

Lain Follower from Wired
Apr 14, 2023
I'd say 5 or 4.5
I do believe something exists, but I don't really believe in anything certain.
If its exists, cool. If it doesn't - not surprised, a bit of a bummer, but fine as well.
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Jun 29, 2022
11. There could be an intelligent being involved in "creating" everything, but I don't think we would be able to understand it even if we were shown, it would be like trying to teach calculus to a hamster; and it certainly wouldn't be anything like the deities of human religion.
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I'll see you in the Wired.
Feb 4, 2023
5. It doesn't matter to me.


Sep 19, 2022
5 - I'm an agnostic. I'd prefer for there to be nothingness after death but sometimes I can't help but think that we are on a prison planet and that the "God" is an evil being who feeds on suffering. I've certainly had paranormal experiences before so unfortunately I'm not sure about nothingness aspect.
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Apr 12, 2023
It does not exist. It is a just another coping mechanism.
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Apr 18, 2023
Mine is a 10, and I have many reasons for it. I'll save those reasons for another day though, it'll take me a while to type it all out.


Jun 14, 2023
id say min. a 9.5
But for a god of a existing religion a 10.
(Btw the translation was pretty good as far as I could tell. But you could just say "chance is really fucking small")


No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
9.99/10, since proving non-existence is impossible. I do find existence really strange. Why am I alive right here and right now? How did things come to be the way they are?


Jun 12, 2023
10, no question.

I have many reasons for this conclusions. Here's my story.

I was born into a religious cult called "Unificationism" but they tried to rebrand as the "moonies" because they got bad publicity. Luckily my 4 siblings and I have gotten out of it but my parents still partly believe in it and there are still a few churches around. Anyways, the leader claimed he was the second jesus and he emotionally manipulated young and gullible people into believing him. On top of that, he was racist, sex trafficked and raped women by saying it was "gods will", for some reason there were lots of blood donations and they all got put into a large bowl but nobody knows what happened to it, and there was lots of labor trafficking... lot's of it. There was this program where he convinced people who would have gone to college to skip college and to work for 12 hours straight, fundraising while living in a van with their other followers. If they didn't make enough money for the day they wouldn't be allowed to sleep. Some people went 3 days with no sleep. Sleep deprivation is a tactic used for manipulation because it decreases your level of logical judgement. These people would literally crash multiple vans due to no sleep. The church leader did not care for his members, he went the grave with billions of dollars. And it's convenient that churches are a tax free business. His family went crazy too and his son claimed his parents both went to hell while simultaneously becoming a rapper and creating a religion that worshiped guns. I know that it sounds like I'm making this up but this actually happened, damn I wish this was made up, but then my parents wouldn't have gotten matched and I'd never have been born. Oh yeah, there was also mass weddings. It was basically a pyramid scheme and to get married you had to bring 2 other people into the religion. Moon (the leader's name) was like "oh yeah, it's for world peace" but it was really just to spread his religion. Because one of the missions he gave to his followers was to have as many kids as possible. That in combination with dropping out of college to fund raise and give all their money to the church resulted in a lot of these kids growing up in poverty, including my siblings and I. So not only was I alienated throughout school for being broke as hell, being in weird ass religion, I also wasn't allowed to date because of the whole arranged marriage thing. That and growing up as a minority in one of the most racist towns in the united states resulted in a lot of social anxiety. Plus all my siblings bullying my too. So I guess there was a lot of things that made me want to CTB growing up.

Anyways, all these things resulted in me studying a lot in my free time. And not the crap they teach you in sunday school and public school. I've studied human psychology, the subconscious mind, neuroscience, philosophy, history (especially the origin of many religions), evolution / genetics, astrology (and how religious stories are literally just metaphorical, or more specifically astrological allegory that gradually got taken literally) , astronomy, and much more.

So I can confidently say that I don't believe in any of our silly manmade religions. And at that point there's really no reason to believe in a god when you understand the laws of physics, (although technically the laws of physics don't necessarily apply inside a black hole but that's another conversation), but let's just say I believe in a higher consciousness as much as I believe in unicorns that fly in the sky. And I've never seen any evidence for unicorns other than really good CGI in that one harry potter movie of the dead unicorn. And no, anecdotal claims do not count as evidence lol. *cough cough that's all that religion has going for it and they have zero evidence cough cough*
9.99/10, since proving non-existence is impossible. I do find existence really strange. Why am I alive right here and right now? How did things come to be the way they are?
same, I believe in the existence of a god as much as I believe in unicorns in the sky or a teacup in space. Sure it's hard to prove it's not real, but you can't just prove it is just by saying it is lol.

But that's just for the existence of any god or higher consciousness, as far as religion itself that I can confidently say 10/10 is cap. The amount of logical fallacies, hypocrisy, and straight up plagiarism in famous religions is utterly embarrassing.
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
10. I don't believe in omnipresent beings. Physically impossible and naive.
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Jun 12, 2023
10 as many said gods of religions are absolutely made up gods but a creator/s or better to call them aliens who caused our existence 50/50 possiblity.
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this will be the end of me
Jun 14, 2023
10, humans made that up to cope.


Mar 19, 2023
2, and I really hope im wrong.

I read a book once before, and it was friendship. Something in that book horrified me:

"In the heaven, all we get to keep is our relationships. X Holy figure loves all the saved, but she has special attention for her husband"

Good to know never being preferred continues in the afterlife. Maybe Satan had the right idea after all
I sound like a dick lmao. We all choose who to cherish.

And if youre cherished by no one? Well, perhaps in another world one would just stop existing. Everyone wins.


Apr 15, 2022
I'd be at a 9.9. The only reason I can't say 10 is because I always have to give consideration to the unknown unknowns, as it's just the way my mind works.

Judy Domingre

New Member
Jun 20, 2023
1 God does exist if you really pay attention he is always with us and trust me I am not some preachy power hungry weirdo that wants to shove religion onto people. We aren't just animals I can't begin to explain it but I've felt it there are many layers to reality some of your thoughts even come from other places. I understand wanting to end your life more than most and we all know what the choice really means at the end of the day but we are free to choose it.


Jun 20, 2023
I guess it depends on what you define as a 'god'.

A religious supreme being? I'm at a 10.
An afterlife? I'm at an 8-9.

But I do believe there has to be something that created the universe. Planets and everything associated with them and life didn't just spring from nowhere. But where that possibly could have started… I have no f*ing clue, and I don't think we will ever have a satisfactory answer. It honestly makes me sick just to think about it. Even if the universe started from one speck of dirt and grew from there, where the hell did that speck of dirt come from?

If there is a god, where did that come from?

I am a firm believer in alien life. Even if they are far too far away for us to ever find. But i also think something would have had to create them as well. I don't think just because they live in another place, universe, whatever, that they are creating life without being created first.


Not english native speaker. Ctb is my life.
May 19, 2023
I m not able to believe to anything, even though I come from a catholic family but not stuck to religion... i went to church until 18 but i was a lier, trying to believe, but not i can't...
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Jun 12, 2023
5 - I'm an agnostic. I'd prefer for there to be nothingness after death but sometimes I can't help but think that we are on a prison planet and that the "God" is an evil being who feeds on suffering. I've certainly had paranormal experiences before so unfortunately I'm not sure about nothingness aspect.
How sure could you be of these "paranormal experiences"? The brain can easily be tricked. Just the belief in something can change many sensations in your body, in fact, voodoo dolls only have power over people who believe in them. It's all due to the power of your subconscious mind.
I m not able to believe to anything, even though I come from a catholic family but not stuck to religion... i went to church until 18 but i was a lier, trying to believe, but not i can't...
Yeah, I was also born into a religious family. But once you actually have the balls to question things and you find out the truth, life seems to become meaningless. There's no structure or religious values to guide you in life. So for a long time I've been nihilistic. But I've began to read 12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson and it's seeming to help bring back structure into my life.


Mar 27, 2023
9 overall, but for any god belonging to religions/cults I'm at a 10.
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Jun 30, 2023
10. Everything follows mathematics. We live in a world of logic. Not faith and God. Life is too cruel for there to be a god. No god could be this cruel.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
A sentient being who planned everything that ever was/ever will be and who may still actively pull the strings? 8

A god worth worshipping? 10