Just wanting some peace
- Sep 24, 2020
- 41,034
The agony of existing.
Personally I find the agony of existing to be unbearable, there's just so much cruelty and suffering in existing, it's horrific how existence causes such immense harm and I'd never wish for the torment of existing, I'd never wish to experience anything at all, to simply be conscious and aware is something torturous and painful to me. I see it as the most terrible imposition to be forced into this reality filled with endless suffering and what is agonising is how I cannot just die in peace even know there is literally no limit as to how much one can be tormented in this existence that is so unbearably cruel and painful.
To me existing truly is just suffering all for the sake of it and I suffer simply from being awake, in my case I'm just not meant for any of this and I'd never want to exist, for me existence just feels like a terrible mistake and all I've ever hoped for is peace from it, non-existence truly has been all I've ever wished for as only then am I unable to suffer in any way. The only relief for me could lie in finally being unconscious for all eternity and as long as I exist I'll always and only hope for death, peace for me could only lie in never suffering again, personally I'd always prefer to avoid existence. I'd never wish for the torment of existing, I'd never wish for the cruelty and futility of suffering in this existence rather I just hope to never exist again, I'm always so tired, if it's up to me I'd choose to completely erase my existence like I never suffered at all, I only wish for peace from all the pain and suffering.
Personally I find the agony of existing to be unbearable, there's just so much cruelty and suffering in existing, it's horrific how existence causes such immense harm and I'd never wish for the torment of existing, I'd never wish to experience anything at all, to simply be conscious and aware is something torturous and painful to me. I see it as the most terrible imposition to be forced into this reality filled with endless suffering and what is agonising is how I cannot just die in peace even know there is literally no limit as to how much one can be tormented in this existence that is so unbearably cruel and painful.
To me existing truly is just suffering all for the sake of it and I suffer simply from being awake, in my case I'm just not meant for any of this and I'd never want to exist, for me existence just feels like a terrible mistake and all I've ever hoped for is peace from it, non-existence truly has been all I've ever wished for as only then am I unable to suffer in any way. The only relief for me could lie in finally being unconscious for all eternity and as long as I exist I'll always and only hope for death, peace for me could only lie in never suffering again, personally I'd always prefer to avoid existence. I'd never wish for the torment of existing, I'd never wish for the cruelty and futility of suffering in this existence rather I just hope to never exist again, I'm always so tired, if it's up to me I'd choose to completely erase my existence like I never suffered at all, I only wish for peace from all the pain and suffering.