
New Member
Aug 22, 2024
For PPH you have to purchase the ebook and show ID with photo that you're over 50 yo and then Wait 30 day waiting period to access the forums.

No, unfortunately potassium nitrite won't work for Su. If you have 8 oz SN that's enough to test and make 3 glasses. 8 oz is 226 grams. You need 75 grams to make the 3 glasses of 25 grams each and 5 grams for testing, so 80 grams total is needed for method.
HI--I got SN sealed bag from retailer on A..........not sure about the company, they dont respond to emails. I used business acct. 1/2 pound bag. Its powder not salt, is that ok? Do i need more or less grams if using powder. How do I test it. They say 99 purity. I cant find the info for testing. I know I saw it before when browsing but I cant figure out how to search or locate anything. Could you direct me? TY...


Aug 17, 2024
Here india its strict, but i written in a plane paper the generic names of dopomine blockers,


and approched many medical shops in town, all they denied, yet atlast one shop keeper asked me back, that "who adviced for this medicine", i told my friend is doctor, and he suggested through phone, then they gave me without billing.
U just try like this something.
Do you know where can we find sodium nitrite in india


Jun 19, 2024
Are there any other side-drugs to use instead of the one that was already mentioned? Getting those prescription drugs is pretty hard here. Thank you


Aug 17, 2024
This post will be dedicated to compiling all the information we have on the Sodium Nitrite method (SN), including what else is needed and comparing it to other popular methods.

Before starting, I HIGHLY encourage you read most, if not all, of the chapters on the PPH, as this method may not be the most suited for you.

First of all, let's discuss why this method works, and how it kills.

Sodium Nitrite, NaNO2, acts as a catalyst in the conversion of the hemoglobin in your blood into methemoglobin (MetHB), a molecule with a much higher affinity with oxygen. This occurs when the ferrous ions in the regular hemoglobin are converted into ferric ones.
Since it's affinity is so high, methemoglobin cannot let the oxygen flow into other tissues that need it, thus depriving them of oxygen even while you're breathing. Death, then, occurs by hypoxia.
Sodium Nitrite poisoning symptoms include nausea, vertigo, vomiting, very heavy headaches and, should you manage to not pass out for too long, seizures.
The PPH claims that, during a monitored suicide with SN, the patient was unconscious at 12 minutes and dead by 35. However, some sources claim that SN poisoning might take as much as 8 hours to kill, probably due to low dosage.
Since methemoglobin creation is a natural process in our bodies, you must be aware that a certain enzyme works to transform it back into hemoglobin again. This is why the recommended dosage has varied on the PPH so much, as the syntetization of these enzymes and their "power" to overcome the formation of MetHB depends purely on your body, thus making a normal, general dose for all who chose this method very hard to determine, unlike N.

As for the physical symptoms your body will experience, not much will really change. Since your blood will mainly be MetHB, it will take on a bluish chocolate brown color, and the tips of your fingers, toes and nose (amongst others) will turn slightly blue from cyanosis.

Now, lets take a look at the "shopping cart".

You'll need the following:

SN: The main compund for this method, Sodium Nitrite is easy enough to find. You're looking for >98% purity Nitrite. This chemical is sold without regulation and can be bought from Amazon, Ebay or any lab supplier in your area. 100 grams cost between 8 and 10€. This chemical is completely legal to own and is used during curation of meats to preserve their color. It's described as "White to yellowish powder/crystals" and it's said to have "slightly salty taste". It is also very soluble in water.
The recommended dose from the PPH is 15 grams, however, this has increased on different issues, from only 5, to 12 and now to 15.
Very important: You're looking for Sodium Nitrite, not Sodium Nitrate; NaNO2, not NaNO3.
Should you not find it just by looking up Sodium Nitrite, look for: NaNO2, NNaO2 or Filmerine. Make sure you're buying what you want and that it's purity is high enough. For more information on it plus some industrial sellers, check Sodium Nitrite on Pubchem.

Antiemetics: Strong enough antiemetics for this method are not OTC, so you'll need to see your way around this. You're looking for Metoclopramide or any of it's commercial names, like Reglan/Primperan. This antiemetic needs to be a Dopamine blocker for it to work.
Antiemetics aren't 100% necessary for this method, however; just like with N, you wont accomplish anything if you end up puking it all out, which is likely. This will also most likely be the bulk of the money you'll use during this method.

Acid Regulators: Another thing recommended in the PPH is raising your stomach's pH to make the SN more effective. This can be accomplished with drugs like Tagamet (The one recommended on the PPH, 800mg, which is to my knowledge OTC) or even bicarbonate, though not as effective.

I recently got asked a few things regarding SN. First of all, you must know that the effects of this poisoning are completely reversible. It is very unlikely that you will have any permanent damage should you be "saved" during your attempt. Secondly, since this method relies on hypoxia, cardiovascular problems will reduce the amount of MetHB in blood needed to actually kill you. This, however, shouldnt really be a problem since it is sold starting from 100 grams, far more than the amount needed.

Lastly, there have been cases of people recovering from SN poisoning without any "side effects", but even if the ambulance is called soon enough, it is not certain that you will survive.

Should you have any question you can't find the answer of, please comment it and maybe you'll find someone on this community who knows.
Also, should you have any more information you'd like to share, please post it and tag me so I can edit this post and get it included. Thank you.

This post will be dedicated to compiling all the information we have on the Sodium Nitrite method (SN), including what else is needed and comparing it to other popular methods.

Before starting, I HIGHLY encourage you read most, if not all, of the chapters on the PPH, as this method may not be the most suited for you.

First of all, let's discuss why this method works, and how it kills.

Sodium Nitrite, NaNO2, acts as a catalyst in the conversion of the hemoglobin in your blood into methemoglobin (MetHB), a molecule with a much higher affinity with oxygen. This occurs when the ferrous ions in the regular hemoglobin are converted into ferric ones.
Since it's affinity is so high, methemoglobin cannot let the oxygen flow into other tissues that need it, thus depriving them of oxygen even while you're breathing. Death, then, occurs by hypoxia.
Sodium Nitrite poisoning symptoms include nausea, vertigo, vomiting, very heavy headaches and, should you manage to not pass out for too long, seizures.
The PPH claims that, during a monitored suicide with SN, the patient was unconscious at 12 minutes and dead by 35. However, some sources claim that SN poisoning might take as much as 8 hours to kill, probably due to low dosage.
Since methemoglobin creation is a natural process in our bodies, you must be aware that a certain enzyme works to transform it back into hemoglobin again. This is why the recommended dosage has varied on the PPH so much, as the syntetization of these enzymes and their "power" to overcome the formation of MetHB depends purely on your body, thus making a normal, general dose for all who chose this method very hard to determine, unlike N.

As for the physical symptoms your body will experience, not much will really change. Since your blood will mainly be MetHB, it will take on a bluish chocolate brown color, and the tips of your fingers, toes and nose (amongst others) will turn slightly blue from cyanosis.

Now, lets take a look at the "shopping cart".

You'll need the following:

SN: The main compund for this method, Sodium Nitrite is easy enough to find. You're looking for >98% purity Nitrite. This chemical is sold without regulation and can be bought from Amazon, Ebay or any lab supplier in your area. 100 grams cost between 8 and 10€. This chemical is completely legal to own and is used during curation of meats to preserve their color. It's described as "White to yellowish powder/crystals" and it's said to have "slightly salty taste". It is also very soluble in water.
The recommended dose from the PPH is 15 grams, however, this has increased on different issues, from only 5, to 12 and now to 15.
Very important: You're looking for Sodium Nitrite, not Sodium Nitrate; NaNO2, not NaNO3.
Should you not find it just by looking up Sodium Nitrite, look for: NaNO2, NNaO2 or Filmerine. Make sure you're buying what you want and that it's purity is high enough. For more information on it plus some industrial sellers, check Sodium Nitrite on Pubchem.

Antiemetics: Strong enough antiemetics for this method are not OTC, so you'll need to see your way around this. You're looking for Metoclopramide or any of it's commercial names, like Reglan/Primperan. This antiemetic needs to be a Dopamine blocker for it to work.
Antiemetics aren't 100% necessary for this method, however; just like with N, you wont accomplish anything if you end up puking it all out, which is likely. This will also most likely be the bulk of the money you'll use during this method.

Acid Regulators: Another thing recommended in the PPH is raising your stomach's pH to make the SN more effective. This can be accomplished with drugs like Tagamet (The one recommended on the PPH, 800mg, which is to my knowledge OTC) or even bicarbonate, though not as effective.

I recently got asked a few things regarding SN. First of all, you must know that the effects of this poisoning are completely reversible. It is very unlikely that you will have any permanent damage should you be "saved" during your attempt. Secondly, since this method relies on hypoxia, cardiovascular problems will reduce the amount of MetHB in blood needed to actually kill you. This, however, shouldnt really be a problem since it is sold starting from 100 grams, far more than the amount needed.

Lastly, there have been cases of people recovering from SN poisoning without any "side effects", but even if the ambulance is called soon enough, it is not certain that you will survive.

Should you have any question you can't find the answer of, please comment it and maybe you'll find someone on this community who knows.
Also, should you have any more information you'd like to share, please post it and tag me so I can edit this post and get it included. Thank you.
In Stan's guide to SN, it says purity> 95% but here it says purity > 98%.

Will both work?


from farm to fork
May 7, 2024
I was thinking of using sleeping pills before SN but now that I'm looking through failed attempts, for some reason even when they were able to take the SN and faint, they would fail anyways. What exactly is cancelling the effects of it?
Not drinking enough SN or too diluted because nothing can overpower SN, if you can keep it in the body.
I have these drugs to take with SN, in what order do I take them and how?

metoclopramide (10mg)
propranolol (40mg)
cimetidine (200mg)
meto and cimetidine together just take it normally

Propranolol depends on how much u plan to take
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