

May 6, 2022
me but i don't mind it as i think i'm kind of asexual
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Mar 14, 2023
Tinder isn't larger society. Look, around outside of dating apps. Yes, in that context Looks is first. In that context only, and when you are 16.
Looks get you through the door. Men like the idea of Money or Status getting you through the door first, cuz it gives men a sense of control: you can control if you earn more or get famous easier than you can move bones in your face.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Looks get you through the door. Men like the idea of Money or Status getting you through the door first, cuz it gives men a sense of control: you can control if you earn more or get famous easier than you can move bones in your face.
What you believe is just false. Keep denying what can be seen everywhere. Looks are not first for women. Personality, money and success are. Especially success. If you are some ugly as fuck cripple that does motivational speeches and is famous you'll get plenty.

Furthermore, your personality is more likely to be attractive if you are successful, because you are not resentful, you are assertive, you don't have self loathing.
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life is cruel and time heals nothing
Feb 23, 2023
What you believe is just false. Keep denying what can be seen everywhere. Looks are not first for women. Personality, money and success are. Especially success. If you are some ugly as fuck cripple that does motivational speeches and is famous you'll get plenty.
Find it funny to hear that you think you know so much about women yet you're a virgin. Might have some introspection to do.
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please feed my pfp crumbs they are begging u
Jan 24, 2023
i don't want to lose my virginity, for the sole reason that i think it's funny that by all other measures i've had sex yet i'm still technically a virgin.


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Find it funny to hear that you think you know so much about women yet you're a virgin. Might have some introspection to do.
Do you need to fuck with a species of centipede to know about them? Not only you are fallacious but also insulting.

I don't give a fuck about your nonsense, not even gonna report you. Here's the thing. You're an imbecile just off what you wrote. Nobody needs to fuck women to draw conclusions from external data. You dolt.

What's your dog in this fight? You think looks are the only thing that matters in life? 😂
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tired all the time
Mar 17, 2022
not only a virgin but i've never kissed someone, hugged or held hands :')
i really wish someone would love me, want me and care for me. it hurts seeing people my age dating. and me being gay doesn't make situation any better. i feel so left out all the time.
not that it helps, but I'm in the same position. I deal with extreme social anxiety and have basically my while life. I was too scared to initiate anything with anyone. I can barely speak to people irl. I want someone to love, but nobody sees value in me because I have nothing going on in my life. No friends, no prospects, nothing... :( Being left out of love is so painful. I don't even want to have crushes anymore because it feels so pointless, I want it all to stop.
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The Laziest
Mar 4, 2023
I've had sex multiple times before with multiple parterns. But what crushes me the most during this lonely time is the intimacy that's now non-existent.
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Dec 19, 2022
Me, 38M.

It's the reason why I'm gonna CTB, there is no reason for me to be alive if I don't have access to sex and affection from young beautiful girls. The frustration I feel everytime I see one in the street is ineffable.

Only death can free me from this curse.
In which country do you live? Is prostitution illegal there? Or it's simply not an option for moral reasons?
Btw me too. I'm asexual.


Mar 14, 2023
Me too since I skewed my sense of beauty by watching/reading too much hentai/doujins since I was 12. Now rl women aren't that attractive to me
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Jul 4, 2019
not that it helps, but I'm in the same position. I deal with extreme social anxiety and have basically my while life. I was too scared to initiate anything with anyone. I can barely speak to people irl. I want someone to love, but nobody sees value in me because I have nothing going on in my life. No friends, no prospects, nothing... :( Being left out of love is so painful. I don't even want to have crushes anymore because it feels so pointless, I want it all to stop.
Absolutely the same problems as I have it too. And how you say it: "I want it all to stop". And because I want that, I will take my SN next week and hopefully I´m able to ctb. It will be my second suicide attempt - I wasn´t really nervous on first try so I won´t also be scared this time. But I was found and have beend saved. But now this fucking life should come to an end.
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life is cruel and time heals nothing
Feb 23, 2023
Do you need to fuck with a species of centipede to know about them? Not only you are fallacious but also insulting.

I don't give a fuck about your nonsense, not even gonna report you. Here's the thing. You're an imbecile just off what you wrote. Nobody needs to fuck women to draw conclusions from external data. You dolt.

What's your dog in this fight? You think looks are the only thing that matters in life? 😂
Wow... So delusional. Hope you get better bro, women are hot and nice even to us ugly mfkers


Just me
Feb 13, 2023
I probably will be dying one, like I don't particularly care enough to go out and find someone, and my one friend is interested in me I'm not interested in at all. Idk, I'd like to at least kiss someone before I die, doesn't have to be in a romantic way or anything at all. It would be really nice to have someone with me to both ctb together, and I could give them a kiss on their forehead as a goodbye and they hope for peace for them with whatever may or may not follow
I probably will be dying one, like I don't particularly care enough to go out and find someone, and my one friend is interested in me I'm not interested in at all. Idk, I'd like to at least kiss someone before I die, doesn't have to be in a romantic way or anything at all. It would be really nice to have someone with me to both ctb together, and I could give them a kiss on their forehead as a goodbye and they hope for peace for them with whatever may or may not follow
So sorry didn't mean to reply to you randomly, meant to just reply to the post
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Nitrogen Master Race
May 15, 2022
As I have said before, scientists have generated very strong evidence that Looks are the most important factor. While doing that they also discovered that the preferences that people report they have (personality first) are actually not their real preferences (looks first).

People here saying that personality is the most important factor are just stating their biased personal opinion which is not backed up by anything, so it doesn't have much value (if any at all). The only evidence that scientists have found of personality having any notable impact on generating attraction in women was from dark "negative" traits (narcissism, manipulativeness, psychopathy).

Women looking for partners with money and status is a thing of the past, they already have that themselves. They want good genetics (which is looks).

No amount of personality improvements are gonna make you attractive to a girl that is not physically attracted to you by your looks. Personality is absolutely irrelevant when you don't reach the required looks rating, doesn't matter what you say or what you do. I don't get why BluePillers can't understand this.

For anybody who wants to get closer to the truth, there is an ever growing recopilation of studies in the Scientific Blackpill. I also suggest the WAW series by FACEandLMS and the WheatWaffles channel.

BlackPill denial is data ignorance.​
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Jun 13, 2021
Oh how I wish I was going to die as a virgin. At the age of 47 now, sex grosses me out. It literally makes my stomach upset just thinking about it. If a guy hits on me, my automatic response is repulsion, no matter if he is attractive or not. This is doubly so for same sex situations.

I'm simply repulsed by sex. Think long and hard about the act and what's actually involved.
Same, there was a lot of peer pressure to try it and I regret giving in. It's so normalized and romaticized, but its main function is to trick animals into procreation (including humans with high % of unintended pregnancies), which I find evil.

If you're someone who doesn't want to do it - your feelings are valid.
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Jan 8, 2023
I've had sex, but it didn't fix me. Sure, your junk feels great for a while and you get to touch some boobs and laugh, but after that you still have to live as yourself and live your life. Physically, I wouldn't say it's that superior to masturbation.
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Jan 16, 2023
Me, 38M.

It's the reason why I'm gonna CTB, there is no reason for me to be alive if I don't have access to sex and affection from young beautiful girls. The frustration I feel everytime I see one in the street is ineffable.

Only death can free me from this curse.
I feel the same 😥
Can't remember him talking being round Teenagers. I thought this was the place to vent about your inadequacies. I think your judgement is disgusting. Being middle age and still a virgin must have been torture. Must have feel like his life is pointless, worthless, rejection, If you came here to kick someone when they are down, i think you nead to have a good look at yourself.
Facts. She is very disgusting and will never understand the pain we endure.
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Jun 26, 2022
Not me. Had many partners. Those days were fun. But weren't a solution to my problems obvs.


Looking for Truck-kun to isekai my a$$
Jun 11, 2023
Me (20F) since I'm ace. Not much of a story there, just not big on the concept


May 2, 2023
I'm 27 and had a gf for a month when I was 17. Before and since have been a black hole of complete disinterest from women.
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It's like a birth but it is in reverse
Dec 27, 2021
Yeah. Always wanted to be intimate with someone, but life had other ideas I guess. Now that I am diagnosed with BDD it's only gotten far harder. I thought simply being ugly was hard lol! Touch starvation is probably my number one reason for CTB. (No, I don't want to fuck an escort, I really just want someone to tell me they find me attractive lmao).

Ah well. As they say, "It's joever".
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May 6, 2023
Wow that's a lie
That's not a lie being attractive and good physique will get you a girl to bang

Getting relationships will be hard but one night stand will be easy if you are a chad!
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
That's not a lie being attractive and good physique will get you a girl to bang

Getting relationships will be hard but one night stand will be easy if you are a chad!

First of all, it depends on the girl. Can't generalize.
And my "wow, that's a lie" was mainly to this statement: "No amount of personality will make you attractive to girls if you are not physically attractive."


May 6, 2023

First of all, it depends on the girl. Can't generalize.
And my "wow, that's a lie" was mainly to this statement: "No amount of personality will make you attractive to girls if you are not physically attractive."
I don't know what's the context here "sex" or "relationship"

For a man and lady to have one night stand, personality is not given importance, man should be attractive, good physique and good in bed to have a lot of female partners and one night stand

Personality only matters when it comes to relationships and marriage

You like personality doesn't mean every girl care about that to sleep with a man, majority of attractive girls give importance only to looks so I can take only the majority, world works on majority

Do you know how many men don't get sex because they are not attractive always friendzoned even though they are good men, on the other end 10% attractive men banging the most of the girls

To generalize it should be majority so majorly of girls go for looks than personality, sorry yes I am generalizing!
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
I don't know what's the context here "sex" or "relationship"

For a man and lady to have one night stand, personality is not given importance, man should be attractive, good physique and good in bed to have a lot of female partners and one night stand

Personality only matters when it comes to relationships and marriage

You like personality doesn't mean every girl care about that to sleep with a man, majority of attractive girls give importance only to looks so I can take only the majority, world works on majority

Do you know how many men don't get sex because they are not attractive always friendzoned even though they are good men, on the other end 10% attractive men banging the most of the girls

To generalize it should be majority so majorly of girls go for looks than personality, sorry yes I am generalizing!
Look, I have already talked about this many times here. I get what you are saying, but what I mean is that even if I am having sex with someone in a one night stand, personality matters.
Believe it or not.

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