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Jun 13, 2018
Apologies if it's been answered before, a running bowline knot for the noose is more reliable than the simpler slip knot?


dead inside
Sep 23, 2024
The multiple practice and real attempts, I was on the verge of passing out. I was numb, vision getting patchy, and my body getting warm. (This was roughly 5 to 10 secs).

I still having trouble with whole gasping for air thing. I can sorta deal with SI when it comes to putting the rope around my neck but what about the body's natural response to gasp for air? Would alcohol or benzos help depress that response?

I had the rope above my hyoid bone but I've read resources that said people to put the rope up 1/3 of the neck to only compress the carotid artery and not trachea? (Not at the base of the neck, little bit above but below the Adams apple)


Oct 6, 2024
So I posted this in a thread I created earlier today in a thread and someone messaged me suggesting that I post it in here as well so this is word for word what I posted earlier

Wow! So literally less than half an hour ago I was testing my set up. The first time I'd tried it. I'd never attempted to make myself pass out before or anything like that. I just set up and thought I'll just give it a try. Tbh I don't think I was convinced I'd get it right. Wow. I'm using both a belt and a rope and I put them round my neck and lowered, a little uncomfortable around the neck pressure wise but absolutely no pain and before I could think of anything else I'd semi passed out I guess you'd say I didn't realise I'd gone. I was still thinking and almost having an internal convo but I'd gone the next thing I know I am aware that I'm struggling and I'm panting or gasping and then almost out of shock I stood up. I'm not sure if that's because it was only supposed to be a test and I stood up out of shock or if that's going to be a problem I need to address. But wow. It was so quick that I went semi conscious. I didn't even realise it had happened at first. My concern now is I've just looked in mirror and there are now like little purple sports all over my face that people will notice. I've hoping they will fade. But I wasn't expecting it so be so fast, painless and easy. Maybe it doesn't remain painless or whatever but wow.
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Apr 17, 2024
I'm a veteran of inert gas and firearm threads , checked out the hanging thread as maybe it will be more sutable for my incredible SI. Tht is plaguing me

I've scanned a bit, just wondering if there's a gold standard as far as knots, belt or rope, or whatever, and best location and exact procedure.

For example, on the innert gas thread for exit bag, has, gold standard step-by-step procedure, and exact tools

OP seems pretty vague on exact procedure and tools in this thread .


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New Member
Jul 22, 2024
gold standard as far as knots, belt or rope, or whatever, and best location and exact procedure.

For knots. the best for the noose is the slipknot. For the anchor point, water bowline.
I cannot answer for belts and ropes. I personally think ropes are better but as long as you're not using something thin and stretchy you'll be good, but what you listed are the standard.
Best location? If you don't want to be found immediately, a place like a forest is good.
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Sep 10, 2024
Hanging is the way that I want to use, I used to use various gore websites to see how hanging works, certainly don't like the idea of blowing my head off, too noisy and messy. My idea is to find a strong branch on a tree, hidden from view, as I don't want to be found. A problem I have is what to stand on. In the middle of a forest, what can you stand on?
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dead inside
Sep 23, 2024
So I posted this in a thread I created earlier today in a thread and someone messaged me suggesting that I post it in here as well so this is word for word what I posted earlier

Wow! So literally less than half an hour ago I was testing my set up. The first time I'd tried it. I'd never attempted to make myself pass out before or anything like that. I just set up and thought I'll just give it a try. Tbh I don't think I was convinced I'd get it right. Wow. I'm using both a belt and a rope and I put them round my neck and lowered, a little uncomfortable around the neck pressure wise but absolutely no pain and before I could think of anything else I'd semi passed out I guess you'd say I didn't realise I'd gone. I was still thinking and almost having an internal convo but I'd gone the next thing I know I am aware that I'm struggling and I'm panting or gasping and then almost out of shock I stood up. I'm not sure if that's because it was only supposed to be a test and I stood up out of shock or if that's going to be a problem I need to address. But wow. It was so quick that I went semi conscious. I didn't even realise it had happened at first. My concern now is I've just looked in mirror and there are now like little purple sports all over my face that people will notice. I've hoping they will fade. But I wasn't expecting it so be so fast, painless and easy. Maybe it doesn't remain painless or whatever but wow.
So having a belt and a rope together meant you passes out quicker? I did see a old post talking about that. So do you think 2 ropes is better than 1?
Hanging is the way that I want to use, I used to use various gore websites to see how hanging works, certainly don't like the idea of blowing my head off, too noisy and messy. My idea is to find a strong branch on a tree, hidden from view, as I don't want to be found. A problem I have is what to stand on. In the middle of a forest, what can you stand on?
I'm in your situation. I have a closet with a metal bar or a woody area where no one really goes to. The problem is what to step on as if I carry a fold up chair o a bus to this place it may raise suspicion (as you also have to walk an hour past suburban streets and I don't have a car).

I found that my local store sells the portable stool for camping and can fold out easily. It'd small and can be carried in a bag, not sure about how strong it is tho.
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Nov 25, 2024
I just thought this information is better off here now, because the original source has been taken down.
If this violates any rules or if the author doesn't want this information to be reproduced on other sites, the admins or mods are free to delete my thread. I hope you don't mind, this is very useful, and it's not my intention to steal Loe's content.
Source and credit: Loe


Guide to partially suspended hanging:

Warning: Don't try this method unless you're totally sure that:
a) you want to kill yourself
b) that you won't be found for at least 30 minutes after you attempt.

This method is very lethal and quick (quick from your perspective
anyway, as you black out within seconds), but if you're found in time
and 'saved' you can end up with serious brain damage and/or be left a

Why partial suspension?
Because full suspension seems to me to be unnecessary and creates
difficulties. First of all you need to find a place which would hold
your entire weight, which isn't easy, and also you need a stronger
ligature, which isn't always easy to find either. There's nothing
wrong with full suspension, but it may not be a viable method for
everyone, especially if you're looking to use everyday materials from
around the home.

By partial suspension I mean that you hang yourself around the neck
(specifically the carotid artery), and push downwards while kneeling.
This should create enough downward pressure on the ligature to tighten
it and close the carotid artery and stop the blood flow to your brain.
All you need is 3 kilograms of pressure to do this, which isn't much
at all.

Also, with full suspension your entire body weight is pressurizing
your neck, and this would probably be more than enough to not only cut
off the blood supply to your brain, but break your neck as well. I'm
not too sure if that's a good or a bad thing. I do know though, that
statistically people who've attempted via hanging have more often been
found kneeling and partially suspended than being fully suspended.

Where is the carotid artery?
Before you start you have to know this. If you place your hand around
the middle of your neck, around your Adam's apple, with one thumb on
one side and all fingers on the other, you should feel a strong pulse
and heartbeat. If you close your hand now fairly firmly, you'll
probably make yourself pass out. It might be a good idea to try this
to make sure you've got the right spot.

What type of ligature?
You need a ligature that's strong, but not too elastic. It doesn't
have to be very long, 1 meter or more would be plenty. I'd advise
against nylon rope, string, fishing wire, etc.
Neckties on the other hand, are perfect Smile .

It may also be a good idea to lubricate the ligature with soap. This
would help the noose tighten even quicker, especially if you're using
a rough ligature such as a rope. Lubricating it in this way will
increase the friction once you push your head down and tighten the
noose, and could make it a little more effective and faster.

What type of knot?
A slipknot. It's one of the most basic knots around, and you make it
with one end of your ligature. The other end should go around your
hanging place.

Many people have the misguided idea that a hangman's knot should be
used, but they're wrong. A hangman's knot is for a completely
different purpose, and won't work for this method.

Where should I hang?
You should hang from a support which will hold part of your weight.

You should test this by tying the loose end of your ligature around
the support several times, sticking your hand (NOT your head) in the
noose and pushing down with it. If the noose holds, you're fine. If
not, then you'll have to find another spot.

A great and easy place to hang is from the thick horizontal metal bar
which you find in wardrobes in most homes.

When should I do it?
When no one else will be in the same area, for at least 30 minutes.
You lose consciousness within seconds but your body doesn't completely
die for around 15-20 minutes. The extra 10-15 minutes is for
preparation time and just in case.


When you're completely ready, kneel down, stick your head in the
noose, position it around the carotid artery and push downwards with
your head.

Good luck...


Nov 12, 2024
I will share my experiences on hanging generally. I did try partial hanging 2-3 times. There are few points i want to notice:
-not everyone has the same body, some people have more muscle in the neck, some less. So it's very difficult to make general rules; in fact some points (especially physically) are very individuals... For example i'm skinny and i realised that constraining the carotid is quite easy with my body.. but it could be very different from a person to another...
-as far as you understand knots , how to set it up and have a valid anchor points, it's mostly all about the rope, i will come back on that with more details on this point by explaining my tests...

so the first time i tried, i was in fact more interested by another method to ctb but the SI was so high that i began to search on something else. At first as most of us i wasn't considering hanging because i thought hanging was all about suffocation and i didn't imagine myself hanging and suffering heavy pain and suffocting for long minutes... but by informing myself here, i realised that this idea about hanging was wrong and it's not about suffocating but about blood constriction. So i decided to make a little test with the wardrobe bar as anchor point and an audio cable used in studio something like this :

This may appear dumb but i had nothing else but a tons of those cables at my disposal as i'm a musician/sound engineer. I didn't make a crazy setup, just a bowline knot at the anchor point and a slipknot around my neck. i placed the rope below my adam apple, cause i've read that it was more efficient to constrict the carotid without putting pressure on the trachea this way, and so not suffering from breath problem. I even didn't kneel really just falling down the top of my body to put a very little pressure on my neck.
It was a test, i didn't know what to expect at all. As It was only a test, i wasn't afraid at all (when i usually set up things for a real ctb attempt i'm usually scared and stressed). I remembered saying to myself "ok what can i think about to wait till something happened? Ok let's count... one, two, three, foooouuuwww....." i didn't went more far; without really realising it was exactly like falling asleep, it was very quick and i didn't really realise what's going on. My vision faded within a second, turning black, which seems logical, i mean like jet plane pilot taking some G, blood leave the brain, you loose the vision, but here not only the vision but also the consciousness. It was not painfull at all, no hard pressure was needed i breathe normally etc, it was actually very peaceful, easy and when the blackout comes you don't realise it, just like faling asleep.
As fast as it came my body or subconscious (i don't really know, maye both) reacted and probably raise my body to ease the pressure, i came back as fast and "wake up" completely freaked out by the situation. So much that my mind told me "you're crazy,you tried to kill yourself, go in a psych ward or something!!", i was really shocked and scared of what i did. I needed minutes to calm down, but even for few hours i was still a bit stressed by the experience but much lightly.

Anyway this experience learnt me how fast and painless hanging could be if done properly. In fact it must be done well for the carotid will be constraint efficiently and fast so the blood will leave your brain fastly and you will loose consciousness quickly and won't have the time to suffer.
But i also understood why partial is a random method. Your body/subconscious/SI whatever have much more chance to move, to ease the pressure, to do whatever is necessary to save you. I'm not so surprise to read here many tests here from people that woke up on a different position, some already put out the rope without realising, unconsciouly... etc.
So it's important to understand that partial hanging is more easy because it doesn't need a complicated setup, as the anchor point doesn't need to be that high or that strong to elevate and support your entire weight. It's also more easy because if done correctly you can just put a little pressure on your carotid, without touching/forcing on the trachea, you can breath normally and without hurting your neck (feeling almost nothing after the experience and no mark on your neck).
But this method is complicated to really ctb, your body and subconscious have much more chance to ease the pressure, put out the rope etc... Make you survive etc.
I'm not saying we can't die this way, obviously some people succeeded, but i don't think it's really reliable unfortunately to ctb straight and sure with partial.... Many people here say the same thing, you'll mostly survive and try several times than really succeed.
It's a good method to learn the fundamentals (anchor points, knots, rope, carotid etc) and experience the thing but not reliable to end up your life with a good certainty.

Recently i decided i will use hanging as my main method. Trying partial again eventually but considering seriously full suspension to be effective.
I bought a rope for the occasion

10,5mm as i read more thick is more confortale. It's a type A (semi) static rope, polyamide (nylon) more for working or speology than climbing. Climbing use more dynamic ropes that are better in the case of a fall because they are more elastic and they will amortize.

So that looks pretty good right?

So short story; i tried again partial with this (two times in fact, one more seriously). It didnt work very well. It seems like even with much more pressure, i don't succeed to blackout, or at least it is way harder and longer to get there (and not really there, more half the way; you don't really blackout, but you're not really conscious too.... Let's say half consious like some others say, you can still think but vaguely, like ready to sleep but not passing the door... kinda weird). I had to put more pressure and it was less efficient, i felt it more on my neck, i felt it more on my trachea not abusively but felt it. And i felt a light pain for few minutes after the experience.
So what's going on there? I did exactly the same thing, in fact even better, with a better position, with more pressure etc.... but the rope is not good. It's not really flexible, if you give it a shape, it kinda keeps it; the rope is too stiff and the result is pretty much different. This experience was much more painful. It was bearable because it was only a partial, but already uncomfortable. And i guess it would be painful and hard to try a full suspension with it.
The audio cable on the contrary is so flexible (even more than an orange electric cable) that it will easily cut the carotid without much pressure, and is completely painless.... But let's be clear i don't think that it could handle my weight in a full suspension situation.

So i have to buy more material. Another rope wich will be much more flexible and as effective as the audio cable, but stronger. And i will maybe buy a tree ratchet to try night-night as i know i can easily blackout without pain if done correctly and just let myself go, lying on my bed which would be painless and comfortable. Night-night doesn't seems so popular but in my experience it is worth the try as i know i can black out easily, the night-night method could be good for the comfort and being more reliable (or not if unconsciously i could be able to free myself; but as i said... worth a try).

To answer few questions we frequently see about hanging:
-Is hanging painful? Yes and No. If done softly a partial could be totally painless, very fast. But it's not really reliable.
Full suspension is surely more painful, it will surely put much more pressure on the neck, on the trachea, but if it's done correctly you won't have much time to handle it. You could black out with 5 seconds and be done with it; but also depending the rope, depending your body, the knot and where it is placed, it could result in more or less pressure on the carotid and make it more long to fade in an unconscious state wich would result in a much more painful way... In a way or another the fact is; it's much more reliable and you're obviously dead within few minutes. And most likely you will black out within 5-15 seconds. Normally more than 10 seconds already means that something is wrong in the setup (or your neck is muscular as hell idk, but hey even very muscualr marines succeed to easily pass out their colleagues; fat people seems moreprotected than skinny and muscular, but hey very fat neck are rare and in a full suspension scenario, the pressure will be enough, as the fatest the more pressure etc....)). In most cases people will black out within seconds.
So if done correctly full suspension will be uncomfortable, scary and painful but for a very short time.

That's why it's all about the rope... Other factor may influence the result, as we don't have the same body etc, but globally as far as everyting is done correctly, it's just about having a good rope/cable/whatever possible; which means a very flexible one that will pressure your carotid the fastest and efficient way possible.

-Is SI an issue? less with the partial method clearly, especially the first time as you don't know what to expect and if you're reassured about it being painless, you probably won't have any issue about SI. But the more you will try it and the more SI will interfere. Because as far as your mental make the setup try to ctb, your body knows what you're doing and will stress.
For some people do some test and partial will make them more confident, about pain for example and help them with SI. Some people will probably experience some blackout or little pain and will be more and more stressed at each attempt. So it's hard to say. IT will probably easier for some to try make it straight the first time when some other will find easier to make it step by step etc...
Globally for a full suspension SI will be there, some people are unable to jump/step out the chair blocked by their SI. Is it stronger or lighter than with jump or firearms? It mostly depends on the individual here, so, there's no answer. As always about ctb, it's mostly about the last impulse, or you're ableto make it or not, that's all.

-Is it an efficient method? Well, partial is not. Doesn't mean you cannot die by doing it but it's way too uncertain as i explained. We're many people who have tried, sometimes several times and are here to talk about.
Full suspension is way more reliable. Don't forget in most countries Hanging is the most used method, in almost half of the cases, far away from other methods...! (there are few exceptions, like USA using more firearms than other countries due to the ease to get one; some big asians cities like in japan or hong kong where jumping represents half of the cases due to a huge amount of skyscraper, also recently carbon monoxide became quite popular in asia; but globally hanging is the most used method in most countries by both men and women, and by a large margin). So it is a very reliable method, maybe the most improved and used method since always. It's not necessary to overthink it (which seems to be something common with most of us here), as far as you have a rope or anything similar and an anchor point, you can make it. The reputation of being complicated, needing to be prepared, full setup and material etc is exagerated. Yes it needs a minimum setup but it's also quite easy to set up and it's very efficient. The setup will mostly determine how quick it will be to pass out, to be unconscious. In some other words, the best way you do it, the fastest you will go with the quickest pain possible.

-Can anything else than a rope could work? Like belt, sheet etc? Yes it could do the job but as i just said some will make it more difficult and could be longer to pass out, so it will be longer for you to handle the eventual pain. A bathrobe belt will do the job in a good way i think as long as it can handle your weight, as a tie, as both are very flexible. Don't think the "rope" is the miraculous tool. There are tons of different rope, so what kinf of rope? handling your weight is the main goal of course, especially in a full suspension scenario, but i bought a very good rope which is good for speleology and not really for hanging... Honnestly an orange electric cable will do the job better than this rope. So overthink the thing is useless. If the rope/belt/cable/whatever can handle the weight, the next point is the flexibility, so its ability to constraint your carotid the most efficiently. On the other hand dont forget all body are different, some neck will be easier than others. So partial is a good exercise to see about that: it will tell you more about the rope and eventually on how your body is easier or harder to constraint the blood from the carotid.
I've read a lot about people didn't pass out and are waiting even one or two minutes.... You surely don't do it good. Maybe your body is harder, you have more muscle in the neck your carotid is maybe more hidden in there, but yeah globaly we can say you don't do it good if you don't pass out quickly on a partial. I don't think "more pressure" is always the solution, for some maybe, maybe it's about the rope etc.
Some experienced hear loss, feeling of head exploding, this probably result of a good constriction of the jugular and not the carotid. It means the blood can go to the head but can't go back efficiently or with difficulty (if it couldnt go back at all, you should experience a red out....) So you're putting pressure on jugular, not carotid, and probably not enough if you're able to handle for a minute.... If done properly a real hanging will make you unconscious very fast. On some sicentific study,observation on hanged people i've found they don't talk about people hangin consiously for minutes, like never; everyoneis fainding within 5-20 seconds from the number they give.
So people failing to black out on a partial don't do it good, maybe you should consider using another rope/cable/something. And normally most body wouldn't need that much pressure. Below adam's apple it seems quite easy to make it without pressuring the trachea. At least with my body but some other people here say the same... Don't forget the carotid and other veins are more on the side (front side...) which means the cable must be flexible enough to pressurize efficiently on the side of the neck without putting much pressure on the front.... The secret seems to be there.

-Is there a way in full suspension to avoid pain at max, especially on trachea and breathe problem? Almost impossible to answer. As long as other factors have been mastered (good rope, good knot, knot on the back etc), the rest is random and depend from case to case... If you took a good enough rope/belt/cable which is sufficient and flexible enough its scientifically observed that you will faint and loose conscious quickly, even within seconds eventually. So in most cases within 5-15 seconds, you won't be able to feel anything, s this will be pretty quick; it's not a 5min suffocation pain. But also be fully suspended by the neck is not comfortable, in most cases the person faint very fast but 10 seconds can still appear a bit long in a painful situation. Yes but it's not a 5 min too. Let's put it in perspective you will have few seconds where you will realise what you're doing and suffer a certain pain, but this pain is not the worst physical pain; mentally you could feel stressed and scared a lot by the situation (hello SI), but let's be honnest in well done full suspension, after few seconds your brain won't be able to feel it and philosophize about it. It will be pretty quick.
There are maybe methods to protect more the trachea and pressurize more the carotid like putting something on the neck like in the night-night method. Something like that is surely possible but also make it more sophisticated and complicated to realise...

-After i pass out, how long it will take to die? It's about 10 minutes, more or less. In some cases some people maybe show some signs after that point, but in most cases after 10-15 minutes things are done. For the longest 20 minutes max i've read on some observation. That's why some people usually advise to have 30 minutes in front of you, to be large and safe. But in most cases 10 minutes will be enough. You don't need a long time alone to make it. From the starting point, 15 minutes should be enough in most cases.

I think i covered most usual questions, if you have some i will try to help. Once again a good flexible rope, a knot well done and placed in the back of the neck is enough. Full suspension is the most common and used method. It is very lethal. As everything It's not a 100% lethal method but quite close. Not so much people came back from a full suspension to be able to talk about it. There are two cases to not die on a full suspension:
-someone found the hanged person quickly
-the anchor or the rope broke
(= ... -a chair or something was around and make possible the come back => usually it means the person voluntary did create a setup with a possible come back; especially as you won't have much time to make it.... i think it's quite rare)
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
I will share my experiences on hanging generally. I did try partial hanging 2-3 times. There are few points i want to notice:
-not everyone has the same body, some people have more muscle in the neck, some less. So it's very difficult to make general rules; in fact some points (especially physically) are very individuals... For example i'm skinny and i realised that constraining the carotid is quite easy with my body.. but it could be very different from a person to another...
-as far as you understand knots , how to set it up and have a valid anchor points, it's mostly all about the rope, i will come back on that with more details on this point by explaining my tests...

so the first time i tried, i was in fact more interested by another method to ctb but the SI was so high that i began to search on something else. At first as most of us i wasn't considering hanging because i thought hanging was all about suffocation and i didn't imagine myself hanging and suffering heavy pain and suffocting for long minutes... but by informing myself here, i realised that this idea about hanging was wrong and it's not about suffocating but about blood constriction. So i decided to make a little test with the wardrobe bar as anchor point and an audio cable used in studio something like this :

This may appear dumb but i had nothing else but a tons of those cables at my disposal as i'm a musician/sound engineer. I didn't make a crazy setup, just a bowline knot at the anchor point and a slipknot around my neck. i placed the rope below my adam apple, cause i've read that it was more efficient to constrict the carotid without putting pressure on the trachea this way, and so not suffering from breath problem. I even didn't kneel really just falling down the top of my body to put a very little pressure on my neck.
It was a test, i didn't know what to expect at all. As It was only a test, i wasn't afraid at all (when i usually set up things for a real ctb attempt i'm usually scared and stressed). I remembered saying to myself "ok what can i think about to wait till something happened? Ok let's count... one, two, three, foooouuuwww....." i didn't went more far; without really realising it was exactly like falling asleep, it was very quick and i didn't really realise what's going on. My vision faded within a second, turning black, which seems logical, i mean like jet plane pilot taking some G, blood leave the brain, you loose the vision, but here not only the vision but also the consciousness. It was not painfull at all, no hard pressure was needed i breathe normally etc, it was actually very peaceful, easy and when the blackout comes you don't realise it, just like faling asleep.
As fast as it came my body or subconscious (i don't really know, maye both) reacted and probably raise my body to ease the pressure, i came back as fast and "wake up" completely freaked out by the situation. So much that my mind told me "you're crazy,you tried to kill yourself, go in a psych ward or something!!", i was really shocked and scared of what i did. I needed minutes to calm down, but even for few hours i was still a bit stressed by the experience but much lightly.

Anyway this experience learnt me how fast and painless hanging could be if done properly. In fact it must be done well for the carotid will be constraint efficiently and fast so the blood will leave your brain fastly and you will loose consciousness quickly and won't have the time to suffer.
But i also understood why partial is a random method. Your body/subconscious/SI whatever have much more chance to move, to ease the pressure, to do whatever is necessary to save you. I'm not so surprise to read here many tests here from people that woke up on a different position, some already put out the rope without realising, unconsciouly... etc.
So it's important to understand that partial hanging is more easy because it doesn't need a complicated setup, as the anchor point doesn't need to be that high or that strong to elevate and support your entire weight. It's also more easy because if done correctly you can just put a little pressure on your carotid, without touching/forcing on the trachea, you can breath normally and without hurting your neck (feeling almost nothing after the experience and no mark on your neck).
But this method is complicated to really ctb, your body and subconscious have much more chance to ease the pressure, put out the rope etc... Make you survive etc.
I'm not saying we can't die this way, obviously some people succeeded, but i don't think it's really reliable unfortunately to ctb straight and sure with partial.... Many people here say the same thing, you'll mostly survive and try several times than really succeed.
It's a good method to learn the fundamentals (anchor points, knots, rope, carotid etc) and experience the thing but not reliable to end up your life with a good certainty.

Recently i decided i will use hanging as my main method. Trying partial again eventually but considering seriously full suspension to be effective.
I bought a rope for the occasion

10,5mm as i read more thick is more confortale. It's a type A (semi) static rope, polyamide (nylon) more for working or speology than climbing. Climbing use more dynamic ropes that are better in the case of a fall because they are more elastic and they will amortize.

So that looks pretty good right?

So short story; i tried again partial with this (two times in fact, one more seriously). It didnt work very well. It seems like even with much more pressure, i don't succeed to blackout, or at least it is way harder and longer to get there (and not really there, more half the way; you don't really blackout, but you're not really conscious too.... Let's say half consious like some others say, you can still think but vaguely, like ready to sleep but not passing the door... kinda weird). I had to put more pressure and it was less efficient, i felt it more on my neck, i felt it more on my trachea not abusively but felt it. And i felt a light pain for few minutes after the experience.
So what's going on there? I did exactly the same thing, in fact even better, with a better position, with more pressure etc.... but the rope is not good. It's not really flexible, if you give it a shape, it kinda keeps it; the rope is too stiff and the result is pretty much different. This experience was much more painful. It was bearable because it was only a partial, but already uncomfortable. And i guess it would be painful and hard to try a full suspension with it.
The audio cable on the contrary is so flexible (even more than an orange electric cable) that it will easily cut the carotid without much pressure, and is completely painless.... But let's be clear i don't think that it could handle my weight in a full suspension situation.

So i have to buy more material. Another rope wich will be much more flexible and as effective as the audio cable, but stronger. And i will maybe buy a tree ratchet to try night-night as i know i can easily blackout without pain if done correctly and just let myself go, lying on my bed which would be painless and comfortable. Night-night doesn't seems so popular but in my experience it is worth the try as i know i can black out easily, the night-night method could be good for the comfort and being more reliable (or not if unconsciously i could be able to free myself; but as i said... worth a try).

To answer few questions we frequently see about hanging:
-Is hanging painful? Yes and No. If done softly a partial could be totally painless, very fast. But it's not really reliable.
Full suspension is surely more painful, it will surely put much more pressure on the neck, on the trachea, but if it's done correctly you won't have much time to handle it. You could black out with 5 seconds and be done with it; but also depending the rope, depending your body, the knot and where it is placed, it could result in more or less pressure on the carotid and make it more long to fade in an unconscious state wich would result in a much more painful way... In a way or another the fact is; it's much more reliable and you're obviously dead within few minutes. And most likely you will black out within 5-15 seconds. Normally more than 10 seconds already means that something is wrong in the setup (or your neck is muscular as hell idk, but hey even very muscualr marines succeed to easily pass out their colleagues; fat people seems moreprotected than skinny and muscular, but hey very fat neck are rare and in a full suspension scenario, the pressure will be enough, as the fatest the more pressure etc....)). In most cases people will black out within seconds.
So if done correctly full suspension will be uncomfortable, scary and painful but for a very short time.

That's why it's all about the rope... Other factor may influence the result, as we don't have the same body etc, but globally as far as everyting is done correctly, it's just about having a good rope/cable/whatever possible; which means a very flexible one that will pressure your carotid the fastest and efficient way possible.

-Is SI an issue? less with the partial method clearly, especially the first time as you don't know what to expect and if you're reassured about it being painless, you probably won't have any issue about SI. But the more you will try it and the more SI will interfere. Because as far as your mental make the setup try to ctb, your body knows what you're doing and will stress.
For some people do some test and partial will make them more confident, about pain for example and help them with SI. Some people will probably experience some blackout or little pain and will be more and more stressed at each attempt. So it's hard to say. IT will probably easier for some to try make it straight the first time when some other will find easier to make it step by step etc...
Globally for a full suspension SI will be there, some people are unable to jump/step out the chair blocked by their SI. Is it stronger or lighter than with jump or firearms? It mostly depends on the individual here, so, there's no answer. As always about ctb, it's mostly about the last impulse, or you're ableto make it or not, that's all.

-Is it an efficient method? Well, partial is not. Doesn't mean you cannot die by doing it but it's way too uncertain as i explained. We're many people who have tried, sometimes several times and are here to talk about.
Full suspension is way more reliable. Don't forget in most countries Hanging is the most used method, in almost half of the cases, far away from other methods...! (there are few exceptions, like USA using more firearms than other countries due to the ease to get one; some big asians cities like in japan or hong kong where jumping represents half of the cases due to a huge amount of skyscraper, also recently carbon monoxide became quite popular in asia; but globally hanging is the most used method in most countries by both men and women, and by a large margin). So it is a very reliable method, maybe the most improved and used method since always. It's not necessary to overthink it (which seems to be something common with most of us here), as far as you have a rope or anything similar and an anchor point, you can make it. The reputation of being complicated, needing to be prepared, full setup and material etc is exagerated. Yes it needs a minimum setup but it's also quite easy to set up and it's very efficient. The setup will mostly determine how quick it will be to pass out, to be unconscious. In some other words, the best way you do it, the fastest you will go with the quickest pain possible.

-Can anything else than a rope could work? Like belt, sheet etc? Yes it could do the job but as i just said some will make it more difficult and could be longer to pass out, so it will be longer for you to handle the eventual pain. A bathrobe belt will do the job in a good way i think as long as it can handle your weight, as a tie, as both are very flexible. Don't think the "rope" is the miraculous tool. There are tons of different rope, so what kinf of rope? handling your weight is the main goal of course, especially in a full suspension scenario, but i bought a very good rope which is good for speleology and not really for hanging... Honnestly an orange electric cable will do the job better than this rope. So overthink the thing is useless. If the rope/belt/cable/whatever can handle the weight, the next point is the flexibility, so its ability to constraint your carotid the most efficiently. On the other hand dont forget all body are different, some neck will be easier than others. So partial is a good exercise to see about that: it will tell you more about the rope and eventually on how your body is easier or harder to constraint the blood from the carotid.
I've read a lot about people didn't pass out and are waiting even one or two minutes.... You surely don't do it good. Maybe your body is harder, you have more muscle in the neck your carotid is maybe more hidden in there, but yeah globaly we can say you don't do it good if you don't pass out quickly on a partial. I don't think "more pressure" is always the solution, for some maybe, maybe it's about the rope etc.
Some experienced hear loss, feeling of head exploding, this probably result of a good constriction of the jugular and not the carotid. It means the blood can go to the head but can't go back efficiently or with difficulty (if it couldnt go back at all, you should experience a red out....) So you're putting pressure on jugular, not carotid, and probably not enough if you're able to handle for a minute.... If done properly a real hanging will make you unconscious very fast. On some sicentific study,observation on hanged people i've found they don't talk about people hangin consiously for minutes, like never; everyoneis fainding within 5-20 seconds from the number they give.
So people failing to black out on a partial don't do it good, maybe you should consider using another rope/cable/something. And normally most body wouldn't need that much pressure. Below adam's apple it seems quite easy to make it without pressuring the trachea. At least with my body but some other people here say the same... Don't forget the carotid and other veins are more on the side (front side...) which means the cable must be flexible enough to pressurize efficiently on the side of the neck without putting much pressure on the front.... The secret seems to be there.

-Is there a way in full suspension to avoid pain at max, especially on trachea and breathe problem? Almost impossible to answer. As long as other factors have been mastered (good rope, good knot, knot on the back etc), the rest is random and depend from case to case... If you took a good enough rope/belt/cable which is sufficient and flexible enough its scientifically observed that you will faint and loose conscious quickly, even within seconds eventually. So in most cases within 5-15 seconds, you won't be able to feel anything, s this will be pretty quick; it's not a 5min suffocation pain. But also be fully suspended by the neck is not comfortable, in most cases the person faint very fast but 10 seconds can still appear a bit long in a painful situation. Yes but it's not a 5 min too. Let's put it in perspective you will have few seconds where you will realise what you're doing and suffer a certain pain, but this pain is not the worst physical pain; mentally you could feel stressed and scared a lot by the situation (hello SI), but let's be honnest in well done full suspension, after few seconds your brain won't be able to feel it and philosophize about it. It will be pretty quick.
There are maybe methods to protect more the trachea and pressurize more the carotid like putting something on the neck like in the night-night method. Something like that is surely possible but also make it more sophisticated and complicated to realise...

-After i pass out, how long it will take to die? It's about 10 minutes, more or less. In some cases some people maybe show some signs after that point, but in most cases after 10-15 minutes things are done. For the longest 20 minutes max i've read on some observation. That's why some people usually advise to have 30 minutes in front of you, to be large and safe. But in most cases 10 minutes will be enough. You don't need a long time alone to make it. From the starting point, 15 minutes should be enough in most cases.

I think i covered most usual questions, if you have some i will try to help. Once again a good flexible rope, a knot well done and placed in the back of the neck is enough. Full suspension is the most common and used method. It is very lethal. As everything It's not a 100% lethal method but quite close. Not so much people came back from a full suspension to be able to talk about it. There are two cases to not die on a full suspension:
-someone found the hanged person quickly
-the anchor or the rope broke
(= ... -a chair or something was around and make possible the come back => usually it means the person voluntary did create a setup with a possible come back; especially as you won't have much time to make it.... i think it's quite rare)

The flexibility of the rope is a point. The minimum bending radius of the rope should by less than the radius of the rope, otherwise it is impossible to tie a knot. In this context a belt could be an alternative, I made good eperieces whith my karate belt.

As you pointed out, the word survival instinct means quit differnt emotions. The emotion that keeps you from stepping off the stool and the instinct that works when you are already unconscious.
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Nov 12, 2024
The flexibility of the rope is a point. The minimum bending radius of the rope should by less than the radius of the rope, otherwise it is impossible to tie a knot. In this context a belt could be an alternative, I made good eperieces whith my karate belt.

As you pointed out, the word survival instinct means quit differnt emotions. The emotion that keeps you from stepping off the stool and the instinct that works when you are already unconscious.
karate bell, like a bathrobe seems pretty good to me. It is very flexible (probably the most flexible actually) and will constraint the side of the neck quite efficiently. Coton is soft on the skin etc.

You nailed it; SI cover different aspect and emotions, mostly some conscious one that block us on the final step,and also some unconscious that can save you evn if you already blacked out...

I found only one report about surviving a full suspension here, the guy clearly said that it's even less than 5 seconds to black out; you don't have time to suffer or think or realise what's happening. He blacked out within two seconds, no time to feel anything even some discomfort by being hanged, he explained that it was almost instantaneous. He didn't mention anything important about the setup or the rope or anything. So i do think that full suspension is very very quick indeed, and very effective no matter the rope/cable/belt even without the best, because the pressure due to your entire weight is so important that you will black out within seconds. Over few seconds is probably the result of a real bad setup,which is probably rare. The guy did survive because the knot didn't maintain.
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
en karate bell, like a bathrobe seems pretty good to me. It is very flexible (probably the most flexible actually) and will constraint the side of the neck quite efficiently. Coton is soft on the skin etc.

You nailed it; SI cover different aspect and emotions, mostly some conscious one that block us on the final step,and also some unconscious that can save you evn if you already blacked out...

I found only one report about surviving a full suspension here, the guy clearly said that it's even less than 5 seconds to black out; you don't have time to suffer or think or realise what's happening. He blacked out within two seconds, no time to feel anything even some discomfort by being hanged, he explained that it was almost instantaneous. He didn't mention anything important about the setup or the rope or anything. So i do think that full suspension is very very quick indeed, and very effective no matter the rope/cable/belt even without the best, because the pressure due to your entire weight is so important that you will black out within seconds. Over few seconds is probably the result of a real bad setup,which is probably rare. The guy did survive because the knot didn't maintain.

I can confirm this, when you hang full, unconsciousness comes fast and without warning. So it might be easier to step of the stool when you think that you could step back, in case you might have second thoughts, it mitigates the finality of this step a little. Thought you will most likely not succeed.
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Nov 12, 2024
I can confirm this, when you hang full, unconsciousness comes fast and without warning. So it might be easier to step of the stool when you think that you could step back, in case you might have second thoughts, it mitigates the finality of this step a little. Thought you will most likely not succeed.
from a video i've seen and some comments here, it seems really difficult to come back from a full suspension. If it's done well you don't have much time, secondly your body is diminished by the hanging and coming back on a chair could be very very difficult. I've seen only one comment here about a coming back on the chair (maybe it's you???).
I think with any method it's important to be sure you want to end your life before doing it, but especially with a full suspension, it's almost a 100% and no way back, the chance of survival are low and even very low if the setup is done well and nobody can come save you.
I will maybe give a chance or two with the night-night this week. If i don't succeed this way, i will go for a full suspension at the end of the week.
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Mar 21, 2019
Full works. This is why breath play is dangerous. It hits you quickly and permanently.
That said, it makws it very reliable as a method if setup correctly.
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Well sh!t, guess I'm back.
Oct 30, 2023
I will share my experiences on hanging generally. I did try partial hanging 2-3 times. There are few points i want to notice:
-not everyone has the same body, some people have more muscle in the neck, some less. So it's very difficult to make general rules; in fact some points (especially physically) are very individuals... For example i'm skinny and i realised that constraining the carotid is quite easy with my body.. but it could be very different from a person to another...
-as far as you understand knots , how to set it up and have a valid anchor points, it's mostly all about the rope, i will come back on that with more details on this point by explaining my tests...

so the first time i tried, i was in fact more interested by another method to ctb but the SI was so high that i began to search on something else. At first as most of us i wasn't considering hanging because i thought hanging was all about suffocation and i didn't imagine myself hanging and suffering heavy pain and suffocting for long minutes... but by informing myself here, i realised that this idea about hanging was wrong and it's not about suffocating but about blood constriction. So i decided to make a little test with the wardrobe bar as anchor point and an audio cable used in studio something like this :

This may appear dumb but i had nothing else but a tons of those cables at my disposal as i'm a musician/sound engineer. I didn't make a crazy setup, just a bowline knot at the anchor point and a slipknot around my neck. i placed the rope below my adam apple, cause i've read that it was more efficient to constrict the carotid without putting pressure on the trachea this way, and so not suffering from breath problem. I even didn't kneel really just falling down the top of my body to put a very little pressure on my neck.
It was a test, i didn't know what to expect at all. As It was only a test, i wasn't afraid at all (when i usually set up things for a real ctb attempt i'm usually scared and stressed). I remembered saying to myself "ok what can i think about to wait till something happened? Ok let's count... one, two, three, foooouuuwww....." i didn't went more far; without really realising it was exactly like falling asleep, it was very quick and i didn't really realise what's going on. My vision faded within a second, turning black, which seems logical, i mean like jet plane pilot taking some G, blood leave the brain, you loose the vision, but here not only the vision but also the consciousness. It was not painfull at all, no hard pressure was needed i breathe normally etc, it was actually very peaceful, easy and when the blackout comes you don't realise it, just like faling asleep.
As fast as it came my body or subconscious (i don't really know, maye both) reacted and probably raise my body to ease the pressure, i came back as fast and "wake up" completely freaked out by the situation. So much that my mind told me "you're crazy,you tried to kill yourself, go in a psych ward or something!!", i was really shocked and scared of what i did. I needed minutes to calm down, but even for few hours i was still a bit stressed by the experience but much lightly.

Anyway this experience learnt me how fast and painless hanging could be if done properly. In fact it must be done well for the carotid will be constraint efficiently and fast so the blood will leave your brain fastly and you will loose consciousness quickly and won't have the time to suffer.
But i also understood why partial is a random method. Your body/subconscious/SI whatever have much more chance to move, to ease the pressure, to do whatever is necessary to save you. I'm not so surprise to read here many tests here from people that woke up on a different position, some already put out the rope without realising, unconsciouly... etc.
So it's important to understand that partial hanging is more easy because it doesn't need a complicated setup, as the anchor point doesn't need to be that high or that strong to elevate and support your entire weight. It's also more easy because if done correctly you can just put a little pressure on your carotid, without touching/forcing on the trachea, you can breath normally and without hurting your neck (feeling almost nothing after the experience and no mark on your neck).
But this method is complicated to really ctb, your body and subconscious have much more chance to ease the pressure, put out the rope etc... Make you survive etc.
I'm not saying we can't die this way, obviously some people succeeded, but i don't think it's really reliable unfortunately to ctb straight and sure with partial.... Many people here say the same thing, you'll mostly survive and try several times than really succeed.
It's a good method to learn the fundamentals (anchor points, knots, rope, carotid etc) and experience the thing but not reliable to end up your life with a good certainty.

Recently i decided i will use hanging as my main method. Trying partial again eventually but considering seriously full suspension to be effective.
I bought a rope for the occasion

10,5mm as i read more thick is more confortale. It's a type A (semi) static rope, polyamide (nylon) more for working or speology than climbing. Climbing use more dynamic ropes that are better in the case of a fall because they are more elastic and they will amortize.

So that looks pretty good right?

So short story; i tried again partial with this (two times in fact, one more seriously). It didnt work very well. It seems like even with much more pressure, i don't succeed to blackout, or at least it is way harder and longer to get there (and not really there, more half the way; you don't really blackout, but you're not really conscious too.... Let's say half consious like some others say, you can still think but vaguely, like ready to sleep but not passing the door... kinda weird). I had to put more pressure and it was less efficient, i felt it more on my neck, i felt it more on my trachea not abusively but felt it. And i felt a light pain for few minutes after the experience.
So what's going on there? I did exactly the same thing, in fact even better, with a better position, with more pressure etc.... but the rope is not good. It's not really flexible, if you give it a shape, it kinda keeps it; the rope is too stiff and the result is pretty much different. This experience was much more painful. It was bearable because it was only a partial, but already uncomfortable. And i guess it would be painful and hard to try a full suspension with it.
The audio cable on the contrary is so flexible (even more than an orange electric cable) that it will easily cut the carotid without much pressure, and is completely painless.... But let's be clear i don't think that it could handle my weight in a full suspension situation.

So i have to buy more material. Another rope wich will be much more flexible and as effective as the audio cable, but stronger. And i will maybe buy a tree ratchet to try night-night as i know i can easily blackout without pain if done correctly and just let myself go, lying on my bed which would be painless and comfortable. Night-night doesn't seems so popular but in my experience it is worth the try as i know i can black out easily, the night-night method could be good for the comfort and being more reliable (or not if unconsciously i could be able to free myself; but as i said... worth a try).

To answer few questions we frequently see about hanging:
-Is hanging painful? Yes and No. If done softly a partial could be totally painless, very fast. But it's not really reliable.
Full suspension is surely more painful, it will surely put much more pressure on the neck, on the trachea, but if it's done correctly you won't have much time to handle it. You could black out with 5 seconds and be done with it; but also depending the rope, depending your body, the knot and where it is placed, it could result in more or less pressure on the carotid and make it more long to fade in an unconscious state wich would result in a much more painful way... In a way or another the fact is; it's much more reliable and you're obviously dead within few minutes. And most likely you will black out within 5-15 seconds. Normally more than 10 seconds already means that something is wrong in the setup (or your neck is muscular as hell idk, but hey even very muscualr marines succeed to easily pass out their colleagues; fat people seems moreprotected than skinny and muscular, but hey very fat neck are rare and in a full suspension scenario, the pressure will be enough, as the fatest the more pressure etc....)). In most cases people will black out within seconds.
So if done correctly full suspension will be uncomfortable, scary and painful but for a very short time.

That's why it's all about the rope... Other factor may influence the result, as we don't have the same body etc, but globally as far as everyting is done correctly, it's just about having a good rope/cable/whatever possible; which means a very flexible one that will pressure your carotid the fastest and efficient way possible.

-Is SI an issue? less with the partial method clearly, especially the first time as you don't know what to expect and if you're reassured about it being painless, you probably won't have any issue about SI. But the more you will try it and the more SI will interfere. Because as far as your mental make the setup try to ctb, your body knows what you're doing and will stress.
For some people do some test and partial will make them more confident, about pain for example and help them with SI. Some people will probably experience some blackout or little pain and will be more and more stressed at each attempt. So it's hard to say. IT will probably easier for some to try make it straight the first time when some other will find easier to make it step by step etc...
Globally for a full suspension SI will be there, some people are unable to jump/step out the chair blocked by their SI. Is it stronger or lighter than with jump or firearms? It mostly depends on the individual here, so, there's no answer. As always about ctb, it's mostly about the last impulse, or you're ableto make it or not, that's all.

-Is it an efficient method? Well, partial is not. Doesn't mean you cannot die by doing it but it's way too uncertain as i explained. We're many people who have tried, sometimes several times and are here to talk about.
Full suspension is way more reliable. Don't forget in most countries Hanging is the most used method, in almost half of the cases, far away from other methods...! (there are few exceptions, like USA using more firearms than other countries due to the ease to get one; some big asians cities like in japan or hong kong where jumping represents half of the cases due to a huge amount of skyscraper, also recently carbon monoxide became quite popular in asia; but globally hanging is the most used method in most countries by both men and women, and by a large margin). So it is a very reliable method, maybe the most improved and used method since always. It's not necessary to overthink it (which seems to be something common with most of us here), as far as you have a rope or anything similar and an anchor point, you can make it. The reputation of being complicated, needing to be prepared, full setup and material etc is exagerated. Yes it needs a minimum setup but it's also quite easy to set up and it's very efficient. The setup will mostly determine how quick it will be to pass out, to be unconscious. In some other words, the best way you do it, the fastest you will go with the quickest pain possible.

-Can anything else than a rope could work? Like belt, sheet etc? Yes it could do the job but as i just said some will make it more difficult and could be longer to pass out, so it will be longer for you to handle the eventual pain. A bathrobe belt will do the job in a good way i think as long as it can handle your weight, as a tie, as both are very flexible. Don't think the "rope" is the miraculous tool. There are tons of different rope, so what kinf of rope? handling your weight is the main goal of course, especially in a full suspension scenario, but i bought a very good rope which is good for speleology and not really for hanging... Honnestly an orange electric cable will do the job better than this rope. So overthink the thing is useless. If the rope/belt/cable/whatever can handle the weight, the next point is the flexibility, so its ability to constraint your carotid the most efficiently. On the other hand dont forget all body are different, some neck will be easier than others. So partial is a good exercise to see about that: it will tell you more about the rope and eventually on how your body is easier or harder to constraint the blood from the carotid.
I've read a lot about people didn't pass out and are waiting even one or two minutes.... You surely don't do it good. Maybe your body is harder, you have more muscle in the neck your carotid is maybe more hidden in there, but yeah globaly we can say you don't do it good if you don't pass out quickly on a partial. I don't think "more pressure" is always the solution, for some maybe, maybe it's about the rope etc.
Some experienced hear loss, feeling of head exploding, this probably result of a good constriction of the jugular and not the carotid. It means the blood can go to the head but can't go back efficiently or with difficulty (if it couldnt go back at all, you should experience a red out....) So you're putting pressure on jugular, not carotid, and probably not enough if you're able to handle for a minute.... If done properly a real hanging will make you unconscious very fast. On some sicentific study,observation on hanged people i've found they don't talk about people hangin consiously for minutes, like never; everyoneis fainding within 5-20 seconds from the number they give.
So people failing to black out on a partial don't do it good, maybe you should consider using another rope/cable/something. And normally most body wouldn't need that much pressure. Below adam's apple it seems quite easy to make it without pressuring the trachea. At least with my body but some other people here say the same... Don't forget the carotid and other veins are more on the side (front side...) which means the cable must be flexible enough to pressurize efficiently on the side of the neck without putting much pressure on the front.... The secret seems to be there.

-Is there a way in full suspension to avoid pain at max, especially on trachea and breathe problem? Almost impossible to answer. As long as other factors have been mastered (good rope, good knot, knot on the back etc), the rest is random and depend from case to case... If you took a good enough rope/belt/cable which is sufficient and flexible enough its scientifically observed that you will faint and loose conscious quickly, even within seconds eventually. So in most cases within 5-15 seconds, you won't be able to feel anything, s this will be pretty quick; it's not a 5min suffocation pain. But also be fully suspended by the neck is not comfortable, in most cases the person faint very fast but 10 seconds can still appear a bit long in a painful situation. Yes but it's not a 5 min too. Let's put it in perspective you will have few seconds where you will realise what you're doing and suffer a certain pain, but this pain is not the worst physical pain; mentally you could feel stressed and scared a lot by the situation (hello SI), but let's be honnest in well done full suspension, after few seconds your brain won't be able to feel it and philosophize about it. It will be pretty quick.
There are maybe methods to protect more the trachea and pressurize more the carotid like putting something on the neck like in the night-night method. Something like that is surely possible but also make it more sophisticated and complicated to realise...

-After i pass out, how long it will take to die? It's about 10 minutes, more or less. In some cases some people maybe show some signs after that point, but in most cases after 10-15 minutes things are done. For the longest 20 minutes max i've read on some observation. That's why some people usually advise to have 30 minutes in front of you, to be large and safe. But in most cases 10 minutes will be enough. You don't need a long time alone to make it. From the starting point, 15 minutes should be enough in most cases.

I think i covered most usual questions, if you have some i will try to help. Once again a good flexible rope, a knot well done and placed in the back of the neck is enough. Full suspension is the most common and used method. It is very lethal. As everything It's not a 100% lethal method but quite close. Not so much people came back from a full suspension to be able to talk about it. There are two cases to not die on a full suspension:
-someone found the hanged person quickly
-the anchor or the rope broke
(= ... -a chair or something was around and make possible the come back => usually it means the person voluntary did create a setup with a possible come back; especially as you won't have much time to make it.... i think it's quite rare)
The little tidbit about the jugular vs the carotid makes so much sense actually! Thanks so much, it feels like a breakthrough. First time I've smiled in days :)


Jan 14, 2024
I just tried this and failed. I see the comment above somewhere where it comes down to the rope, I think that might be very important. After 30 seconds of still being conscious, I realised something was off, so I came here to learn more. I thought I had read this thoroughly before, but apparently not.

The rope I used was a gym rope, on the thinner side. But I noticed it wasn't all that bendy around the knot, but I figured it would close on my neck anyway. It sadly didn't fully close, and while I tried to shift and adjust, I think the rope was just a bad fit for this method.

Depressing though, it is the first opportynity I've had to be near a rope in years.


Mar 21, 2019
A belt should work.

Hanging is mechanical. It only has neck compression and restricted blood flow.

If you are not passing out, the compression is insufficient. Partial is where this is common.

Ligature placement is important. There will always be a small area with less compression, there the knot or buckle is located. That cannot be over an artery because it can allow enough blood flow to keep you from passing out quickly.
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chill guy
Dec 6, 2024
Do you think a sheet would work for partial hanging?
Can you tell me how long it takes to lose consciousness?
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Mar 21, 2019
An interesting article on full suspension hanging.


It has been proposed that filmed hangings may hold the key to a better understanding of human asphyxia, and The Working Group on Human Asphyxia was formed to systematically review and compare these video recordings. This study analyzed eight filmed hangings. Considering time 0 to represent the onset of the final hanging, rapid loss of consciousness was observed (at 8-18 sec), closely followed by convulsions (at 10-19 sec). A complex pattern of decerebrate rigidity and decorticate rigidity then followed. Between 1 min 38 sec and 2 min 15 sec, muscle tone seemed to be lost, the body becoming progressively flaccid. From then on, isolated body movements were observed from time to time, the last one occurring between 1 min 2 sec and 7 min 31 sec. As for the respiratory responses, all cases presented deep rhythmic abdominal respiratory movements (last one between 1 min 2 sec and 2 min 5 sec).

© 2010 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
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Dec 5, 2024
Would this type of rope work?

I'd obviously cut it down but is the thickness and material good? I've read threads and the only thing I got from it is that flexible/thinner can be better.


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Mar 21, 2019
That is good stuff! Smooth, strong and comfortable.


Aug 18, 2024
C'est du bon matériel ! Doux, solide et confortable.
I used the same and yes, you're right, it's certainly the best. But it doesn't change that full suspension is extremely painful because 1) the whole weight of the body is suddenly on the neck 2) a knot tightened around your neck could't be painless, unfortunately.

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