gaslit again, big surprise
you know im with someone else. sorry i didnt let you touch me, but youre being a little obvious about it
"im not gonna fall asleep" *touches me, gets pushed away, gets up* "are you coming back?" "no i was falling asleep"
no you clearly f'en werent!! people dont move the way you did when theyre "falling asleep"
"you dont have to have s*x with me"
and im suppose to just believe that youre gonna be fine with me not? pfft, im just waiting to get kicked out..
for a fucking guy that i have to question how much he cares about me vs himself..
ive been loyal to you since us.... i dont want to be with him but im risking houselessness (seeing that im already
homeless) and i really have to question if thats worth it....if having everything stripped from me for someone that wont budge is worth it....
i want to say love is enough....but youve proven its not...i wish i didnt feel the need to hold on. i wish i could let go... i wish i lived in a big city and got accidently caught up in a drive-by...
how are you today?