bus at age 47.

Giambi played between 1998 and 2003 for the Kansas City Royals, Philadelphia Phillies, Oakland Athletics and Boston Red Sox.

His best season was with the Athletics in 2001, where he played alongside his brother Jason, and where the team's exploits were portrayed in the 2003 bestseller 'Moneyball' and the 2011 Brad Pitt film adaptation.

His method of suicide is not mentioned anywhere in the media. I hope he has found eternal peace.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
The Williams sisters' estranged nephew, 21-year-old Alphonse Williams committed suicide (by suspected overdose of an unknown substance). The son of Sabrina Williams (Venus & Serena's half-sister), Alphonse was struggling with depression after being diagnosed with Peyronie's disease.

Only one news outlet is reporting that he died of a suspected overdose, substance unknown. Others are simply saying he committed suicide or took his own life.

I hope Alphonse Williams is now free of all his sufferings and that he has found everlasting peace. 💐


Mar 21, 2021
I am very interested in learning about others who have caught the bus. I hope those who come to gawk and screenshoot us don't take this thread the wrong way, as us glorifying suicide perhaps. I can see how this thread could be spun into further evidence that we are a death cult. But for myself, as I'm sure is the case for many others, it's a comfort that we are not alone in our plights.
I am the same, I need to know as much detail as possible too. I love reading on wikipedia about suicides (not love in that way), each person and how they met their end is fascinating to me.
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looking for my other half (of my skull)
Dec 23, 2021
That plane suicide seems suspicious and suspect...


Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
She wasn't on the news I don't think however she was a Instagram star

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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
That plane suicide seems suspicious and suspect...

It certainly is CTB. Confirmed.

The poor professor was suffering from terminal cancer and was given just three months to live.

Not willing to wait for the grim reaper to take him slowly and very painfully, the poor professor chose a violent but quick method of CTB for himself. I hope the professor has found eternal peace. 💐

This is why the world needs easy and quick access to euthanasia and assisted dying. The professor in this incident would not have chosen to leave this world by crashing a plane if he had had legal access to N at a time of his own choosing. The rabid anti-choice horde never seem to get this inside their tiny brains.
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