Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
@nirvana have you read post 1033 in this thread? I will quote it here then comment more below it.

I notice the capture of SS info from Exit, without credit, so not up to feel apologetic anymore, especially since the audience is too often taken as guinea pigs with inadequate material then revisions

View attachment 36749

Those who got a device still sealed might consider to request for an exchange between old and new units
If the shipment hasn't arrived yet (i.e. stuck at customs), I suggest to reject the delivery on arrival with the purpose to have the package returned to China covered without extra shipping fees (which would be quite expensive otherwise on own initiative)
...to arrange with Richard beforehand

I ask this because there are a handful of people who tried the debreather and it failed... so R could be talking about any of them.. and tbh he should have told you he was working with several people who's devices failed, not just one.

That is why when you posted that R told you it should work as long as the mask remains sealed, I responded that I felt it's beyond a mask seal issue and the device itself needs a complete redesign.


Feb 24, 2019
With regards the unit , has anyone who has used it and failed attempted to see how easy it is to replace the soda lime


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
So i asked R. About it and he said he heard about a case where it didnt work and is trying to figure out the reason. He said he is working with that person or at least trying to. thats why i contacted you to confirm if you wete in personal touch with R cause in another post you said you werent! Which got me confused cause why wouldnt you tell the truth?

I have no idea if he was referring to you or anybody else. He suggested it might be necessary to replace the soda lime to make sure its not the source of he poblem.

Ugh! I want to answer this so much! But this is a different version than what you said in your PM.

The version in your PM is what is important and is of benefit to the community, because of how I will directly address it. It will benefit you as well. I told you from the start, I'll only answer such questions once, so make the conversation public or forfeit a response, because it's really no one's business, reread my headspace comment in the PM, please.

I told you what I require to provide the information you seek. It's in my first PM response to you. Please reread it. It's very simple. I'm standing firm and won't budge, for good reason. Exactly that and nothing else.

If you post anything other than exactly what I laid out in my first PM, I'll give an angry react, nothing more. I'm done typing. I've got better things to do. You don't pay me to focus my time on the forum on you.


First PM response with NO deviation= public answer. It's non-negotiable.

If it doesn't happen today, I won't even react or respond, I'm not giving it any more attention beyond today. 6 pm Central time is the deadline, in 4 hours and 15 minutes. Period. I'm not staying awake for this, and it's not touching my day tomorrow or any day after.

Any slight deviation = hmpf! react. Today only up to 6 pm Central. After 6 pm I move on from this for good.
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Mar 14, 2019
What the heck is this? Are you kidding me? You really begin to annoy me! There is no differenr version! You say you want to answer this sooo much blah blah but you dont. Probably you are just a person who loves the attention and is getting that now by playing manipulative mind games and making a big mystery of whar you would looooove to talk about but cant because of whatever reason?!? Am i the only one who is annoyed by this? I guess not. Again if the topic wasnt so serious i would love about it. But this is not a joke since this topic is about life and death. Do you understad that?? So either post my quotes, feel free to use them or leave me alone. You are lucky that i even see this message since i am actually fully over loaded with work. Bye bye
I already knew nothing would ever come out of this . This is really so childish. Why dont you just take my quotes and create your own post with it ? We obviously talk different languages and i really dont know what you want from me. All i can say is you are messing with my head and you are messing with others here who are probably as curious as i am in hearing what you would LOVE to share. And if you have nothing to say feel free to admit that as well. Therr is no problem with that but it is better than making a fuss or a big mystery out of something especially when it is about a very serious topic!
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  • Hmph!
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
What the heck is this? Are you kidding me? You really begin to annoy me! There is no differenr version! You say you want to answer this sooo much blah blah but you dont. Probably you are just a person who loves the attention and is getting that now by playing manipulative mind games and making a big mystery of whar you would looooove to talk about but cant because of whatever reason?!? Am i the only one who is annoyed by this? I guess not. Again if the topic wasnt so serious i would love about it. But this is not a joke since this topic is about life and death. Do you understad that?? So either post my quotes, feel free to use them or leave me alone. You are lucky that i even see this message since i am actually fully over loaded with work. Bye bye
I already knew nothing would ever come out of this . This is really so childish. Why dont you just take my quotes and create your own post with it ? We obviously talk different languages and i really dont know what you want from me. All i can say is you are messing with my head and you are messing with others here who are probably as curious as i am in hearing what you would LOVE to share. And if you have nothing to say feel free to admit that as well. Therr is no problem with that but it is better than making a fuss or a big mystery out of something especially when it is about a very serious topic!
This is so stupid..The conversation and dispute.

why can't you just copy your pm and paste it here? If it's the same as everything you've already written?

And OP has publicly given permission to quote his/her PM.

does this conversation even benefit anyone if the stupid machine doesn't work? Changing the Lyme granules isn't going to make this stupid thing magically work... even if the mask seals, the experience has been described as unbearable. No one that we know of has successfully used this device.
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Mar 14, 2019
So i am the one who is stupid? Seriously? Just read the text of that other person and tell me its not childish. Im out of this game. Bye all of you. Tired of this cause this is leading nowhere. Even if i would post eberything again and turn around in a cirlce three times as Op pleases i am 100 percent sure there would not be any Constructive result. I am just wondering why he / she is making such a big thing out of it and spreading confusion. I dont engage anymore in kindergarten sorry. And peace to all of you but people obviously taking sides here and i am the one who is stupid. Thanks

I am very sad to see how i am proclaimed as the one being stupid whilst i brought something very important up here. Nobody appreciates it here! So this shows me that people dont seem much interested, maybe because they have too much doubts. It would have been nice to get some support as a serious seeker of truth but i am not the problem here.
Cant you see the Manipulation of that person pushing out deadlines and telling me what to do as if i was five years old! I posted my quotes and then the person keeps on threatening me to ignore me or move on and never talk about this.
I have already wasted too much time in this and as you can see for nothing
Op makes empty promises and than always comes up with something else. This is not a theatre show .
Once again please share my quotes or whatever it is you need to share what you know or admit that you know as much as all of us.

* in the latest podcast of P. That yomyom posted they mentioned a person who has succesfully used the device . So that is at least one reported case and maybe there are even more of people who are older or prefer to keep private and never postes here but just used it without anybody knowing about it or reporting it to exit.
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  • Hmph!
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
So i am the one who is stupid? Seriously? Just read the text of that other person and tell me its not childish. Im out of this game. Bye all of you. Tired of this cause this is leading nowhere. Even if i would post eberything again and turn around in a cirlce three times as Op pleases i am 100 percent sure there would not be any Constructive result. I am just wondering why he / she is making such a big thing out of it and spreading confusion. I dont engage anymore in kindergarten sorry. And peace to all of you but people obviously taking sides here and i am the one who is stupid. Thanks

I am very sad to see how i am proclaimed as the one being stupid whilst i brought something very important up here. Nobody appreciates it here! So this shows me that people dont seem much interested, maybe because they have too much doubts. It would have been nice to get some support as a serious seeker of truth but i am not the problem here.
Cant you see the Manipulation of that person pushing out deadlines and telling me what to do as if i was five years old! I posted my quotes and then the person keeps on threatening me to ignore me or move on and never talk about this.
I have already wasted too much time in this and as you can see for nothing
Op makes empty promises and than always comes up with something else. This is not a theatre show .
Once again please share my quotes or whatever it is you need to share what you know or admit that you know as much as all of us.

* in the latest podcast of P. That yomyom posted they mentioned a person who has succesfully used the device . So that is at least one reported case and maybe there are even more of people who are older or prefer to keep private and never postes here but just used it without anybody knowing about it or reporting it to exit.
I did not say "you" are stupid. I said "this is stupid, the conversation and dispute".,

I am not taking any sides. I addressed both by saying, why don't you just quote your p.m. and post it here. And on the other side I said OP has given permission to release the p.m. So either one of you can put it to rest and let us all know what the huge secret is and the beneficial information.

I have not listened to the podcast and I stated, "that we know of", because there weren't any that I knew of or were publicly announced, at that time.

I am angry about this product because I wanted it to be my first option. And I take this as serious as you do, because it is the end of my life. And I wanted this to work as much as you. And I am not old, I am dying and I'm bitter that I'm dying but I can't face much more time suffering as I am.

. If the information is beneficial to all of us, the questions should've been posted here on this thread as stated by the person that attempted with this device and they stated they would answer any questions about it posted here. And they stated they did not want any private messages about it. I am not protecting or siding with this person, I am only reiterating what they stated after they attempted with this device.
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Mar 14, 2019
I appreciate it dear living sucks and i can very much relate to whar you say since i feel similar.
I am also suffering a lot and its hard to bear it. I am trying my best here, but what elseo does OP expect from me?
I checked my private exchange again and i already posted the quotes by R. There is nothing more that i can add to this. The only question i asked op in my pn was :
i just wanted to confirm with you again,are you in contact with him (R.) or not? Or is he Maybe referring to another Person who had similar Problems?
I really dont know what OP experienced or hasnt experienced with R. Or the product. I would just encourage you to not be afraid and share it cause if you so much would love to talk about it seems to be important or at least have affected you somehow.
You mentioned several times that we could all benefit from it. As far as i know i have done my share. I dont know what else to do to stick to your "script".
As @Living sucks put it very well together we are a community and here to support each other in helping a device that is peaceful and effective.
This is / was also one of my first choices which is why i am putting effort into finding out this "secret" and gathering more information. You even made me post all this publicly which is something i tried to avoid since i dont like to post too much in public here general! Still i feel like i am on the edge in finding out what is being hidden here and i hope my endeavours were not in vain... it looks like they were cause obviously i am not pleasing you but i sincerely dont know what you want .
And then i am the one to blame because i dont get it? I am crying my eyes out here since this is really triggering me and it is very very exhausting to talk to you in such a way with all these demands? Im trying to sleep now and i hope this topic will soon be done with. Hopefully by sharing that "secret"
@GoodPersonEffed Im already in pieces and now reacting with a angry faces ?? What is going on here! This makes me leave this place and delete my Account for real
Why are you trolling me with your angry faces , claiming to have some secret and only causing confusion to vulnerable people?
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Feb 24, 2019
This is so stupid..The conversation and dispute.

why can't you just copy your pm and paste it here? If it's the same as everything you've already written?

And OP has publicly given permission to quote his/her PM.

does this conversation even benefit anyone if the stupid machine doesn't work? Changing the Lyme granules isn't going to make this stupid thing magically work... even if the mask seals, the experience has been described as unbearable. No one that we know of has successfully used this device.
If you listen to the podcast that was provided it states someone used this device sucessfully to CTB
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
If you listen to the podcast that was provided it states someone used this device sucessfully to CTB
I have severe tinnitus so just hearing noise and people talking nearly makes me insane. If anyone cares to.. and I understand if no one cares to... tell me if the successful ctb that's being reported on the podcast is one that was recorded by burner phone or not? And if there is any data on if it was peaceful, distressing or otherwise? Any details at all about it? Or just they mentioned a successful attempt with no details?
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Just Passing Through
Oct 10, 2019
Hey, it's been almost a month! I saw you posted on another thread yesterday that you've tested it and it's ready to go. I hope you'll consider sharing the plans very, very soon. Not tryna push, but yeah, I admit I am.

Oh look! A hug! ------> :hug:

Aaaaand...a heart! ------> :heart:
So yes I finished it and have parts list info and pictures. Some problems I'm working on (not with the device) is how to ensure any file posting has no tags showing author or, if scanned, any related identifiers. I'm also struggling with just how much work to put into the guide given most people won't even take the initiative to buy a few items and construct one so why bother putting a lot of work out there?
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Mar 14, 2019
As everybody can see: nothing is being Shared with us and my questions are just being ignored.
Still i am the one who is being criticized here and who is the fool for wasting energy into nothing
And the "secret" wont ever be revealed, right
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
As everybody can see: nothing is being Shared with us and my questions are just being ignored.
Still i am the one who is being criticized here and who is the fool for wasting energy into nothing
And the "secret" wont ever be revealed, right
@nirvana I empathize with you and understand you want as much info about this device as you can get.

However, for their own reasons of transparency and probably to not deal with 30 pms repeating the same answers, @GoodPersonEffed posted the below remarks. The very first paragraph stated they will answer any questions, but no PMs.

I immediately posted at least 6 questions and they were answered. I wish you had posted your questions on the thread as requested so we all could benefit.

Tbh I'm still not sure what your exact questions are? GPE made it clear they have no desire to speak with R and have not, so R could not be referring to GPE. CO2 retentive has been talked about here and there seems to be no definitive answer. I feel for you and just trying to help.

I attempted with the ReBreather. There are flaws in the design, and it was not peaceful. I'm glad to answer any questions here on the thread, no PMs.

I tried all three masks, from largest to smallest.

Each time, I breathed deeply, and the lung in the bag expanded and contracted.

My hands started to tingle a bit.

Then I felt my face shift at the chin, and the lung did not contract or expand as much. So the seal was compromised. I considered getting some denture gel.

With the last mask, the smallest, I draped one forearm over the part where the tubes join and connect to the mask. This maintained the seal. However, if I had gone into convulsions, the seal would have been broken.

At this point, I'd had it on for about 7-8 minutes.

Once the seal was really held and I was continuing to breathe deeply, it was indeed like being in a bag. It was starting to get intense, and my lungs were expanding to try to draw in more oxygen. One leg kept twitching like an anxiety response. I tried to follow through, but I only lasted about a minute.

Overall, each attempt was around 10 minutes, the last one was when I got the seal to hold. The soda lime is still white.
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Mar 30, 2020
I just have to say...people need to respect others people's privacy!. @GoodPersonEffed has every right to be left alone, stop badgering this person! Sheesh. Let's get back to our topic. I still believe in the ReBreather, maybe because it helps me cope. It's my ticket to CTB. SN in my backup plan.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
This was my response to @nirvana's initial PM.

Polish 20200616 235204465

I made it clear to her what I was willing to do and why.

If I gave in and posted her OP for her once she gave me "permission" on this thread to do so, which was not what I said I was willing to do, then I would have been capitulating to her trying to control my actions and do things for her to satisfy her wants, rather than allowing her to own them and get them satisfied by following the simple rules I laid out for my protection. If I had capitulated, she could have said I was lying. She could have photoshopped screenshots of our conversation. That's why I set specific rules and did not waiver from them.

I did not start this, I do not own her situation that promoted her to contact me. All I have "demanded" is that she take ownership of her situation, feelings, wants and needs, and not try to place responsibility for them onto me; if she wanted me to respond to them, then she would have to take on the responsibility of posting publicly exactly what she laid out in her initial message, and I would look forward to responding to the entirety. In public. She twisted that in her first post here, and made it seem like her actions were in service to the forum. That was not her original intent, it was mine partially redacted, starting with "Because."

I told her I would keep our communication private and never out her publicly or in PMs. Yet she has repeatedly said on this thread that I am forcing her, when she is the one who has tried to force me. I forced nothing, I only held firm. She keeps trying to knock me off of that.

I have never revealed a word of that multiple-message conversation, except for the message of my own that I have only now screenshotted here, which included her signature for reference, and one word, "Anyway," to show that I'd made clear exactly what I asking for. The intro from her message was personal to her and irrelevant to the this thread and to the forum. And one can see that the conversation continued. Otherwise, what I screenshotted is what is what I own. All other private messages from me to her were to respect her position but maintain my boundary, and there is no reason to share them, except to try to make her look bad. I've tried very hard in this thread to not do that.

In spite of her public provocations, I will never out her nor use her private words against her. I will not lower myself to a defense that uses even one letter of her PMs or refers to them. There is nothing to defend. My integrity was already my armor and it still is.

There is nothing left for me to say. I cannot control others, but I respectfully request that no one attack her, criticize her, try to reason with her, nor defend me. The defense is complete. ANYTHING ELSE FEEDS THE FLAMING, AND ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE CURRENT THREADS ON THE FORUM WILL GET LOCKED. (Can you imagine anyone who has an agenda trying to instigate that? Perhaps anyone outside of the forum who has been criticized? She could conceivably be a pawn for that, so take it easy on her, even if only for the sake of the thread.*) Let her go on baiting and flaming if she chooses to, it will burn out and we can continue on. She will not be reasoned with, she does not want to be. If you agree to what I'm asking, feel free to like or love this comment; then you are heard, and she cannot even somewhat validly claim to be attacked. If you feel compelled to react, just give a react, which is not to pump me up, I'm good, it's about giving you a chance to speak without further derailing. IMO is enough.

* Edited to add this statement after she posted a response, #1227, it is not revealing anything from her PMs.

The only purpose of me contacting you was to find out if r. Is reliable ad if the product is
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Mar 14, 2019
I just have to say...people need to respect others people's privacy!. @GoodPersonEffed has every right to be left alone, stop badgering this person! Sheesh. Let's get back to our topic. I still believe in the ReBreather, maybe because it helps me cope. It's my ticket to CTB. SN in my backup plan.
I respect her privacy but she told me to discuss this openly here.
So what are you waiting for in revealing why you think r. Is full of s***? Just say you have nothing to share instead of reacting with angry faces

"Can you imagine anyone who has an agenda trying to instigate that? Perhaps anyone outside of the forum who has been criticized? She could conceivably be a pawn for that, so take it easy on her, even if only for the sake of the thread."
Please stop with your false asumptions against me!! I dont have any agende . all i wanted was to get useful and productive answrs. Idont even have time for this but your infos could be important for me and for others! If there are any infos at . I am a seeker of truth like others here!
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
If anyone cares to.. and I understand if no one cares to... tell me if the successful ctb that's being reported on the podcast is one that was recorded by burner phone or not? And if there is any data on if it was peaceful, distressing or otherwise? Any details at all about it? Or just they mentioned a successful attempt with no details?

No burner phone, no witness account.

What PN said was that Exit received an email from emergency services after attending the scene where someone who had died was wearing the ReBreather device, and they at first didn't know what it was and had been concerned about hazardous chemicals. He said that they requested Exit to ask its members to leave out information for emergency services about what the chemicals were, and PN said that Richard is going to update the device with a label or something. (From personal experience, there is a warning label attached to the tubing that says the device will cause death of not used with oxygen.)

PN did not say what exact type of emergency services contacted him (fire, paramedic, police, etc.), nor where they were from, nor read any excerpts from the email. Therefore I personally do not consider this sufficient evidence of a confirmation. PN didn't even say in the podcast that the chemical is soda lime. He and the woman on the podcast, the PPH co-author, talked about it being a scrubber, but he did not specifically say soda lime, so that didn't really help members with making the kind of warning that would assist emergency services. He acted like he didn't even know that it's soda lime in the canisters, yet he's done videos and demos going through all the elements of the device and explaining them. He even said about the ReBreather during the podcast, "I think Exit gave it an award." PN is Exit -- he doesn't know? It's just all too vague and weird for me to feel comfortable and reassured that what he's saying is honest.

For anyone needing to catch up, @Yomyom shared the podcast on the previous page of this thread.
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
Thank you for the summary. Interesting.

Not questions to necessarily be answered, just thinking out loud....
How would they know to contact Exit? Instead of locating the manufacturer?

makes sense tho to not know if theres a gas to be concerned about . I wonder if that person just stuck thru the unbearable part until passing out.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Thank you for the summary. Interesting.

Not questions to necessarily be answered, just thinking out loud....
How would they know to contact Exit? Instead of locating the manufacturer?

makes sense tho to not know if theres a gas to be concerned about . I wonder if that person just stuck thru the unbearable part until passing out.

Please note I edited my comment and added more info in the last long paragraph.

I thought about what you asked. It seems plausible that when emergency services researched the device, they found the connection to Exit, because they promote the device.

Edit: The device itself has no manufacturer identification, only the box it's shipped in.
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Deleted member 1768

Aug 15, 2018
So yes I finished it and have parts list info and pictures. Some problems I'm working on (not with the device) is how to ensure any file posting has no tags showing author or, if scanned, any related identifiers. I'm also struggling with just how much work to put into the guide given most people won't even take the initiative to buy a few items and construct one so why bother putting a lot of work out there?
I am one person who has been researching the necessary equipment, and I can guarantee that I will be trying it out as soon as I can get all the pieces. Your guide would prove invaluable. Than you Trailer.
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
So yes I finished it and have parts list info and pictures. Some problems I'm working on (not with the device) is how to ensure any file posting has no tags showing author or, if scanned, any related identifiers. I'm also struggling with just how much work to put into the guide given most people won't even take the initiative to buy a few items and construct one so why bother putting a lot of work out there?
It could also possible be added to the megathreads resources.


Thoughtful poster
Jan 17, 2019
So yes I finished it and have parts list info and pictures. Some problems I'm working on (not with the device) is how to ensure any file posting has no tags showing author or, if scanned, any related identifiers. I'm also struggling with just how much work to put into the guide given most people won't even take the initiative to buy a few items and construct one so why bother putting a lot of work out there?
https://exifcleaner.com/ or https://0xacab.org/jvoisin/mat2 (a little more difficult) if you need to remove any EXIF data.


Jan 15, 2020
I am one person who has been researching the necessary equipment, and I can guarantee that I will be trying it out as soon as I can get all the pieces. Your guide would prove invaluable. Than you Trailer.

I echo your response poof. I'll be moving forward with it ASAP. I thank TrailerTrash as well.
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Just Passing Through
Oct 10, 2019
Ok I'll finish out the info. In some parts there are a multitude of options to achieve the final assembly. Since people are from many countries I'm trying to use things everyone has access to versus just people in EU or US. One thing for sure, to use any sort of medical mask (e.g. anesthesia, CPAP, ambu bag, etc) you need to have one of two standard hose sizes and eBay has everything. If you can't buy off eBay it's much more difficult. The design, which is very robust/easy and will be posted, uses only eBay and hardware store parts. The final design requires no special fittings.
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Mar 21, 2019
Ok I'll finish out the info. In some parts there are a multitude of options to achieve the final assembly. Since people are from many countries I'm trying to use things everyone has access to versus just people in EU or US. One thing for sure, to use any sort of medical mask (e.g. anesthesia, CPAP, ambu bag, etc) you need to have one of two standard hose sizes and eBay has everything. If you can't buy off eBay it's much more difficult. The design, which is very robust/easy and will be posted, uses only eBay and hardware store parts. The final design requires no special fittings.
When/where are you posting this?
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
So we would be breathing in air out of a sealed plastic bag? Yuck. And once we can no longer suck in air or it's depleted of all oxygen then what? How would that feel? Would we be desperately trying to inhale but nothing at all comes through into the mask? Or only the remains of the gas of air minus oxygen? And then we feel lightheaded and dizzy? And panic? Geez, something has to be wrong. Oh and the air we are inhaling is coming through those 3 cannisters of lime or whatever it is. Sounds gross.
We would need to seal the mask to our face so maybe there is some kind of strong glue to use?

And what about the inner air bag, if there is a pinhole leak in it? How to test for that?

What is it that scuba divers get when they come up to the surface too fast from breathing nitrogen, getting nitrogen bubbles in their blood? Wouldn't we be breathing in nitrogen when the oxygen is gone? Or just nothing, sucking at an empty bag?
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Just Passing Through
Oct 10, 2019
When/where are you posting this?
IDK .... I'm behind on other stuff so maybe another week or so ....
So we would be breathing in air out of a sealed plastic bag? Yuck. And once we can no longer suck in air or it's depleted of all oxygen then what? How would that feel? Would we be desperately trying to inhale but nothing at all comes through into the mask? Or only the remains of the gas of air minus oxygen? And then we feel lightheaded and dizzy? And panic? Geez, something has to be wrong. Oh and the air we are inhaling is coming through those 3 cannisters of lime or whatever it is. Sounds gross.
We would need to seal the mask to our face so maybe there is some kind of strong glue to use?

And what about the inner air bag, if there is a pinhole leak in it? How to test for that?

What is it that scuba divers get when they come up to the surface too fast from breathing nitrogen, getting nitrogen bubbles in their blood? Wouldn't we be breathing in nitrogen when the oxygen is gone? Or just nothing, sucking at an empty bag?
Uh, yeah, none of that. Interesting picture you've painted though ...... and queue the reason I haven't rushed to take what time I have left for writing the technical and physical guide so people can just spout whatever ...... I am constantly amazed at the people who just want to slap others around, which takes no research, effort, or personal consideration, while they do little but cite life's many unfairnesses and/or play video games in their parents basement expecting death to be handed to them on a silver platter with guaranteed, painless, effortless success because its owed ....... go thump someone else .....
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
So we would be breathing in air out of a sealed plastic bag? Yuck. And once we can no longer suck in air or it's depleted of all oxygen then what? How would that feel? Would we be desperately trying to inhale but nothing at all comes through into the mask? Or only the remains of the gas of air minus oxygen? And then we feel lightheaded and dizzy? And panic? Geez, something has to be wrong. Oh and the air we are inhaling is coming through those 3 cannisters of lime or whatever it is. Sounds gross.
We would need to seal the mask to our face so maybe there is some kind of strong glue to use?

And what about the inner air bag, if there is a pinhole leak in it? How to test for that?

What is it that scuba divers get when they come up to the surface too fast from breathing nitrogen, getting nitrogen bubbles in their blood? Wouldn't we be breathing in nitrogen when the oxygen is gone? Or just nothing, sucking at an empty bag?
If you don't like it ... move on. Like I don't like hanging so I just leave it alone.
Actually none of us "like" any of this ... it's a necessity for some of us unfortunately. You obviously did no research at all how it's supposed to work and just spewed negativity.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
If you don't like it ... move on. Like I don't like hanging so I just leave it alone.
Actually none of us "like" any of this ... it's a necessity for some of us unfortunately. You obviously did no research at all how it's supposed to work and just spewed negativity.
I'm hoping to try it. Just telling some things I am wondering about. I actually talked to the man selling it and am preparing some questions for him. I'm hoping it works well. Sorry if I sounded negative. I have watched the video, discussed it briefly with the seller and hope to buy one. I haven't seen technical details of how it works anywhere so was hoping to find out some information.
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
I'm hoping to try it. Just telling some things I am wondering about. I actually talked to the man selling it and am preparing some questions for him. I'm hoping it works well. Sorry if I sounded negative. I have watched the video, discussed it briefly with the seller and hope to buy one. I haven't seen technical details of how it works anywhere so was hoping to find out some information.

I'm very desperate. I have MS and can barely move at this point and getting worse every day. I want this to work very much. I'm scared of failing and seeking something peaceful. I just dread having something go wrong. I'm scared and alone, elderly and don't need any more bashing of me as life has handed me a dozen serious diseases with no help of any kind. Every day I wake up to pain and suffering and helplessness. Thanks for understanding.
It didn't come across as someone who's researched and talked to R. I suggest you go to post 1033 on this thread and read from there to get caught up on what we've been discussing about it.
not to be rude, but you jumped in the caboose ...a lot of us prayed this would be the answer for us
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