What kills you slowly every day?

  • Smoking 🚬

    Votes: 25 15.9%
  • Drugs 🥦

    Votes: 14 8.9%
  • Medicine 💊

    Votes: 22 14.0%
  • thoughts 💭

    Votes: 119 75.8%
  • nothing UwU

    Votes: 6 3.8%
  • other (comment)

    Votes: 43 27.4%

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Oct 15, 2023
Entropy causes aging and decay. All systems tend towards disorder
While entropy does play a role in various processes, including those related to aging, but it's not the sole cause. Entropy contributes tothe gradual breakdown of biological systems over time. Aging is complex and influenced by multiple factors.
Time and entropy cause aging. Wait does time cause entropy? I know that entropy increases with time, but is time a direct cause of it? I'm not well-versed in physics so I wouldn't know. Time to call on @DarkRange55
Time itself doesn't directly cause entropy, but rather entropy is a concept used to describe the arrow of time. But the passage of time is intimately linked to the increase in entropy.
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Dec 27, 2023
eating disorder, i do consume nicotine here and there and i self-harm by cutting.
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Oct 15, 2023
*etc. Sorry, it's my pet peeve 😅

Do you think that one day scientists could regenerate telomeres? Or do some genetic engineering to add them back on? Unfortunately I don't think that the body works like that, right? Is there any way to ensure that cells replicate effectively, alterations in gene expression patterns don't happen as well as eliminate ROS?
Thank you catching the grammatical error! 👍

This is probably veering far too off topic for this thread, I hope I'm not upsetting other users 😅

Haven't I touched on this at a surface level to some extent on other threads?
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Thank you catching the grammatical error! 👍

This is probably veering far too off topic for this thread, I hope I'm not upsetting other users 😅

Haven't I touched on this at a surface level to some extent on other threads?
I don't remember lol. I forgot 😅 I think that psych meds have damaged my brain haha. Adderall (amphetamine) probably has destroyed my brain, I think my dosage was too high (for me). Do you want to talk about it in DMs?
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Lol that's awesome. Well I think @Pluto 🐈 is our resident Buddhism and cat expert, Franz @KafkaF is the residential psychologist, @sserafim is the residential inquisitor and I'm sure there's other users I'm missing, sorry if I missed anyone. Maybe I'm just here for the ride 😉
I think that @Forever Sleep should be included in this list as well for having consistently good and nuanced takes on a lot of topics that get talked within this site. Though I don't really know what description she should have. A residential pessimist? I don't know
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Oct 15, 2023
I think that @Forever Sleep should be included in this list as well for having consistently good and nuanced takes on a lot of topics that get talked within this site. Though I don't really know what description she should have. A residential pessimist? I don't know
I like her, too, she's also very nice and polite
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
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May 29, 2023
- I have a physical ailment and it deteriorates my health on a weekly basis
- Aging . Every passed day feels like a week .
- Loneliness
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Oct 15, 2023
Apparently I have to file taxes on the interest I got from money lying around in my bank account (1099) even though I'm not employed and don't have an income. Why is this the case? Could you help me prep my taxes? Jk 🤣 my mom is gonna do them for me
Interest earned from money in your bank account is still considered taxable income by the IRS. It's classified as a form of passive income.

One of my undergraduate degrees was in accounting but I don't work directly in tax and my experience in tax is more with US companies and UHNI - family offices manage things like trusts, inheritance, taxes, ect.

Sounds like your mom has you covered.
@DarkRange55 is the new Avatar 🤣
Can I be Uncle Iroh?

I love that series so much that I wrote a ten page term paper on it lol
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Apparently I have to file taxes on the interest I got from money lying around in my bank account (a 1099) even though I'm not employed and don't have an income. Why is this the case? Could you help me prep my taxes? Jk 🤣 my mom is gonna do them for me
I would move to a country where interest is not taxed. :-)
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I like her, too, she's also very nice and polite

Thank you @ijustwishtodie and @DarkRange55 . I'll go with both your suggestions and be the 'polite pessimist' if you like.
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Oct 15, 2023
I would move to a country where interest is not taxed. :-)
The UAE has the lowest tax burdon.

You can also look at: Bermuda, Monaco, Andorra, Brunei, and the Bahamas:
I would move to a country where interest is not taxed. :-)
Just be aware of CRS.

It is income that you are paid.
Therefore it is taxable.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
The UAE has the lowest tax burdon.

You can also look at: Bermuda, Monaco, Andorra, Brunei, and the Bahamas:
Yay! If I hadn't failed I'd probably be in the UAE - in winter. Summers r too hot there ^^
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Yay! If I hadn't failed I'd probably be in the UAE - in winter. Summers r too hot there ^^
I was supposed to go to the UAE last spring, but I didn't end up going. I went to Saudi Arabia last summer and it was like 100° lol. It was way too hot; I felt like I was dying from heat stroke
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Oct 15, 2023
I was gonna go to the UAE last spring, but I didn't end up going. I went to Saudi Arabia last summer and it was like 100° lol. It was way too hot, I felt like I was dying from heat stroke
I lived in the UAE for six months.
Yay! If I hadn't failed I'd probably be in the UAE - in winter. Summers r too hot there ^^
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
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Oct 15, 2023
Oh nice. In Dubai, right? What's the UAE like? I want to go there someday (before I die lol)
Dubai is both a city and an emirate. Abu Dhabi is the capital. I'll talk to you soon, gotta get back to work for the moment.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Oh nice. In Dubai, right? What's the UAE like? I want to go there someday (before I die lol)
It's mainly an "artificial city" malls, shopping, hotels ... The Palm is nice, Dubai Marina is nice, Downtown Dubai is nice ... :-)
I was supposed to go to the UAE last spring, but I didn't end up going. I went to Saudi Arabia last summer and it was like 100° lol. It was way too hot; I felt like I was dying from heat stroke
What did u do in Saudi Arabia? If I may ask that. They certainly have sth but imo it's too restricted country.
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When I die, you'll love me.
Nov 19, 2019
My thoughts and lack of support is what's killing me. Being left in my room without the support I need for 6 years, left with nothing but my thoughts. I have become very confused with reality and find it hard to know what is and isn't real thoughts wise. I just need it to stop. Especially now developing a dissociative disorder during this time so I feel constantly disconnected from myself.


brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
It's mainly an "artificial city" malls, shopping, hotels ... The Palm is nice, Dubai Marina is nice, Downtown Dubai is nice ... :-)

What did u do in Saudi Arabia? If I may ask that. They certainly have sth but imo it's too restricted country.
My family and I had a layover there when we went to China lol. This Chinese tour guide guy took us around Riyadh
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Feb 17, 2024
Living kills us.
Basically every thing we do slowly kills us. Our bodies are slowly dying since we're born, and the deeper you dig into the science of everything we do, inhale, eat, etc, the more you realize everything has a downside.
On a DNA level our telomeres-the ends of chromosomes that keep them stable-shorten as we live, and though slowing that is possible we have found no way to reverse it. So no matter how healthy you eat, exercise, avoid stress, etc, it's inevitable.
Makes it seem pretty silly then to hyper focus all our decisions on whether they'll kill us when existing is killing us.
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Oct 15, 2023
Living kills us.
Basically every thing we do slowly kills us. Our bodies are slowly dying since we're born, and the deeper you dig into the science of everything we do, inhale, eat, etc, the more you realize everything has a downside.
On a DNA level our telomeres-the ends of chromosomes that keep them stable-shorten as we live, and though slowing that is possible we have found no way to reverse it. So no matter how healthy you eat, exercise, avoid stress, etc, it's inevitable.
Makes it seem pretty silly then to hyper focus all our decisions on whether they'll kill us when existing is killing us.
One theoretical approach to completely halt telomere shortening would involve perpetual activation of telomerase, the enzyme responsible for adding DNA sequences to the ends of chromosomes, effectively lengthening telomeres with each cell division. Additionally, developing strategies to prevent or repair DNA damage and enhance cellular health could potentially stop telomeres from shortening altogether. However, achieving this in practice remains a challenge, as it requires precise regulation of telomerase activity to avoid potential risks such as cancer development, as well as addressing other factors contributing to telomere attrition. Further research is needed. This is currently an area of active research.

Replacing everything should be possible – first would be a mitochondrial replacement that would basically cut most aging processes to a few percent of what they are now, and then massive injections of stem cells coupled by drugs to get rid of senescent cells.
I picture the process of being taking multiple current mitochondria, sequencing them to figure out, and then re-create what the original mitochondria you inherited were like, replicating those new "original" mitochondria, packaging them in tailored stem cells, and letting the stem cells inject them into your cells.
A similar process would be applied to stem cells; multiple current cells from various organs would be sequenced to re-create your original pluripotent stem cells, probably with a few enhancements such as ramping up repair mechanisms.
In both cases the body would do most of the work of replacement.
That still leaves long-lived cells like neurons to worry about, but at least those would be healthy due to the mitochondrial replacement.

Very likely we will upload our consciousness, but an alternative is that we will keep embedding hardware in our bodies until our bodies are no longer dominated by biology.
If you copied the connectivity between all cells in the brain, including the strength of the synapses, you would get something that was close enough to "you" that it would argue that it was you. The only advantage of moving the neurons is that it solves the problem of what to do with the original to avoid having two entities claiming to be the same person.

One thing to note, however, is that even if it starts as you, if the hardware is different it will learn very differently in the future from the way your current wetware would learn.

CRISPR technology is still in its infancy.

Personally, I do not entertain ideas of myself living forever, but I think it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, because that can be a very important factor in happiness is your physiology, and secondly, because I would like to have as good of an aging process as possible so that my quality of life does not deteriorate horribly within my control. Some things are out of your control, but you can certainly influence certain things as well.
I know a guy who is worth $2 billion and has two private jets, but he can't even enjoy his wealth because he's so overweight and so unhealthy that he's always bedridden. Health is the foundation.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
One theoretical approach to completely halt telomere shortening would involve perpetual activation of telomerase, the enzyme responsible for adding DNA sequences to the ends of chromosomes, effectively lengthening telomeres with each cell division. Additionally, developing strategies to prevent or repair DNA damage and enhance cellular health could potentially stop telomeres from shortening altogether. However, achieving this in practice remains a challenge, as it requires precise regulation of telomerase activity to avoid potential risks such as cancer development, as well as addressing other factors contributing to telomere attrition. Further research is needed. This is currently an area of active research.

Replacing everything should be possible – first would be a mitochondrial replacement that would basically cut most aging processes to a few percent of what they are now, and then massive injections of stem cells coupled by drugs to get rid of senescent cells.
I picture the process of being taking multiple current mitochondria, sequencing them to figure out, and then re-create what the original mitochondria you inherited were like, replicating those new "original" mitochondria, packaging them in tailored stem cells, and letting the stem cells inject them into your cells.
A similar process would be applied to stem cells; multiple current cells from various organs would be sequenced to re-create your original pluripotent stem cells, probably with a few enhancements such as ramping up repair mechanisms.
In both cases the body would do most of the work of replacement.
That still leaves long-lived cells like neurons to worry about, but at least those would be healthy due to the mitochondrial replacement.

Very likely we will upload our consciousness, but an alternative is that we will keep embedding hardware in our bodies until our bodies are no longer dominated by biology.
If you copied the connectivity between all cells in the brain, including the strength of the synapses, you would get something that was close enough to "you" that it would argue that it was you. The only advantage of moving the neurons is that it solves the problem of what to do with the original to avoid having two entities claiming to be the same person.

One thing to note, however, is that even if it starts as you, if the hardware is different it will learn very differently in the future from the way your current wetware would learn.

CRISPR technology is still in its infancy.

Personally, I do not entertain ideas of myself living forever, but I think it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, because that can be a very important factor in happiness is your physiology, and secondly, because I would like to have as good of an aging process as possible so that my quality of life does not deteriorate horribly within my control. Some things are out of your control, but you can certainly influence certain things as well.
I know a guy who is worth $2 billion and has two private jets, but he can't even enjoy his wealth because he's so overweight and so unhealthy that he's always bedridden. Health is the foundation.
Can he give his wealth to me? 🤣 Jk


Oct 15, 2023
Can he give his wealth to me? 🤣 Jk
Just in that same vein of things. Actually, one of my friend's clients is worth a couple hundred million dollars - because he inherited all of his money and has been through a couple divorces, it is held in trust funds. So in order to leave his trophy wife some money, since his actual fortune is going to his kids, he has actually been buying antique Ferraris, speculating that the value will go up overtime. So he plans to leave those to her. 🤷‍♀️
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
It's mainly an "artificial city" malls, shopping, hotels ... The Palm is nice, Dubai Marina is nice, Downtown Dubai is nice ... :-)

What did u do in Saudi Arabia? If I may ask that. They certainly have sth but imo it's too restricted country.
What about Abu Dhabi? What's it like? It seems to have more cultural centers than Dubai does (Louvre Abu Dhabi and Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque)
Just in that same vein of things. Actually, one of my friend's clients is worth a couple hundred million dollars - because he inherited all of his money and has been through a couple divorces, it is held in trust funds. So in order to leave his trophy wife some money, since his actual fortune is going to his kids, he has actually been buying antique Ferraris, speculating that the value will go up overtime. So he plans to leave those to her. 🤷‍♀️
Oh wow. What if the value doesn't go up over time though? What if it actually goes down? Btw did you see my DM?


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
What about Abu Dhabi? What's it like? It seems to have more cultural centers than Dubai does (Louvre Abu Dhabi and Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque)
I've always traveled to Dubai, never to Abu Dhabi (shame on me) but I'd say is pretty similar. With "artificial city" I meant compared to many other cities that grew over centuries and millennia those cities there only were built in the past 50 years or so.
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Feb 22, 2024
Thoughts and the fact that life is unfair, not towards me but towards ppl in general.
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Sep 21, 2023
Loneliness is killing me more and more everyday.
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I wanna be a baby and cry and be held forever
Jun 27, 2022
Why do you want physical contact with people?
Because it is important. It increases the threshold of pain. It makes you stronger. It calms you down. Even 20 min on a massage table, and alot of discomfort disappear. Discomfort can be :
-unrest for no reason.
-Wanting to pee when when you dont have too.
-Pain that really isnt pain.
I payed a massage therapist to just touch me gently , and I felt it for days afterwards, a connection with humanity. Like I was a part of the world again. Belonging, sharing, caring again.
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