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May 10, 2018
At a particularly bad point I was on the verge of suicide if I didn't get a job and I was planning on putting the butt of a shotgun on my floorboard in my truck and setting the cruise control to 100mph, I live in a area with long straight roads with trees on the side and almost no traffic

Another method is to have 2 shot guns. I would cut a hole in a mattress and place on shotgun facing barrel up through it, another shotgun suspended in air, both of them set to a timer that will somehow make them both go off at once. The idea here is to go to sleep and the shotguns will go off in your sleep. I would probably supplement this method with a lot of anti anxiety or sleeping medication

Let's here the crazy methods you guys have dreamed up. I know whatever I do will be pretty elaborate as I need 100% quick and painless
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Mar 31, 2018
I am pretty boring with this stuff. I always considered hanging as the simplest and most effective method, and I still do. Yeah, something like N is better, but the process of getting your hands on it is far from simple.
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Jun 8, 2018
I was thinking about joining Syrian Liberation Army and fight against ISIS yesterday.
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Rest is best
Apr 30, 2018
Road tripping to the border of area 51 then at night crawling in a ghillie into area of the base. If I'm spotted I'll be shot on sight. If I'm not I might get to see aliens lol.
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Not Circling the Drain Anymore
May 31, 2018
Hiring a hitman to kill me, cut me up and mail my remains to every doctor responsible for my current situation.
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Apr 19, 2018
Hiring some one to shot me tell im dead
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May 29, 2018
Before depression truly took over I used to LARP a lot so sword fighting till I drop would be cool albeit incredibly painful way to go
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Mar 31, 2018
If someone wants to kill me I'd be forever greatful ♡
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Jun 12, 2018
Honestly, being choked to death while having sex can't be that bad.
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Not Circling the Drain Anymore
May 31, 2018
It would be painful as fuck, but how badass would it be to go out like Braveheart?
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El Topo

El Topo

Apr 21, 2018
Hiring a hitman to kill me, cut me up and mail my remains to every doctor responsible for my current situation.

I nominate this for The Most Badass Post on the forum. lol
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Jun 14, 2018
  • Dark web hitman who'd fulfill his contract at a random time, swift and sudden.
  • Kindly cannibal woodsman - I'd stay in his cabin for a couple days. We'd shoot the shit until my slaughtering. He'd "use the whole buffalo." I'd finally contribute to something.
  • Random crazed gunman - Being one of a dozen slain, my death reduced to a hashtag that dies off in a few hours, people remembering the perp for years while only acknowledging the fallen in true crime books. Modern oblivion.
  • A bender broadcasted on Facebook Live or something else. Drinking, smoking, singing, dancing, laughing, etc. The stream ends when I make my graphic contribution to /r/WatchPeopleDie's suicide tag. Going violently joyful.
I want to go alone, I've chosen a method that's quiet and bloodless. But my mind often wanders to these fantasies where I'm with others; stuck, shot, or splattered; quickly forgotten; and thoroughly absolved of responsibility.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Hmm, I don't know. I can't really say I count murder fantasies where I'm the victim, or dying by "random acts of god" fantasies as being suicide related. Having said that, I've certainly conjured up a ton of crazy shit over the years about me biting the dust in some random, unforeseen & ridiculous ways. One such being, me laying on the ground and having some guy fire an oversized railway spike into the air before he then jumps high into the sky far past the spike itself until said spike finally comes plummeting down heavily penetrating my skull as a result, which is then swiftly followed by the same guy landing on top of the spike already lodged inside my head and pushing it clean through what remains of my cranium while doing some ninja-like pose in the process. As far as crazy suicide fantasies go though, I don't have many (at least of those I can care to remember). However, there is one that I've thought about a lot going back many years which essentially involves me carefully setting up 10-20 separate shotguns all aimed at my head with me holding a string tied to each of their triggers. Just one gentle tug and ka-blammo. Fallout's bloody mess perk on steroids. It was crazy surreal when I eventually found out about this shotgun helmet some random dude made decades ago mostly because it felt so damn similar to the fantasy I just described. It really has all been done before, huh.
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May 30, 2018
Oh man, I wish I could remember the ones i used to dream up when i was younger. Now that I have a method, my fantasies have become quite dull. I've wished I could blow my brains out against the window of someones house whom I hate, so that way when they look out, wondering what the noise was, they'll see blood and brain matter scattered in front of them(unrealistic, ik). I often think about a situation I was in a few years ago (robbed at gunpoint) and wished they killed me.. I'm super tired, but maybe I'll think of a few tomorrow.
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Apr 8, 2018
  • Kindly cannibal woodsman - I'd stay in his cabin for a couple days. We'd shoot the shit until my slaughtering. He'd "use the whole buffalo." I'd finally contribute to something.

Ayy, that's my fetish too! Well, I don't know if it's a fetish for you, but you get the point. This would be my perfect way to go, if I could find a partner who would be into the 'eating me' part, whom I could trust to respect my wishes and boundaries, and who would not chicken out halfway through. Since there is zero chance I'll find anyone who I think would be >99.9% likely to fulfill all three of those criteria, this will forever remain a fantasy.
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Apr 6, 2018
Running into a brick wall head first as fast as you can. Stupid i know but i was really desperate at one point.
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Jun 11, 2018
This is a new one but what about a crossbow and arrow to the heart. I had watched a YouTube video about a man who ctb this way.
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Jun 19, 2018
Jumping off a building, but then I think what if I survive.
Also thought about chloroform, but I read that it' not very effective.
I also went to try to buy a helium tank, at a party store, but they don' sell them anymore.
Right now I'm left with hanging or charcoal method.
I think hanging might be more realistic for me cause I need to do it in my room.
Have to do partial suspension from my door. My door has no door knob so I have to do it from the top part of that door.
It' hard to explain.
But if someone can give me a better method that is not too expensive, I will more than considerate it.
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Little Chemist
Jun 13, 2018
Jumping off a building, but then I think what if I survive.
Also thought about chloroform, but I read that it' not very effective.
I also went to try to buy a helium tank, at a party store, but they don' sell them anymore.
Right now I'm left with hanging or charcoal method.
I think hanging might be more realistic for me cause I need to do it in my room.
Have to do partial suspension from my door. My door has no door knob so I have to do it from the top part of that door.
It' hard to explain.
But if someone can give me a better method that is not too expensive, I will more than considerate it.
Chloroform isnt as strong as the movies make it look. I've worked entire days around chloroform and worst you can get is a mild headache. Not recommended.
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Jun 19, 2018
If I were to catch the bus, I know that I would opt for something gentle and painless like inert gas asphyxiation or nembutal.

When I have considered elaborate methods, it has been out of concern for those I would leave behind - namely my family. I'd want to simply disappear without a trace, or to appear to be the victim of an accident. Any plausible way of achieving either, however, would make the "gentle and painless" part difficult.

My elaborate idea was to get an inflatable boat and sufficient material to weigh down my body, then go far enough out to sea that discovery or recovery of my body on the ocean floor would be highly unlikely, and puncture the boat.
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Jun 21, 2018
Before depression truly took over I used to LARP a lot so sword fighting till I drop would be cool albeit incredibly painful way to go
Heh, that sounds actually interesting for kind of suicide pact. I'm imagining friendly spar with someone with sharp weapons, after agreeing on rules and all. With possibility of getting real wounds, would be quite exciting (and scary).

Dying is 'once in a lifetime' experience after all, so might as well use it for something that is, hmm, dangerous and cool at the same time >:)
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An appropriate painting
Mar 19, 2018
I've had a few cross my mind. Certainly the explosive (Tannerite) method has come to mind, especially when I was going through a phase of wondering how not to leave a body behind. I've considered how I would update the "suicide helmet." I've also tried to figure out how to make a car wreck seem accidental, which turns out to be relatively difficult.

Of course, there's no such thing as a "sure-fire accident," it's an oxymoron. I would strongly prefer a death that looked like an accident if the death in question was just about guaranteed. Still, I did try to come up with a nitrogen method that would not be detected.

I also spent some time trying to figure out how I would create my very own machine like those they use for lethal injections, but I dismissed that as being overly-complicated and somewhat silly.

At my most quixotic, I continue to research a variety of poisons. I hope to at least be able to contribute back to the cause by finding some new substances that much suffice in the fast, relatively-painless category.
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Jun 19, 2018
Circular saw to the carotid artery. I'd have to half-build a cabinet aswell since I'd want to make it look like an accident. Just a guy doing his hobby gone wrong.
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Apr 25, 2018
Standing in front of the microwave and hoping I acquire a terminal illness.
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Mar 21, 2018
Originally I wanted to do an idea from a Reddit post. Sadly it's a costly method that only really works if no CO2 detectors are in place. I also didn't want to accidentally take anyone with me, so I scrapped the idea. Kinda a shame considering it's the only painless method I've thought of so far.
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May 28, 2018
As Italian, the first method that i have ""invented"" is to cook a pasta and to salt the water with sodium nitrite. If the sauce is good you don't even need anti emetics lol.
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Jun 19, 2018
Originally I wanted to do an idea from a Reddit post. Sadly it's a costly method that only really works if no CO2 detectors are in place. I also didn't want to accidentally take anyone with me, so I scrapped the idea. Kinda a shame considering it's the only painless method I've thought of so far.

Cheers for sharing this, I noted it down. Promising method.
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I'll keep on trying, might as well
Jun 23, 2018
One time I had a weird daydream that I didn't fully control, I kind of just started thinking and let it fold out in my mind...
I went to this park the next town over and climbed to the top of the hill that overlooks my city, the park, and part of the town. I sat down on a bench that isn't there in real life and took a bunch of ibuprofen, tylenol, muscle relaxers, and aspirin. Then I laid down, turned on my favorite artist, and slit my wrists. My friend ended up calling me and for some reason I answered and he figured out what I was doing and called an ambulance but I did before they got there. It was weird but somehow ideal?
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I'll keep on trying, might as well
Jun 23, 2018
Died* I can spell I promise
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May 12, 2018
My most elaborate method is to tie a noose around my neck and and tie the other end to a tree stump that is near the edge of a cliff, then jump off a cliff, then shoot myself in the head while I'm in the air. No question about the result.
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