

Jan 18, 2021
I lost my soul in October
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Jun 11, 2021
The 3 x's around my nickname are from my teenage days when I used to be fascinated with the Straight Edge subculture (ironic, I know). Konstantine is one of my favorite songs from the band Something Corporate.
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Garbage Person

Garbage Person

Eating snowflakes with plastic forks
Jan 17, 2020
Disposable person. Just another one in a sea of them, online or off.
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Nov 4, 2020
I really feel for you and thank you for further explaining everything to me. I appreciate it.

I checked out the Jeff Buckley song on YouTube and while I'm not familiar with it, it didn't exactly seem "old" lol. I was expecting something from the 1930's. :pfff:

So you've never been in a relationship, not even a brief affair, Lone Wolf? What about friendships?

Are you nomadic, do you find it hard to stay in one place for an extended period of time?

Sorry for the 101 questions, you don't have to answer all of them if you don't want to. I'm just fascinated by lone wolves.

So it's just you and your furry best friend? :)

I agree with you on mindless breeding. It's utterly selfish.

"Vile" is also "evil" backwards, and I've met quite a few vile people in my life. The peculiar thing about vile people is that they are often not suicidal or depressed, they seem to enjoy what they are. Hmmm...
Pookie, l found my soulmate at 17,she was 19, we got married after 6 months, my Heart was complete! Then 18 months later we were driving to Carlisle to do some clothes shopping and a another driver side swiped my 2.8i Capri and flipped us over, my wife was killed instantly and all l had were a few poxy scratches! The emergency services got there before l could get out of my destroyed car and get my hands on the other driver! I was beyond Angry, so l joined the Army and after 2 year's was sent over to Iraq,the other driver was a Iraqi, so l got my need for payback and then some! After 9 years l left as l was enjoying the violence too much! I moved around for many Year's, And finally settled where l live now with my Dog, l can be polite and well mannered with people but the urge to hurt others is still there bubbling under the surface, so l stay away from people as much as I can! Hence Lone Wolf!
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
The 3 x's around my nickname are from my teenage days when I used to be fascinated with the Straight Edge subculture (ironic, I know). Konstantine is one of my favorite songs from the band Something Corporate
I really like the Something Corporate lyrics.


Feb 10, 2021
Bueno sé que mi nombre no es muy creativo pero se me ocurrió porque hay una flor que me gusta mucho, y lo que está significa bueno la flor es el loto y su significado en algunas culturas es que nace en la adversidad y da calma y paz, como el suicidio me daría una inmensa paz y tranquilidad y bueno lo saqué del nombre científico del loto ( ahora no recuerdo cuál es su nombre científico)
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Pookie, l found my soulmate at 17,she was 19, we got married after 6 months, my Heart was complete! Then 18 months later we were driving to Carlisle to do some clothes shopping and a another driver side swiped my 2.8i Capri and flipped us over, my wife was killed instantly and all l had were a few poxy scratches! The emergency services got there before l could get out of my destroyed car and get my hands on the other driver! I was beyond Angry, so l joined the Army and after 2 year's was sent over to Iraq,the other driver was a Iraqi, so l got my need for payback and then some! After 9 years l left as l was enjoying the violence too much! I moved around for many Year's, And finally settled where l live now with my Dog, l can be polite and well mannered with people but the urge to hurt others is still there bubbling under the surface, so l stay away from people as much as I can! Hence Lone Wolf!
Thank you for answering @LONE WOLF. Reading about how you lost your soulmate is heartbreaking, I'm so sorry. :aw:

I can imagine how a tragedy like that could cause a lot of anger and perhaps survivor's guilt. I'm not sure if joining the army may have contributed to your anger issues or resulted in PTSD, only you can answer that.

You seem to have a lot of self-awareness and admit that you could hurt people by being around them. I find that admirable as so many hurt people, hurt people to make themselves feel better, and you have chosen not to do that.

It also seems that you love your dog very much. I love animal lovers. Wishing you and your doggo all the best.
Bueno sé que mi nombre no es muy creativo pero se me ocurrió porque hay una flor que me gusta mucho, y lo que está significa bueno la flor es el loto y su significado en algunas culturas es que nace en la adversidad y da calma y paz, como el suicidio me daría una inmensa paz y tranquilidad y bueno lo saqué del nombre científico del loto ( ahora no recuerdo cuál es su nombre científico)

Puedo ver por qué admiras tanto el loto. Es hermosa y una de mis flores favoritas, además de las orquídeas. Me gusta el significado cultural detrás de lo que representan los lotos: cómo dijiste que nace en la adversidad pero luego crece para simbolizar la calma y la paz. Mi deseo para todos es que puedan experimentar la calma y la paz en lugar de la adversidad y el sufrimiento perpetuos. (Espero que haya entendido lo que escribí aquí porque no soy español y tuve que usar el Traductor de Google).

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Nov 4, 2020
Pookie, Thank You for your compassion, My Doggo Max says Woof woof and sends Tail Wags IMG 20210422 122408 914
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Mar 30, 2021
Should be pretty obvious. It's from that line in Hamlet, "To be or not to be"
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Tired Nacho

Tired Nacho

Apr 30, 2021
I usually use the nick name NachoGGamer (I've been using it for a long time and don't even remember why I created it) and as I've been feeling like sh*t lately decided to change it a little.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
Pookie, Thank You for your compassion, My Doggo Max says Woof woof and sends Tail WagsView attachment 70120
Awww, isn't he a cutie. Looks like he's an older soul now but he still looks healthy.

Thank you Max. Give him an ear and head rub from me. x
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Thank the gods for Death
Apr 23, 2020
white feathers represent new life after death
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
A Pooka is a shapeshifter and can take any form it chooses. Usually, it is seen in the form of a horse, dog, rabbit, goat, goblin, or even an old man. Traditionally a Pooka is seen as a dark, sleek horse with a long wild flowing mane and luminescent golden eyes.

An important thing to always remember about a Pooka is that they have the power of human speech and when inclined make great sport of those they talk to as they like to embellish the truth.

In Ireland, the Púca seems to be the most feared Faerie possibly because it appears only at night and enjoys creating havoc and mischief. We feel this is doing the Pooka an injustice because there are no recorded incidences of a Pooka actually causing a human any harm.

Where can you find a Pooka?​

Pooka's can be found in any rural location, every county in Ireland has its very own Pooka. They like open mountainous areas so that they can run free while in horse form.

Many small mountainous lakes and springs in Ireland are called 'Pooka Pools' or 'Pollaphuca', which means Pooka or Demon hole. Some of these are found at the sources of major Irish rivers such as the Liffey that runs through Dublin City or the River Bann, which is the longest river in the north of Ireland that runs through the town Coleraine.

During the Christianization of Ireland, the process of converting the pagan population to Christianity, some of the Pooka Pools were renamed to St. Patrick's Wells.

Pooka superstitions & Irish customs​

There are a lot of superstitions and customs about Pooka's that are still observed in Ireland. These superstitions vary depending on which region you happen to find yourself in. Although there seems to be common ground when you talk about a Pooka some of the stories are alike and just differ on the minor details.

The drunken horse ride home

When a Pooka is in horse form he tends to have fun by inviting a rider to jump on his back. This usually happens when the rider has had a little too much to drink and is making his weary way home from the pub. Thus starts the wildest trip the rider will ever know for the Pooka loves to terrify the rider with its great prowess jumping over hedges and rocks and making death-defying leaps. Come the grey dawn the rider is thrown off the horses back and left trembling but none the worse from the night's events to find his own way home.

This is maybe where their reputation slips a bit as while on a wild night out like this they do tend to run through crop fields and knockdown fences without care.

A conversation with a Pooka

Another thing the Pooka love, as with all us Irish people, is to chat and will happily stop and 'shoot the breeze' with you, sometimes giving great advice and making exceptional prophecies.

In some rural areas, you will see houses that will have a bench on the right side of the door and the gate post on the right will be smooth whereas on the left there will be a rockery or some sort of uncomfortable mound. This is because a good Pooka will always sit on the right and the more mischievous sprite will favor the left.

They tend to use the same opening gambit to introduce himself it will be something like, "You are new here I think. Many years ago I used to live in this house.." One of his favorite topics is how the family lost its fortune or was swindled out of their money and lands.

The odd thing about a conversation with a Pooka is that you may have sat and chatted to him an hour but suddenly he disappears. Without saying good-bye, they never say good-bye, you will be left wondering if the past hour was real. They'll never leave any sign they were there.

The Pookas Share

Mainly associated with Samhain (31st Oct) and November 1st is considered Pookas Day. This coincides with the harvest and the traditional customs that when the harvest is being brought in the reaper must leave a few stalks behind. This is called the Pookas share and must be left to appease the Pooka because we for one would not like to incur his wrath.

It is said that when we see the rain falling on a sunny day, which it does a lot in Ireland, the Púca will definitely make an appearance that night.

Also, berries that have been killed by a frosty overnight should never be eaten as it is the Pookas spit that is on them and that would render them poisonous.

Harvey the rabbit (Pooka)
The Pooka in all his shapes and forms has made it into many books and films one of the most famous is Harvey the six-foot white rabbit from the play by Mary Chase immortalized in film by Jimmy Stewart. Or the infamous scene in Darby O'Gill and the Little People when the Pooka scares Darby into falling down the well and he first meets King Brian of the leprechauns.

More modern films have Pookas appearing in animal form as well for example in the 2001 film Donnie Darko, a Pooka in rabbit form encourages Donnie to do malicious acts which have a positive and negative result on the people around him.

Wow, thank you for this, I love it! I can see you made a lot of effort and I really appreciate it. What an interesting and enjoyable read. So basically I could be a Pooka/Púca and give drunk Irishmen wild rides home from the pub or spit on berries and render them poisonous, amongst other things. :pfff:
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Feb 10, 2021
Gracias por responder a [USER = 23459] @LONE WOLF. [/ USER] Leer sobre cómo perdiste a tu alma gemela es desgarrador, lo siento mucho. : aw:

Puedo imaginar cómo una tragedia como esa podría causar mucha ira y tal vez la culpa del sobreviviente. No estoy seguro de si unirse al ejército pudo haber contribuido a sus problemas de ira o provocado un trastorno de estrés postraumático, solo usted puede responder a eso.

Pareces tener mucha conciencia de ti mismo y admites que podrías lastimar a las personas estando cerca de ellas. Encuentro eso admirable ya que tanta gente lastima, lastima a la gente para sentirse mejor, y tú has elegido no hacer eso.

También parece que amas mucho a tu perro. Amo a los amantes de los animales. Deseándote a ti y a tu perro todo lo mejor.

Puedo ver por qué admiras tanto el loto. Es hermosa y una de mis flores favoritas, además de las orquídeas. Me gusta el significado cultural detrás de lo que representan los lotos: cómo dijiste que nace en la adversidad pero luego crece para simbolizar la calma y la paz. Mi deseo para todos es que puedan experimentar la calma y la paz en el lugar de la adversidad y el sufrimiento perpetuos. (Espero que haya entendido lo que escribí aquí porque no soy español y tuve que usar el Traductor de Google).

View attachment 70106
Si, se entendió muy bien lo que quisiste decir, gracias por darte tiempo de usar el traductor
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Dec 26, 2020
I like to make others laugh I guess?^^"
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
My name starts with the letter S ... so S like Suicide. It's very stupid, I didn't think about it much but I wanted something that contained the word suicide.
My name starts with the letter S ... so S like Suicide. It's very stupid, I didn't think about it much but I wanted something that contained the word suicide.
I wanted a correlation between my name and the word suicide as if my name and therefore my destiny were suicide.
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Oct 28, 2020
I'm just a pale and faded echo of all that was good in me… i've been used + abused- i'm just a faded mockery of what could have been. Even my body betrays me to the point that i don't recognize it.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
I like to make others laugh I guess?^^"
Yup, you succeeded in that. :pfff:

PS: Some people here get angry/offended when people make the odd joke or are funny on a morbid "slit-your-wrists" type forum like SS, but I say to hell with them! I think it's great that some people can still maintain their sharp wit despite their depression.

I often dealt with my depression by trying to see the absurdity of life, which in turn could make me laugh at times.

We all deal with our depression differently. Some of the most depressed people are actually the funniest people. Just look at Robin Williams…
My name starts with the letter S ... so S like Suicide. It's very stupid, I didn't think about it much but I wanted something that contained the word suicide.

I wanted a correlation between my name and the word suicide as if my name and therefore my destiny were suicide.
Your username isn't stupid.
I'm just a pale and faded echo of all that was good in me… i've been used + abused- i'm just a faded mockery of what could have been. Even my body betrays me to the point that i don't recognize it.
I'm sorry. :aw:

Love and hugs to you.
Si, se entendió muy bien lo que quisiste decir, gracias por darte tiempo de usar el traductor
Gracias, estoy feliz de que se haya entendido.
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I died long before i met you.
Apr 16, 2021
is the name of a cool song and also the hope that one day it will be my last day
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The world is a hell, inhabited by tormented souls
May 25, 2021
A character from the movie "Antonia's Line" who commits suicide hanging himself. But unlike this character, I'm not smart. I think the only thing about him that I identified with was hopelessness and loneliness.
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Thank the gods for Death
Apr 23, 2020
white feathers are an ancient archetypal sign of communication between dimensions.
( Body not required :o)
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A day in the life
Jan 8, 2021
Growing up, my best friend thought my name was Rob (even though it's not), and ever since then he only calls me Rob. I use it for online anonymity. And 1984 is a rock album from my favorite band Van Halen :)
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Feb 20, 2021
I saw it on reddit and I thought it was cool I hope they don't mind I stole their username
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Jan 30, 2021
Stems back to one time I tripped on DXM where I made a bit of a pact with myself that I would at least get 5 digits of money to pay off my funeral and maybe have some leftover. Not even motivated enough to do that anymore considering I quit my only job after a month. Nowadays I'm just waiting for the motivation to walk to home depot, grab the right kinda rope (tips are welcome), and find somewhere nice and secluded in this suburban hellscape to take a little nap.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
is the name of a cool song and also the hope that one day it will be my last day
What's the name of the band?
A character from the movie "Antonia's Line" who commits suicide hanging himself. But unlike this character, I'm not smart. I think the only thing about him that I identified with was hopelessness and loneliness.
Would you recommend the movie?

I'm sorry you feel so hopeless and lonely :-(
white feathers are an ancient archetypal sign of communication between dimensions.
( Body not required :o)
Interesting meaning and I happen to like owls as well. They're such cool birds.
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Cant go back

Man, I really f****d up
Apr 15, 2021
I took it from a TV show that's no longer on. The character is talking to a friend about regrets, and that you "can't go back" to do or not do something that they believe will make them feel better in the future.
Its how I feel about my situation, that's why I use it. Hopefully it also warns people who read it to make the right choices now rather than regret it later.
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Somebody you used to know.
Oct 18, 2020
I saw it on reddit and I thought it was cool I hope they don't mind I stole their username
Sounds like it should be a movie. Like that movie Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.
Stems back to one time I tripped on DXM where I made a bit of a pact with myself that I would at least get 5 digits of money to pay off my funeral and maybe have some leftover. Not even motivated enough to do that anymore considering I quit my only job after a month. Nowadays I'm just waiting for the motivation to walk to home depot, grab the right kinda rope (tips are welcome), and find somewhere nice and secluded in this suburban hellscape to take a little nap.
I'm very sorry that your life is a hellscape that you feel the need to escape from.

May I ask, what's a DXM trip like?
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Jan 14, 2020
I was eating a 'stroopwafel' (it's a Dutch thing, it's a waffle with syrup) and well, that's how I chose my name, just some random thing.
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Mar 3, 2021
In a few months, I'll finally be a free angel and find my peace
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Apr 19, 2020
A cytokine storm is the process by which the body becomes overwhelmed with inflammatory cytokines and can lead to death from multiple organ damage. It happens during severe, fatal covid so it seemed topical
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