Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Guess it depends on just how great and necessary you think our species is in general- as in- both men and women. Personally, I think this planet would be better off without humans- full stop. Why not allow assisted suicide for women who also don't want to fit into this world? We're not all living it up with hundreds of male suitors!

Plus- if the end goal is children- why would someone as unhappy as I imagine the majority of us are want to bring an innocent child into this? If the end goal is just companionship, love and support- then- that's beautiful. I just think it's hard to love someone when a part of you resents them for their gender. Still- I hope you meet someone who will change your mind. I kind of think- if/when we meet a person that we really gel with- the gender aspect maybe disapears- other than attraction I guess.

It's debatable whether we would have less conflict with less men- or- matriarchal rule at least. I saw a documentary about a tribe in Africa I think it was that had reverted to matriarchal rule. They did welcome men- but so long as they didn't try to dominate and worked as part of the group. I think they were just sick of being abused by men- some of whom had been their partners! The sad thing was- it was apparent that they partly felt the need for these new men in their group in order to protect them from neighbouring tribes who they feared would attack and rape them. I suspect women in the 'developing' world have VERY real reason to dislike men.

As for the 'developed' world- as a woman- sure- it can feel hurtful with the notion that guys tend to go for specific 'types' of women- young and pretty. Sure- you can try and justify it by saying it's a sign of fertility. Same as you can 'justify' women going for rich and successful men because they maybe consider that they have the best genes to pass on to their children- and will give them and their offspring the best chance in life. Who knows? Maybe both are wrong. Not EVERYONE goes for stereotypes though- and not all stereotypes live up to their expectations.

I guess it depends on what you want out of life. I used to desperately want a relationship and love and all that fairytale stuff. Still- I've gotten to a point where I'm resigned to being single. I can't say I look at other people's relationships and feel either particularly jealous of the relationship itself- or- the man they attracted (to be brutally honest.) Do you actually feel envious of people in relationships? Do you look at them bickering in the supermarket and wish that was you?

I do actually feel bad for guys because they either seem to be under the thumb- or- too controlling. It must be hard for them to know how to act sometimes. Still- I think men can be just as demanding of women. It's just the culture we have been raised in I guess- there are just SO many expectations out there now- on both genders. In many ways, I think it can just be easier for us all to make our own way in life. Still- I realise how unnatural that must sound- considering we are meant to be sociable creatures.

Anyhow- I hope you do find someone- if that's what you really want- and I hope you both treat each other well.
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
I know of men who worked on their looks, even if it took cosmetic surgery. It helps somewhat. Obviously, you can't change yourself that radically, and if you have a bad starting base, you won't be able to improve much. Some men do have fear though.
I was not talking about changing your looks. Imo, if you feel insecure about your looks, you do whatever you want to do in order to feel better about yourself. You shouldn't do it for other people.
If an ugly, balding man were to approach you with respect, I am not sure if you would be attracted to his "values". Would you give him enough time to show his values? In this fast-paced society, I wouldn't expect you to take time out to get to know him on a few dates.
I actually really like bald man. And values… that's my thing. So yes, I would. As you can see, people have different types, they feel attraction for different people. What is attractive to me, may not be to you. So if some girl said you are ugly, another girl may think you are the hottest guy alive. That's how things work.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
These gender war threads don't bring much, I think. Ditto with the usual ageism on this forum, dismissing romantic/intellectual attractions between consenting adults, to point where we should ban anyone here under 21... or 25... or 30

Personally, I think more young men should love older women. I was just talking with a friend whose boyfriend is 15 years younger than her. Good on her for robbing the cradle, I'm sure she teaches him a thing or two! In fact, I told her about this SaSu kinks thread, and she taught me a lot about the submissive's perspective. Guess her bf's a busy boy

And to the OP: why make so many identity politics threads? Come on, we all got problems, it's like these threads are out to start shit with women. Just dividing everyone and bringing out the worst of either side. We can discuss guy-specific problems, without making it seem like women are on easy street. Many men face important problems with relationships, no doubt about that. But I feel the orig post crossed the line into barely-disguised misogyny. Calling it "incel" seems justified for once, it meets the definition. So many women I've known had to face massive shit from men, but they're never making posts going quite this far
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
Is it not true that abusive. toxic men can get into relationships? Is it wrong to state that gender-based violence happens in relationships? But it shouldn't happen if women can tell what your personality is like beforehand, right?
Also, I have no problem with the women here discussing this openly with me here. Sorry if I come across as angry at YOU. I am not. I just find the situation frustrating.
It is frustrating to me as well. I am not saying things are easy for men. I can see it's difficult for many reasons. The pressure you guys suffer in this society is no joke. But it's not my fault. I am not going to stop fighting for my rights and for respect because you are suffering. We are actually the ones talking the most about your issues. And you guys do nothing to change what happens to you! You just blame women for the consequences.
Btw, sorry if I sound aggressive. As I said, it is frustrating - especially because of all the things I have heard throughout all my life simply because I am a woman.
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My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
Why live if you don't look pic related
F83756C1 22D9 49F3 B84A E683DAC25986
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Jan 24, 2023
Some food for thought: women may want to CTB because "nice guys" see them only as "females" or breeding machines, not as equal human beings.
Also, being a sentient human on this planet can be a miserable experience regardless of gender or sex. But of course not being seen as a human, a person, just "male" or "female", can contribute.
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Mar 14, 2023
It is frustrating to me as well. I am not saying things are easy for men. I can see it's difficult for many reasons. The pressure you guys suffer in this society is no joke. But it's not my fault. I am not going to stop fighting for my rights and for respect because you are suffering. We are actually the ones talking the most about your issues. And you guys do nothing to change what happens to you! You just blame women for the consequences.
Btw, sorry if I sound aggressive. As I said, it is frustrating - especially because of all the things I have heard throughout all my life simply because I am a woman.

You shouldn't stop fighting for your rights. Whatever you feel that society needs to address, keep fighting. Out of curiosity, which rights are you fighting for? I am guessing abortion or something? I hear about rights that people fight for but I never know what they actually are and if I am in the way possibly (I doubt it cuz I have no power! lol). So which top 3 rights are you fighting for? What role could men play in that (if any)?

Also, I am glad the tone of the conversation has calmed a little. lol.

Sorry if I came off as blaming!
Why live if you don't look pic related
View attachment 107956

02snapshot devito superJumbo

To pretend these two guys get treated the same way by women (or even by men, in the workplace, etc) is delusional.
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Mar 22, 2023
I actually really like bald man. And values… that's my thing. So yes, I would. As you can see, people have different types, they feel attraction for different people. What is attractive to me, may not be to you. So if some girl said you are ugly, another girl may think you are the hottest guy alive. That's how things work.
I guess when it comes to looks, the harsh truth is that there is a lot of objectivity to it. Even though there are types that people might feel attracted to, most of us would agree on a narrow range of the toxic N out of 10 scale. In fact, there is even research on what is perceived attractive (at least by the vast majority of people).

But here is the good news:

Every ugly person who is confident, having a positive outlook, is inspiring and engaging, or in short: just fun to be around, will be miles ahead in any social interaction to the most beautiful person in the world who is constantly complaining, devaluing other people and being depressive.
To pretend these two guys get treated the same way by women (or even by men, in the workplace, etc) is delusional.
I'm a straight man, so my view probably doesn't matter to you, but still:

I'd rather spend a night out with Danny DeVito than with someone who looks like an AI-generated version of a 90s boyband cover.
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
You shouldn't stop fighting for your rights. Whatever you feel that society needs to address, keep fighting. Out of curiosity, which rights are you fighting for? I am guessing abortion or something? I hear about rights that people fight for but I never know what they actually are and if I am in the way possibly (I doubt it cuz I have no power! lol). So which top 3 rights are you fighting for? What role could men play in that (if any)?

Also, I am glad the tone of the conversation has calmed a little. lol.

Sorry if I came off as blaming!
Well, abortion is certainly one of them, such as equal salary. But you know, being a lawyer the main thing I have learned is that we have the same rights (at least in Brazil) in our constitutions, but the problem is when the law is being applied. We know equality is only a reality on paper, unfortunately. So when I say "rights", I am also talking about how we are perceived socially.

My country is one of the main countries in women's murderers, and the reason we are being slaughtered is our gender.
Our little girls are being raped. Oh, man… my thesis to finish college was about sexual violence and the rape culture. That's a hard topic for me. I just want women to feel free. I want to be able to wear shorts and not be called a slut. I want to have a conversation with a guy without getting hit on all the time. I want to walk on the streets when it's 1 am. I don't want to get raped or beaten up because I am speaking my truth. i want to be taken seriously. I don't want to be read as weaker or crazy just because I am being myself. I don't want to be scared anymore.

And what men can do about it is the same thing I do: research. Because sometimes we think our little actions are not going to affect the big picture. "That little joke has nothing to do with women's deaths"… everything is much more related than we think.

Ps.: I am speaking as a woman who lives in the west. We know there are many things happening everywhere and in every culture that need to be taken care of asap.
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Mar 21, 2023
Having a penis.

Having a penis is awesome and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Real talk though: your problems are too new age, "incel", MGTOW, etc. I just can't understand how someone can think in such a pathetic way.
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
You shouldn't stop fighting for your rights. Whatever you feel that society needs to address, keep fighting. Out of curiosity, which rights are you fighting for? I am guessing abortion or something? I hear about rights that people fight for but I never know what they actually are and if I am in the way possibly (I doubt it cuz I have no power! lol). So which top 3 rights are you fighting for? What role could men play in that (if any)?

Also, I am glad the tone of the conversation has calmed a little. lol.

Sorry if I came off as blaming!

View attachment 107957

To pretend these two guys get treated the same way by women (or even by men, in the workplace, etc) is delusional.
Just to understand something: would you treat Megan Fox and, idk, Betty White (when she was alive) the same way?

I would treat both men really kindly, because I usually don't look at people as if they were potential sex. I treat them as people.
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“I’d… rather kill myself.”
Mar 4, 2023
Just to understand something: would you treat Megan Fox and, idk, Betty White (when she was alive) the same way?

I would treat both men really kindly, because I usually don't look at people as if they were potential sex. I treat them as people.
This. I never understood why some people have naughty ideas as the first thing that comes to their mind when they meet a new person.
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Mar 22, 2023
We know equality is only a reality on paper, unfortunately.
I would not argue against it and I'm totally for equality.

However, there is a communication problem, I guess. Someone fighting for their rights implies exactly that: a fight, and a fight implies having an opponent.

Patriarchy, claiming that men have power over women, and have better-paid jobs and all of that makes men the opponents of this fight. However, the reality is that most men have no power at all, struggle with their salary as most people do, and are not a member of a special club called "patriarchy". Hence, the average man feels unjustly attacked because he personally has neither contributed to the problem nor has the possibility to change anything about it.

This "fight" is really one on the societal level and every "we-against-them" rhetoric is counterproductive for both "sides". After all, it's the fight to allow everyone to be accepted as they are. To fight that battle – which concerns all of us – in collectives (like "women", "lgbt", "blacks", ...) is probably not the right way, but that's just my opinion.
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Apr 10, 2023
as a man myself, I firmly believe that what you put in is what you will get. So if I am ugly and allowed myself to get overweight, unemployed, low-educated, etc. how could I be upset if no one wants to date me? Life deals you bad hands but, with time, you can improve your chances dating wise by upskilling. So like getting fit, pursuing higher education, pushing for a better or more high paying job, etc. Once u have the focus and put in the effort u will see the results. Just only in your 30s. Lol. Gotta use the younger years to lay down the foundation. But i think its well documented that guys who lets say were among the undesirable in their 20s due to x/y things became very successful dating wise in their 30s by doing/accomplishing x/y things. Keep fighting and pushing and u will get there.
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Mar 22, 2023
This. I never understood why some people have naughty ideas as the first thing that comes to their mind when they meet a new person.
Hypersexuality is a well known coping mechanism for people fearing rejection by others.

Having sex with someone is the ultimate form of acceptance one can hope for. Take a negative self-image of one's body as an example: For someone who hates their own body, it must be a relief to have someone touching the most intimate parts of it.

Not saying that's a suitable coping mechanism, though.
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
I would not argue against it and I'm totally for equality.

However, there is a communication problem, I guess. Someone fighting for their rights implies exactly that: a fight, and a fight implies having an opponent.

Patriarchy, claiming that men have power over women, and have better-paid jobs and all of that makes men the opponents of this fight. However, the reality is that most men have no power at all, struggle with their salary as most people do, and are not a member of a special club called "patriarchy". Hence, the average man feels unjustly attacked because he personally has neither contributed to the problem nor has the possibility to change anything about it.

This "fight" is really one on the societal level and every "we-against-them" rhetoric is counterproductive for both "sides". After all, it's the fight to allow everyone to be accepted as they are. To fight that battle – which concerns all of us – in collectives (like "women", "lgbt", "blacks", ...) is probably not the right way, but that's just my opinion.
I get what you mean, but I still think the word "fight" better describes my intentions.
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Mar 22, 2023
I get what you mean, but I still think the word "fight" better describes my intentions.
Totally understand and agree. But is the opponent of your fight the average male or is it more a societal structure that has grown under the influence of some men?
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Dec 12, 2020
Yes, but we don't need men. Most women would be happier if they had to interact with us less. They can tolerate us at work maybe but they'd rather not have to deal with us in other spheres. How many women pretend to read books or wear sunglasses on the train to avoid men's gaze?

Yet women are getting married, pregnant, etc.

There are some maladjusted women for sure, but the majority still want a family.


libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
Totally understand and agree. But is the opponent of your fight the average male or is it more a societal structure that has grown under the influence of some men?
The second option plus anyone who is actually fighting against what I believe in. So if the average male is reproducing sexist behaviors, he is also someone I am fighting against.
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Feb 22, 2023
Guys just want to add my two cents into this.

Everyone who posts on here has been, actively is or is trying to get over being suicidal. It doesn't seem like anyone has it easy male or female if we're all here.

It isn't that men and women suck everyone sucks. Being a human sucks. Usually there's total solidarity over it on here. Suicidal summer camp vibes. Let's get back to death as the big equalizer hmm?
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Apr 19, 2022
Well, personally speaking, my qualms with being a male has nothing really to do with not being able to get "sex". It's more from dysphoria that is stemmed from how the male body looks. I absolutely hate the male body. The female body just looks much better to me and everything about the male anatomy from the body hair to the genitials is pretty gross.

Now, one problem men can have that women I don't believe will suffer from is a very small percentage will have a micropenis condition. While this does not contribute to my dysphoria or even suicidality, it makes coping as a male even harder. Women will probably not be attracted to you with this condition, and those on here or otherwise that say that having a micropenis is not a deal breaker, are more than likely lying and hugboxing. Fact is, a great majority of those would not be physically attracted to someone with a micrpenis themselves.

There's an argument about "male privilage", but as an AMAB that still presents them as such, I don't feel that male privilage. Pretty sure it only applies to normies, in which case, it's better named "Normie privilage"

Personally, I'd rather be a woman as opposed to a male with a micropenis, or even a male with an average sized or large one, but my reasons are more to do with the anatomy as a whole, than the topic in the OP.

Going to be honest, though. It's pretty risky making a thread like this as it can spiral into a gender debate, and those never end well.

EDIT: To the person above, not quoting you or having your name in there won't prevent someone from screenshotting it. They can already do that with your actual post without someone quoting it...


Mar 24, 2021
These gender war threads don't bring much, I think. Ditto with the usual ageism on this forum, dismissing romantic/intellectual attractions between consenting adults, to point where we should ban anyone here under 21... or 25... or 30

Personally, I think more young men should love older women. I was just talking with a friend whose boyfriend is 15 years younger than her. Good on her for robbing the cradle, I'm sure she teaches him a thing or two! In fact, I told her about this SaSu kinks thread, and she taught me a lot about the submissive's perspective. Guess her bf's a busy boy

And to the OP: why make so many identity politics threads? Come on, we all got problems, it's like these threads are out to start shit with women. Just dividing everyone and bringing out the worst of either side. We can discuss guy-specific problems, without making it seem like women are on easy street. Many men face important problems with relationships, no doubt about that. But I feel the orig post crossed the line into barely-disguised misogyny. Calling it "incel" seems justified for once, it meets the definition. So many women I've known had to face massive shit from men, but they're never making posts going quite this far
That is literally problematic within itself. Just like we find it problematic when a men dates someone younger. You want a young men to be with an older women so she can manipulate him and MOLD him to her idea of a perfect partner? That is very problematic.
Well, personally speaking, my qualms with being a male has nothing really to do with not being able to get "sex". It's more from dysphoria that is stemmed from how the male body looks. I absolutely hate the male body. The female body just looks much better to me and everything about the male anatomy from the body hair to the genitials is pretty gross.

Now, one problem men can have that women I don't believe will suffer from is a very small percentage will have a micropenis condition. While this does not contribute to my dysphoria or even suicidality, it makes coping as a male even harder. Women will probably not be attracted to you with this condition, and those on here or otherwise that say that having a micropenis is not a deal breaker, are more than likely lying and hugboxing. Fact is, a great majority of those would not be physically attracted to someone with a micrpenis themselves.

There's an argument about "male privilage", but as an AMAB that still presents them as such, I don't feel that male privilage. Pretty sure it only applies to normies, in which case, it's better named "Normie privilage"

Personally, I'd rather be a woman as opposed to a male with a micropenis, or even a male with an average sized or large one, but my reasons are more to do with the anatomy as a whole, than the topic in the OP.

Going to be honest, though. It's pretty risky making a thread like this as it can spiral into a gender debate, and those never end well.

EDIT: To the person above, not quoting you or having your name in there won't prevent someone from screenshotting it. They can already do that with your actual post without someone quoting it...
No offense but a guy with micropenis don't really have the option of being picky unless he is rich. Women have a problem with micro penis if the it's the length and size of a pencil (a small pencil). If it's small and like a sausage (thick) then I doubt it. And you aren't a women, we aren't like men. We are complex. It's not black and white with us. My point is you don't know what women like. And if a guy have a micro penis that's at least thick then yes he is very much capable. Plenty of guys have small dicks and they all manage to find women that likes them.
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Jan 23, 2023
DO NOT..., I REPEAT DO NOT ....., I REPEAT..., DO NOT . REPEAT. DO NOT believe all those stufff you read or they tell you on the internet, TV, movies, etc......, THEY ARE ALL LIES and MAKE BELIEVE......, all i can advise you is, treat your woman or girl real good...., SHE DOESN"T care about all that crap either. ..., the problem is boys/young men in usa & uerope believe such nonsense. .....,, DO NOT BELIEVE IT. ..., you will be surprised how your girl/woman will love it when you treat her like a woman/girl. ....pppssssst, do not tell. it's top secret.
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
Now, one problem men can have that women I don't believe will suffer from is a very small percentage will have a micropenis condition. While this does not contribute to my dysphoria or even suicidality, it makes coping as a male even harder. Women will probably not be attracted to you with this condition, and those on here or otherwise that say that having a micropenis is not a deal breaker, are more than likely lying and hugboxing. Fact is, a great majority of those would not be physically attracted to someone with a micrpenis themselves.
I understand that having a micropenis is something that makes you suffer, but if your concern is making a woman have pleasure, I can assure you your fingers and tongue can get the job done. If some woman don't like that, it's her right, but you can't say this is a deal breaker for every woman.
My best sex was with a woman and she just used her fingers. On the other hand, I dated a guy for 5 years and he had NOT a small dick and still never made me cum.
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Jan 24, 2023
Yet women are getting married, pregnant, etc.

There are some maladjusted women for sure, but the majority still want a family.
Great to know that you measure the value of humans by their desire to create more sentient humans, some of which will likely become suicidal themselves. Congrats, really, multiplying suffering is such a great proof of being well-adjusted!
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Apr 19, 2022
That is literally problematic within itself. Just like we find it problematic when a men dates someone younger. You want a young men to be with an older women so she can manipulate him and MOLD him to her idea of a perfect partner? That is very problematic.

No offense but a guy with micropenis don't really have the option of being picky unless he is rich. Women have a problem with micro penis if the it's the length and size of a pencil (a small pencil). If it's small and like a sausage (thick) then I doubt it. And you aren't a women, we aren't like men. We are complex. It's not black and white with us. My point is you don't know what women like. And if a guy have a micro penis that's at least thick then yes he is very much capable. Plenty of guys have small dicks and they all manage to find women that likes them.

You're right. I am not a woman. That's actually why I am here and planning to CTB in the first place. Thank you for the reminder lol

The first sentence actually supports the notion that women have the right to be picky and not men (at least those born with this condition). As far as your last sentences go about plenty of guys having small dicks finding women that like them. To that I raise these two points.

1. There is a difference between a "small" dick and a micro one.

2. Those men with small/micro dicks, did they have a lot of money? I'm asking because of the first sentence in your reply to me. If yes, that supports the incel's argument about looks not mattering if you're rich/earn a lot of money, which go against the argument that women love other values in men.

Now bare in mind, I am not arguing that women shouldn't have their standards. I personally feel that women are better than men and absolutely should be picky. However, if we're going to be transparent here, you can't say that these misogynist arguments incels make about women caring about money and looks are wrong when you say stuff like men with micropenises can't be picky unless they are rich. This statement points to money and looks being important.

I will add that I am interested in women, and that would not change even if I was one, so I wouldn't be able to vouch for anyone that men's looks aren't important.

Also, no offence taken btw. I hate being a guy and like I said, I'd hate it regardless of "size" so I can't be offended. I wouldn't expect anyone to be attracted to me, nor would I be attracted to a guy like me if I was a woman.
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Apr 13, 2023
I'm fat, bald, and have a tiny dick. I've also had sex regularly for over 20 years. I was a poor smelly kid when I first started having sex in high school. Sure, there are tons of women that wouldn't be interested in me sexually, but that's the thing... there are tons of women and they're all different. There are tons that could be interested in having a romantic relationship, or even just sex, with me.

When you're inexperienced with romantic relationships, or relationships in general, it's easy to simplify things and think about them in absolutes. Honestly, saying "men this", "women that", "white people do", "black people think", or any generalization is limiting and pointless when you're ultimately dealing with a single person. People are complex and we're all different.

I get it, when you're starving all you can think about is food. I hope saying things like "we can safely stop reproducing men and clone women instead." is parody or hyperbole. I get that maybe it can feel like that, but they're incredibly outlandish things to actually think.
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Apr 19, 2022
I understand that having a micropenis is something that makes you suffer, but if your concern is making a woman have pleasure, I can assure you your fingers and tongue can get the job done. If some woman don't like that, it's her right, but you can't say this is a deal breaker for every woman.
My best sex was with a woman and she just used her fingers. On the other hand, I dated a guy for 5 years and he had NOT a small dick and still never made me cum.
I would argue that the reason being is that you are more attracted to women than men, or that man just sucked in bed, and someone else with a "big dick" could have got the job done. It is also easier for a woman to satisfy another woman because being one themselves, they know what would do it for them, so they can use that in this situation.

As far as the debate about a micropenis goes, women that are physically attracted to men are just that, physically attracted to their characteristics. They're sexually attracted in general to the male body and I assume many women, if not all are not physically attracted to a micropenis, so a man with a micropenis getting in the door and being able to get to the point of having their fingers and tongue done is extremely unlikely. Most people go off of sexual and physical attraction from the get go.

It is also very unlikely a man with a micropenis will have the experience to get the job done with his fingers and tongue because he very likely have been rejected by women the minute they saw he had insufficient tools. Can't have experience getting the job done if you never got a chance to do it in the first place.
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
I would argue that the reason being is that you are more attracted to women than men, or that man just sucked in bed, and someone else with a "big dick" could have got the job done. It is also easier for a woman to satisfy another woman because being one themselves, they know what would do it for them, so they can use that in this situation.

As far as the debate about a micropenis goes, women that are physically attracted to men are just that, physically attracted to their characteristics. They're sexually attracted in general to the male body and I assume many women, if not all are not physically attracted to a micropenis, so a man with a micropenis getting in the door and being able to get to the point of having their fingers and tongue done is extremely unlikely. Most people go off of sexual and physical attraction from the get go.

It is also very unlikely a man with a micropenis will have the experience to get the job done with his fingers and tongue because he very likely have been rejected by women the minute they saw he had insufficient tools. Can't have experience getting the job done if you never got a chance to do it in the first place.
I would say I feel more attracted to men physically and women emotionally. My ex was not bad on bed, he just didn't know how to make me feel pleasure lol.
My attraction for people is more about the whole package and not only their appearance, but I get what you are saying.

I am sorry people has not given you the chance, it really sucks. We can never forget we live in a shitty society where bodies are more important than brains and hearts.

Just know you are not less of a man because of your genitalia. If you identify as a man, you ARE a man. The size of your penis or how much sex you can get do not change that.

And believe me, there are women out there who just don't care about size. Myself included.


Jun 13, 2021
"There is increasingly no need for men on earth. We can safely stop reproducing men and clone women instead."

There is no need for anybody on Earth, pobrecito.
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