- May 31, 2018
- 1,782
Should I go to Subway for another spinach salad today or should I get that spicy-sweet broccoli/tofu stir fry from the Chinese restaurant by the supermarket?
Mind sharing your country?
It is really amazing how random life is. Being at the wrong spot at the wrong time and boom you're life is ruined. I can't really believe it.
I seriously can't believe it. Getting into a deadly encounters is getting more and more common in my area. At this point I've tried a lot of routes to avoid these kinds of situation but people are getting more and more angry. Where am I supposed to go? I want to move town but I'm too poor for that and I would have to give up my school education. Well I guess going to school is more important to my parents than ending up as a vegetable.
There used to be a few parts of town I avoid now I avoid all of them. Not kidding. This always happens when I go home from school. And do you know why? Because when I get home from school is the only time I am outside the house. There are reasons why I am afraid.
Today there was this guy who yelled at me, he came right into my face, looked me in the eye and then fucked off. There was a police car not far from me. I figured this is the reason he didn't attack me. Only later I realized he wasn't alone and he had a beer bottle in his hand. He wanted to throw that against my head. That would've ruined me. I still can't believe I got so lucky this time. I don't know what to do next time when there isn't a police car around.
A few weeks ago there were those two guys with knifes in their pockets. I am behind them casually trying to walk past them but I slowly start to realize that they start walking more and more slowly and they keep looking over their shoulder over to me. In the end I take a completely different route home. I was really scared that day.
That wasn't the only time. It has happened twice so far.
I can not defend myself. My body is weak because my mind is and even if I was able to defend myself. What would I do? Fight back and I'll end up in prison. Do nothing and I end up in a hospital. All I have is run away but my stamina is weak.
At this point I figure it is just a matter of time until I get into another confrontation. I am seriously starting to consider moving. I have been for a while now.
The reason I get into situations like this so often is because of my skin colour. People don't like "foreigner" here. Even though I was born here people consider me to be a foreigner.
I don't know where to move. Most parts of the country are bad. Maybe I could move to another country but that is so hard. Fucking parents and their shit.
Mind sharing your country?