Yeah, Resident Evil 7 definitely has some flaws. The first half of the game is also much better than the second half. Once mold!Dad stops chasing you around the house the game loses its tension and essentially stops being scary.
Well, for me, it was the lack of exploration that kind of sucked the most. Even when it comes to the first half of the game, while you have a little bit of space to go exploring around in, it still feels like there should have at least been a couple more areas available. As it is, the whole game world just feels too small, and the best part of the game in which you're exploring the surroundings of the Baker estate, is over too quickly. After having just finished my first playthrough of RE: Remake, the difference between the two on this front is pretty much night and day. And when you consider the second half of RE7, it's pretty much just a linear action game. I mean, you can do a little bit of exploring in the cargo ship, but it's hardly worth mentioning.
And it's a small thing, but it's a shame there wasn't a greater variety of puzzles in RE7. The puzzles in the RE series have never really been much as far as brainteasers are concerned, but it would've been nice to see more than those simple shadow manipulation things, which really weren't even puzzles. I appreciated at least that the 'Banned Footage' DLC had a little cool puzzle exclusive vignette that acts as a kind of room escape type thing.
Nitpicking aside, RE7 still turned out to be a pretty good game. Much more in keeping with the spirit of RE than RE5 or RE6 ever were, that's for sure. Although, personally, I didn't mind RE5 that much, and I can see how RE6 would've been fun in co-op. RE: Revelations also wasn't too bad, if pretty forgettable. RE: Revelations 2 however was downright awful and is definitely the worst RE game I've played out of the bunch.
Based on your reaction, if you decide to play 8, go into it with very low expectations. It's actively trying to be RE4 and only manages to be a pale, disappointing imitation of it. That's not to say it isn't fun, but it's far from being a masterpiece (which, as far as I'm concerned, RE4 is).
Good to know. Thanks for the info. Agreed that RE4 is a masterpiece. I think it might even be the one game I've finished/replayed the most out of any other, ever. Maybe it's not a great RE game, at least if you're comparing it to the old school entries in the series, but it's definitely a top notch action game. Like many, RE4 was where I first got exposed to the RE series, so I can understand why those who had been following the series from the beginning would've disliked RE4 for all the major changes it brought to the table. RE7 was definitely doing its own kind of imitating in regards to emulating the original RE, what with having its very own mini-mansion to explore and all, so it's only fitting that RE8 would try to take a stab at imitating RE4. I'm sure I'll probably still like it, despite the flaws, but I think I'll at least wait until all the DLC is released before playing it.
REmake and 0 are both great. I'm definitely biased by nostalgia, but I replayed both games a few months ago and still think they're excellent. RE0 is definitely easier than the games that came out before it, so if you're looking for difficulty this isn't the game for you, but it's fantastically cheesy and Rebecca and Billy are both solid characters. And the remake is just amazing overall.
I've heard that a lot of people dislike RE0 and, unfortunately, that's really all I know about it, beyond the fact that it's a prequel. But yeah, I hope I can have a decent time with it at least. How would you say that it's easy? Just that it gives you an overabundance of resources, I presume?
In comparison to RE; Remake, I've only just finished my first playthrough with Jill. It was a little tricky in the beginning, and I'll admit that I fumbled around a bit trying to avoid as many enemies as I could in the early game, so as to conserve as many resources as possible, plus avoid zombies going crimson, when really I should've been a bit more liberal with what I had at my disposal. By the end of the game, I had like 10+ extra healing items that I just never ended up using, mostly because of the limited inventory space and me simply not needing them. I also never ended up using either of my incendiary or acid rounds for the grenade launcher, since what I couldn't avoid outright avoid, I just killed with the assault shotgun. I was actually surprised how easy the boss fights are, since even on normal difficulty it doesn't take many shots to defeat stuff like the giant snake, or even the tyrant at the end of the game.
In my case, I just made the game harder through my own perfectionist shenanigans, and wanting to get through an area as fast as possible while using the least amount of resources, and also for the sake of unlockables. This in turn led to a bit of saving and reloading, which for my trouble managed to land me the infinite pistol, and now I'm wondering if I should go for the infinite grenade launcher as well. Sucks that the game doesn't tell you what your total playtime is anywhere, which is one thing I can give credit to RE7 for doing. I kind of rushed my first playthrough though, what with feeling like I was constantly on the clock, and I'll admit that was dumb of me.
What was even dumber though, was how in the final area where you need to transport that explosive energy capsule, I just kept blowing myself up with it over and over, since I didn't realize you could kill all of those spider zombies given my first assumption was that they would just keep respawning. And even more breathtakingly stupid than that, I had also forgotten that the receptacle for the energy capsule was literally in the very first section of the engine room, whereas I kept trying to take it to the very last section, which is where the computer to turn back on the elevators is and my brain was associating that with the capsule. After about the sixth time I had blown myself up, I went to look online to see if anyone else was having the problems I was having, only to realize what a massive idiot I am. I was literally stunned at such a staggering display of my own dumbassery, not to mention how it's hard not to think that this might be me starting to develop some sort of short term memory loss. In my defense, I had already been playing the game for quite a few hours by that point and wasn't really capable of focusing on much of anything. Still, I think this is just another sign that years of depression has pretty much wrecked my cognitive faculties. Then again, I guess we can all have these kinds of brain farts from time to time, and I should stop mentally crucifying myself every time I happen to have one.
Well, all that aside, I still enjoyed my first playthrough. I'll be doing a Chris playthrough next, and this time I'm not going to worry about the clock and just take things at my own pace. I wonder if Chris ever gets a chance to fight/destroy that shackled zombie covered in skinned flesh, since as Jill you really only just distract it. I guess I was just expecting it to be an actual boss fight at some point.
Also, if you like traditional RE games (i.e., tank controls and fixed camera angles) and haven't played the original Resident Evil, I'd recommend playing that as well. It's the same game as the remake as far as plot and gameplay go, but the ridiculous voice acting gives it a totally different vibe.
I played the original PSX version of RE via my PS3 about 10 years ago, since I had gotten it off PSN some time around then. Same goes for RE2, but unfortunately I never ended up playing RE3. In my case, I actually only finished Jill's route. Similarly, I only finished Leon's route in RE2. At the time, I just assumed that there wouldn't be that much difference between either Chris/Jill or Leon/Claire, so didn't bother with doing another playthrough with the other remaining character. That was definitely my mistake, and I've been intending on doing a replay of at least RE2 before I check out RE2: Remake, and also RE3 before RE3: Remake. In the case of RE: Remake, it's been neat to see the extra areas/enemies they added in, versus those found in the original. It's been many years since I played it, but I still (mostly) remember my Jill playthrough from the PSX version. You're right though that the voice acting doesn't match the same level of so bad it's good that the PSX original managed to achieve. It's still pretty bad, but not Jill sandwich (although to me it always sounded like Barry pronounced it as "jiggle") or master of unlocking hilarious kind of bad.
There's also the DS version (which has the original voice acting) which adds a nifty mechanic where zombies sometimes attack you while you're opening doors, and you have to use the touch screen to swipe your knife at them to get them away from you.
Huh, I didn't know that. That would definitely make those tedious doors a lot less of a pain to deal with. In my case, To be honest, I actually even downloaded a mod that removed the door animations. Now it's similar to Silent Hill where when you open a door you just transition to the next area pretty much immediately. I know some consider the doors to be part of the ambience, but I personally found their presence just made exploration too much of a hassle. It's interesting because, from what I've read, the PC versions of RE 1, 2 and 3 all allowed you to skip the door animations if you wanted to. Since the PC didn't have the same loading limitations as the consoles of that time, there was no reason not to give the player that option, given that it was before it had become seen as such a signature aspect of the series, at least for some. It's not much, but it seems that at least the DS version tried to make them at least tad bit interactive, beyond being a loading screen holdover.
Whatever version(s) you end up playing, I hope you enjoy the games. :)
Sadly, that seems to be the exception to the rule these days. I'm seemingly always in an uphill battle against everything, whether due to pure anhedonia, or sometimes just my random bumbling antics getting in the way of whatever fun I could otherwise be having. Whatever distraction/entertainment I can manage to have, usually only seems to happen in spite of myself. Depression continues to be the bane of my existence as far as all this is concerned. At the end of the day, one just has to try to make the best out of whatever situation they're in, even if it that still means a diminished involvement/tainted in things that were once anything, but.
Well, regardless of those factors, there's still only two final endings. And neither of them are really all that satisfying, at least for me anyway. Also, my bad if I'm misunderstanding you, but I'm not sure if you're disappointed that there aren't more endings, or if you're confused over the fact that there should be.