Thinking a bit more about this (and crossing my fingers for *everyone*

1. brown bottles, even without labels and boxes, will be a dead giveaway straight up, no-one will need weeks or an autopsy to *think* 'Halatal'. Emergency services and crime scene investigators deal with suicides (even though any CSIs would then find there was no crime committed), they know the methods, and they know pentobarbital is one that comes in a brown bottle in Peru. It will take minutes, if not seconds, of someone competent observing the scene to reach *a strong suspicion* of the right conclusion. Does word then immediately go out to vendors of Halatal?

2. a suite in a 5-star hotel is the kind of location to be of interest to media. Whether a story might be broken by the authorities as part of a kind of a public service announcement, with the location as a hook upon which to hang the story, or might leak from the hotel is another matter. One would think the hotel and staff would have their lips firmly sealed. Might the name/reputation of the hotel steer the police towards keeping things quiet(er)?

That could depend on quite how fancy the hotel is, whether it's part of an international chain etc.
3. hotels know their guests' comings and goings, not least high-end hotels and their high-rollers. Between cameras in communal areas, electronic locks and room key cards being able to record entry and exit times, motion sensors in some rooms etc. And then there's just the good, old-fashioned matter of staff physically observing guests come and go. Not seeing someone emerge *combined with* no room service or food deliveries...

A 'Do Not Disturb' sign may not override a well-intentioned check to see if all is okay. Nemehawk said more than 48 hours after consumption, so that sounds like they booked the suite until Wednesday.
4. the greater the distance and disconnect between source and execution (!), obviously the better
Because of 2. and 3.,
if to be done in paid-for accommodation, Airbnb or any apartment booking for an extra 2 nights after ctb date for the win? 
[Lots of 'monocle' and 'thinking' emojis, I know.]
I *hope* I'm wrong

(but fear I *might* be right

Hopefully nemehawk is gone for good (in the way they intended) and there is no blowback.