There are some clear problems with this post. For one, I don't even think it's sufficient to claim that it belongs under the "Recovery" forum because OP is definitely minimizing a lot of what people are going through, and is interfering with the relative safety that this place provides them with their platitudes. It's not controversial to make the claim that a lot of people here, probably the majority, are mentally ill, so stepping over what they say with unhelpful statements like "this world has beauty", whilst failing to show any sympathy for the immense suffering and potential disease that underlie what they say, is problematic, to say the least.
I won't discuss these issues further since they've been pointed out more effectively than likely what I am capable of doing. However, there is one crucial idea that you present that you should have focused on, which is the notion of being pro-death. The existence of that viewpoint on this forum, which nobody can deny, is frankly alarming, and it deserves every bit of criticism that gets thrown its way.
This forum that this post is under should be dedicated to people who want assistance on committing suicide and to not face judgement for it. But that doesn't include the active encouraging of suicide. It is ultimately up to us as individuals to decide what we wish to do with our lives, but if people here seriously cannot see the issue with posts that seem to admonish people for choosing to live, and I am not trying to be provocative when I say this, that is evil.
Just to elaborate a little--if someone wants to commit suicide, should refusing to push them in the opposite direction be considered equivalent to encouraging it? What is absolutely true is that if one person wants to die and wants help on how they should go about doing it, they deserve to be free of the expectation that those who respond will try to "save" them. But the posts that view suicide as a mandatory conclusion contradict the very idea of being pro-choice, and it's pure hypocrisy that these people dare to call out those that view life as mandatory as being anti-choice.
I understand this places me in a position by which I must oppose antinatalism, and I am perfectly fine with that, because antinatalism is wrong. If you believe life has no value, that's your prerogative, but its indefensible to force this onto other people.
There's also the issue of the overwhelming representation of youth on the forum, which complicates all of this even further by making everything I've said especially important.
If you are to take away one thing from this, please have it be that encouraging suicide is not pro-choice; it's the exact opposite.