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Jan 8, 2020
mmm I'm not sure if someone else has stated this but being lonely and being alone are two different things so I've seen quite a few people answering question 1 differently.

1. alone: 2/10 bc my mother is my carer. lonely: 9/10 I feel incapable of talking to my friends bc they all have their own problems.
2. I would say it's really difficult to do anything about it on SS other than try to interact with others but I honestly don't feel like it :/
3. partially bc of loneliness. I have no one that I want to live for which just gives me more of an excuse to ctb.
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
10. Today I thought I'd go for a walk to my local park/ creek. There were fucking normies everywhere with their normie families. The place is ruined forever because of gentrification. There is nowhere left now where I can be alone except at home. At least those assholes haven't touched my ctb spot.
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Sep 22, 2021
I'm always 10/10 alone. I literally have no one. I'm not even sure how it came to this. Even when I'm with someone, I don't feel the connection anymore. It is much worse to feel the crippling loneliness when surrounded by people who feel like they are aliens from another planet, rather than when I am locked up inside my room.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I am mostly alone but I would rather be alone than be with fucktards that make me worse.
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There's a difference between existing and living.
Sep 3, 2018
Human loneliness. The modern life is weird. Thousands and millions of people are living close to each other but many of us are nevertheless isolated. It is pretty strange that a lot of people can live in apartments in the same house, but they never socialize with each other. In the society, we have healthcare, dental care, psychiatry and old age care, but where shall we go with our loneliness? Man is a social being, we are not created to live alone. Civilization is the cause of social isolation - the caveman had to cooperate to survive. In big cities, single households and loneliness are common. You can live your hole life in a big city and never get to know anyone there. And the older you get, the smaller the circle of acquaintances becomes. If you move to another town, this can lead to loneliness. Bullying can lead to loneliness. Disease can lead to loneliness. But maybe you are just unlucky. There are humans who are not alone, but they feel alone when they meet other people, people who do not understand them. And a pandemic like covid-19 makes people even more lonely.

Death and loneliness. Too many people die alone. There are humans who die alone in their homes and some people die alone in hospitals without relatives, these patients only have the medical staff with them. A person who committs suicide must almost always die alone, but no one should actually have to die alone. However, what is right to do is not always legal since it is illegal to help someone to die. Suicide will make you lonely because suicide is taboo.

This is how your body is affected by involuntary loneliness: high blood pressure, impaired sleep, pain in the body, susceptibility to infections, digestive system problems, drug abuse is common, concentration difficulties, memory problems, mood swings and depression. Involuntary loneliness is as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

What can we do about it? Human loneliness is not the individual´s fault, basically it is a societal issue. In England, a minister of loneliness has been appointed. Internet is a place where almost everything can be found nowadays; contact sites and other webbsites where people can write to each other. Go to a church and talk to a priest. Call a relative. Go to a shop and say something nice to someone in the store. Go to a library and read a book. Talk to your neighbour. Write a letter to someone. Pets are nice, but they can not replace humans. We can use this thread to write about loneliness.

1. How alone are you today on a scale of 1 - 10?
2. What can we do about our loneliness on Sanctioned Suicide?
3. Do you want to die because of loneliness?

View attachment 68788
1. 8-9
2. In my opinion even though I've pushed all my online friends away cause I don't want to burden them anymore, I feel like online friendships are shallow and fucking hard. Look I've tried and with some people I actually did try to get to know them and even care but it mentally fucks with you most especially if they're going to kill themselves. Ultimately the loneliness won't stop because humans aren't made to communicate through screens. But hey people will still try and learn how fucking hopeless it all is.
3. Most definitely yes especially for someone like myself who by the very statistics alone tell me I'll be alone for most of fucking life and won't have a chance to make friends, have a girlfriend/boyfriend or have anymore family since I already hate my already existing family.
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Nov 13, 2020
I am homealone right now but I don't have the balls to ctb. I don't know what to do with my life. I'm feeling desperate.
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Just a boring guy.
Oct 21, 2021

I've been alone my whole life. Two decades of loneliness and lack of intimacy.
My parents, my little brother and my dog are my only companions.
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Global Mod
Aug 24, 2019
10. i haven't spoken to anyone.
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Priced out of living
Oct 24, 2021
10. The only two people who I had in my life outside of family have left me. All that remains is my Mother, but she is also not around at the moment. I've resorted to online chat sites where even then no one talks. The fact I'm able to talk to myself is probably the only reason I don't constantly just sit and cry from being so lonely
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Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
Today is a surprising 2.
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Null Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis

What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Dec 25, 2020

My father has a caustic personality. He rubs people the wrong way, and always seems to have a chip on his shoulder. He is the type that doesn't need to swear or curse, raise his voice or lift a finger to destroy you. Growing up, his condemning tactics undermined my confidence. There are times where I would rather just have received a straight-up beating. Even the most harmless comment feels like you've been given a tongue-lashing with acid. No one likes being around him, and we avoid him like the plague. But yesterday I let my guard down. I just had to. The moment I opened my mouth to reply to him, I realised I made a mistake.

No need to shout, words alone can kill.

Whatever he says has to be taken with a pinch of salt, and I'm tired of second-guessing his intentions. He is not someone whom you can trust and confide in. He makes me feel alone, and that I will never be good enough for him. Even though I'm in the prime of my youth, and I should be having the time of my life, here I am ruminating about what could have been.

He is a man whom I can neither love nor respect, and whose funeral I won't be turning up to.
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Scribble Fan

Scribble Fan

I'm out!
May 30, 2019
10. I was just suddenly overwhelmed with a wave of loneliness. There's nobody who I truly trust in this life, nobody I can confide in. I just keep everything bottled in and it hurts.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
It's 11 all day, every day. Even if I hugged and spoke to people constantly it wouldn't do anything, only a gf would be able to remove the loneliness. :pfff:
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In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
10/10 I'm contentedly alone & isolated.
Prefer my own company, a thousand-fold.
Not into having to make polite meaningless smalltalk with people that don't care and just don't matter.
Ps: drink & drug alone vs company :: circumstances /situations /personalities always change, that's ok.
It's religiously storming and I have my hands & lap full with jumpy pitbulls anyway... and I have u guys to argue about God, athiesm and the afterlife! (Now watch me get struck by lightning!)
Hmm. Yes, no... not a bad idea
(...maybe a tinfoil hat and undies will get me lightning-struck?!!!)
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Jun 26, 2020

My father has a caustic personality. He rubs people the wrong way, and always seems to have a chip on his shoulder. He is the type that doesn't need to swear or curse, raise his voice or lift a finger to destroy you. Growing up, his condemning tactics undermined my confidence. There are times where I would rather just have received a straight-up beating. Even the most harmless comment feels like you've been given a tongue-lashing with acid. No one likes being around him, and we avoid him like the plague. But yesterday I let my guard down. I just had to. The moment I opened my mouth to reply to him, I realised I made a mistake.

View attachment 78081
No need to shout, words alone can kill.

Whatever he says has to be taken with a pinch of salt, and I'm tired of second-guessing his intentions. He is not someone whom you can trust and confide in. He makes me feel alone, and that I will never be good enough for him. Even though I'm in the prime of my youth, and I should be having the time of my life, here I am ruminating about what could have been.

He is a man whom I can neither love nor respect, and whose funeral I won't be turning up to.
I totally know where you are coming from. My "dad", was the meanest, most vile person I have ever known. He called me "the mistake" from day 1 because he wanted 1 boy and 1 girl child and he got a boy, the oldest, me in the middle, and my younger sister. He used me as a punching bag and whenever he would get stressed out he would beat the crap out of me. He would also say: " you almost killed your mother having your younger sister and it is all your fault because you should have been a girl not a boy child". Yep, he was that messed up.

When he died, I was told, in his will, to stay away from his funeral, heck I was never ever going anyway.

I am so so sorry for you and your post made me cry for you as nobody in this world should ever have to put up with a close family member who is just plain nasty and mean.

I send you lots of hugs and love as you are a really good friend and folks like you always have a place in my heart.

My best to you always,

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In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
I totally know where you are coming from. My "dad", was the meanest, most vile person I have ever known. He called me "the mistake" from day 1 because he wanted 1 boy and 1 girl child and he got a boy, the oldest, me in the middle, and my younger sister. He used me as a punching bag and whenever he would get stressed out he would beat the crap out of me. He would also say: " you almost killed your mother having your younger sister and it is all your fault because you should have been a girl not a boy child". Yep, he was that messed up
When he died, I was told, in his will, to stay away from his funeral, heck I was never ever going anyway.

I am so so sorry for you and your post made me cry for you as nobody in this world should ever have to put up with a close family member who is just plain nasty and mean.

I send you lots of hugs and love as you are a really good friend and folks like you always have a place in my heart.

My best to you always,


Breaks my fucking heart, stick to words :: they hurt, but not as much as other stuff :: my dad getting me drunk and locking me in an undercover cupboard in the toolshed :: I passed out and 'luckily' a neighbors kid found me.
Its so messed up but I think he was trying to kill me. Though I lie to myself that i must've been annoying him and he wanted to put me somewhere else...
When I told my mom, she cried for days (cos we didn't have the money to go anywhere..)
I was abused so that sex/ love/ emotions/ hate/ survival/ stuff was messed for me. I fall for men just like him. Have the scars 2prove.
I think he was scared id tell someone so he hurt me to keep control. It worked.
I never told her the other stuff he did, too much hurt going round.
I thought these days fathers were more caring. Seems I was wrong.

Love u Walter, your strength and light always guides.
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Jun 26, 2020
Breaks my fucking heart, stick to words :: they hurt, but not as much as other stuff :: my dad getting me drunk and locking me in an undercover cupboard in the toolshed :: I passed out and 'luckily' a neighbors kid found me.
Its so messed up but I think he was trying to kill me. Though I lie to myself that i must've been annoying him and he wanted to put me somewhere else...
When I told my mom, she cried for days (cos we didn't have the money to go anywhere..)
I was abused so that sex/ love/ emotions/ hate/ survival/ stuff was messed for me. I fall for men just like him. Have the scars 2prove.
I think he was scared id tell someone so he hurt me to keep control. It worked.
I never told her the other stuff he did, too much hurt going round.
I thought these days fathers were more caring. Seems I was wrong.

Love u Walter, your strength and light always guides.
I am just beyond words about your hellish experiences. Nobody EVER, should be put through the hell you endured. My heart shattered into a million pieces when I read your post. You are such a loving and caring person.

You are a really good friend to me here on SS and I send you lots of hugs, love and the knowledge that a person, like you, with so much warmth and caring will always do great and have friends who care.

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My feckless existence
Nov 2, 2021
A solid 8 nearly everyday. I don't have anyone to trust, and no one who really cares to know my pain or wants to understand. But then no one ever did from the beginning anyway. Just a feckless ADHD bipolar severe depression and anxiety riddled piece of flesh over here. Struggling one day at a time. One day down today. Another one to go maybe tomorrow. I pray for a heart attack when I'm at work. But it never happens. I guess He still has a purpose or a lesson for me to learn before my soul leaves this body it seems.
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Nov 1, 2021
Physically I am not alone. I have people around me all the time but mentally I feel alone like a 9.
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Null Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis

What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Dec 25, 2020
I totally know where you are coming from. My "dad", was the meanest, most vile person I have ever known. He called me "the mistake" from day 1 because he wanted 1 boy and 1 girl child and he got a boy, the oldest, me in the middle, and my younger sister. He used me as a punching bag and whenever he would get stressed out he would beat the crap out of me. He would also say: " you almost killed your mother having your younger sister and it is all your fault because you should have been a girl not a boy child". Yep, he was that messed up.

When he died, I was told, in his will, to stay away from his funeral, heck I was never ever going anyway.

I am so so sorry for you and your post made me cry for you as nobody in this world should ever have to put up with a close family member who is just plain nasty and mean.

I send you lots of hugs and love as you are a really good friend and folks like you always have a place in my heart.

My best to you always,

Thank you for your reply, Walter. It is heartening to know that I'm not alone in my struggles.

What your father did to you was most deplorable. No one should have to go through what you have, and I'm sorry for all the pain you had to endure at the hands of such a hateful person. Some people just aren't meant to have kids. Nature does not answer to our whims—don't have a kid if you're not willing to accept that there's no guarantee s/he'll turn out how you want him/her to turn out. Children are not pets, toys, punching bags, ornaments or old-age insurance.

my dad getting me drunk and locking me in an undercover cupboard in the toolshed :: I passed out and 'luckily' a neighbors kid found me.
Its so messed up but I think he was trying to kill me. Though I lie to myself that i must've been annoying him and he wanted to put me somewhere else...
When I told my mom, she cried for days (cos we didn't have the money to go anywhere..)
I'm sorry. That's just sickening to hear. It must've been a terrifying and traumatic experience for you. And the way you tried to justify your father's despicable actions is especially heartbreaking.
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Nov 3, 2021
It's a 10 everyday for me.
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Global Mod
Aug 24, 2019
10, as per usual
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
10. I've been spending the past two days looking at a picture of my high school crush. I can't believe I'm never going to be with her.
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Mar 24, 2021
There are several groups on Facebook for people who are alone and for people who want to meet new people, but most of them are private groups. When so many people are alone on this planet, the group should be public. I can start a group of my own, but no one will find it in this overpopulation.
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Nov 12, 2021

Yes I want to die because I'm alone. I see no point in living if it's not to share my life with someone.

And soon. Right now I hear children playing. I'm parked alone in my car. Soon, heading back to LA and my lonely apartment.

My heart is bleeding.
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Enigmatic Sailor

Enigmatic Sailor

vicissitudes of fate...
Oct 29, 2021
I often attract people within my vicinity. I don't mind it at all; I'm a people person. I feel energized in crowds.


I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
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Jun 26, 2020
I 100% agree with @NormaJeane as you @AverageFanEnjoyer are not alone. You can give me a shout out anytime, as you are a very valuable part of SS and me.


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