

Wandering with no destination
Mar 27, 2023
Yeah idk I can't relate, never really gaf about females, they just aren't attractive to me so I don't really understand your frustrations. The only advice I would be able to give you is go find a boyfriend. You seem to want feminine so maybe look for a femboy, I would go so far as to say they are better partners than most women in quite a few ways, more obedient, more "stamina", more interesting. Also I think being controlling is okay, it's normal to want to dominate and be the one in control because that's literally what men have done since, yknow the beginning of mankind plus it's hot. TLDR go date men stop worrying about women. (I've also got the popcorn ready if you know what I mean)


Apr 19, 2022
Yeah idk I can't relate, never really gaf about females, they just aren't attractive to me so I don't really understand your frustrations. The only advice I would be able to give you is go find a boyfriend. You seem to want feminine so maybe look for a femboy, I would go so far as to say they are better partners than most women in quite a few ways, more obedient, more "stamina", more interesting. Also I think being controlling is okay, it's normal to want to dominate and be the one in control because that's literally what men have done since, yknow the beginning of mankind plus it's hot. TLDR go date men stop worrying about women. (I've also got the popcorn ready if you know what I mean)
That's not how human sexuality works. The OP isn't gay. You can't just tell someone to date someone of the sex they aren't attracted to lol Of course you're biased because like you said, you don't care about women.
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Apr 2, 2023

No girlfriend if you're not goodlooking. With the growth of social media and online-dating, women are flooded with options of men. In many cases, it makes women pickier and pick the top-tier men, but in a growing number of cases, women face choice paralysis because of overchoice and end up just hanging out with girlfriends instead.

You can't get or at least keep a girlfriend and build a home if you're broke. You need to be a provider. Women can make their own money so you need to earn a substantial amount in order to match what they can do for themselves. No man ever said: "I can't date her cuz she's just a basic office-worker", "...cuz she doesn't drive", "...cuz she lives with her parents", "...cuz she doesn't earn enough".

But at least you can go work in STEM, right? You can become of value to yourself through achievement and self-actualization, right?

There is increasingly no need for men on earth. We can safely stop reproducing men and clone women instead. Why spawn more men to just be involuntarily celibate and AI-replaced jobless depressed NEETs with no purpose? We will still need SOME men to keep factories and some tech working, but for the mostpart, we won't need men. Aren't men toxic anyway? Female-only carriages on trains won't be needed anymore (See some countries like India). No more Me-Too movement. Men are attracted to signs of youth and fertility which is just creepy to people. Men are always mansplaining, manspreading and turning on the airconditioning. We bald early and are pigs. TV depicts as us Homer Simpson.

Women will be happier without men.

Men's access to euthanasia should be MANDATORY.
I definitely feel for you. As a trans man, I have passed my whole life and been perceived as a man. I am 18 now, maybe it will change in the future but who knows? I honestly don't really understand what it is like to be a woman besides the biological aspects like periods and stuff. Honestly, most of my social experiences relate mostly to cis men. Even so, me as an ugly socially inept nerd, I have still been able to form relationships with women and most of my friends are girls. Though, it feels lonely sometimes as a man. It's almost as if my feelings are disregarded. I have been told not to cry if I want to be a man, that I have to build and make a lot of money. It's so stupid. I don't think men are wired to be attracted to fertility and youth, I think that is really a socially constructed aspect because I myself have felt that way about women - but I am not biologically a man. I think that is why it is kind of viewed as creepy, especially when you hear the many horror stories of large age-gapped relationships. A lot of misandry and toxic feminism gets blasted on my feed and it makes me feel horrible, especially TERFs. I hope there is a change in the future, maybe we can stop viewing lack of sex as normal and not let it eat us up inside. I have never done that kind of stuff before, and I honestly don't really want to but sometimes I do get insecure when other guys start making fun of me for my virginity. I don't think it is acknowledged enough how much men suffer in terms of social aspects, I get that there are other groups out there who do suffer, but so do we. If we acknowledged it more, there would definitely be a lot more progression.
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Mar 14, 2023
I definitely feel for you. As a trans man, I have passed my whole life and been perceived as a man. I am 18 now, maybe it will change in the future but who knows? I honestly don't really understand what it is like to be a woman

There is no standard way of being a woman really. A woman can have any behaviour she wants.

besides the biological aspects like periods and stuff.

Yeah I have empathy for some of the biological aspects like periods and cramps. As a man, I have no idea what that's like.

Honestly, most of my social experiences relate mostly to cis men. Even so, me as an ugly socially inept nerd,

From what I understand, it is easier for a FTM trans to get on testosterone than a man. Most doctors will say to a man: "You think you're low-T? Nah, your T is 400ng/dl. That's acceptable for a young man" - when it is actually severely low.

Most FTM trans I have seen pass really well and are on high doses of T so their body fills out really well. Jealous man here! And your voices pass really well, even when transitioning postpuberty. Compare MTF trans whose voices usually give them away if they transition postpuberty. And they have to live life speaking in falsetto and mimicking breathiness. It must be a huge chore. Their voice might sound like a gay biological male's voice. Jazz Jennings is an example of how female a MTF's voice can sound when transitioning early. This has gone way offtopic by the way!!

My point was that you are probably not ugly. Women seem to make decent-looking men after transition. Men have a harder time when trasitioning because of the "severeness of testosterone". Since you are trans, I am pretty sure I am "cissplaining" and you know all this shit already!

I have still been able to form relationships with women and most of my friends are girls.

Are you on the autistic spectrum? I have heard even Vaush admit there is a lot of overlap there.

Though, it feels lonely sometimes as a man. It's almost as if my feelings are disregarded. I have been told not to cry if I want to be a man, that I have to build and make a lot of money. It's so stupid.

YEP! Congrats. It appears you are being treated like a man as far as I can tell!

I don't think men are wired to be attracted to fertility and youth, I think that is really a socially constructed aspect because I myself have felt that way about women - but I am not biologically a man.

Consistent with previous findings, women preferred partners of their own age, regardless of their own age and regardless of the level of relationship involvement. Men, on the other hand, regardless of their own age, desired mates for short-term mating and for sexual fantasies who were in their reproductive years. However, with regard to long-term mates, men preferred mates who, although younger than them, were sometimes above the age of maximum fertility.

Men are attracted to signs of youth and fertility even moreso than women are. Men like pert boobs, wider childbearing hips, soft skin, etc. Women are a little more accepting of some rugged skin in men. Society tells us that all of this is socially constructed, cuz then it can demonize men for not "acting better". If society and feminism were to grant that it is mostly biological, then it would insinuate men aren't to blame. Of course, culture might exacerbate men's attraction to youth and fertility.

Let's not forget that women are attracted to it too somewhat! Women want to pairbond with a man who can produce sperm that can swim! Not 70 -year-old immobile sperm!

The reason why men's attraction to youth and fertility seems exaggerated is cuz men aren't attracted to a woman's ability to provide and protect. So that is where the focus goes. On the other hand, women are attracted to EVERYTHING and men need to have EVERYTHING going for them: youth and fertility, ability to provide, ability to protect, etc. I am not saying this is good or bad. I am just stating how we evolved. Men were the hunters cuz of the strength that was needed.

I think that is why it is kind of viewed as creepy, especially when you hear the many horror stories of large age-gapped relationships. A lot of misandry and toxic feminism gets blasted on my feed and it makes me feel horrible, especially TERFs. I hope there is a change in the future, maybe we can stop viewing lack of sex as normal and not let it eat us up inside. I have never done that kind of stuff before, and I honestly don't really want to but sometimes I do get insecure when other guys start making fun of me for my virginity. I don't think it is acknowledged enough how much men suffer in terms of social aspects, I get that there are other groups out there who do suffer, but so do we. If we acknowledged it more, there would definitely be a lot more progression.

It will be interesting to see how things play out for you as an FTM trans. You might get treated exactly as a man or you may be treated with kidgloves, if anyone suspects you are trans - thus, they will treat you like a "woman who doesn't know who or what she is, so let's be nice and humour her" kinda thing. In terms of dating, you might do better than a biological male because you may have women reason you are "the best of both worlds": someone who looks like a man on the outside but who might have some biological connection to or understanding of women. You might be rejected for being too short, which something biological men go through and that many FTMs are discovering is a thing.

So it could go in any direction basically! Good luck. Report back on how it goes. I don't plan on killing myself just yet so I hope I get to read some of your progress.
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Constantly Sleepy Catgirl
Dec 28, 2022
From what I understand, it is easier for a FTM trans to get on testosterone than a man. Most doctors will say to a man: "You think you're low-T? Nah, your T is 400ng/dl. That's acceptable for a young man" - when it is actually severely low.
I wanna preface this that I'm sorry if I come across as a bitch at some points in this reply. I have things to say that you probably don't want to hear, but please hear me out. I swear it gets motivational toward the end.

400 isn't severely low. The healthy range is from 300 to 1000.

Doctors avoid prescribing medication for people who don't need it. Trans men need testosterone injections, whereas men with a healthy T level don't.

Raising your T level will not help you. Getting a girlfriend will not help you. What you need to do is understand that your mentality is what's causing this.

Your sperm count is completely irrelevant. Many young women don't plan on having kids because they realize that they don't have to.

It seems like you'll blame everything but your brain when it comes to your problems.

The average woman doesn't have that high of standards. For example, my boyfriend and favorite person is a 5'3" virgin crossdresser who has serious mommy issues, a low T level, and a lot of difficulty taking care of himself, let alone me. I still love him with all my heart, find him extremely attractive, and want to marry him some day.

My point is that people are feeding you lies. The kinds of men that people would classify as "low value" are still able to get girls; they just have to put in effort and be sweet.

I think you place too much of your self-worth on whether or not women want to date you, to the point that you've internalized this negative perception. You're not some puzzle missing a piece; you're a whole person. You don't need a relationship to be whole.

I fully understand that you've had bad experiences, and I empathize with that. I'm a woman who suffers from gynophobia because of an abusive relationship. I know just how bad some women can be, but that doesn't make you incapable of finding someone who will see the real you deep inside.

I believe that you have the potential to find a woman who will love you, not in spite of who you are, but because of who you are. I also think that getting there would require getting help with your self-perception, as you seem to think very poorly of yourself.

I understand if you decide that you don't want to follow my suggestions. I also understand if I've been too abrasive and offputting. I just hope you'll at least give what I say a chance.
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Oct 9, 2022
...But I have seen lots of men here in this forum talking about rejection and I have realized that they usually go for popular and really good looking girls and expect their approval. They don't get it and feel frustrated and say women suck because they only care about…..

...There are women out there who don't give a shit, but men don't look at them. You know? They are focusing on the wrong people.
This is what I suspect as well.

You have to know who your peers are and be willing to swim in THAT pond.

You have to be willing to accept an invitation from someone who is just as scarce in the looks and 'value' department as you are.

Once upon a time when I was actively dating, I'd pursue guys I knew were out of my league.

Instead of pursuing more realistic options - I set out to chase someone I knew deep down I couldn't have.

If I had adjusted my expectations by a few degrees, I could've been swimming in attention and affection and whatever else I wanted. Just not from WHO I wanted.
There is no standard way of being a woman really. A woman can have any behaviour she wants.

Women can't be assertive in the workplace without being labeled as difficult or aggressive or having an attitude.

When a man does it, he's seen as "a boss", taking control and displaying leadership.

Look at what happened recently to the college basketball star, Angel Reese.

She engaged in trash-talking on the court. Something men have been doing since the inception of the sport. But she was labeled a "classless piece of shit" by the media and called everything but her name.

If a woman says she doesn't want children, she's labeled as selfish. How often is that label applied to men who don't want kids? How often are men even asked the question.

Men can walk around shirtless with their floppy, C-cup moobs on display, but a flat-chested women would damn near be arrested for daring to show a dime-sized nipple.

Women can't wear whatever they want. They have to consider the unwanted attention it might draw. When is the last time you wondered if your shirt was cut too low?

Women are expected to manage the entire household while also working a 9-5 just like her husband. Wash clothes, prepare dinner, help kids with the homework. Then be willing to roll over when her husband taps her on the shoulder.

Women are expected to do the same jobs as men, but get paid less for it. And if they complain? See point 1 above.

And this is women in so-called first world countries.

In some nations, women are killed just for having the audacity of being born with a vagina and wanting to go to school.

So I don't know how you've come to the conclusion that there are no rules when it comes to women's behavior.

Girls are groomed and indoctrinated from birth on how to behave at school, at work and in relationships. And almost all of the rules lead to them being submissive, subservient and keeping the peace.
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Mar 24, 2021
Once again, generalizing massively. There's so much misandry on this site, it makes me sick. You literaly
Generalization comes from a place of truth. FYI, it didn't just pop up out of nowhere. And that is very bold of you to assume that I only generalize men. Honestly you're making very incorrect statement. And you know what makes me sick? I guess generalizing is only okay when a men does it, huh? I never see people like you defending women. And honestly, if you read my other replies you would see that I also mentioned that men should talk about actual issues that affect men like their mental health. But no one cares about that. It's all about sex and dating young girls, right?
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Dec 12, 2020
Generalization comes from a place of truth. FYI, it didn't just pop up out of nowhere. And that is very bold of you to assume that I only generalize men. Honestly you're making very incorrect statement. And you know what makes me sick? I guess generalizing is only okay when a men does it, huh? I never see people like you defending women. And honestly, if you read my other replies you would see that I also mentioned that men should talk about actual issues that affect men like their mental health. But no one cares about that. It's all about sex and dating young girls, right?

Sex is one of the biological imperatives. Divorcing sex from mental health is asinine. Not to mention that sex is part of a healthy relationship.
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Mar 24, 2021
Sex is one of the biological imperatives. Divorcing sex from mental health is asinine. Not to mention that sex is part of a healthy relationship.
Then explain asexual people? Intimacy is part of a healthy relationship but intimacy is not sex.
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Mar 24, 2021
Asexual people are an aberration.
Whatever makes you feel better. If that's how you believe you will find happiness then you do you. Don't be surprised when it causes more harm than it helps you. Love and sex have never solved anyone problem. And talking about things like this won't change the world. It barely puts a dent. We are wasting our time and energy. And I'm tired of all this conversation about things that doesn't matter. Majority of us are here to die. And after death, nothing matters. And it's not like any of us are making any difference in this world anyways. So like I said before none of this matter. We will die and be another tragic story that no one will even care to remember 10 years from now, if not 5 years.
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Dec 12, 2020
Whatever makes you feel better. If that's how you believe you will find happiness then you do you. Don't be surprised when it causes more harm than it helps you. Love and sex have never solved anyone problem. And talking about things like this won't change the world. It barely puts a dent. We are wasting our time and energy. And I'm tired of all this conversation about things that doesn't matter. Majority of us are here to die. And after death, nothing matters. And it's not like any of us are making any difference in this world anyways. So like I said before none of this matter. We will die and be another tragic story that no one will even care to remember 10 years from now, if not 5 years.

I am interested in facts. According to scientific literature, the prevalence of asexual people is about 1,6 %. Hence it is an aberration, so do not try to generalize it.

Almost no one really matters. In the long run probably not a single individual.

But I fail to see how that is relevant to someone's biological drives and desires.
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
One strangeness about threads like this: we're throwing around the word "relationship" which is so insanely broad. Humans are complex, and their interactions multiply that complexity

And relationships operate on many levels. From purely physical (touch, sound waves), to biological (breeding, nutrition), to social (merging and destroying friendship groups), to psychological (hero/shithead rollercoasters, hours-long discussions that feel like you've merged into a new being)

What's the mindset? Do I want a McRelationship, where someone provides me companionship services? Or do I desire to be passionate about someone, imaginatively amusing and boosting each other, spiraling our notions of "life" beyond what normies comprehend possible?

"This is the true measure of love: when we believe that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one will ever love in the same way after us." -- Goethe

Attributes I desire from intimate companions: physical, intellectual, moral. Currently, I feel satisfied. And I'm bound by no jealousy-contract. So maybe when I have more time, I can offer companionship to decent lonely "losers" who supposedly don't deserve it, because they don't score so hot on all 3 attributes. Intentionally breaking the boring rules people mention here

Just out of some petty annoyance at this thread

I'm fat, bald, and have a tiny dick. I've also had sex regularly for over 20 years. I was a poor smelly kid when I first started having sex in high school. Sure, there are tons of women that wouldn't be interested in me sexually, but that's the thing... there are tons of women and they're all different. There are tons that could be interested in having a romantic relationship, or even just sex, with me.
If you'd like to explain more details, I'd be curious. I'm surprised more aren't. What do you do (and what context are you in) that makes this work -- when others claim it can't work?
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Mar 24, 2021
I am interested in facts. According to scientific literature, the prevalence of asexual people is about 1,6 %. Hence it is an aberration, so do not try to generalize it.

Almost no one really matters. In the long run probably not a single individual.

But I fail to see how that is relevant to someone's biological drives and desires.
Even if they aren't asexual. Most people don't make sex their entire being. Their entire existence. We all have desires but our desires or biological drives shouldn't be the main force.
I am interested in facts. According to scientific literature, the prevalence of asexual people is about 1,6 %. Hence it is an aberration, so do not try to generalize it.

Almost no one really matters. In the long run probably not a single individual.

But I fail to see how that is relevant to someone's biological drives and desires.
Also my point was that this conversation about biological drives and desires changes nothing. Yet we are all wasting our time talking about something that does nothing for us. Honestly sex leads to more bad things than good things. It leads to STDs and unwanted pregnancies. And some STDs never go away. And sometimes when you go looking for something so desperately, you end up in a worse situation than before. I guess I just don't get the big deal because I've never desired it the way people on here desire it. I mean it's not bad but most people spend majority of their childhood without it and some even spend their adulthood without it and they are fine. Plenty of people are actually happier without it.
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The drawing is a memory, a good one.
Feb 27, 2023
this is becoming a Mega thread, you guys are still going at it lol, sorry i lost myself at the 3 page somewhere ^_^
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Dec 12, 2020
Even if they aren't asexual. Most people don't make sex their entire being. Their entire existence. We all have desires but our desires or biological drives shouldn't be the main force.

Also my point was that this conversation about biological drives and desires changes nothing. Yet we are all wasting our time talking about something that does nothing for us. Honestly sex leads to more bad things than good things. It leads to STDs and unwanted pregnancies. And some STDs never go away. And sometimes when you go looking for something so desperately, you end up in a worse situation than before. I guess I just don't get the big deal because I've never desired it the way people on here desire it. I mean it's not bad but most people spend majority of their childhood without it and some even spend their adulthood without it and they are fine. Plenty of people are actually happier without it.

In a nutshell. You are asexual and think others should feel the same way about it?

Mr. ‘K so?

Mar 4, 2020
How big this is getting is funny.

I thank the gods every day for being born a man. It's a point of pride to be one of the most dangerous animals on earth
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Apr 2, 2023
There is no standard way of being a woman really. A woman can have any behaviour she wants.

Yeah I have empathy for some of the biological aspects like periods and cramps. As a man, I have no idea what that's like.

From what I understand, it is easier for a FTM trans to get on testosterone than a man. Most doctors will say to a man: "You think you're low-T? Nah, your T is 400ng/dl. That's acceptable for a young man" - when it is actually severely low.

Most FTM trans I have seen pass really well and are on high doses of T so their body fills out really well. Jealous man here! And your voices pass really well, even when transitioning postpuberty. Compare MTF trans whose voices usually give them away if they transition postpuberty. And they have to live life speaking in falsetto and mimicking breathiness. It must be a huge chore. Their voice might sound like a gay biological male's voice. Jazz Jennings is an example of how female a MTF's voice can sound when transitioning early. This has gone way offtopic by the way!!

My point was that you are probably not ugly. Women seem to make decent-looking men after transition. Men have a harder time when trasitioning because of the "severeness of testosterone". Since you are trans, I am pretty sure I am "cissplaining" and you know all this shit already!

Are you on the autistic spectrum? I have heard even Vaush admit there is a lot of overlap there.

YEP! Congrats. It appears you are being treated like a man as far as I can tell!

Men are attracted to signs of youth and fertility even moreso than women are. Men like pert boobs, wider childbearing hips, soft skin, etc. Women are a little more accepting of some rugged skin in men. Society tells us that all of this is socially constructed, cuz then it can demonize men for not "acting better". If society and feminism were to grant that it is mostly biological, then it would insinuate men aren't to blame. Of course, culture might exacerbate men's attraction to youth and fertility.

Let's not forget that women are attracted to it too somewhat! Women want to pairbond with a man who can produce sperm that can swim! Not 70 -year-old immobile sperm!

The reason why men's attraction to youth and fertility seems exaggerated is cuz men aren't attracted to a woman's ability to provide and protect. So that is where the focus goes. On the other hand, women are attracted to EVERYTHING and men need to have EVERYTHING going for them: youth and fertility, ability to provide, ability to protect, etc. I am not saying this is good or bad. I am just stating how we evolved. Men were the hunters cuz of the strength that was needed.

It will be interesting to see how things play out for you as an FTM trans. You might get treated exactly as a man or you may be treated with kidgloves, if anyone suspects you are trans - thus, they will treat you like a "woman who doesn't know who or what she is, so let's be nice and humour her" kinda thing. In terms of dating, you might do better than a biological male because you may have women reason you are "the best of both worlds": someone who looks like a man on the outside but who might have some biological connection to or understanding of women. You might be rejected for being too short, which something biological men go through and that many FTMs are discovering is a thing.

So it could go in any direction basically! Good luck. Report back on how it goes. I don't plan on killing myself just yet so I hope I get to read some of your progress.
Thanks man, I am actually not on testosterone though and don't think I will be unless dysphoria gets really bad. I guess I just got lucky with my voice and masculine features, my hips are hella annoying though (I am also 5'3 RIP). And also I am on the autism spectrum, obviously I am high functioning but I have really bad social cues at times aha. I also get the kidgloves thing, I get treated like a baby sometimes. When I hear sh*t talk on cis men I take it personal occasionally, and I'll hear girls say "its different because ur a TRANS man". In reality I have no experience as a woman in society besides biological aspects.

You have a great day man, loved hearing ur perspective

Mr. ‘K so?

Mar 4, 2020
Thanks man, I am actually not on testosterone though and don't think I will be unless dysphoria gets really bad. I guess I just got lucky with my voice and masculine features, my hips are hella annoying though (I am also 5'3 RIP). And also I am on the autism spectrum, obviously I am high functioning but I have really bad social cues at times aha. I also get the kidgloves thing, I get treated like a baby sometimes. When I hear sh*t talk on cis men I take it personal occasionally, and I'll hear girls say "its different because ur a TRANS man". In reality I have no experience as a woman in society besides biological aspects.

You have a great day man, loved hearing ur perspective
Bro you have my respect. Being a man is taking the hard road in life, and you transitioning into that. Honestly as someone born a guy, it was more brutal before. We used to get taught boys don't cry, just push it down. Middle isn't anyone's fond memories.

I've read a couple stories about trans guys having trouble getting treated as biological guys in this day and age and having anxiety because of it so I'm curious what your say is about it.
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ня пока
Apr 5, 2023
this is hilarious
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
... maybe look for a femboy, I would go so far as to say they are better partners than most women in quite a few ways, more obedient, more "stamina", more interesting. Also I think being controlling is okay, it's normal to want to dominate and be the one in control because that's literally what men have done since, yknow the beginning of mankind plus it's hot. TLDR go date men stop worrying about women. (I've also got the popcorn ready if you know what I mean)

If obedience = dsired thn wld recmmnd a dog

tbf b-ing controllng = commn in abusve rlatnshps s/ sme of th/ dynamcs u r recmmndng here r cncernng
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“I’d… rather kill myself.”
Mar 4, 2023
Thanks man, I am actually not on testosterone though and don't think I will be unless dysphoria gets really bad. I guess I just got lucky with my voice and masculine features, my hips are hella annoying though (I am also 5'3 RIP). And also I am on the autism spectrum, obviously I am high functioning but I have really bad social cues at times aha. I also get the kidgloves thing, I get treated like a baby sometimes. When I hear sh*t talk on cis men I take it personal occasionally, and I'll hear girls say "its different because ur a TRANS man". In reality I have no experience as a woman in society besides biological aspects.

You have a great day man, loved hearing ur perspective
Wait… you are able to pass as a man without T? Sheeesh. That's manly as frick lol
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Apr 13, 2023
In the words of Camille Ann Paglia, "A woman simply is, but a man must become." Men, by nature, are tasked with challenging themselves and climbing the mountain of manhood before the fruits of life and happiness can be acquired, whereas a woman is simply granted these benefits without need of effort within a certain age window. A lot of men naturally have problems with this since it requires a certian emotional pain threshold and drive. it can feel especially hard today when so much of Western society is gynocentric and so few men have proper male role models in their lives to show them how to succeed as a man.

It's important to realize in this situation that, if you are a man, the road to happiness is in pain and perseverance. The hardships of life should be seen as a welcome challenge rather than an unfairness.

But if it's any consolation, I can tell you from experience that being a woman isn't all that it's cracked up to be. We experience more sadness and depression in our lives than men do.
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Building for others before myself
Apr 12, 2023
Life is inherently meaningless. It is up to us to find the meaning of it or leave it if we so desire.

Looking at things purely on a sociological level while we're in a flawed system is going to give you a flawed conclusion. If anything we should be happy for people of all genders and sexes for the strides made in securing their rights and fighting for the ones that don't have them yet; not looking at the perceived shortcomings of being a sex that has already had them from the beginning.

Having a view purely based off sex is going to put you in a dark place as well.

I wish you the best.

This thread is very disconcerting.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
These threads

Sleep Yawn GIF
I'm tempted to engage but people get nasty.


I think I'm actually tempted BECAUSE people get nasty, haha.

Low effort post, but great to see someone else saying GYNOCENTRIC.

Not that the (socially engineered) overreaction to the now crumbling patriarchy is the defining challenge humans of any gender are facing nowadays, but it's always pleasant to see opinions not backed by the mainstream be expressed substantially.
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Apr 19, 2022
In the words of Camille Ann Paglia, "A woman simply is, but a man must become." Men, by nature, are tasked with challenging themselves and climbing the mountain of manhood before the fruits of life and happiness can be acquired, whereas a woman is simply granted these benefits without need of effort within a certain age window. A lot of men naturally have problems with this since it requires a certian emotional pain threshold and drive. it can feel especially hard today when so much of Western society is gynocentric and so few men have proper male role models in their lives to show them how to succeed as a man.

It's important to realize in this situation that, if you are a man, the road to happiness is in pain and perseverance. The hardships of life should be seen as a welcome challenge rather than an unfairness.

But if it's any consolation, I can tell you from experience that being a woman isn't all that it's cracked up to be. We experience more sadness and depression in our lives than men do.
Well, the sadness may be caused by the male sex and the treatment from them, which is not reflective of the sex you are. The problem is the people who perpetuate it on women.

Disclaimer: I am a dysphoric AMAB that wishes they were female. My opinion is very biased.


Apr 13, 2023
If you'd like to explain more details, I'd be curious. I'm surprised more aren't. What do you do (and what context are you in) that makes this work -- when others claim it can't work?

Ah, I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for but I'll take a shot. What do I do? For a job? I work in I.T. but I don't think that's really relevant. I started dating the summer after my junior year of high school, long before I had a "real" job. I started dating my wife in College, so we've been together longer than either of us have had "grown up" jobs.

Oh, maybe you're asking what I "do" to have fairly regular sex over decades? I don't "do" anything really. I've just been in a single long term relationship for most of that time. I have kids in the 10-15 year age range, and my wife and I have been married a bit longer than that. Our sex life has had ups and downs over the years, but generally I've been pretty satisfied.

Prior to my current relationship I had a couple in high school / college. None of my relationships have been brief casual sex, they've all lasted for months/years. I'm not against the idea of casual sex, but it's just not something I've ever done.

This does remind me of a quote from Wilt Chamberlain: "With all of you men out there who think that having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, I have learned in my life that having one woman a thousand different times is much more satisfying." I obviously have no way of knowing if I agree with that. It's more of a personal preference anyway, not some objective statement.

I'm not sure if I've answered your question or not. If not, let me know and I'll happily try again.
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Apr 5, 2023
I think we all experience the same things to some degree regardless of gender. When you talk about women being picky about men, don't men also be picky about women? It's not like all women are built to be pretty or something. Me personally, of course I would choose the better looking one or the one that would make me happier because there's no reason not to besides maybe it'll hurt the other person, but that's not really that good of a reason.

I also don't think it's true that men have no value if they don't have money or whatever else to offer. Men mostly have better paying jobs than women right? So why would they choose to live alone or with another female if it wouldn't benefit them very much? Maybe it's just that it's hard for them to find a good man like it's hard for men to find a good woman.

I think everyone should think about things from the perspective of the other person. If we only think about how we see things then we won't be able to figure anything out.

Also I didn't even read the thread I just skimmed through it and it's like 3 am and I'm super sleepy, so if something didn't make sense that's probably why.


Jan 16, 2023
In the words of Camille Ann Paglia, "A woman simply is, but a man must become." Men, by nature, are tasked with challenging themselves and climbing the mountain of manhood before the fruits of life and happiness can be acquired, whereas a woman is simply granted these benefits without need of effort within a certain age window. A lot of men naturally have problems with this since it requires a certian emotional pain threshold and drive. it can feel especially hard today when so much of Western society is gynocentric and so few men have proper male role models in their lives to show them how to succeed as a man.

It's important to realize in this situation that, if you are a man, the road to happiness is in pain and perseverance. The hardships of life should be seen as a welcome challenge rather than an unfairness.

But if it's any consolation, I can tell you from experience that being a woman isn't all that it's cracked up to be. We experience more sadness and depression in our lives than men do.
This. I agree 100%
Generalization comes from a place of truth. FYI, it didn't just pop up out of nowhere. And that is very bold of you to assume that I only generalize men. Honestly you're making very incorrect statement. And you know what makes me sick? I guess generalizing is only okay when a men does it, huh? I never see people like you defending women. And honestly, if you read my other replies you would see that I also mentioned that men should talk about actual issues that affect men like their mental health. But no one cares about that. It's all about sex and dating young girls, right?
You generalize a lot, he is right.
Also your arguments dont make sense.
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