It's a kind of pseudonym that I made up in the mid 90's when I was in high school, in my school books I put my real name and also put 'Dead Ghost' along with the current year. Then I started to use it together with logos that I invented to sign my class work... I got a good scolding after a while, of anthology. And the thing is that I not only signed the papers like that, I also gave me to explain them as if they were stories or stories, with drawings ... the head of studies called me saying that if he thought he was sucking his finger, that I was teasing them ... I just wanted to do the work in another way to motivate me, since my grades did not go up from the very poor (always zeros) and I was tired of repeating courses. But I could only tell her that it was all a joke to make it all go away... they called my mother at work, but nothing happened to me at home because I knew it (although I proudly showed them the papers before handing them in to the school).
As for the owls, I like owls, just that... I got the image by searching the internet.
And as for 'Mestre del Temps/Master of Time', well... let's just say that's why I'm a determinist and not out of belief but out of absolute certainty.
Ćs una espĆ©cie de pseudĆ³nim que em vaig inventar a mitjans del 90 quan anava a L'institut, als meus llibres de la escola posava el meu nom real i tambĆ© hi posava 'Dead Ghost' junt amb l'any en curs. DesprĆ©s vaig comenƧar a usar-lo junt amb logos que m'inventaba per signar els treballs de classe.. em vaig emportar una bona bronca al cap d'un temps, d'antologĆa. I es que no nomĆ©s signava els treballs aixĆ, tambĆ© em va donar per explicar-los com si fossin contes o histĆ³ries, amb dibuixos i tot... em va cridar el cap d'estudis dient que si em pensava que es mamava el dit, que els estava prenent el pĆØl.. jo l'Ćŗnic que volĆa era fer els treballs d'una altre manera per motivar-me, ja que les mves notes no pujaven pas del molt deficient (sempre zeros) i estaba cansat de repetir cursos. PerĆ² nomĆ©s vaig poder dir-li que tot era una broma perquĆØ s'acabĆ©s tot plegat... van trucar la meva mare a la feina, perĆ² no em va passar res a casa perquĆØ jo ho sabien (bĆ© que els hi ensenyava orgullĆ³s els meus treballs abans d'entregar-los a l'escola).
En quant al mussols, m'agraden els mussols, nomĆ©s aixĆ²... vaig treure la imatge fent cerca per internet.
I en quan a 'Mestre del Temps', doncs... diguessim que Ć©s el motiu per al qual sĆ³c determinista i no pas per creenƧa sinĆ³ per certesa absoluta.