Full-time layabout
- Apr 7, 2018
- 638
I recommend play Pathologic (Is not a game to have "fun" more like a russian suffering and depression simulator But you could like it at the end).
Yeah, I've been meaning to check out the remake at some point, otherwise known as Pathologic 2. The developers (Ice Pick Lodge) make some pretty brutal and unforgiving games, those that are otherwise meant to evoke stress and anxiety in the player, but for me it's hard to find myself in the mood for that kind of thing. I've never bothered with watching let's plays, outside of a rare few, but there's one of The Void which I found pretty enjoyable/useful, since I doubt I'll ever play the game for myself, given the harsh/esoteric mechanics of its gameplay.
If you play Yume Nikki, Tried .Flow (or DotFlow by lolrust). Is a good fangame of the original even better in some aspects (like story).
I tried loading it up on my PC a while back, but I came to find out that it's not compatible with newer versions of Windows. I don't have anything running Windows 7 or older, so I'd have to go the virtual machine route to get it to run. It sucks because I definitely wouldn't mind checking it out at some point, but for the moment I'm just too lazy to get it working.
It was a great disappointment. And make me feel that people doesn't have "good" taste for video games as before.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I think a large amount of the praise it's gotten just comes down to the fact that it tried, with middling results, to pursue the topic of mental health as its primary subject matter. Given this hyper dystopian age we live in, many people are willing to eat that kind of stuff up as a means of catharsis for their own situation, regardless of whether the story is full of holes or the gameplay is extremely lackluster. It probably also helped that the game already had a fairly large pre-established fanbase, what with the stuff on the developer's blog and all, like the webcomic.
Finished playing the Mass Effect trilogy recently. Still think the first game is my favorite because of the story but I think 3 was my favorite to revisit overall. Story feels more focused than 2's and it has the most well-refined gameplay overall. Only thing I think they did wrong was seriously downgrade the dialogue choices and I still don't care for the ending.
Considered replaying Andromeda but I very much wasn't into it the first 2 times I completed it. Might still do it and just treat it as an alien shooting gallery type of game and turn my brain off for the story since I did enjoy the gameplay at least, just very little else.
These are just about my own thoughts of the series as well. I wouldn't mind replaying it again, especially with the release of the new remastered trilogy package, but at the same time I feel like I should play and finish more games on my backlog, instead of replaying something I've already finished a number of times before. Outside of ME3 and Andromeda which I've only finished once. It feels like being inefficient with my time, even though I guess I should just play whatever it is I want since that's the whole point of video games to start with. Well, even though that's the case, I'll probably not be replaying it for a while.
My last playthrough of the series was back during the start of 2019. I had intended to go full renegade, but then backed out of it midway through, since being renegade just screws you out of content later in the series and I wanted to get the most of my playthrough for when I got to ME3. This led to a lot of shenanigans that kind of tainted and soured my replay of ME1, which sucked. Be that as it may, I played the whole series as a shotgun wielding Vanguard and absolutely loved the front line nature of that class. In the past I'd usually go with Soldier or Infiltrator, but Vanguard was by far the funnest class I've done a playthrough with.
Overall, I agree that ME1 had the best atmosphere and story out of the bunch and that ME3 had the best combat, only being trumped by Andromeda later on. I still really like ME2 for its side quests and while the combat is very much mired in tedious cover mechanics, it still has a satisfying punchiness to it. The one thing I really dislike about ME2, especially after my last replay, is how Zaeed isn't considered a proper fire team leader for the final mission, which is just total bullshit if you ask me. Also, when it came to ME3's ending, I actually didn't think it was all that bad, but that's probably because I had the Final Cut DLC installed, not to mention the Citadel DLC as well, which added a lot more closure to your party members and stuff. One of the dumbest things about ME3, for me anyway, was that Sephiroth-like ninja assassin guy, who as a a villain was very weak and forgettable.
I also liked Andromeda for its combat and exploration, even though the story was god awful. Not sure if I'd ever play it again, but my one playthrough was mostly okay enough. It was a small thing, but one aspect of that game I remember is this one side quest where you're tasked to apprehend an Asari, but she tells you to go back and apprehend your quest giver instead as being the real villain. Turns out she's actually the villain after all, but lies to the player in a bid to trick them and escape. Well, I totally fell for it and felt like a big dummy afterwards, but it was cool that it had some consequences for a failure to pay attention, which I otherwise wasn't expecting from a game like this.
Although, it kind of reminds me how gullible I am in games, to be honest. Like letting Oswald go in Dark Souls, or getting bamboozled/betrayed by a couple characters in Kingdom Come. There was also this indie game called The Council that at one point has a classic standoff where two characters look the same and you need to pick which one is the real one and unbeknownst to myself I had totally screwed it up and picked the wrong one, but the game doesn't reveal that to you until like episode 4, and I was like "god dammit, looks like I got fooled again, lol". Then I just shot the other one too, since the fact that they were both dead was probably the better outcome anyway. It's like that meme where the black guy points to his head and says something like, "can't make the wrong choice if both are dead", but yeah I need to realize better when fictional characters, or I guess even real life people, are lying to me in general.
I have just bought Max Payne and Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, and am currently playing through the first game. I have always wanted to get into this video game series but never got around to it until now.
I love the Max Payne series, but I'll admit that 3 is definitely the weakest. 2 can also get a little repetitive at times and loses a bit of the cheeky humor and noir charm from the first game, but the gameplay is still fantastic. I'd recommend checking out the Kung Fu mod for MP1 and the Elements of Style mod for MP2. Elements of Style in particular really kicks the action up to awesome levels.
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