Hello there, I hope someone can help. I have the M dog regulator (I'm in UK). I followed the PPH book to the letter getting everything about two years ago. I have the smallish nitrogen tank - it's for about 25 mins. It's full and I have already tested the process. For some reason, even though I haven't been on here for a long long time, I thought I would just do a quick check in as I feel I can't carry on anymore. I thought I would a kind of final check in. I think I had the frights put into me reading the posts about the litres per minute flow rate needing to be 20lpm and the 60 mins of gas being needed.

. Anyway, I carried on reading the rest of the posts and I will have to stick with 15lpm.
The question is really with regards to the size of the tank. I do have the opportunity to collect locally a bigger tank. My current tank is 0.42m3 (Nearly 15 cubic feet). The larger one is approx 3 times that and is a 9l tank at 137 bar. On the M dog brewing site it says "MDB regulators are compatible with 20 cu ft Nitrogen cylinders. Cylinder pressure should not exceed 180 BAR". So I'm clear that the bigger cylinder would not exceed the 180 bar limit as it is 137. And because it explicitly says so I am taking that as a very specific instruction. however, it doesn't say it is NOT compatible with a cylinder over 20 cu ft. The larger 9l tank would be about 42 cubic feet. I have emailed them but I haven't heard. It feels to me like it shouldn't matter if there is more gas in the tank as long as the pressure does not exceed 180 bar - However I could be VERY wrong here. If anyone has a little bit more knowledge about this I will be very grateful. To be honest, I would rather not to go and collect a bigger tank and have to change the regulator from the smaller one to the bigger one. I can hardly get out of the house but I would manage the trip somehow if I had to. On the small tank I had to screw the regulator on really tightly and then unscrew it again and use a bit of Teflon tape on the thread as well as there was a tiny leak.( It definitely does not leak now and it has been dish soap tested). I thought the whole thing so stressful and if I had to unscrew it and fix it to a bigger tank it is causing me significant worry . However what is more important is that I get it right so if a bigger tank is better then I will definitely do that And make the trip. Originally I went with the recommended tank sizes on the PPH simply because I had no reason to question it. I am very grateful for any input specifically to this. Thank you
secondly - the bag I have is an oven bag and it's been tested and no leaks etc. I then became concerned (maybe I'm just worrying too much but of course it's an incredibly stressful time) that it is too ruffled at the bottom. The bags are quite crinkly and they do ruffle up At the bottom. It's still very snug with the elastic and toggle but obviously the ruffles do lead to small gaps. I'm also happy to source an LDPE bag or other medium duty polythene bag and make a new one but don't know if it's necessary. As I say, I was comfortable with everything (well as comfortable as one can be) before I logged on the other day! Now I feel a bit like I'm back at square one. I do have all the SN components but I do t think I could cope with the wait between taking the anti sickness and then the time frame to the SN itself. Also I will definitely need a drink!
sorry for the long post and I am VErY grateful for any input at this stage.