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Proper Overdoser

Proper Overdoser

Drug Addict
Mar 30, 2023
@Proper Overdoser one of my concerns with SN and sedatives is vomiting. what dose of sedatives do you need to take to make sure you don't wake up if you start vomiting? if you are unconscious and you start choking with vomit what if you regain consciousness and you are so tranquilized that you can't even react, this is a painful death. I guess it's not painful if you remain unconscious, I'm not sure how it works.
the only sedatives that will make you vomit are opioids. It is quite easy to make a concoction of GABAergic sedatives like Carisoprodol, Benzos, GABAb agonists like 4f-phenibut or baclofen, GHB/GBL/1,4 BDO, and Quaalude analogues and then whatever else you can acquire like 2 shots of whiskey. These don't cause nausea only opioids do.
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
just SN, Meto, and maybe Propranolol if I can find it.
Proper Overdoser

Proper Overdoser

Drug Addict
Mar 30, 2023
@Proper Overdoser I have to start with saying that I don't have much pharmacological knowledge. But something feel wrong with what you wrote here.

So Carisoprodol is a positive allosteric modulator and increase the frequency of the chloride channel opening, barbiturates in high does are not only PAM but also a direct agonist and increase the duration (the opening time is increased and keep decreasing the voltage until brain cells doesn't respond to nerve impulses) (When taking an overdose of course)

This is not the case for carisoprodol, since it doesn't directly stimulate the GABA receptor, but make it more efficient because of the increased frequency of the channel opening which would make carisoprodol more like a benzodiazepine in it's mechanism of action, and most likely not that lethal because it will never have enough depressive effect on cns.

I have to emphasize again that I don't have a lot of knowledge, so I might have missed something here, so if I'm wrong you (or anyone else) please clarify this for me.
According to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6314932/ Pentobarbital was lethal at 112mg/L in blood concentration, then after looking at https://academic.oup.com/jat/article/36/3/177/888649 it shows that Carisoprodol at only 15mg/L is lethal. Both of these are case studies of lethal overdoses.

So Carisoprodol is definitely not just a positive allosteric moderator (PAM) as the lethal dose of only Carisoprodol is somehow lower than that of Nembutal. If you have tried both benzos and barbs, you can tell Carisoprodol is definitely a drug that feels a lot like a barbiturate, nowhere near as tame as benzos, it is intense with strong barb-like effects, but somehow even more euphoric than most barbiturates so imo this makes perfect sense.

So Carisoprodol is definitely a good replacement for Pentobarbital/Nembutal. Specially when mixed with other, slightly different sedatives.
What about nitrogen?
Suicide by inert gas is one of the most painless suicide methods and it should kill in up to 15 Minutes.
I am interested if your rc overdose would be even less painful and how long it would take for you to "feel dead" and when you are actually dead?
You would fall asleep within 15-30 minutes of a strong sedative dose, and from that point on you would feel dead, I mean you are unconscious and die in your sleep. Like when I OD'd from Methylmethaqualone and Diazepam, I just fell asleep only to be later told that I was only alive since I was instantly rushed to the hospital and my breathing was stabilized, after several hours of sleep and even having my ribs broken from a super painful sternal rub that failed to wake me.
@Proper Overdoser one of my concerns with SN and sedatives is vomiting. what dose of sedatives do you need to take to make sure you don't wake up if you start vomiting? if you are unconscious and you start choking with vomit what if you regain consciousness and you are so tranquilized that you can't even react, this is a painful death. I guess it's not painful if you remain unconscious, I'm not sure how it works.
You could take a heroic dose of benzos, or some Carisoprodol, both strong sedatives. Also Ketamine and its analogues will not allow you to even feel pain in high doses. Also if you take enough Ketamine or one of its legal research chemical analogues, like FXE or O-PCE, you would go into a K-Hole which renders you unconscious, puts you in a lucid dream-like state, and the pain relief is intese.

This is why Ketamine is used in surgeries, as high doses of Ketamine will literally not allow you to feel pain and you would fall into a K-hole and be unconscious. So with only 1 drug? I would use Ketamine or an RC analogue of Ketamine. If no access to that then get some RC Benzos and take a heroic dose. Or some Carisoprodol which is a very intense sedative, moreso than benzos.
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Apr 5, 2023
Hi! So I'm still planning what exactly I want to do but I have anti depressants called Nortriptyline

It said most cases with less than 1000mg had death as a consequence.

But I wonder if it will hurt.


Feb 13, 2023
Methylmethaqualone is very high risk for seizures, have you mentioned that?
Proper Overdoser

Proper Overdoser

Drug Addict
Mar 30, 2023
Methylmethaqualone is very high risk for seizures, have you mentioned that?
Yes when I OD'd on MMQ I had a seizure. But the thing is, if you take a high dose (i took just short of 500mg) you go unconscious and either die from seizures, or respiratory depression, or a combination of both side effects. Like, you cannot be conscious or awake for an MMQ seizure, and if you wake up from an MMQ overdose after having a seizure, it means your dose wasn't enough. So yes junkies may complain that recreational doses give you seizures, but with high doses of MMQ you wont wake up from the seizure.

All I remember is feeling euphoric as I was gaming, then a little drowsy and next thing you know I was in the hospital hooked up to a saline drip, a tube lodged in my throat for breathing, and my ribs broken from a sternal rub that failed to wake me up. I didn't get any brain damage though, according to an EEG and other tests done with my neurologist.

And yes I have mentioned this several times in the thread.

TL;DR junkies use lower doses to avoid seizures but sometimes take a seizure dose on accident since the seizure doses are close to recreational doses, so we don't think of MMQ as a good recreational drug. But in high doses it is a super strong sedative so you wont wake up after the seizure when you fall asleep or get the seizure. The junkies only wake up from the seizures and report them because they try to use safer, lower doses and thus are able to wake up after.
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Feb 17, 2023
If you snort a line of that shit and don't die then it's probably because you got spotted and got naloxone'd. Then again it would take a lot of naloxone to wake up someone that snorts a line of that shit. But yes, brain damage from lack of oxygen. Although the amount of narcan required for someone that snorts even a small 30mg line of that stuff would have to be a lot and I'd say your chances of death from snorthing a normal sized line (30-60mg) of any -zene opioid are probably 99%.

I would throw in a GABAergic like alcohol, xanax, ambien, zopiclone or any benzo if you want to make it 100%. But your chances of a peaceful death from a line of that shit are way higher than what people do with SN. I would recommend some benadryl for the nausea if you have an opioid tolerance, as that means it will take a bit longer to OD and could get nauseous. But luckily if it is snorted no amount of vomiting will prevent death and falling asleep within 2 minutes.

Yes. I should have mentioned alcohol. I would use the highest amount you can handle without getting nauseous, and snort the opioid so that if it causes nausea you'll fall asleep before you can feel any nausea.

Well if you want me to shoot you a PM let me know. I do study pharmacology but again I don't have access to research chemicals there. Nothing worth my time anyway. If I were stealing from a uni lab I would definitely not have phrased this post the way I did. But just google "Gulf Coast Chems" or "ParacelsusLabs" or "Proximo chems" and then just add reddit at the end when you google it, these are all US based vendors that have now shut down and you'll see evidence of how many people are buying this stuff, no credentials needed since its legal.

Stuff like Bath Salts and the synthetic weed that gas stations used to sell are all simply research chemicals, those are the only ones that used to be sold at gas stations and in public and they also came with the "not for human consumption" disclaimer. They stopped selling them because of all the people using the shit like crazy since it was impossible to measure the dosage with those shits so there were probably a lot of lawsuits, despite the disclaimer. Like bath salts were simply a-pvp, a chem that many drug users still enjoy and although it is now banned, China tweaked the molecules and we currently have stuff like a-pihp which is a slightly tweaked a-pvp molecule that makes it legal. But now the scene is strictly on the internet, mainly on the clearnet and no need for darkweb stuff. 2CB also used to be a research chem but it attracted too much attention and thus got banned. Most of these chems get banned after they get too popular for a year or two but there's always something new and often better, for addicts at least. Then again there are chems that have been around since the beginning, but if something gets too popular or mainstream like 2CB it gets banned within months.

Sorry if my reply came off as rude but you made it sound like I made this post simply for attention and was lying for no reason, when in reality I just recently tapered off RC Benzos, and have tried so many RC's, all of them shipped to my house with USPS or UPS with no problem.

But if you don't want the PM because you fear the risk of addiction just look through reddit. So many RC users. No need for credentials. These sites know what they're doing and who they sell to. They just put disclaimers for legal reasons but we all know Bromazolam is just another benzo like Alprazolam aka Xanax, for example :)

I would argue that research chemicals are equally easy to obtain. There's a huge community of people on reddit that you can ask for sources, thing is they aren't mainstream because the RC's that go mainstream get banned, like 2CB, for example used to be a research chem. Remind me to PM you tomorrow then.

Yeah publicly making a guide for people seems too much. This post already makes me feel guilt. But don't worry I am more than ready to die. I tapered off Research Chemical benzos these last 8 months and just reached 0mg. In that time all my friends and best friends forgot about me, my family hates me because I was bedridden and thinks I exaggerated my withdrawal symptoms for disability benefits in school or some BS that they spread around. I also lost my job and had to quit my studies during my taper. Now there's a snitch out there talking to police about something he thinks I allegedly did. I have nothing to live for, sleep is the best thing, for months now that everyone has forgotten about me and my family hates me I realized what a cruel cold world we live in and how fast people will forget about you, specially at your lowest.

But if you have a kit ready and it includes SN, please reach out to me tomorrow because researching SN sounds like such a painful death. It is so easy to mimic legal euthanasia with research chemicals and if I died last year from that MMQ overdose I wouldn't have felt a thing, I just fell asleep and woke up in a hospital. So basically if I hadn't been sent to the hospital that day I would be dead now, and sometimes I wish it were so. But for me, the right day will come when the police knock on my door.

Again, hanging only has a 70% success rate, it has also been described as painful by most survivors, and studies have shown that the death from it is not instant, there is intense pain for a brief period of time but you are too debilitated in a hanging position, from your neck to even express the pain. If you snort a normal sized line of any -zene based RC opioid, while isolated, I guarantee you'll die and you get to be sedated, better to do it while drunk probably. Unless you are a heroin/fenty user, then maybe you'll need 2 normal sized lines for tolerance.
Thank you for all of your information. You taking that much of your time to post such a lot of information is very much appreciated. I would love a PM if you were so kind.
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Feb 24, 2023
Hi, I sent you a PM. Thanks for all your information on this thread.


Apr 5, 2023
feel free with general questions but with you being so new idk how much i would want to help. sorry
I understand your reservations, but I assure you I'm not actually new at all. I've had multiple accounts for over 3 years. I have PTSD and TBI that make me prone to erratic behaviors, wild mood swings, etc. I have a tendency to change my mind frequently and that includes deleting accounts on multiple platforms. I think you should do what is in your best interest.


Apr 25, 2019
What about sn with clonazepam, tylenol, propanolol and domperidone?


i'm a grass!
Mar 11, 2023
If you go the SN route, the only way to do it without pain is with strong sedatives. Ibuprofen won't do shit for that. Find some benzos and take a ridiculous dose, or mix at least 100mg Benadryl with Alcohol and take 1hr before doing it SN.
I need to ask. Here where i live i cannot get Benadry without prescription, but i found otc replacement: Doxylamine. Seems like it's similiar.
My question is, to be sure before i buy a bunch of these: can i go the same route you mentioned and have similiar results?


Jan 17, 2023
I successfully ended my life back in November (double cardiac arrest brought back to life twice) I used GBL, alcohol and Xanax. Very peaceful death.
Did you buy GBL on the streets or online? Ive got access to Zoplicone, Xanax, Valium but not GBL. Thanks


Overdose king 👑
Apr 3, 2023
Did you buy GBL on the streets or online? Ive got access to Zoplicone, Xanax, Valium but not GBL. Thanks
GBL is very easy to get as it's used as a pre cursors for almost all polymers and is the go to chem in the cleaning industry though if you buy legally you need a company number. Pm me if you want I can help u.
Did you buy GBL on the streets or online? Ive got access to Zoplicone, Xanax, Valium but not GBL. Thanks
GBL is very easy to get as it's used as a pre cursors for almost all polymers and is the go to chem in the cleaning industry though if you buy legally you need a company number. Pm me if you want I can help u.
Did you buy GBL on the streets or online? Ive got access to Zoplicone, Xanax, Valium but not GBL. Thanks
GBL is very easy to get as it's used as a pre cursors for almost all polymers and is the go to chem in the cleaning industry though if you buy legally you need a company number. Pm me if you want I can help u.


Mar 31, 2023
@Proper Overdoser

What do you think about using just gbl to ctb?

I read somewhere that somebody's eyes bled when they overdosed?


Overdose king 👑
Apr 3, 2023
I died on it and defo no bleeding eyes lol, I did piss my self though. You really don't need anything else other than GBL and maybe a little alcohol to help it along imo
Proper Overdoser

Proper Overdoser

Drug Addict
Mar 30, 2023
@Proper Overdoser

What do you think about using just gbl to ctb?

I read somewhere that somebody's eyes bled when they overdosed?
What @vaguebluur said. GBL on its own at appropriate doses will kill you, other sedatives are just for an added guarantee since it is deadly on its own at doses not far from recreational ones.

But no GBL will not make you bleed from your eyes. I have never heard of this. It could have been cut with something off or the person may have been abusing it for a prolonged period of time, but I have never heard of anything like that lol
I need to ask. Here where i live i cannot get Benadry without prescription, but i found otc replacement: Doxylamine. Seems like it's similiar.
My question is, to be sure before i buy a bunch of these: can i go the same route you mentioned and have similiar results?
To put it simply, Doxylamine is basically the same as Benadryl but more sedating. Same mechanisms.
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Proper Overdoser

Proper Overdoser

Drug Addict
Mar 30, 2023
Proper overdoser, I want to commend you on the information you're disseminating here. Most of it's over my head for sure but it's going to be here to reference for so many of us. I've seen a few members here go to the brink with Stan's guide and call for help. Of course many more have succeeded with it . I too kept wondering how in the hell ibuprofen could ever be adequate but I kept out of it because who am I to question the effectiveness when I'm planning to use argon or nitrogen? Perhaps Stan's guide can be amended finally with your knowledge for those capable of carrying out the extra steps. Of course many here feel that they're too incapacitated by their mental and emotional states to do so. Maybe a new guide can be established to obtain the most easily acquired materials available with the least effort needed. Just a thought and I know I could well be making irrelevant points. If nothing else this is headed for megathread status. As I said I'm going for inert gas but I think I'll have trouble actually pulling the mask on over my face. I'm hoping a good dose of regular old Xanax and a good wine buzz will give me some courage. I was drinking last night and for a little while the thought of finally ctb'ing seemed so doable. Anyway, you're knocking it out of the park here 👍🏼
Just here to stop the spread of misinformation. I made a second more detailed post of how I would do it. As for how to get these meds and chems I am not going to speak on that publicly. The potential for addiction is too much, specially in a community such as this one.

Also do not want to make it too easy on someone that would otherwise have to contemplate these things because taking your own life is something quite serious, and if someone is having a bad day and decides to down 10mL of BDO, for example, I don't want blood on my hands.
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Mar 31, 2023
If gbl is such a simple death, why haven't people here been using it to ctb before?

The main thing I am really afraid of is it failing and me becoming addicted. But there are lots of other unknowns, it does not appear to be tried and tested.
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Overdose king 👑
Apr 3, 2023
If gbl is such a simple death, why haven't people here been using it to ctb before?

The main thing I am really afraid of is it failing and me becoming addicted. But there are lots of other unknowns, it does not appear to be tried and tested.
It's tried n tested trust me


Jan 14, 2023
Just here to stop the spread of misinformation. I made a second more detailed post of how I would do it. As for how to get these meds and chems I am not going to speak on that publicly. The potential for addiction is too much, specially in a community such as this one.

Also do not want to make it too easy on someone that would otherwise have to contemplate these things because taking your own life is something quite serious, and if someone is having a bad day and decides to down 10mL of BDO, for example, I don't want blood on my hands.

After doing some research I decided to use the propofol infusion method. I have no medical knowledge but I will follow procedures. My plan is first to use some 80 mg of diazepam. Then 1hr later to inject my self with ketamine but I don't know how many mg. All I need the ketamine is to reduce pain for the propofol infusion. Then I will inject lidocaine I don't know how maNy mg. Finally proceed with 2000 mg of propofol by iv infusion. using 2 Iv bags and 4 Iv lines 1000mg propofol in each iv bag. I hope there will be no convulsion. to dislocate the cannula.I read propofol is anticovulsant . I still don't know the infusion rate I have to use my plan Is to use maximum infusion rate possible in all 4 lines. I don't know why rocuronium is advised after propofol. it Is used after propofol in assisted dying in some us states. But I don't know if I can find it. even if I find it I can't use it after the propofol or can I mix it with the propofol? Please proper over dose and sunset limited I need your support in this critical point of my life. I am not a medical expert
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May 1, 2023
I've always tried to do something like this, where I'd use the LD50 charts to find chemicals with the smallest therapeutic index (aka highest lethality) but they were often either extremely expensive or completely outlawed. After this, I realized my way wasn't working so I looked up other methods but like you said, most of them are sub-optimal in some or another but I assumed they were just the best options.

Thank you for the extremely valuable information, I'm surprised none of these chemicals are getting the discussion they should be. Maybe you should consider working in the field but I'll be doing more research now. I'd PM you to double-check certain things but I've only recently made this account


Jan 4, 2023
2mg of Fentanyl orally kills you
Isn't 2mg fatal only for IV administration? I think it would require a lot more than 2mg by the oral route since opioids are less bioavailable orally compared to IV.

Someone on another thread suggested 1-2g was required orally but that seems far too much when you consider people have died from a single fent-laced M30 pill.

There's very little information available about how much fent or a zene is fatal if taken orally, this means I may have to snort when the time comes.
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Mar 15, 2023
According to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6314932/ Pentobarbital was lethal at 112mg/L in blood concentration, then after looking at https://academic.oup.com/jat/article/36/3/177/888649 it shows that Carisoprodol at only 15mg/L is lethal. Both of these are case studies of lethal overdoses.

So Carisoprodol is definitely not just a positive allosteric moderator (PAM) as the lethal dose of only Carisoprodol is somehow lower than that of Nembutal. If you have tried both benzos and barbs, you can tell Carisoprodol is definitely a drug that feels a lot like a barbiturate, nowhere near as tame as benzos, it is intense with strong barb-like effects, but somehow even more euphoric than most barbiturates so imo this makes perfect sense.

So Carisoprodol is definitely a good replacement for Pentobarbital/Nembutal. Specially when mixed with other, slightly different sedatives.

You would fall asleep within 15-30 minutes of a strong sedative dose, and from that point on you would feel dead, I mean you are unconscious and die in your sleep. Like when I OD'd from Methylmethaqualone and Diazepam, I just fell asleep only to be later told that I was only alive since I was instantly rushed to the hospital and my breathing was stabilized, after several hours of sleep and even having my ribs broken from a super painful sternal rub that failed to wake me.

You could take a heroic dose of benzos, or some Carisoprodol, both strong sedatives. Also Ketamine and its analogues will not allow you to even feel pain in high doses. Also if you take enough Ketamine or one of its legal research chemical analogues, like FXE or O-PCE, you would go into a K-Hole which renders you unconscious, puts you in a lucid dream-like state, and the pain relief is intese.

This is why Ketamine is used in surgeries, as high doses of Ketamine will literally not allow you to feel pain and you would fall into a K-hole and be unconscious. So with only 1 drug? I would use Ketamine or an RC analogue of Ketamine. If no access to that then get some RC Benzos and take a heroic dose. Or some Carisoprodol which is a very intense sedative, moreso than benzos.

According to this case: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/emp2.12789

"A 27-year-old woman attempted suicide by ingesting 17.5 g of carisoprodol and presented to the emergency department approximately 12 hours later. She was comatose, tachycardic, and febrile. She developed a generalized tonic–clonic seizure and was intubated and treated with intravenous diazepam."

"Serum specimen obtained 14 hours after ingestion revealed a carisoprodol level of 23 μg/mL. She recovered consciousness 48 hours after ingestion, and the abnormal eye movement subsided."

The mega dose of benzos + some other sedative would have to do it because 10g alone will not. 15 mg/l neither.
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Apr 28, 2023
What do you think of Tricyclic OD's? NZ is really restrictive for chemicals and drugs to general public. I only have access to Nortriptyline atm. Will that alone be enough? I have months worth stashed.


May 4, 2023
I'm following the digoxin, diazepam, amitriptiyline, morphine, phenobarbital protocol as described in the PPH, with antiemetics taken an hour beforehand.

I'm concerned about shelf life, which I need to research more thoroughly, and I was also considering replacing the morphine with a nitazene (nitrazene? Whatever class protonitazene is in). I'm assuming it would have a similar effect, be cheaper, and a smaller quantity, but want to be sure that it'll be just as effective as morphine.
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Stuck in a roundabout with no exits!
Apr 5, 2023
(this seems way easier than sn)
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Body bobi

Body bobi

May 9, 2023
Alot f paracetamol and other heavy pills.. (can u tell me some other pills so I can be more prepared pls).


May 6, 2023
Alot f paracetamol and other heavy pills.. (can u tell me some other pills so I can be more prepared pls).
Bad idea, failure is high, just throwing in bunch of pills not gonna ctb
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