I never thought I would be so happy to the confirmation of my SN order.
Tooth pain is the worst, im sorry :(. I'm lucky to have "decent" oral health but 4 years ago I fainted and fell flat on my face. The 2 front teeth blew off in several pieces.
I was convulsing for a while (I don't know exactly when) but during this time my 2 co-workers who were in front of me called an ambulance.
The funny thing was when they told the ambulance that they didn't know me, that they found me on the ground. The thing is that I had a streak of almost 20 hours worked that day
(plus what I had been dragging) with small breaks in between and they did not want to have a mess, with that they already gave me to understand that I said that I was outside my working hours (lie) so that it was not something company insurance.
Al the end the teeth caps cost me practically 2 month of work

, but at least they are quite decent.