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Mar 20, 2021
10. Graduated last week. Nothing lined up, no job opportunities, no prospects, nothing. My friends are all moving on with their lives and getting jobs/going back to school. Here I am, no sense of direction, somewhat of an idea of what I'd do if I had to live but I lack motivation to do anything. Job hunting is exhausting. If I'm going to be gone in the next few days, weeks, months, or years idk what point there'd be in wageslaving away. Despite this idk if I'm actually gonna go through with it. I said I wanted to die yet here I am. I'm afraid to die but afraid to live. The only thing that would make me change my mind is if I was pushed so far beyond the brink of sanity that my only option would be to ctb. I just lay in bed and stare at the wall all day or browse SS. That's post grad depression for ya
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May 9, 2021
1. 10/10. Have just been sectioned in a psych ward 4 hours away from my home and away from my sister who is usually my only friend/support. Really not helping my mental health ngl

2. I think just having the forum helps usually tbh. I've put some of my lowest feelings and having people reach out relating and feeling the same makes me feel less alone with the thoughts/experiences etc.

3. Not the reason but definitely isn't helping at the moment. If anything is just making everything so much more unbearable that it already was
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Easily Forgotten
Oct 28, 2020
1-10. I am almost always alone physically as well as alone completely. And when 'he' decides to spend that whole 20 minutes with me every other evening, I am even more alone as he makes fun of my feelings and puts me down. Ass.

2-I don't know what can be done about our loneliness on SS. Right now SS is all i have to talk about what's going on, and it's lonely end-of-life stuff. No one around me would ever want to hear it or bother listening. I'm grateful that SS is here, even in my loneliness- as i have made a friend- and that is priceless in my life.

3- loneliness is part of my ctb reasons. Certainly not the only reason. However when i break and come close to attempting to ctb, or when i attempted + failed at the end of April, it was loneliness that pushed me past my limits.
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Ultimate Despair
Dec 31, 2018
9. Could be a 10 because I'm alone often because my mom works and I don't go out often. It does help being on Sanctioned Suicide even though it's hard because I feel left out to CTB. I want to CTB because not only cause of loneliness but my mental illness isn't getting any better. There's no way out. I also feel abandoned and misunderstood.
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Oct 2, 2019
I'd say it's a 7 or 8 right now, normally would be even higher, but I'm temporarily back with family so I'm not completely isolated like normal. Unfortunately, living with family is a toxic situation so it's trading one bad thing for another.

I'm discovering firsthand just how much of a desolate wasteland that social and romantic life becomes the further on the wrong side one gets from college age. Once you're past your expiration date in society, you're basically just expected to shut up and fade out of everyone's view without protest. You better have taken advantage of those short windows of opportunity that only exist when in the coveted prime youth window, because if you don't have that social network built to fall back on once you become the wrong age, you're fucked.

That doesn't even get into how you're also expected to keep up with the minimum life milestones that are required in our society. Good luck trying to make friends or date anyone in your "acceptable" age group when you're still at college level life milestones and they're all light years ahead of that point. You get treated like a leper once they figure it out, and they inevitably WILL deduce it.

Yes, loneliness is the primary thing that makes me want to give up and not exist anymore. I don't know why I keep making efforts at trying, every time I just get painfully rejected. This inevitably leads to my dwelling on my traumatic past attempts at romance, how close I got at times only to have defeat snatched from the jaws of victory at the last nanosecond. These days my everyday existence feels as spent and hopeless as the post apocalyptic landscape of Chrono Trigger's 2300AD.
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Mar 24, 2021
We are living in the civilization of loneliness. The digital world is replacing human contacts, but humans are social beings and not created to sit in front of a computer. Loneliness and isolation can lead to sucide, but think about prisoners and homeless! However, he stone edge man had the opposite problem - he was never alone! I am alone today - anyone else who is alone?
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May 31, 2021
9, but it's all my fault :-)
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Nov 13, 2020
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Scribble Fan

Scribble Fan

I'm out!
May 30, 2019
10. I wish I could go home to my pets and family but they don't want me back. Mental illness has taken everything from me.

And yes, loneliness is one of the reasons that drives me to CTB. It makes me wish I was never born.
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Feb 27, 2021
1. 10. Certified loner Seven days a week
2. Just seeing ppls threads makes me feel less alone. I've never had any discussions about suicide that didn't include a therapist.
3. No. I've grown accustomed to being alone. The judgment is what mainly kills me about it. I want to die because I feel like a failure and can't find happiness in anything. I really do feel like I have no purpose in this world. Also I am tired of being anxious about everything. It sucks.
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May 3, 2021
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
Yes, I always feel alone, I would say 1000 every day and it is one of the reasons why I want ctb ... SS has helped me a lot but I think no one could take away from me this perennial feeling of deep loneliness.
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Jan 21, 2020
1. Depends on if the meaning is alone or lonely... alone, 5/10. Lonely, fucking very lonely.
2. At least we have each other.
3. No, at least, I haven't really thought about it.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
1. 9 - I feel like dogshit. No one really wants me. Everybody leaves. I have family I should be grateful for, but I can't find it in myself to feel that way. Maybe that makes me a terrible person. Oh well, it will be a moot point soon.
2. I just want to feel less alone in being alone. Lots of likeminded people here.
3. Yes. It's my primary reason right now. I wish I had never lived.
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Scribble Fan

Scribble Fan

I'm out!
May 30, 2019
Hmm, I felt a lot less lonely today. Maybe because I spent all day on SS. I'd say 3/10.
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
9/10; I really only interact with my mom now. When I was younger, I was bullied and rejected by my peers so I'm used to being alone and don't really mind it whatsoever. I have music, stories, etc instead :smiling:
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Feb 2, 2020
Well my fiancé has left seems like the whole time she was just waiting to be single. So yeah looking forward to death
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Oct 19, 2018
I feel like everybody in the world is seeing their friends now with the wonderful weather and the end of so many Covid restrictions in
Massachusetts. And I realize just how alone I am in the non digital world. I recognize that I do very little to change things. I once really made an effort but that was so 2019.
When I was still locked down in treatment in cancer last year I never felt isolated. But who in God's Name wants cancer to become socially
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I wish no one had to CTB..........
Aug 14, 2020
My default is always a 10. Always. Always…..
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
It hurts a little less now. I distract myself with everything and everyone I know.

I just try to remember that everything is temporary so that I don't get too attached and end up right back at square one.
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Nov 13, 2020
10. I could ctb right now if I want but I won't do it. I'm not ready.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I'm not alone, I have family constantly around me, I like company but I enjoy being by myself and just do what you want and no one to bother you, if your lonely it may be time to invest in a pet dog or cat they will help to a certain degree if you want to speak and meet people buy a fluffy dog and take it for a walk in the park and streets,:smiling:

Fluffy Dog   Copy


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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
10 (not including my puppies)
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Jun 22, 2020
I have no friends, family, or romantic partner and will often go for months or even years without a casual conversation with another person. It is brutal.
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Apr 25, 2021
11/10. i was betrayed by all of my "friends" last night and i don't know if i can ever trust anyone again.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Always a 10 nowadays. Loneliness is a killer in itself.
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May 6, 2021
10! I have a little bit of enjoyment with co workers,but I hate my job. So its 10!!!
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Black kettle

Happiness is a lie
Apr 7, 2020
Human loneliness. The modern life is weird. Thousands and millions of people are living close to each other but many of us are nevertheless isolated. It is pretty strange that a lot of people can live in apartments in the same house, but they never socialize with each other. In the society, we have healthcare, dental care, psychiatry and old age care, but where shall we go with our loneliness? Man is a social being, we are not created to live alone. Civilization is the cause of social isolation - the caveman had to cooperate to survive. In big cities, single households and loneliness are common. You can live your hole life in a big city and never get to know anyone there. And the older you get, the smaller the circle of acquaintances becomes. If you move to another town, this can lead to loneliness. Bullying can lead to loneliness. Disease can lead to loneliness. But maybe you are just unlucky. There are humans who are not alone, but they feel alone when they meet other people, people who do not understand them. And a pandemic like covid-19 makes people even more lonely.

Death and loneliness. Too many people die alone. There are humans who die alone in their homes and some people die alone in hospitals without relatives, these patients only have the medical staff with them. A person who committs suicide must almost always die alone, but no one should actually have to die alone. However, what is right to do is not always legal since it is illegal to help someone to die. Suicide will make you lonely because suicide is taboo.

This is how your body is affected by involuntary loneliness: high blood pressure, impaired sleep, pain in the body, susceptibility to infections, digestive system problems, drug abuse is common, concentration difficulties, memory problems, mood swings and depression. Involuntary loneliness is as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

What can we do about it? Human loneliness is not the individual´s fault, basically it is a societal issue. In England, a minister of loneliness has been appointed. Internet is a place where almost everything can be found nowadays; contact sites and other webbsites where people can write to each other. Go to a church and talk to a priest. Call a relative. Go to a shop and say something nice to someone in the store. Go to a library and read a book. Talk to your neighbour. Write a letter to someone. Pets are nice, but they can not replace humans. We can use this thread to write about loneliness.

1. How alone are you today on a scale of 1 - 10?
2. What can we do about our loneliness on Sanctioned Suicide?
3. Do you want to die because of loneliness?

View attachment 68788
Hey haven't been on here for a while
Thought it was time to check in
Hubby betrayed me yesterday
Depending on how I let this play out….

pretty fucking lonely
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Ultimate Despair
Dec 31, 2018
10 at the moment. I'm tired of this difficult life of not getting what I want in life. And always struggling with money. Just take me now!!
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