• Hey Guest,

    As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.

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Does this forum benefit you in some way?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 996 95.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 49 4.7%

  • Total voters


Failure, Outcast, Diseased - The True Leper
Mar 9, 2024
Why would someone come to this site if it didn't benefit them lmao?
I'd be surprised if there was a single vote for No.
Trolls and people trying to get us shut down.

Anyways - my answer is simple. Education for a peaceful exit. That won't leave me with like brain damage or some shit.
I come here on and off. When I'm here, I feel less alone.
Ironically, i think this site is part of why i havent killed myself, yet.
I'm new here but I already feel less alone. Most of you probably don't have a severe physical chronic illness / disability like me though, it I still feel less alone. And I think that's something truly special to say from some guy like me. Who's felt alone his entire life. Who's been the outcasted. I literally get outcasted and then they try and shut down a community of people I try to run to lol. Society is fucked up let me tell you. I am ranty. Sorry. I just love this place and I've only been here a few hours. It's oddly wholesome and it's kept me going on a weird way. So I agree with you.
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Looking for Understanding
Mar 7, 2024
I am new here and I am hoping to find others that think the same as I do, as how do you even bring the subject up with friends and colleagues and surely they or at least the vast majority would not know how to or even want to discuss the subject?
Each day I find reasons to live but I am sure one day I will run out of reasons or the will to even look for them?
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Aug 2, 2018
After 6 years of being here, i now know that i'm a fucking coward that can never do it no matter what i have in hand, i need someone to do it for me
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May 4, 2023
It benefits me in simply knowing there's a place where I can be honest
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Mar 6, 2024
I'm new here but quite honestly I'm so glad I found this site. I've felt so alone and alienated. Reading other people's thoughts and feelings, that are so like mine, has for the first time in a very long time made me feel that I'm not alone and I can think more clearly about my path going forward.
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Sep 30, 2023
only with supplying me with the knowledge required to CTB, other than that i don't think anyone would be able to convince me i don't feel this way.
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dead dreams, false hopes
May 3, 2023
i found out about the SN method through this forum which is now my preferred method. Found the sn source myself but someone on here was nice enough to tell me about a source for the benzos. So yea, it did provide some help.

Also its great for venting when you have nowhere else to do so
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Mar 12, 2024
Hmmm, IDK yet. I've been here only 27-28 hours and so far I found 2 ways to end myself but one is so strictly controlled that I'll probably never even get close to getting it, the other is cheap and not even controlled by any government initials but IDK what to do with it. All I know is that it can be used as a food supplement to poison yourself. And that's all, for now, that I learned from this site. Which is something, at least. Before I found this forum (after a lot of searching), I didn't know even this much. If anything, here at least I can say why I wanna get off this planet (one way or another) without being judged or looked upon as if I'm nuts.
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New Member
Aug 21, 2022
Hola a todos. Sólo por curiosidad, hace un tiempo hubo un informe sobre este foro donde el director ejecutivo de la Asociación Canadiense de Salud Mental dijo que "[...] este sitio no tiene ningún valor, no beneficia a nadie; de hecho, hace todo lo contrario [...]", defendiendo la postura de que este foro no debería existir y me dio curiosidad, ¿es cierto? Esa persona obviamente nos está hablando con desdén, por encima de nosotros, pretendiendo saber lo que queremos, cuando afirma que este foro no beneficia a nadie a pesar de que claramente existe una demanda de un sitio web como este, ¿verdad? Y me parece que la gente está creando una cuenta y participando aquí de forma voluntaria, por lo que supongo que este sitio web debe tener algún valor para las personas que lo utilizan. También es importante verificar estas afirmaciones dado que esta persona parece hablar en nombre de la CMHA y sería interesante saber si estas personas entienden, aunque sea remotamente, lo que sucede en las mentes de las personas suicidas, si entienden cuáles son nuestras necesidades y deseos. y cómo queremos que nos traten la sociedad.

Me parece que estas personas quieren ser tratadas como niños y que otras personas deciden qué se nos permite ver e investigar en línea y qué decisiones podemos tomar, mientras que yo creo que las personas que usan este foro quieren algún grado. de autonomía y derecho a tomar sus decisiones sobre su propio bienestar y decidir por sí mismos cómo quieren vivir esta vida y cuándo quieren irse. Así quiero que me trate la sociedad, encontré este foro en 2018 cuando necesitaba información para tomar mis propias decisiones y una comunidad de apoyo y no estaba de acuerdo con estos expertos en que otras personas deberían tener derecho a decirme. , como adulto autónomo, lo que se supone que debo ver en línea y qué decisiones tomo para mi propia vida, en relación con mi propio bienestar, son válidos y apropiados y cuáles no. Creo que estas son decisiones profundamente personales y esencialmente no incumben a nadie más que a mí. Y tengo la sensación de que la mayoría de la gente de esta comunidad se hace eco de ella.

Así que resolvamos este dilema. ¿Qué opinas? Me gustaría saber tu opinión; no dudes en explicar tu posición en los comentarios a continuación

Hola a todos. Sólo por curiosidad, hace un tiempo hubo un informe sobre este foro donde el director ejecutivo de la Asociación Canadiense de Salud Mental dijo que "[...] este sitio no tiene ningún valor, no beneficia a nadie; de hecho, hace todo lo contrario [...]", defendiendo la postura de que este foro no debería existir y me dio curiosidad, ¿es cierto? Esa persona obviamente nos está hablando con desdén, por encima de nosotros, pretendiendo saber lo que queremos, cuando afirma que este foro no beneficia a nadie a pesar de que claramente existe una demanda de un sitio web como este, ¿verdad? Y me parece que la gente está creando una cuenta y participando aquí de forma voluntaria, por lo que supongo que este sitio web debe tener algún valor para las personas que lo utilizan. También es importante verificar estas afirmaciones dado que esta persona parece hablar en nombre de la CMHA y sería interesante saber si estas personas entienden, aunque sea remotamente, lo que sucede en las mentes de las personas suicidas, si entienden cuáles son nuestras necesidades y deseos. y cómo queremos que nos trate la sociedad.

Me parece que estas personas quieren ser tratadas como niños y que otras personas decidan qué se nos permite ver e investigar en línea y qué decisiones podemos tomar, mientras que yo creo que las personas que usan este foro quieren algún grado. de autonomía y derecho a tomar sus decisiones sobre su propio bienestar y decidir por sí mismos cómo quieren vivir esta vida y cuándo quieren irse. Así quiero que me trate la sociedad, encontré este foro en 2018 cuando necesitaba información para tomar mis propias decisiones y una comunidad de apoyo y no estaba de acuerdo con estos expertos en que otras personas deberían tener derecho a decirme. , como adulto autónomo, lo que se supone que debo ver en línea y qué decisiones tomo para mi propia vida, en relación con mi propio bienestar, son válidos y apropiados y cuáles no. Creo que estas son decisiones profundamente personales y esencialmente no incumben a nadie más que a mí. Y tengo la sensación de que la mayoría de la gente de esta comunidad se hace eco de ella.

Así que resolvamos este dilema. ¿Qué opinas? Me gustaría saber tu opinión; no dudes en explicar tu posición en los comentarios a continuación.
Hola, hablemos mucha gente que quisiéramos morir ya y no lo conseguimos,por frustacion,por intentos fallidos,por no saber cómo hacerlo,planearlo,etc...ya me gustaría que a la gente como nosotros se nos permita la eutanasia sin ninguna burocracia. ni prejuicios.Eso si,estoy de acuerdo que si esto se nos facilitará que fuera a cambio de nuestra donación de órganos que sirvieran para salvar a gente con ganas de vivir...
cuando no tienes ilusión,motivación y todo te da igual,entonces para que seguir así,si está sociedad fuera justa esto lo entendería y no habría ningún problema,yo mismo intenté varias veces y me ha salido mal,ahora mismo con mis 53 años soy un despojo sin ilusión que ya no sirve para nada,no por no saber hacer cosas ,sino por desmotivación y perdida de la chispa de la vida,somos un estorbo y como la sociedad es la que es tenemos que buscar formas violentas y con ello el lío que se monta,y todo por no hacerlo fácil.
Me gustaría saber si hay alguna asociación en la que nos podamos ayudar sin prejuzgar a nadie,estoy harto de mi mismo y cada día que pasa me hundo más,intento ir a que me ayuden psicológicamente pero no salgo de mi pozo,a lo mejor no estoy en un pozo y es realmente lo que quiero conseguir,pero me gustaría que fuese pacíficamente y agradable no con violencia...sería lo justo.
Hola ,es la primera vez que escribo aquí,dejo mi correo electrónico ,[email protected],en relacion a un comentario mío que acabo de hacer,quisiera saber si es posible encontrar un lygar en donde encontremos ayuda para hacer esto sin violencia. Gracias.
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Mar 11, 2024
Been here a short time, but absolutely and for sure. You have to sort, pick, and consider carefully, but for someone who's used to wading through a lot of info quickly, it's been a fantastic info resource already. There are people here with good knowledge and experience, usually the hard-won kind. My impression of the community so far is positive. Being able to connect with others who can really empathize is something this site is valuable for alone.


Apr 6, 2023
It's a strange old place. There are times it is the only place I want to be. There are other times I find it depressing and annoying. I have benefitted from finding people who feel like I do, and lots of them! It definitely made me feel less alone during some dark days
"[...]there is no value to this site, it doesn't benefit anyone - in fact it does quite the opposite[...]"
Those are meaningless words. How could anyone measure how many have benefitted or the opposite? We can get a rough idea with threads like this. But there will be so many who read here without joining. I did that for months. I joined when I really identified with someone's story. She helped me so much before I even spoke to her. Sadly she is no longer with us, it was heartbreaking reading her goodbye thread but also knowing she achieved what she wanted was a big lesson. I know a lot of people joined because of her. She had planned everything and organised everything before going. It taught me not to rush and to be 100% sure. There will be so many other posters who have affected people. So, yes, those words are meaninglessness :)
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Jul 21, 2019
Yes, it benefits me. I am a functioning adult with a full time career, etc. No one in my life would guess how much I struggle. I come here when I am feeling my worse and it reminds me that I am not alone. It also empowers me to see that I can choose to end my life if I want. This makes me feel like I have some element of control and if I can make the decision to end my life, I can also make the decision to stay alive. It is important to feel like I have some control over the decision, otherwise I feel trapped and that exasperates the problem.


Oct 28, 2020
In a way, it helps me because only here can I vent and truly show the person I am, without the need for any kind of mask, without the need to hide. Regarding people, I have mixed feelings… because apart from a few curious individuals, I believe that most people are here for the same purpose, and there are not a few people; there are more people with the same problem than I would like to know. Therefore, sometimes I have mixed feelings.
I don't int
Happy Face Smile GIF
eract much in the topics, but the few people I talked to made my day a little happier :)


Taking a break from the website.
Nov 18, 2023

If nothing else it has given me a place to honestly talk about my feelings without people spouting dumb platitudes at me or risk having 911 called on me.

Granted, feeling more and more ignored again lately but that's been true for every site and social media app, so that's hardly unique to this place.

It's also extremely presumtive and biased to pretend that helping people find a peaceful way out is inherently "the opposite" of helpful. I don't agree with that sentiment. Some people suffer enough with no realistic chance of recovery that suicide becomes reasonable. And being helped to that is being helped to end suffering. And reducing suffering is good.
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a hikikomori waiting to catch the bus
Mar 1, 2021
This site is hard to find on search engines, so my worry of people I know IRL finding out about my account is greatly diminished. It's also a safe space for me, since no one knows me IRL either. I'm free to post all my suicide thoughts and vents without judgment from others or extreme anxiety and worry. Lots of people IRL think I'm insane the moment I start spewing any of the shit I mention here or in my journal.
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Psychology (B.A.) & Substance Use Researcher
Oct 24, 2023
Very interesting results. I'd be curious to tie apart the various reasons & ways this site benefits people. I think it highlights various unmet socioemotional & needs related to individual autonomy that suicidal people are not receiving offline.

Although only 19 respondents have said they don't benefit from it, I'm curious why as well; it's probably just random variance, but could be worth looking at as well to see how we could improve the site.

Food for thought in a potential survey @RainAndSadness

No rush nor pressure; I just like to work on improving user representation & experience cause it gives me meaning teehee. Also it seems very important that this site garners positive PR if we wish for longevity & achieving it's goals. This stat reflects the benefits of this site well!
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Mar 16, 2024
i don't know. i don't see any central interest/understanding of failed programmers and such, but i am an outcast so that's also the reason.
i tried, i really did but im not getting any peaceful suicide method anytime soon so i just have to bit the towel and jump. hate to do that to myself (messy death) but its the only way


Not Waving But Browned Off….
Sep 27, 2023
Hi everyone. Just out of curiousity, a while ago there was a report about this forum where the CEO of the Canadian Mental Health Association said that "[...]there is no value to this site, it doesn't benefit anyone - in fact it does quite the opposite[...]", defending the position that this forum shouldn't exist and it made me curious, is that true? Like, that person is obviously talking down to us, over us, pretending they know what we want, when they claim this forum doesn't benefit anyone despite there being clearly a demand for website like this one, right. And it seems to me people are making an account and participating here voluntarily, so I'd assume there must be some value to this website for the people who are using it. It's also important to fact-check these claims given this person seems to speak for the CMHA and it would be interesting to know if these people even remotely understand what goes on in the minds of suicidal people, if they understand what our needs and desires are and how we want society to treat us.

It seems to me these people think want to be treated like children and have other people decide what we're allowed to see and research online and what decisions we're allowed to make while I do think that people who use this forum want some degree of autonomy and a right to make their decisions regarding their own welfare and decide for themselves how they want to live this life and when they want to leave. That's how I want society to treat me, I found this forum in 2018 when I was in need for information to make my own decisions and a supportive community and I didn't agree with these experts that other people should have a right to tell me, as an autonomous adult, what I'm supposed to see online and which decisions I make for my own life, concerning my own welfare, are valid and appropiate and which aren't. I think these are deeply personal decisions and essentially nobody's business but mine. And I have a feeling that's echoed by a majority of people in this community.

So let's solve this dilemma. What do you think? I'd be curious to hear your opinion, feel free to explain your position in the comments below.
Hi everyone. Just out of curiousity, a while ago there was a report about this forum where the CEO of the Canadian Mental Health Association said that "[...]there is no value to this site, it doesn't benefit anyone - in fact it does quite the opposite[...]", defending the position that this forum shouldn't exist and it made me curious, is that true? Like, that person is obviously talking down to us, over us, pretending they know what we want, when they claim this forum doesn't benefit anyone despite there being clearly a demand for website like this one, right. And it seems to me people are making an account and participating here voluntarily, so I'd assume there must be some value to this website for the people who are using it. It's also important to fact-check these claims given this person seems to speak for the CMHA and it would be interesting to know if these people even remotely understand what goes on in the minds of suicidal people, if they understand what our needs and desires are and how we want society to treat us.

It seems to me these people think want to be treated like children and have other people decide what we're allowed to see and research online and what decisions we're allowed to make while I do think that people who use this forum want some degree of autonomy and a right to make their decisions regarding their own welfare and decide for themselves how they want to live this life and when they want to leave. That's how I want society to treat me, I found this forum in 2018 when I was in need for information to make my own decisions and a supportive community and I didn't agree with these experts that other people should have a right to tell me, as an autonomous adult, what I'm supposed to see online and which decisions I make for my own life, concerning my own welfare, are valid and appropiate and which aren't. I think these are deeply personal decisions and essentially nobody's business but mine. And I have a feeling that's echoed by a majority of people in this community.

So let's solve this dilemma. What do you think? I'd be curious to hear your opinion, feel free to explain your position in the comments below.
To be around like minded people so I don't feel like I'm boring/depressing people I know/spreading my gloom.
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Mar 7, 2022
I logged in today after a long time lurking, but I'm happy this place exists since I rarely can express my feelings or hear from like minded people in my real life.

If you open up about being unhappy/suicidal anywhere else you just get platitudes (best case) or talked down to by callous people that want to feel superior to you.
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Severe Medical Phobia « MtF »
Nov 13, 2023
It, Indeed, has been beneficial for me, both for information gathering but also to get a better understanding about the pain of other human lives, feeling empathy towards them. I cannot find a way to call this site "without any value" at all.
Gl1tch3d G1rl

Gl1tch3d G1rl

My mom must've had a virus coz I was born a glitch
Aug 10, 2021
Yes, it has helped me with planning my ctb safely, finding support, being able to vent freely and I've even made friends in here who understands me in ways nobody else does. This place is like a safe space for me where nobody judges me or tries to talk me out of anything and I feel like I can breathe without getting choked by unholy strict rules and restrictions (yes, there are places like that).


Jan 3, 2024
People who are depressed and suicidal have a tendency to dig their own hole. It's much easier for us to embrace the downward spiral than to tackle the hard realities of life and to try and push past them.

I expect this is what the person meant - he assumes this site encourages us to embrace the downward spiral, as we all have a similar thought process. It could be like an "echo chamber" for the suicidal.

I can see where he's coming from, because we humans are all social creatures and no man is an island. We gather around people like us and reinforce our own beliefs, which is usually a good thing. Maybe not on a suicidal forum, though.


Oct 13, 2023
When I was 13-15 I would frequent sites like Lostallhope, etc. that have generally been taken down. Probably the only reason that I never tried to slit my wrists is because I knew that it had a 98% failure rate. Even now, sites like that were very helpful in sobering up to the reality of what I wanted to do and the safety concerns over it. And here I only recently found out that I can't really OD on acetaminophen. If I hadn't checked about it on here I might have been in horrible pain for days for no reason. Information about methods is incredibly helpful, and can often be a deterrent from doing unhelpful things.
I will also say my experience here has been so much better than on Reddit in r/depression, r/suicidewatch, r/selfharm. There's always pretty much guaranteed responses to posts on here when on Reddit you just get ignored usually. And I know that on here I'm not going to get a comment from some random person telling me that punching myself is attention seeking. From my experience, most people on here are incredibly understanding and kind.
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Jan 14, 2024
When I was 13-15 I would frequent sites like Lostallhope, etc. that have generally been taken down. Probably the only reason that I never tried to slit my wrists is because I knew that it had a 98% failure rate. Even now, sites like that were very helpful in sobering up to the reality of what I wanted to do and the safety concerns over it. And here I only recently found out that I can't really OD on acetaminophen. If I hadn't checked about it on here I might have been in horrible pain for days for no reason. Information about methods is incredibly helpful, and can often be a deterrent from doing unhelpful things.
I will also say my experience here has been so much better than on Reddit in r/depression, r/suicidewatch, r/selfharm. There's always pretty much guaranteed responses to posts on here when on Reddit you just get ignored usually. And I know that on here I'm not going to get a comment from some random person telling me that punching myself is attention seeking. From my experience, most people on here are incredibly understanding and kind.
That's what I love about this site. I never seen kinder people in any other forum before. This community helps me find peace and acceptance in my dark thoughts and I don't feel alone in them. Ironically, my CTB urges decreased after I joined. I accepted that my depression and suicidal ideation will never go away, but it's easier to deal with them when I'm chatting with like-minded people.

I thought it would be unbearable to live the rest of my life but maybe with this site, I could go on longer.
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Sep 11, 2020
People who are depressed and suicidal have a tendency to dig their own hole. It's much easier for us to embrace the downward spiral than to tackle the hard realities of life and to try and push past them.

I expect this is what the person meant - he assumes this site encourages us to embrace the downward spiral, as we all have a similar thought process. It could be like an "echo chamber" for the suicidal.

I can see where he's coming from, because we humans are all social creatures and no man is an island. We gather around people like us and reinforce our own beliefs, which is usually a good thing. Maybe not on a suicidal forum, though.

I think it is a good thing. In the age of social media with an ever-growing population of lonely people, why should depressed people be further isolated and shamed? SS only exists because suicide and depression is taboo and banned elsewhere.

People are so worried about suicide contagion and echo chambers and ~evil online influences~ to the point where they would rather completely isolate an already lonely type of people, as if that would fix more issues than it would create.

eh but a thousand people have already said all of this, and I'm just yapping.
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Mar 9, 2024
The CEO of the Canadian Mental Health Association - someone whose (probably) comfortable income, social capital and self-image depends on the availability of those whom society deems ill or unstable objects to this site?

Forgive me for being cynical but it appears that the self-declared experts see the users of this site as a resource to be exploited. By relying on and helping each other we threaten their revenue stream.

If this site was not beneficial - within parameters set by the users - it would not have visitors.
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Mar 25, 2024
Hi everyone. Just out of curiousity, a while ago there was a report about this forum where the CEO of the Canadian Mental Health Association said that "[...]there is no value to this site, it doesn't benefit anyone - in fact it does quite the opposite[...]", defending the position that this forum shouldn't exist and it made me curious, is that true? Like, that person is obviously talking down to us, over us, pretending they know what we want, when they claim this forum doesn't benefit anyone despite there being clearly a demand for website like this one, right. And it seems to me people are making an account and participating here voluntarily, so I'd assume there must be some value to this website for the people who are using it. It's also important to fact-check these claims given this person seems to speak for the CMHA and it would be interesting to know if these people even remotely understand what goes on in the minds of suicidal people, if they understand what our needs and desires are and how we want society to treat us.

It seems to me these people think want to be treated like children and have other people decide what we're allowed to see and research online and what decisions we're allowed to make while I do think that people who use this forum want some degree of autonomy and a right to make their decisions regarding their own welfare and decide for themselves how they want to live this life and when they want to leave. That's how I want society to treat me, I found this forum in 2018 when I was in need for information to make my own decisions and a supportive community and I didn't agree with these experts that other people should have a right to tell me, as an autonomous adult, what I'm supposed to see online and which decisions I make for my own life, concerning my own welfare, are valid and appropiate and which aren't. I think these are deeply personal decisions and essentially nobody's business but mine. And I have a feeling that's echoed by a majority of people in this community.

So let's solve this dilemma. What do you think? I'd be curious to hear your opinion, feel free to explain your position in the comments below.
This site has remained the solemn place where I feel accepted to speak and exist without judgement or pressure. It's more often where I come to feel less alone in my state of mind. Where I know not only am I not crazy, but in fact there is hope that me and others can talk to each other to at least pass time and bring comfort to those in need.
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