
Oct 19, 2021
f there really are, then there are numerous FALSE accounts. Also the vast majority of women who have abortions do NOT regret it.
But the babies regret being killed and not being able to have a normal chance at life.
No. No one credible has ever described this as happening, and you really ought to quit repeating this lie.
It's not a lie- I've read several credible accounts like this over the years- I'm in the process of trying to track down further details on this.
if you search on google images by "aborted baby" you will see how heartbreaking this is that these poor living, small people were killed. Some are too graphic to post here, but they are heartbreaking.
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Iš Lietuvos
Feb 2, 2021
But the babies regret being killed and not being able to have a normal chance at life.
How can a creature that doesn't know how to make 2+2 regret anything?
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Oct 19, 2021
How can a creature that doesn't know how to make 2+2 regret anything?
What I clearly meant is that this baby would have rather kept living, if they had the choice, compared to being killed. People who are pro choice are in favor of giving the mother the choice to either kill her baby or not; but then this takes away the choice for the baby to be able to continue to live.
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Iš Lietuvos
Feb 2, 2021
What I clearly meant is that this baby would have rather kept living, if they had the choice, compared to being killed.
There are many people that don't like living and would rather be aborted.
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Oct 19, 2021
There are many people that don't like living and would rather be aborted.
Some, it is about 1% of people worldwide who end up dying by suicide- that is 99% who don't. I do thiink it is better to give the baby a chance. The 1% typically have very bad luck in one way or another, often in more than one way. In my case it is difficult to imagine parents who were more cruel in their mental and emotional abuse. Physical abuse wouold have been better, at least someone could see the marks of the abuse.
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
But the babies regret being killed and not being able to have a normal chance at life.
No. No they do not. First of all, a fertilized egg, a zygote, an embryo, etc. is NOT A BABY.
It's not a lie- I've read several credible accounts like this over the years- I'm in the process of trying to track down further details on this.
if you search on google images by "aborted baby" you will see how heartbreaking this is that these poor living, small people were killed. Some are too graphic to post here, but they are heartbreaking.
Anyone who has given any such account is BY DEFINITION not credible because this is physiologically not possible.

Here is your claim. Read it. You said that during the abortion process "numerous" women said that they heard their "baby" (which is actually an embryo or fetus, btw) CRY.
There are numerous accounts of women saying that the baby cried during the abortion process and that they deeply regretted the abortion once they heard their baby cry.

I mentioned this before but maybe you overlooked my edit.

Only a small percentage of aborted fetuses are developed enough to "cry" in utero. This crying that takes place is SILENT. Anyone claiming they heard crying from a fetus in the process of being aborted is by definition a liar because there is no crying that makes noise until after delivery. You should be wondering what other things they are lying about. And you really ought not to be repeating lies.

EDIT: to be clear, it is some percentage that is smaller than 2%. It is not at all common for abortion to take place at or after 28 weeks. Over 91% happen before 13 weeks or so.
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Oct 19, 2021
there is no crying that makes noise until after delivery.
There are many women who have had "partial birth abortions", so it is likely that these cases happen in a case like this- where the babies head can come out before their life is ended. These are not lies at all, I have seen these stories in credible magazines, newspapers, etc over the years. Hopefully I can find some of these stories still.
Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
There are many women who have had "partial birth abortions", so it is likely that these cases happen in a case like this- where the babies head can come out before their life is ended. These are not lies at all, I have seen these stories in credible magazines, newspapers, etc over the years. Hopefully I can find some of these stories still.
It is simply untrue that "MANY" women have had "partial birth abortions." It was very rarely done, even before it was banned.


Oct 19, 2021
It is simply untrue that "MANY" women have had "partial birth abortions." It was very rarely done, even before it was banned.
Following is a quote from "thelifeinstitute website", a pro-life website: "The foetal pain question is not central to the abortion debate. Whether the unborn child suffers pain during an abortion or not is secondary to the much bigger reality; the child is being killed. Quietly shooting someone in their sleep makes you no less guilty of murder than if you had stabbed them to death. Providing an unborn child with anesthesia so you can kill them "humanely" makes abortion no less heinous."

The following video link shows various physicians discussing preborn pain:

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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
There are many women who have had "partial birth abortions", so it is likely that these cases happen in a case like this- where the babies head can come out before their life is ended. These are not lies at all, I have seen these stories in credible magazines, newspapers, etc over the years. Hopefully I can find some of these stories still.
Also, in the rare instances that these were done, the fetus was delivered feet first. The babies head did not come out before their life was ended.

I'm muting this thread now. It's pointless to continue discussion with someone who just makes stuff up because it sounds good.

As per Brandolini's Law, "The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude larger than is needed to produce it."

I'm pretty sure your supply of bullshit exceeds my supply of energy, so....
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Oct 19, 2021
It's pointless to continue discussion with someone who just makes stuff up because it sounds good.
I'm not making stuff up- certain pro-life advocates have sai dthat this was their experience and motivated them to change their mind. BUt even if this is not true, the video link above has a lot of evidence that fetuses feel pain.


Iš Lietuvos
Feb 2, 2021
Some, it is about 1% of people worldwide who end up dying by suicide- that is 99% who don't
Doesn't matter . If 99 people want to go to the Disneyland and one person does not , that does not mean that 99 people can force him to go.
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
I'm not making stuff up- certain pro-life advocates have sai dthat this was their experience and motivated them to change their mind. BUt even if this is not true, the video link above has a lot of evidence that fetuses feel pain.
And the fact that they lied in service of their cause doesn't make you reconsider the truth of the rest of their claims? That seems quite odd to me. Also, I see you are now moving the goalposts, which is a popular technique for people who wield the fire hose of bullshit. Now I am putting YOU on ignore.
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Oct 19, 2021
And the fact that they lied in service of their cause doesn't make you reconsider the truth of all of their other claims? That seems quite odd to me. Also, I see you are now moving the goalposts, which is a popular technique for people who wield the fire hose of bullshit. Now I am putting YOU on ignore.
I'm not moving the goalposts, I'm providing evidence of the larger picture issue from another perspective. It is weak that you resort to swearing as a way to make your point rather than reasoned argument. When you try to use swearing and bullying to make your point that makes you look much weaker and it makes your case look much weaker than reasoned argument.
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
I'm not moving the goialposts, I'm providing evidence of the larger picture issue from another perspective. It is weak that you resort to swearing as a way to make your point rather than reasoned argument.
I imagine that anyone who is not you will see that I countered bullshit with factual information, which I do believe happens to fall within the definition of a "reasoned argument."

On the other hand, your "reasoned arguments" consisted of repeating lies told by others, and then doubling down by making things up on your own, and then apparently expecting me to continue addressing an ongoing series of counterfactuals, which will require me to waste my time watching videos made by the people on the side of the issue who have been putting lies into your mouth for you to so eagerly spread.

You'll have to forgive me for passing on the opportunity to waste my limited time and energy watching videos and then writing something to refute the lies these lying liars are continually spewing out of their lying liar holes.
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Heaven, send Hell away
Mar 29, 2021
Do you believe a zygote has consciousness?
I believe that is unknown, but that there are different types on consciousness, and that this is a question we may never know the answer to- I certainly believe it is possible.
Do you know anything about biology? What about a zygote leaves even a shadow of doubt that it has consciousness? All I'm asking for is a shadow of a doubt, can you give that?

I also want to understand how far you'll go with this. At what point can an adult human be pronounced dead and be buried? HoW dO YoU knOw tHeY'Re nOT sTilL cOnSciOuS?
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Oct 19, 2021
Also, in the rare instances that these were done, the fetus was delivered feet first.
According to Mount Sinai hospital in new york:

"Babies have two basic options at birth: They can come out the hard way, or the really, really hard way. Ninety-seven percent of babies enter the birth canal headfirst, the safest approach for both mother and baby. The other 3 percent enter feet-first, bottom-first, or a combination of both."

Since 97% of births are headfirst during a normal birth, it certainly makes sense that during partial birth abortions some babies came out headfirst.

The definition of partial-birth abortion on Wikipedia is:

"An abortion in which the person performing the abortion, deliberately and intentionally vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother, for the purpose of performing an overt act that the person knows will kill the partially delivered living fetus; and performs the overt act, other than completion of delivery, that kills the partially delivered living fetus."

So certainly living fetuses have been delivered head first while alive during the partial birth abortion process.
Do you know anything about biology? What about a zygote leaves even a shadow of doubt that it has consciousness? All I'm asking for is a shadow of a doubt, can you give that?
That's not even the most important point, though- the following poi9nt is more important:

Following is a quote from "thelifeinstitute website", a pro-life website: "The foetal pain question is not central to the abortion debate. Whether the unborn child suffers pain during an abortion or not is secondary to the much bigger reality; the child is being killed. Quietly shooting someone in their sleep makes you no less guilty of murder than if you had stabbed them to death. Providing an unborn child with anesthesia so you can kill them "humanely" makes abortion no less heinous."
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Heaven, send Hell away
Mar 29, 2021
Following is a quote from "thelifeinstitute website", a pro-life website: "The foetal pain question is not central to the abortion debate. Whether the unborn child suffers pain during an abortion or not is secondary to the much bigger reality; the child is being killed. Quietly shooting someone in their sleep makes you no less guilty of murder than if you had stabbed them to death. Providing an unborn child with anesthesia so you can kill them "humanely" makes abortion no less heinous."
Central to the abortion to debate is not whether the fetus is killed, we know this. The debate is whether it is murder, since the fetus fundamentally lacks consciousness and therefore is not a person yet. I debate pro-abortionists who think the fetus isn't alive, and I debate anti-abortionists like you who think a fetus has consciousness.

So I'll ask you again, do you know anything about biology? Can you offer even a shadow of doubt that a zygote has consciousness? And at what point can we pronounce a person to be dead without a shadow of a doubt that they are still conscious?
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Oct 19, 2021
So I'll ask you again, do you know anything about biology? Can you offer even a shadow of doubt that a zygote has consciousness?
Of course we do not know this for sure- all living things may on some level be aware that they are alive- there is no way you can be certain that a zygote is not experiencing something that feels like living.
I debate anti-abortionists like you who think a fetus has consciousness.
I am sure that at some point long before birth a fetus has consciousness, but at what point I don't know for certain. Following is a link to a video showing a fetus doing jumping jacks in the womb, which must require consciousness (this is at a time of 5:20 in the video):

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Heaven, send Hell away
Mar 29, 2021
Somehow, Jimmy Kimmel pranked you too.
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"Why do we do what we do?"
Dec 12, 2021
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Heaven, send Hell away
Mar 29, 2021
Of course we do not know this for sure- all living things may on some level be aware that they are alive- there is no way you can be certain that a zygote is not experiencing something that feels like living.
A computer is more likely conscious than a zygote. Is it wrong to use computers? At what point can we pronounce adults unconscious?

Quietly shooting someone in their sleep makes you no less guilty of murder than if you had stabbed them to death.
Abortion isn't anything like quietly shooting someone in their sleep. The difference is that a person can wake up. A zygote is not a person, because it can't wake up, because it fundamentally lacks consciousness. You have yet to offer any shadow of a doubt that a zygote is conscious, all you have done is appeal to your own ignorance.


Oct 19, 2021
You have yet to offer any shadow of a doubt that a zygote is conscious, all you have done is appeal to your own ignorance.
A zygote may have some awareness that it is alive, but how would we know for sure one way or the other? There are definitely living things that respond to stimuli in their environment that do not have a central nervous system, so you can't go by that. There is no way to prove it either way. But it is true that a zygote is alive and growing rapidly- and that it will grow into a person if it is not killed.

I'm as surprised as anybody that a thread about abortion would result in people disagreeing.
I'm not moving the goalposts, I'm providing evidence of the larger picture issue from another perspective. It is weak that you resort to swearing as a way to make your point rather than reasoned argument. When you try to use swearing and bullying to make your point that makes you look much weaker and it makes your case look much weaker than reasoned argument.
You are so wrong- you're naughty and I don't like you.
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Heaven, send Hell away
Mar 29, 2021
A zygote may have some awareness that it is alive, but how would we know for sure one way or the other? There are definitely living things that respond to stimuli in their environment that do not have a central nervous system, so you can't go by that. There is no way to prove it either way. But it is true that a zygote is alive and growing rapidly- and that it will grow into a person if it is not killed.

I'm as surprised as anybody that a thread about abortion would result in people disagreeing.

You are so wrong- you're naughty and I don't like you.
We don't have to like each other, I'm just trying to see where you're coming from. So far you still haven't answered:
at what point can we pronounce a person unconscious? I think I know why. Because believing a zygote can possibly have consciousness is so absurd that it forces you to admit you can't reliably pronounce someone dead.
Response to stimuli is not consciousness, that's called having reflex. Dead bodies still have reflexes.
Also I'm not swearing so I think you misquoted what you intended to repeat back to me.
But it is true that a zygote is alive and growing rapidly- and that it will grow into a person if it is not killed.
Also this is you once again admitting that a fetus is not yet a person. So abortion is killing a life, but not murdering a person, hence it cannot be illegal. I know you're saying don't nitpick imprecise language, but like, do you really think it's an accident each time you say it? A fetus is not a stage of personhood, it's the development leading up to it. Same way childhood is not a stage of adulthood, it's the development leading up to it.
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Oct 19, 2021
believing a zygote can possibly have consciousness is so absurd
It's not absurd- a single celled organism may have some awareness of being alive. Response to stimuli is the only indication that a zygote could ever give that it does have consciousness- whether it does or not is uncertain. It's best to not give or ask for a definitive answer about something that we can't possibly known for certain. It's better to admit that some things are unknowable.


Heaven, send Hell away
Mar 29, 2021
It's not absurd- a single celled organism may have some awareness of being alive. Response to stimuli is the only indication that a zygote could ever give that it does have consciousness- whether it does or not is uncertain. It's best to not give or ask for a definitive answer about something that we can't possibly known for certain. It's better to admit that some things are unknowable.
Do you think consciousness is supernatural or biological? Consciousness doesn't need to be tested by "indication," there first needs to be a biological possibility for it. Why can't you seem to answer my question of how we can reliably pronounce a person dead?
No knowledge is 100% certain. We operate on levels of certainty. It it clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that a zygote can't have consciousness. How can you call anyone a murderer without 100% certainty the victim is dead? Because it is clear beyond a shadow of doubt the victim no longer has capacity for consciousness.
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Oct 19, 2021
Why can't you seem to answer my question of how we can reliably pronounce a person dead?
It doesn't seem relevant to me and I have no knowledge of this subject at all. I could make something up- we should pronounce a person dead when they stand up and shout at the top of their lungs- "I'm dead!" - that's how we will know.


Heaven, send Hell away
Mar 29, 2021
It doesn't seem relevant to me and I have no knowledge of this subject at all. I could make something up- we should pronounce a person dead when they stand up and shout at the top of their lungs- "I'm dead!" - that's how we will know.
Here's why it's crucially important: on what basis can you say a body is ever dead if you believe a zygote has capacity for consciousness? If you can't ever say a body is dead, how can we call anyone a murderer?


Oct 19, 2021
It it clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that a zygote can't have consciousness
You can't know this- no one can. Lots of people say their version of religion is true beyond a shadow of a doubt, but that doesn't mean they are correct, espeecially since they contradict each other. Zygotes might have consciousness, and saying it is clear beyond a shadow of a doubt means nothing.
If you can't ever say a body is dead, how can we call anyone a murderer?
Even if a body is dead a hundred years it could still come back to life, just fyi.

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