Forever Sleep
Earned it we have...
- May 4, 2022
- 10,964
Guess it depends on just how great and necessary you think our species is in general- as in- both men and women. Personally, I think this planet would be better off without humans- full stop. Why not allow assisted suicide for women who also don't want to fit into this world? We're not all living it up with hundreds of male suitors!
Plus- if the end goal is children- why would someone as unhappy as I imagine the majority of us are want to bring an innocent child into this? If the end goal is just companionship, love and support- then- that's beautiful. I just think it's hard to love someone when a part of you resents them for their gender. Still- I hope you meet someone who will change your mind. I kind of think- if/when we meet a person that we really gel with- the gender aspect maybe disapears- other than attraction I guess.
It's debatable whether we would have less conflict with less men- or- matriarchal rule at least. I saw a documentary about a tribe in Africa I think it was that had reverted to matriarchal rule. They did welcome men- but so long as they didn't try to dominate and worked as part of the group. I think they were just sick of being abused by men- some of whom had been their partners! The sad thing was- it was apparent that they partly felt the need for these new men in their group in order to protect them from neighbouring tribes who they feared would attack and rape them. I suspect women in the 'developing' world have VERY real reason to dislike men.
As for the 'developed' world- as a woman- sure- it can feel hurtful with the notion that guys tend to go for specific 'types' of women- young and pretty. Sure- you can try and justify it by saying it's a sign of fertility. Same as you can 'justify' women going for rich and successful men because they maybe consider that they have the best genes to pass on to their children- and will give them and their offspring the best chance in life. Who knows? Maybe both are wrong. Not EVERYONE goes for stereotypes though- and not all stereotypes live up to their expectations.
I guess it depends on what you want out of life. I used to desperately want a relationship and love and all that fairytale stuff. Still- I've gotten to a point where I'm resigned to being single. I can't say I look at other people's relationships and feel either particularly jealous of the relationship itself- or- the man they attracted (to be brutally honest.) Do you actually feel envious of people in relationships? Do you look at them bickering in the supermarket and wish that was you?
I do actually feel bad for guys because they either seem to be under the thumb- or- too controlling. It must be hard for them to know how to act sometimes. Still- I think men can be just as demanding of women. It's just the culture we have been raised in I guess- there are just SO many expectations out there now- on both genders. In many ways, I think it can just be easier for us all to make our own way in life. Still- I realise how unnatural that must sound- considering we are meant to be sociable creatures.
Anyhow- I hope you do find someone- if that's what you really want- and I hope you both treat each other well.
Plus- if the end goal is children- why would someone as unhappy as I imagine the majority of us are want to bring an innocent child into this? If the end goal is just companionship, love and support- then- that's beautiful. I just think it's hard to love someone when a part of you resents them for their gender. Still- I hope you meet someone who will change your mind. I kind of think- if/when we meet a person that we really gel with- the gender aspect maybe disapears- other than attraction I guess.
It's debatable whether we would have less conflict with less men- or- matriarchal rule at least. I saw a documentary about a tribe in Africa I think it was that had reverted to matriarchal rule. They did welcome men- but so long as they didn't try to dominate and worked as part of the group. I think they were just sick of being abused by men- some of whom had been their partners! The sad thing was- it was apparent that they partly felt the need for these new men in their group in order to protect them from neighbouring tribes who they feared would attack and rape them. I suspect women in the 'developing' world have VERY real reason to dislike men.
As for the 'developed' world- as a woman- sure- it can feel hurtful with the notion that guys tend to go for specific 'types' of women- young and pretty. Sure- you can try and justify it by saying it's a sign of fertility. Same as you can 'justify' women going for rich and successful men because they maybe consider that they have the best genes to pass on to their children- and will give them and their offspring the best chance in life. Who knows? Maybe both are wrong. Not EVERYONE goes for stereotypes though- and not all stereotypes live up to their expectations.
I guess it depends on what you want out of life. I used to desperately want a relationship and love and all that fairytale stuff. Still- I've gotten to a point where I'm resigned to being single. I can't say I look at other people's relationships and feel either particularly jealous of the relationship itself- or- the man they attracted (to be brutally honest.) Do you actually feel envious of people in relationships? Do you look at them bickering in the supermarket and wish that was you?
I do actually feel bad for guys because they either seem to be under the thumb- or- too controlling. It must be hard for them to know how to act sometimes. Still- I think men can be just as demanding of women. It's just the culture we have been raised in I guess- there are just SO many expectations out there now- on both genders. In many ways, I think it can just be easier for us all to make our own way in life. Still- I realise how unnatural that must sound- considering we are meant to be sociable creatures.
Anyhow- I hope you do find someone- if that's what you really want- and I hope you both treat each other well.