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Apr 10, 2022
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Apr 19, 2022
I would say I feel more attracted to men physically and women emotionally. My ex was not bad on bed, he just didn't know how to make me feel pleasure lol.
My attraction for people is more about the whole package and not only their appearance, but I get what you are saying.

I am sorry people has not given you the chance, it really sucks. We can never forget we live in a shitty society where bodies are more important than brains and hearts.

Just know you are not less of a man because of your genitalia. If you identify as a man, you ARE a man. The size of your penis or how much sex you can get do not change that.

And believe me, there are women out there who just don't care about size. Myself included.
One ex did. She tried to play it off like size and penile penetration didn't matter, but it was easy to tell she was very disappointed in me. That doesn't make her a bad person. It's just human nature to be disappointed in bed by someone impotent like me.

I appreciate the comment about not being less of a man, and while I identify as a man, I hate being one. I'd rather have been born female, and the micropenis condition just further supports that being a woman from a body perspective is better imo. Sex is still an important factor to many people, including myself at one point. The interesting thing is as a result of my dysphoria, relationships and sex less appealing to me, especially since I find myself and male sexuality extremely cringe. Though the caveat to that is it gives me even less to live for.

It's okay, though. All my issues including dysphoria will be solved once I CTB, so I won't have to worry about any of it soon.
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Can’t catch a break no matter what I do.
Apr 12, 2023
I'm a woman, & I feel everyone is needed. I think our society in general & my generation (I'm 20 so technically gen z) have been kinda fucked over. Dating is incredibly hard & finding safe spaces to meet people is hard. I think the history of women being constantly belittled, SAed, abused, etc, cause a lot of us to stay away from men. I do feel bad for a lot of young men in my age group, a lot of them I know are WAY better people then previous generations at least in terms of morals. I know most wouldn't abuse us, but there's still some that will. It's that bad apple that spoils the bunch. I've had terrible experiences with both sides of the coin, however I am more fearful of men. I know with women I am at least almost always capable of defending myself, but with a man? Not really. Being 5'2 & not necessarily weak but not strong isn't great for when you go on a date with a guy who is much larger than you & could easily overpower you. I feel we have to be more careful around older man rather than younger as well. It's really unfortunate. I think if we stay on the progressive side of things, educating kids on morals & consent, & try to make safer spaces for everyone, I think the fear may start to subside some. Nothing against anyone apart of an older generation, just to clarify.

Also another reason men may not being having as much sex with women, is access to abortion & safe means of birth control. Different birth controls have different side effects, some can be pretty awful to downright deadly. Access to abortion is vey scary right now as well. I've been in situations where I could have been raped & could have ended up pregnant. It made my fear of men much stronger during that time. We know it's not all men, I don't even think it's a large population of men doing it- it's just that chance, the possibility of being overpowered- very real fear, especially for people who have been victims of SA or any sexual abuse for that matter. Unfortunately as well, a LOT of women have experienced SA & sexual abuse, especially when they were young- so really any sexual interaction can be very hard for some people, especially if they have PTSD from it or physical trauma from it (scars, etc).

When it comes to the financial, my generation is struggling so bad that I think most honestly don't really care much. We have no opportunity to buy a home or even really afford to have children, or enjoy much at all- if someone is well off this early in life, good for them, but it definitely ain't a lot of us. You can go places that don't require a lot of money to go on dates, & I feel that if anyone expects you to make a shitload of money at this age & with the economy, that's just an unrealistic expectation right now. When I met my partner he wasn't wealthy, he was living with his parents, I was living with mine. I think if someone is truly interested in you, & you're interested in them, I don't think the financial aspect of that relationship should come into play at all until later down the road, like moving in together.

Also not every woman is attracted to the same kind of men, my sister likes leaner men/same height as her, theater kid types, my other sister is lesbian/bi-curious & likes nerdy dudes. I'm bi & have been with all different kinds of men & women, different bodies, personalities, ethnicities, etc. I prefer chubbier dudes & women, & prefer either be taller than me or shorter than me, but those are just general preferences, but I honestly don't care. I personally just care for morals, what they want in a relationship, & if they care for me & love me. That's all that should really matter.

I really do hope you find someone, it's hard, it took me many awful experiences to find a very lovely human. Don't rush into something either, take stuff slow, get to know someone, your looks & body don't define shit. I ain't pretty, I don't even have a great body, but my partner loves me, & doesn't care about how my body looks. Caring & looking out for each other is what matters.
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Mar 24, 2021
You're right. I am not a woman. That's actually why I am here and planning to CTB in the first place. Thank you for the reminder lol

The first sentence actually supports the notion that women have the right to be picky and not men (at least those born with this condition). As far as your last sentences go about plenty of guys having small dicks finding women that like them. To that I raise these two points.

1. There is a difference between a "small" dick and a micro one.

2. Those men with small/micro dicks, did they have a lot of money? I'm asking because of the first sentence in your reply to me. If yes, that supports the incel's argument about looks not mattering if you're rich/earn a lot of money, which go against the argument that women love other values in men.

Now bare in mind, I am not arguing that women shouldn't have their standards. I personally feel that women are better than men and absolutely should be picky. However, if we're going to be transparent here, you can't say that these misogynist arguments incels make about women caring about money and looks are wrong when you say stuff like men with micropenises can't be picky unless they are rich. This statement points to money and looks being important.

I will add that I am interested in women, and that would not change even if I was one, so I wouldn't be able to vouch for anyone that men's looks aren't important.

Also, no offence taken btw. I hate being a guy and like I said, I'd hate it regardless of "size" so I can't be offended. I wouldn't expect anyone to be attracted to me, nor would I be attracted to a guy like me if I was a woman.
The reason why I said they don't get the option of being picky is because you mentioned women that have no problem with their micro penis are somehow unattractive. If they deem their micro penis as such a problem then they don't get to be picky. And that goes for both men and women. Personally I find most people attractive. I think everyone is beautiful. And I'm not attracted to people looks only. But I know beggars can't be choosers or they can starve. And I mentioned money because a picky micro penis men need to have something that makes him stand out especially if he is going to be picky. Also there are plenty of women that aren't even interested in sex or penis like that.


Apr 19, 2022
The reason why I said they don't get the option of being picky is because you mentioned women that have no problem with their micro penis are somehow unattractive. If they deem their micro penis as such a problem then they don't get to be picky. And that goes for both men and women. Personally I find most people attractive. I think everyone is beautiful. And I'm not attracted to people looks only. But I know beggars can't be choosers or they can starve. And I mentioned money because a picky micro penis men need to have something that makes him stand out especially if he is going to be picky. Also there are plenty of women that aren't even interested in sex or penis like that.
When did I say that women who have no issue with their micropenis are unattractive?

Are you referring to this?

"Women will probably not be attracted to you with this condition, and those on here or otherwise that say that having a micropenis is not a deal breaker, are more than likely lying and hugboxing. Fact is, a great majority of those would not be physically attracted to someone with a micrpenis themselves."


Jan 24, 2023
You're right. I am not a woman. That's actually why I am here and planning to CTB in the first place. Thank you for the reminder lol

The first sentence actually supports the notion that women have the right to be picky and not men (at least those born with this condition). As far as your last sentences go about plenty of guys having small dicks finding women that like them. To that I raise these two points.

1. There is a difference between a "small" dick and a micro one.

2. Those men with small/micro dicks, did they have a lot of money? I'm asking because of the first sentence in your reply to me. If yes, that supports the incel's argument about looks not mattering if you're rich/earn a lot of money, which go against the argument that women love other values in men.

Now bare in mind, I am not arguing that women shouldn't have their standards. I personally feel that women are better than men and absolutely should be picky. However, if we're going to be transparent here, you can't say that these misogynist arguments incels make about women caring about money and looks are wrong when you say stuff like men with micropenises can't be picky unless they are rich. This statement points to money and looks being important.

I will add that I am interested in women, and that would not change even if I was one, so I wouldn't be able to vouch for anyone that men's looks aren't important.

Also, no offence taken btw. I hate being a guy and like I said, I'd hate it regardless of "size" so I can't be offended. I wouldn't expect anyone to be attracted to me, nor would I be attracted to a guy like me if I was a woman.
Everyone has right to be as picky as they wish, they just have to accept that this may mean being alone. The world doesn't "owe" anyone a partner, let alone a partner who fits certain criteria. It's that simple.
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Apr 19, 2022
Everyone has right to be as picky as they wish, they just have to accept that this may mean being alone. The world doesn't "owe" anyone a partner, let alone a partner who fits certain criteria. It's that simple.
I agree.
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Dec 12, 2020
Great to know that you measure the value of humans by their desire to create more sentient humans, some of which will likely become suicidal themselves. Congrats, really, multiplying suffering is such a great proof of being well-adjusted!

How is your post relevant to his issues with connecting with the opposite sex?


Jan 23, 2023
I understand that having a micropenis is something that makes you suffer, but if your concern is making a woman have pleasure, I can assure you your fingers and tongue can get the job done. If some woman don't like that, it's her right, but you can't say this is a deal breaker for every woman.
My best sex was with a woman and she just used her fingers. On the other hand, I dated a guy for 5 years and he had NOT a small dick and still never made me cum.
aha. aha. aha. do not believe anything the universities teach you...., i'm a prof. aha. but then what do men know? men are clueless. aha.


Mar 20, 2023
I don't have much to add to this whole discussion but just wanted to say I'm surprised that being bald is named as a negative feature for men to have so often. I feel like being bald has nothing to do with bad looking and there's plenty of (famous/successful) men that rock the look I think. As long as they embrace it and don't try and deny the bald look I suppose.

I know this is pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things regarding this thread but just something I thought was odd
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Apr 19, 2022
I don't have much to add to this whole discussion but just wanted to say I'm surprised that being bald is named as a negative feature for men to have so often. I feel like being bald has nothing to do with bad looking and there's plenty of (famous/successful) men that rock the look I think. As long as they embrace it and don't try and deny the bald look I suppose.

I know this is pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things regarding this thread but just something I thought was odd
Well, there's a difference between a male choosing to shave his whole head being bald, and one having bad hair health and "balding", tbf.


Jan 23, 2023
I am glad you know, hun!
life is a bad place as it is..., trouble is some people make it much much much worse. .., sometimes, mostly, always men are just men and women are women..., no matter what anybody says. ..., or you refuse that and life gets real hard at a very early age. .., as for the boys, they will live their life, experiment, etc and eventually decide life is not worth living at 50. 60 or 70. ..., i'm no pro life. or anti suicide. ...., but i kind of like the idea of FUCK AROUND FIND OUT..., something like that. ...., as for me, i fucked around and found out.


Apr 12, 2023

No girlfriend if you're not goodlooking. With the growth of social media and online-dating, women are flooded with options of men. In many cases, it makes women pickier and pick the top-tier men, but in a growing number of cases, women face choice paralysis because of overchoice and end up just hanging out with girlfriends instead.

You can't get or at least keep a girlfriend and build a home if you're broke. You need to be a provider. Women can make their own money so you need to earn a substantial amount in order to match what they can do for themselves. No man ever said: "I can't date her cuz she's just a basic office-worker", "...cuz she doesn't drive", "...cuz she lives with her parents", "...cuz she doesn't earn enough".

But at least you can go work in STEM, right? You can become of value to yourself through achievement and self-actualization, right?

There is increasingly no need for men on earth. We can safely stop reproducing men and clone women instead. Why spawn more men to just be involuntarily celibate and AI-replaced jobless depressed NEETs with no purpose? We will still need SOME men to keep factories and some tech working, but for the mostpart, we won't need men. Aren't men toxic anyway? Female-only carriages on trains won't be needed anymore (See some countries like India). No more Me-Too movement. Men are attracted to signs of youth and fertility which is just creepy to people. Men are always mansplaining, manspreading and turning on the airconditioning. We bald early and are pigs. TV depicts as us Homer Simpson.

Women will be happier without men.

Men's access to euthanasia should be MANDATORY.
Don't worry buddy, you may or may not heard it countless times but I promise that women are not all the same. I hve severe trauma with men. I basically avoided men until I was 15 , and then I had to go to class full of men, they turned out to be the sweetest guys I had ever seen. I met a lot of bad men in my life but a lot of them were complete sweethearts. World is not only black and white, I experienced this myself. I hope you will meet a good woman in your life because everyone deserves it :) (I'm sorry if I misunderstood anything you said in this post)


Apr 19, 2022
Yeah I rephrased it. But I'm saying beggars can't be choosers. Besides women shouldn't have to do charity work. Losers like that probably deserved to be alone anyways.
Your last sentence is just further supporting the arguments incels make. I don't want incel's to have any more fuel for their argument than they already do.

and if you're saying women don't have to do charity work as in they dont have to with someone that has no looks or money, then that is also pretty toxic. I feel like if a male said that or referred to an unattractive/poor woman as a loser, you'd take great exception to that.

@stermc since you did respond to my earlier posts, I'd like to know what you think of Roseate's above comments? Do you agree that "losers" deserve to be alone? and that being with someone who is conventionally unattractive or poor is charity work?
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
life is a bad place as it is..., trouble is some people make it much much much worse. .., sometimes, mostly, always men are just men and women are women..., no matter what anybody says. ..., or you refuse that and life gets real hard at a very early age. .., as for the boys, they will live their life, experiment, etc and eventually decide life is not worth living at 50. 60 or 70. ..., i'm no pro life. or anti suicide. ...., but i kind of like the idea of FUCK AROUND FIND OUT..., something like that. ...., as for me, i fucked around and found out.
I am not a man but I am fucking around and finding out đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť
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Mar 24, 2021
Your last sentence is just further supporting the arguments incels make. I don't want incel's to have any more fuel for their argument than they already do.

and if you're saying women don't have to do charity work as in they dont have to with someone that has no looks or money, then that is also pretty toxic. I feel like if a male said that or referred to an unattractive/poor woman as a loser, you'd take great exception to that.

@stermc since you did respond to my earlier posts, I'd like to know what you think of Roseate's above comments? Do you agree that "losers" deserve to be alone? and that being with someone who is conventionally unattractive or poor is charity work?
Let's be honest show me a men that is actually doing that? Everyone is toxic. I don't see any of you actually calling men out on their toxic behaviors. And it may be toxic but I'll wait until men actually start doing the same. And if you think that's toxic, you should just wait. FYI I wasn't referring to their attractiveness because as I mentioned, I think everyone looks good but let's be honest, society allows men to act childish and immature but expect women to be mature and I'm sick and tired of immature childish men. There is no way anyone over the age of 25 should be acting similar to a teenage boy. It's pathetic.
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Mar 14, 2023
Don't worry buddy, you may or may not heard it countless times but I promise that women are not all the same. I hve severe trauma with men. I basically avoided men until I was 15 , and then I had to go to class full of men, they turned out to be the sweetest guys I had ever seen. I met a lot of bad men in my life but a lot of them were complete sweethearts. World is not only black and white, I experienced this myself. I hope you will meet a good woman in your life because everyone deserves it :) (I'm sorry if I misunderstood anything you said in this post)

Thanks. You sound like a good person. My only disagreement is about me deserving a good woman. I don't. Nobody deserves a partner. It's a privilege. A lot of the women in this thread - maybe moreso on the first page than on page 2+ - think that I feel entitled to a woman. Nope. The only thing I am entitled to is the SN that I paid for. Everything else is luck, chance, privilege. I would LIKE a woman. I don't deserve one.

@Roseate @stermc

Also, having a girlfriend wouldn't make me happy but it would be something to live for. Someone who cares whether I exist or not (who isn't close family) would be a reason to suffer another day.
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Jan 23, 2023
I am not a man but I am fucking around and finding out đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť
that's great and nice to know...., just do it FUCK AROUND FIND OUT. ..., the way to go. enjoy
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
Your last sentence is just further supporting the arguments incels make. I don't want incel's to have any more fuel for their argument than they already do.

and if you're saying women don't have to do charity work as in they dont have to with someone that has no looks or money, then that is also pretty toxic. I feel like if a male said that or referred to an unattractive/poor woman as a loser, you'd take great exception to that.

@stermc since you did respond to my earlier posts, I'd like to know what you think of Roseate's above comments? Do you agree that "losers" deserve to be alone? and that being with someone who is conventionally unattractive or poor is charity work?
I honestly do not believe anyone is a loser nor in this concept of charity work. I believe people have their preferences and that's okay.
I understand where she is coming from, but it's not something I agree with.

Basically, I think everyone has a type or their preferences and that's okay (unless it involves race and stuff like that, but I am not getting into that).

I think it is totally comprehensive that someone wants to be with another person with the same financial conditions, for example.

But I do not think people who are not considered successful by society standards are losers, and as I said before, that's not something I care about.
As a matter of fact, every standard society creates I usually despise.

And no, I don't think being with someone who is ugly or poor or whatever is charity work (and I believe she didn't mean that).
I think beauty is subjective and people should be with whoever makes them happy.

But I have seen lots of men here in this forum talking about rejection and I have realized that they usually go for popular and really good looking girls and expect their approval. They don't get it and feel frustrated and say women suck because they only care about…..

The thing is: unfortunately, some people will only look at what you can offer them. And this doesn't happen only to men. It happens to women as well. In this case, rejection is going to happen.
So, if you are not a model or a popular guy, you shouldn't expect approval from women who care about that stuff (that's just an example).
(Also, usually, people want to be with people they identify with).

There are women out there who don't give a shit, but men don't look at them. You know? They are focusing on the wrong people.

My opinion is: people shouldn't expect approval or anything else from anyone. We have to feel good about ourselves and this should be enough.
The right person will eventually come to your life and if somebody rejects you because of beauty standards or status (even if you are a good person, kind, hard working and stuff), then just tell them to go fuck themselves.

If you don't admire something such as wealth and status, you shouldn't care about the opinion of people who do care about these things. Why would you care?

Just do you.

* Sorry if I am not making sense or if I made any english mistakes. Wish you guys understood portuguese because discussing things in english makes me confused sometimes
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Apr 19, 2022
I honestly do not believe anyone is a loser nor in this concept of charity work. I believe people have their preferences and that's okay.
I understand where she is coming from, but it's not something I agree with.

Basically, I think everyone has a type or their preferences and that's okay (unless it involves race and stuff like that, but I am not getting into that).

I think it is totally comprehensive that someone wants to be with another person with the same financial conditions, for example.

But I do not think people who are not considered successful by society standards are losers, and as I said before, that's not something I care about.
As a matter of fact, every standard society creates I usually despise.

And no, I don't think being with someone who is ugly or poor or whatever is charity work (and I believe she didn't mean that).
I think beauty is subjective and people should be with whoever makes them happy.

But I have seen lots of men here in this forum talking about rejection and I have realized that they usually go for popular and really good looking girls and expect their approval. They don't get it and feel frustrated and say women suck because they only care about…..

The thing is: unfortunately, some people will only look at what you can offer them. And this doesn't happen only to men. It happens to women as well. In this case, rejection is going to happen.
So, if you are not a model or a popular guy, you shouldn't expect approval from women who care about that stuff (that's just an example).

There are women out there who don't give a shit, but men don't look at them. You know? They are focusing on the wrong people.

My opinion is: people shouldn't expect approval or anything else from anyone. We have to feel good about ourselves and this should be enough.
The right person will eventually come to your life and if somebody rejects you because of beauty standards or status (even if you are a good person, kind, hard working and stuff), then just tell them to go fuck themselves.

If you don't admire something such as people who care about wealth and status, you shouldn't care about their opinions as well. Just do you.
Oh, I completely agree it also happens to women as well. I admit looks were important to me when I was interested in relationships. Though, I considered any women remotely in decent shape as attractive, even conventionally average looking women.

While I understand it seems that the men on here (or possibly anywhere else for that matter that complain about stuff like this) usually go for popular and really good looking girls, I think it may be exaggerated. Possibly they went after conventionally average looking women (that to them, like to me, were really attractive).

I do agree that there may be women that don't give a shit about financial means or men's looks, but I also feel that after so many rejections, men just give up and revert to the incel way of life.. I mean, after so much rejection, it can frustrate and turn one bitter.

In regards to what roseate said, I am not sure what else she could have meant by charity work, tbh. At least looking in the concept of everything that was talked about, it would be reasonable to assume that dating men below standards would be referred to as "charity work". You also may need to admit that the attitude she displayed in calling people below standard "losers" is exactly the argument incels tend to make. It only adds credence to their argument, and while I hate that it does, you cannot ignore it. It also can come off as victim blaming too, which puts fault on men who have no control over their looks and financial means. It's pretty toxic all around, and we all know if some male made the exact remarks she did about the opposite sex, it would be unacceptable (as it should be).

But referring to people who can't get a date as losers, and saying that they deserve it? Can you honestly understand this line of thinking?
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Apr 12, 2023
Thanks. You sound like a good person. My only disagreement is about me deserving a good woman. I don't. Nobody deserves a partner. It's a privilege. A lot of the women in this thread - maybe moreso on the first page than on page 2+ - think that I feel entitled to a woman. Nope. The only thing I am entitled to is the SN that I paid for. Everything else is luck, chance, privilege. I would LIKE a woman. I don't deserve one.

@Roseate @stermc

Also, having a girlfriend wouldn't make me happy but it would be something to live for. Someone who cares whether I exist or not (who isn't close family) would be a reason to suffer another day.
A man deserving a woman isn't based on how good looking he is or how much money he has. It's just a stereotype, I agree that a lot of women think like that but as I said, not all of them. We should get rid of this disgusting steteotype
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
But referring to people who can't get a date as losers, and saying that they deserve it? Can you honestly understand this line of thinking?
Again, if we are talking about a good person, I do not believe this person is a loser, no matter what society or people in general say.
But the person who doesn't want to date them is also not necessarily a bad person.
And even if I don't agree with @Roseate, I do get where she's coming from.


Apr 19, 2022
Again, if we are talking about a good person, I do not believe this person is a loser, no matter what society or people in general say.
But the person who doesn't want to date them is also not necessarily a bad person.
And even if I don't agree with @Roseate, I do get where she's coming from.
I think referring to people as losers and saying they don't deserve a relationship is pretty shitty.


Mar 22, 2023
I think referring to people as losers and saying they don't deserve a relationship is pretty shitty.
Nobody "deserves" anything. Life in and of itself is neither good nor fair. It's just what it is.

And the only person who can decide if they are a loser is themselves.
If your goal and desire is to live up to societal standards and you fail, you consider yourself a loser.
If your goal and desire is to live life to another standard, AND you're happy with that, you would never consider yourself a loser, no matter what others say.

So, being a loser is, in essence, a label that we put on ourselves.
If you're unhappy with whatever situation you find yourself in, you simply won't "get" a relationship because misery naturally turns people away. If you are content and happy, you will naturally attract people (and relationships if you choose to have them). The concept of deserving something is misplaced in that sense.
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libertas quae sera tamen
Nov 24, 2022
Nobody "deserves" anything. Life in and of itself is neither good nor fair. It's just what it is.

And the only person who can decide if they are a loser is themselves.
If your goal and desire is to live up to societal standards and you fail, you consider yourself a loser.
If your goal and desire is to live life to another standard, AND you're happy with that, you would never consider yourself a loser, no matter what others say.

So, being a loser is, in essence, a label that we put on ourselves.
If you're unhappy with whatever situation you find yourself in, you simply won't "get" a relationship because misery naturally turns people away. If you are content and happy, you will naturally attract people (and relationships if you choose to have them). The concept of deserving something is misplaced in that sense.
Thanks. You sound like a good person. My only disagreement is about me deserving a good woman. I don't. Nobody deserves a partner. It's a privilege. A lot of the women in this thread - maybe moreso on the first page than on page 2+ - think that I feel entitled to a woman. Nope. The only thing I am entitled to is the SN that I paid for. Everything else is luck, chance, privilege. I would LIKE a woman. I don't deserve one.

@Roseate @stermc

Also, having a girlfriend wouldn't make me happy but it would be something to live for. Someone who cares whether I exist or not (who isn't close family) would be a reason to suffer another day.
Love from somebody else is never something we deserve. We deserve self love, and that's it.
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Mar 12, 2023
Rough stuff to read, op. You should bear in mind, maybe just somewhere in the back, that the conclusions you've drawn are the ones you were supposed to draw, as intended by those pushing these narratives. The more you eat yourself, the less they have to do.
It's also rough that men can't talk to each other about this, and even less so would it be acceptable to talk about it with women... as I'm sure nearly this entire thread will have shown.
Scares the shit outa me as I'm raising a boy in this environment, where his very body will be seen as the root of all evil. And this from a woman who spent nearly ten years as a Davis and Brownmiller kind of lesbian feminist protesting agressive type person.
Gonna back a few comments up by saying a woman's capacity for attraction is a complicated organism, involving moving parts you guys don't even know exist. BUT, if you see value in yourself, we will pick up on that. Bit of a circular losing battle for some, I'm afraid. I do see that as I write it, or read it in others' words, but it IS true.
I'll tell you something else about women- we like sex. Most of us like it a whole lot. And practically everyone is lone!y and wants someone. In the shadow of that, I really don't know how someone can still be alone, knowing pretty much everyone wants the same thing- someone else. Doesn't make sense to me.
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Too tired to care.
Mar 9, 2023
Firstly... Sooo much going on there.

I am a trans man so I can definitively say that there are those who want to be men.

Many have been quick to point the finger at women for not having sex or girlfriends but it is not women's fault that they have raised their standards. It is very valid to want to seek out stability and success in a partner as very often those things are attached to someone you can hope to build a decent life with.

Women have to work because, in today's capitalist society, a single-income household is not enough to sustain a decent lifestyle. Basically, it isn't much of a choice these days and it's also a good thing that a woman can seek out her own passions. If you aren't on her level then you don't belong with her.

There are more women than men in the world and everyone is different. If you aren't finding a partner then it may be worth evaluating if you are interacting with the correct demographic and evaluating who you are and if you are worth dating. You also need to put yourself out there and speak to a variety of different people.

Women are amazing and speaking from both perspectives, I would rather be around women and date a woman than I would men. I don't blame any women for not wanting to be with most men. Instead of being upset with them, men could just raise the overall standards. Most women aren't looking for millionaires. They are looking for stability, potential, good hygiene, attentiveness, support, and a half-decent personality. Doesn't seem like too much to ask for tbh.
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Vapor Self
Apr 11, 2023
Just take the blackpill bro and move on.
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Mar 15, 2021
Our society is a profoundly alienating one for everyone, no matter what their gender. Some people can cope with this better than others - these are the people who tend to be more successful in their relationships. There are plenty of men who are not particularly good-looking, or even particularly well-off financially, who are successful with women because they simply possess the requisite social skills and confidence. Women, for their part, tend to find it easier to find a sexual partner because our patriarchal culture views woman as the gatekeepers of sex. However, finding a sexual partner doesn't necessarily translate to finding a successful and fulfilling relationship, and there are just as many alienated, lonely women out there as there are men.
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