

Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Honestly, it's staggering how much I miss the obvious sometimes. I was doing my playthrough of Chris in RE: Remaster the other night and spent over an hour looking for the lighter, even though it's the default item for his character. Not only that, but it took me having to look online to realize this, even though it was staring me in the face the whole time. I think this might be firm evidence to show that I'm completely, hopelessly retarded.

It would've been helpful if the game made direct mention of the fact that Chris has a lighter, in the same way Barry gives Jill the lockpick. At least in the live action PS1 cinematics, you see Chris smoking a cigarette in his character introduction, which gives you a visual hint of his item. Of course, I only managed to remember this particular bit of info after the fact, because my brain just seems to never think of the necessary things when it needs to do.

That kind of awfulness aside, getting the infinite rocket launcher was way easier than I thought it was going to be, since you can really fly through this game once you know where everything is. I finished with an hour to spare, and I actually could've gotten my time down even lower if I ignored the magnum, and also went and killed the giant mutant plant straight away instead of going to the trouble of mixing the chemical pesticide, since it wasn't until I played as Chris where I realized you could just kill it with bullets.

Speaking of, I actually went ahead and decided to do my Chris playthrough on hard, but taking away 2 plots of space in your already very limited inventory just made it more tedious than anything else. At first I thought that was something exclusive to hard mode, but actually that's just how it is when playing as Chris no matter what, which is honestly kind of weird. Also, the fact that Chris has to rely on rare one time use keys to get through locked doors was additionally annoying. On hard, there's actually not enough keys available to unlock all the doors, which for me meant I had to forgo picking up the magnum. I also never managed to find the grenade launcher, and I'm not sure if that's due to Chris just never getting it, or because it was a result of playing hard. It had me worried for the final fight with the tyrant though, since the only two weapons I had at my disposal were the standard pistol and the assault shotgun. I could've used my infinite weapons, but then that would've made playing on hard pointless, so I instead chose not to. I also wasn't hurting for ammo, since I had gotten pretty good at dodging and weaving through enemies not directly in my path.

As it is, I was pretty surprised how quickly the tyrant went down with what I had. It only took about 20 shots with the pistol to beat him the first time you fight him, and only 10-16 shotgun rounds to get the rocket launcher to drop during the second. Kind of makes something as seemingly powerful as the magnum appear a lot less powerful now, beyond being able to kill bosses a teensy bit faster than you otherwise could.

All that aside, I was kind of disappointed with Chris' story. It just didn't seem nearly as well fleshed-out as Jill's was, and the difference between them in terms of gameplay and item placement was pretty minimal. That being said, I'm glad I could push past my depression to play this, and I hope RE: Zero turns out to have been worth the effort as well. Now if only I could do that for all the rest of the games in my backlog......blegh. Being depressed sucks, and also seems to be making me dumber by the day.
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Priced out of living
Oct 24, 2021
Crystar. Never has a game captured my mood as well as this has, whilst also bringing me a tiny amount of joy.


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Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
Has anyone played Verdun or Tannenberg? Are those worth getting?


:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
Been playing Graveyard Keeper for a while. You can gather resources from bodies to make candles and chuck it to the riverside when you're done.

It's quite fun.
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
This game hasn't come out yet, but I absolutely want to play the new Fromsoft Game "Elden Ring" coming out in February.
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Moon Flower

I'll soon be sleeping sound
Oct 14, 2019
I've been getting back into Animal crossing
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My brain is a liquid mess.
Aug 18, 2021
Back to playing Minecraft. I usually stop playing for months when I get bored, but it's fun to start a fresh world to progress again.
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Reactions: Sunset Limited and Capsicum_Corral
ketchup sandwich

ketchup sandwich

Sep 15, 2020
Dying Light has been very fun, aside from the story. Also I've been loving roguelites like Downwell and Spelunky 2.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
I finished RE0 the other night and I honestly don't know what to make of it. The puzzles, presentation and atmosphere are all absolutely top notch. Everything else came close to being just as great, but didn't quite get there. Major exception being the story, which takes the cake as being the most laughably bad and threadbare plot in any RE game ever, beyond the random spin-offs at least. And although it's a neat idea in theory, that frigging partner system gimmick really dragged this game down for me. It's tolerable enough during the start of the game where you're on the train, which is also hands down the most memorable and best designed part by far, but after that it really becomes a hassle to deal with.

I really don't know why the developers had to try and reinvent the wheel here, in terms of throwing in some half-baked proto co-op mechanic where you're forced to manage/control two characters at the same time. It adds nothing to the game whatsoever beyond making everything far more tedious than it otherwise should've been. When it comes down to it, Billy is the only viable character in terms of combat, which means you'll be playing as him for pretty much the entirety of the game anyway, leaving Rebecca as something you're just forced to shuttle around from safe room to safe room for the sake of puzzles and because she's got the only extra inventory space you have. The fact that certain weapons, like the grenade launcher and shotgun, take up two sections of your inventory, instead of just one as in RE: Remaster and other RE games, was especially ridiculous.

On that note, who the hell thought it was a good idea to remove the item boxes? That alone, even beyond the lame one player co-op crap, positively destroys a ton of the fun factor this game has, since everything you're not able to fit in your limited inventory you're forced to just drop on the ground, and what's worse is there's even a limit to the amount of items you can drop into one room. Being able to drop things on the ground is actually a great feature and I found myself wishing all the other REs allowed you the same ability, but not at the cost of removing the item boxes. This leads to such an insane amount of backtracking, on what are already pretty poorly designed/generic areas, that it takes what could've been one of the best entries in the RE series into being a contender for one of the worst. It's really that bad.

Be that as it may, for whatever reason, I still came away somewhat liking RE0, mostly because the core gameplay remains pretty decent, even despite being hampered by lame gimmicks and harebrained design decisions. If this game had simply been another typical RE game, with two selectable characters and item boxes, it would've been so, SO much better. It really is a shame that it's such a missed opportunity on that front.

RE0 is definitely easier than the games that came out before it, so if you're looking for difficulty this isn't the game for you

Did you happen to be joking when you wrote this? Because, holy crap, this turned out to be a lot tougher than I thought it was going to be. Now granted I decided to play on hard since, based on what you said, I thought it was going to end up being too easy, but this game could actually be pretty frigging brutal at times and is definitely one of, if not the toughest REs I've ever played, and I've basically played them all besides RE3 and Code Veronica. A lot of that difficulty comes from the aforementioned one player co-op gimmick, on top of the fact that, at least on hard, it's extremely easy to burn through all your resources and find yourself without anything to work with. In my case, I actually had to restart from the beginning of the game after Rebecca is ambushed by those zombie monkeys and you have to go rescue her as Billy, since at that point I simply had nothing left in terms of ammo/healing items, due to the fact that I had wasted pretty much all of it on early enemies, which I'll admit was needlessly sloppy of me.

Setting that aside, certain enemies are just completely overpowered. The worst example being those damn zombie monkeys that can easily stunlock you to death in mere seconds (and here I was thinking the zombie dogs in RE1 were bad enough), followed up in a close second by those annoying leech zombies who attack/grapple you just as crazy fast and that can only be killed properly with fire. The lack of your character having any sort of invincibility frames really accentuates how badly designed some of these enemies are. And then there's that damn frog in the last area that can jump out of the water and instant kill you at any time. There's nowhere near this amount of bullshit in terms of the enemy design when compared against any other RE. And how about those bosses? Most of them are actually fine, but the bat boss in particular was, again, just pure bullshit. Not to mention the last two boss fights at the end of the game, which force you to juggle both characters at the same time while fighting the boss. Ultimately you really have no choice, but to draw the focus of the boss towards Billy and hide Rebecca in a distant corner while praying it doesn't go after her since she's so ridiculously fragile. Beating these bosses wasn't as frustrating as it sounds, but it still served as a testament to how poorly designed this gimmicky partner system is.

Having said all that, despite the fact that you don't need to deal with zombies going crimson, the way that enemies will almost always respawn after you kill them, or spawn in new spots altogether, makes almost every confrontation an exercise in futility. If anything, they largely just serve as a trap with the purpose of slowly bleeding you dry of your items/ammo. Avoiding unnecessary combat is a staple part of RE, but this game just takes it to nauseating levels. Although, again, this might've just been a product of me playing on hard, and I'd imagine that resources must be way more plentiful on lower difficulties.

As it is, the way I decided to go through the rest of the game basically just boiled down to first making a save, finding the best route through a newly opened area and determining which enemies could be safely avoided, and then reloading said save to spare myself losing out on my resources. This made an already tedious game that much more tedious, but it really couldn't be helped since playing on hard for a first playthrough pretty much demands it. In retrospect, playing on normal would've probably led to much less frustration, but a good deal of it is pretty much unavoidable just due to the way this game works as a default. The silver lining was that, by the time I finished the game, I managed to (just barely) unlock the infinite rocket launcher and get an S rank, given that I had streamlined my approach through so much of the game by saving/reloading, in terms of avoiding enemies and rushing through areas once I knew where I had to go. To be honest, this was kind of my ulterior motive behind the saving/reloading past a certain point, since I didn't want to play through the game again for the sake of unlockables, so I just tried to squeeze it all into my first playthrough, which definitely didn't help salvage the fun factor since I constantly felt like I had to be as efficient/quick as possible, instead of taking my time and going at my own pace. But yeah, that's just me being stubborn to a fault as always.

Outside of my own self-defeating shenanigans, there was a huge amount of missed potential with this game, and I can definitely see why many view it as one of the weaker entries of the series. The bonus leech hunter mode isn't too bad though, and is just as good, if not a little better, than the typical mercenaries mode found in most RE games. Having the option to play through the game as Wesker is also kind of interesting, given his unique abilities, but if anything, it just makes me wish you could have somehow had the option to do that in the first RE, which is a much better game overall.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I finished Metroid Dread (only a single 100% run because I'm too bad to do a speed run). I also recently did a playthrough of Pokémon UltraSun to prepare for Brilliant Diamond next week.

Oh yeah and I also got back to the Animal Crossing New Horizons grind since the update. I can't wait to make my island even worse.
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Reactions: WhatDoesTheFoxSay?


fat cringey shut-in
Jun 19, 2019
I'm returning to Metal Gear Solid 2 for the first time in years, which is weird since it might be my favorite video game ever! I haven't played it since everyone realized "oh wow this was actually pretty prophetic."

I forgot just how much of this game is a giant fuck you to its players and the concept of sequels in general. "Oooh you want to play as the cool masculine action hero? You want to return to that power fantasy? You think that just because this is a sequel that you're entitled to certain things? Too bad. You're a himbo twink now :)" Truly one of a kind.
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Jul 31, 2020
I finished GTA 5 and I'm playing GTA triology, I started playing Forza 5 the graphics are beautiful
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Sep 10, 2018
Puzzle Agent 1. Metroid Dread demo. SpeedRunners (great game, go play it).
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I got sick of repeatedly getting my ass beat in the Battle Tower from Pokémon Brilliant Diamond so I decided to start a playthrough of Pokémon Conquest. I didn't want to erase my save file since I remember it taking quite a while to finish all the side stories but it turns out I can still start a new playthrough just without saving. I'm about halfway through the main campaign I reckon and it might be good to prepare for Legends Arceus which is just a little over two weeks away.
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nuke my house

nuke my house

New Member
Jan 10, 2022
currently playing Keitai Denjū Telefang 2 for GBA because i beat telefang1 aka pokemon diamond/jade on GBC. i gotta say, in the first one you can sit idle and watch your main fighter's health recover slowly, but in this one you gotta use healing items. the upside is that when you lose a battle you just boot out of it with no exp/currency/items added (you keep what you collect) while your HP remains at 1/???. just avoid enemies walking around and get to someone selling healing items and stack up then keep going. gonna try to figure out what the fuck im supposed to do after the cave.
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Aug 31, 2020
playing live a live, a strange snes rom rpg that was fan translated and never released in the states. I love the art but the game play story hurts badly
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I'm tired
May 27, 2018
I've gotten back into Pokemon via emulators. My favorite Pokemon game was diamond so I decided to get platinum this time around. My starter is an empoleon because I love water type and we're at victory road. I'm using exp share on my legendary, their name starts with G. For a legendary you'd think that it would be much higher than level 42. Anyway I'm trying to grind and create a team to fight Cynthia.
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Dec 10, 2021
Back to playing Minecraft. I usually stop playing for months when I get bored, but it's fun to start a fresh world to progress again.
Imo, one of the best games ever. So many different ways to play, and mods extend that to practically infinite. Love the new terrain, but I think they made too many cracks, caves, and crevices. Might look for a way to turn those specific features off or way down.

How do you like to play?

I finished GTA 5 and I'm playing GTA triology,
Didn't transfer my PS3 character, and just started over on the PS4. Fun times. Being a bit antisocial, I turned my MTU down to 700 from 1500, and that prevents other players from joining my session. So I just do my own thing with no interference. Only 51 days so far, but I've become fairly wealthy. 😁
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Apr 28, 2020
playing live a live, a strange snes rom rpg that was fan translated and never released in the states. I love the art but the game play story hurts badly

The story isn't great but I love this game. The fact that you play in different eras is awesome.

Also soundtrack was composed by the same artist who made kingdom hearts, some tracks really capture the moment.
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Reactions: Panna and GentleJerk


Dec 15, 2021
I recently played "Impostor Factory" by Freebird Games. It's the lastest part of the emotional and philosophical "To the Moon" game franchise.

I highly recommend it for anyone who's looking for an easy-going game to relax to, and if you want an emotional roller coaster. If you are interested, play the whole series in this order:

1. To the Moon
2. A Bird Story
3. Finding Paradise
4. Impostor Factory
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Jan 11, 2022
I wanted so much to enjoy cyberpunk but technical issues aside (been playing on ps5), the story just failed to grab me, it wasn't a patch on the Witcher which they managed to get the characters and story progression spot-on.

I'm just starting to get into FFXIV now, i used to play eq2 for years and this is as close to that experience as I've found so far.


Sep 10, 2018
Started a new Dark Souls run for the umpteenth time.

This is really embarrassing but I lost about a dozen times against Taurus demon. I have platinumed Bloodborne, I have beaten Dark Souls 3 and its DLCs, I have beaten Dark Souls and also done several runs to Smough and Ornstein, I played some of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls2 and SOTFS. Why I lost to Taurus Demon despite being a veteran DS player? Because I tried to beat it without drinking a single estus and only using the head attack once while using a dexterity build with no vitality or endurance, only one piece of armor, no shield, and starting as deprived who uses an Estus and Uchigatana. Everytime I tried to attack that damn demon, the sword would go between its legs. If the demon was one centimeter shorter, my sword would have hit its panty-area. I couldn't target its legs, because I can't play without auto-locking with a controller and the auto-lock would target the air between its legs instead of its legs or belly. Half of my rolls were mistimed for some reason, and everytime I touched the demon's legs I got damaged by a bit. Finally, I thought "This time it will be a practice run, so I'll use Estus a few times to have enough health to practice timing my rolls, and then I'll lose on purpose so I can have a proper rematch", and thus the demon jumped down and died before I could forfeit, and my "no estus during boss fights" run ended in failure after two bosses. I have seen videos of it, but it has never happened to me, because I have never had the whole battle on the bridge. Usually I head slam it a few times, and maybe fight it on the bridge for 15 seconds.

During my dozen DS1 runs, I have always easily beaten the Taurus demon, because I have started with a better character (like pyromancer or warrior), leveled vitality and endurance and strength, used armor and shield and a weapon with another moveset, and just spammed the tower attack and estus. Often I have also had the rite of kindling.

Taurus Demon went from a really easy boss to impossible.

I really wish it had a bosh rush mode, or a boss replay mode. I want to redo the fight, it ended unfairly when it fell down. It happens often actually. I try to beat boss without using A or trying B, I fail, get impatient, break my rules, and beat it by summoning or spamming estus or something. I win, next day I feel bad about beating the boss the same way I always do, but I can't redo the boss fight, because there's no kind of redo option. I also wish it had some kind of "teleport to the boss option". Every thing I have learnt from the previous attempt or from the Internet, I instantly forget what I was supposed to do. How can I learn something like when to dodge, when instead of being "You start at the boss gate, enter, fight, die, start at the boss gate" it's "start at the boss gate, enter, fight for 1 minute, die, spend 5 minutes walking to the boss hoping you won't get hit, get it a lot and have to choose between starting the boss fight with 3 estus or going back to the bonfire, restocking and running to the boss again".

After you have lost to the same boss 10 times, the game should ask you "Do you want to start at the bonfire or at the gate? Do you want to skip the running part?". I have already beaten the game once, I have like 200 hours on it, I have done several runs, why should I waste time running to the Taurus demon just because the game has no "practice mode" or teleport to boss option or boss rush. How can I get better at beating a boss if I can't fight against it?

Even something like "You have beaten the game once, do you want to unlock a mode to practice against bosses?" would be nice.
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Aug 31, 2020
The story isn't great but I love this game. The fact that you play in different eras is awesome.

Also soundtrack was composed by the same artist who made kingdom hearts, some tracks really capture the moment.
The musics good, specifically the boss theme at the end of every era, (I especially liked the akira era, that whole scenario was great. Thats interesting about the composer, thought it was the guy behind the ff6 theme but I was horribly wrong. I didnt really hate it specifically, the nonstop battles with the final scenario drove me nuts.
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I just want to be myself again
Dec 15, 2021
Last time I was stable I beat doom eternal and killed all the Valkyries in god of war..

Was the last time I felt that nice video game high
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Reactions: GentleJerk


Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
Playing Chrono Trigger on snes atm, it's wonderful. Never got to properly experience it as a kid.
Feeding Pigeons

Feeding Pigeons

Aug 5, 2021
I just finished Deltarune Chapter 2, absolutely phenomenal RPG. I'm just waiting for someone to drop a character whos name ends in S so I can post this one in the fictional character's name game thread.

That'll be my chance to be a big shot.
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Reactions: Mendex, Dr Iron Arc and Anxieyote


Red Grapes only
Jun 22, 2020
Haven't played anything really for a good few months, partly because nothing has come out recently that has interested me and partly because I struggle to find the motivation to even play video games anymore.

Dying light 2 is out in a few weeks which I'm going to force myself to get.
I enjoyed the first game, but never got around to finishing it and the sequel looks more of the same but better!
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looking for my other half (of my skull)
Dec 23, 2021
I play the sims 4. I just deleted the sims 3 because the game was too large for my computer. (It's an awesome game if you have a gaming computer with no other games on it lol)

I also play Among Us when I need a pick me up.


Sobriety over everything else • 30 • Midwest
Mar 24, 2021
Playing the Alien: Isolation iPad port. I think I may be relatively close to the end of the game (at the mall section where you have to face a gauntlet of working joes), but I'm not entirely sure since it's been awhile since I first played it.

I've been doing an extremely conservative run, where I don't engage in combat unless absolutely necessary (I don't even pull out my flamethrower when the alien is close) I call it my "hoard run" because I've completely maxed out my inventory with ammo and supplies to the point where there's almost no point in scavenging anymore.

I didn't think I would get very far with this method on hard mode, but so far, I've been able to sneak around enemies for at least half of the game. But I've been forced into a few encounters with working joes and human enemies at the mall section, so I may not be able to conserve supplies as greedily as I have been. Working joes are bullet sponges, so I run out of ammo fast.

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