In truth, you sound "suspicious" because you came out to me and sent me a PM with A's email address very very quickly and very randomly.
Very very quickly and very randomly? I only messaged you bcuz of these!
Can someone confirm that they received this "New N" and got it tested?
Whats the "T" adress you are talking about in this thread? A has new contact info as well? Last time I emailed him was on the P mail from the PPH and I received answer about the new N.
Can someone confirm that A has a new e-mail adress?
A long-time member preferably.
A stopped responding on those two e-mails. Rumors says he has a new e-mail but nobody knows what it is.
No idea. Probably not. Hes just not responding to e-mails anymore.
Protonmail yes. Wrote him yesterday, no response so far. Gonna be hard to find/verify a "reliable" source if a new e-mail is popping up.
And how can we confirm you're not a scammer?
Did A really just vanish? Anyone knows anything?
After watching you flounder, I was concerned you were the perfect bait for a scammer and only messaged you to save you. AND I told you to verify with others and that I would not suggest WHO to ask, otherwise I could be using alt accounts to scam you.
Make sure you tell the whole story.
I said what I said about you because the things everyone is talking about here that are making them suspicious are the very things that actually resemble the real A and how he has to operate. And you take one members post and make a statement that i"t's clear the email is a scam" when you're wrong.
This is exactly why I don't pm anyone with info and tbh you're only the 2nd person I've ever offered this info to ....
You have the correct email .. you're welcome.