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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
There is nothing more disheartening than watching the same cycles of hatred and oppression repeat themselves over and over, and within your own lifetime no less.

Since moving to the south, it's like I have a front-row seat: people hating on each other over skin color, sexual orientation, political viewpoints. It's so tedious and utterly cretinous. We've already been through this countless times in generations past, and yet we seem to make absolutely no progress as a society, it's still the same old bullshit.

I was at the movies the other week, watching some godawful Hollywood garbage (really want those 90 minutes back). Anyway, every time a white person was killed, it was met with cheering and hollering by the black moviegoers around me. I mean it's just a film, but still, what sort of fucking troglodyte does that?

Then it occurred to me - it can never end. A dominant group oppresses a minority, that minority becomes embittered and equally toxic in return. People are incapable of being magnanimous because the hate is always there on a subconscious level, and their own pain and bad experiences spur their feelings of vengeance. The xenophobia and mistrust is instinctual and infectious, so it's not something that can be eradicated.

As bad as that is, I also recognize that the PC thought police is no solution either because I realize on some level that human expression should ideally not be constrained. Long story short - there are no good solutions. I don't think we can ever build a functional and harmonious world as long as we're stuck with such primitive mindsets.

Whose bright idea was it to create talking, hate-filled apes capable of nuclear war and utterly incapable of basic, inherent kindness? Sounds like a cosmic joke to me.
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ember in the dark
Dec 7, 2018
Hate breeds hate and sadly it's passed on through the generations. We're essentially living with the consequences hundreds of years worth of oppression, and sadly it's easier for people to either turn a blind eye or hold onto ever-growing resentment.

In my opinion authority figures prefer brushing these current issues under the rug and downplaying previous ones leading up to the current chaos. Though I agree with you that there isn't any real solution to this -maybe if humans had been harmonious from the get-go and hadn't seen gender or skin colour or religion before seeing the actual person we wouldn't have this mess nowadays.

I'm not sure how related this is to your post, but it's come to my attention recently that there's an obscene amount of missing person cases that don't receive much (if any) media coverage, and from what I've seen a lot of cases that get swept under the rug are men and minorities -especially indigenous women, I watched a video a while ago that claimed despite being about 5% of the Canadian population, indigenous women make up a huge, disproportionate amount of missing people. I can't remember the exact figures but if anyone's interested I'll dig around and see if I can find the video again. I've noticed that most media coverage is on missing white girls/women, and maybe it's down to there being more cases of white women going missing, but that certainly doesn't justify other cases being forgotten about.

Sadly, we live in a society where the easiest way to succeed and live a comfortable life is to forsake other people and unfortunately those who are genuinely kind and considerate seem to end up getting taken advantage of. It's usually a lot easier to be cruel and it typically yields a lot more rewards too.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
Very well said Angst, history is stuck in a loop, maybe the universe is stuck in a loop also.
Some of what you said are reasons that I avoid visiting the US, "the home of the gun, and the land of the slave"
I can understand why the black movie goers would do that, it's not that long ago that lynch mobs ran amock, among many other things.

We whiteys have a lot to answer for, we whites are responsible for more blood than all non white put together.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
I've noticed that most media coverage is on missing white girls
Go to Google and type in the image search "non Caucasian businessman" or "negro businessman"
I had little success in that search.
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May 20, 2018
Unfortunately tribalism is ingrained in us and can lead to some rather unfavorable outcomes. All we can do is try to learn from it and limit the damage. A flawed species, indeed.
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Jan 25, 2019
^ That's the thinking that changes things.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
What those African-Americans did at that movie theater? Pathetic. Just like it is equally pathetic when white people do it.
I don't condone that type of behaviour regardless of race, creed or colour. However I'm led to believe that the non Caucasian still gets a raw deal in the land of the *free*
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Jan 5, 2019
We whiteys have a lot to answer for, we whites are responsible for more blood than all non white put together.
"We whiteys" I don't remember commiting any crimes against someone for their race, or ever owning a slave, guess I don't have to answer for shit, speak for yourself.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
"We whiteys" I don't remember commiting any crimes against someone for their race, or ever owning a slave, guess I don't have to answer for shit, speak for yourself.

You still benefit from the privilege you have, that came about in origin from that history, that still has systems in existence today, that maintain said privilege. A fact. This doesn't mean you are doing well, it doesn't have to. Being able to demonstrate humility when people who belong to groups who are still up against the wall today, laugh at white people, is a good thing. It removes you from the mentioned other 'whiteys'. Instead of being so insecure and out of touch that you try to equate it as oppression. Not that you did this but consider your words in an already existing context.
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Jan 5, 2019
If my father decides to rob a bank, I don't go to prison for the crime, my father does. if my friend gets drunk and assaults someone, he gets Arrested, I don't. there is no hereditary guilt, or guilt by association. You can't imply an entire race should bear collective responsibility. for instance, some people have decided that the Jews should bear some kind of collective responsibility for being Jews. It's not correct or helpful, or has ever been a productive outlook for anyone. Stop being racist.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
If my father decides to rob a bank, I don't go to prison for the crime, my father does, if my friend gets drunk and assaults someone he gets. Arrested, I don't, there is no hereditary guilt, or guilt by association. You can't imply an entire race should bear collective responsibility. for instance, some people have decided that the Jews should bear some kind of collective responsibility for being Jews. It's not correct or helpful, or has ever been a productive outlook for anyone. Stop being racist.

Nobody is suggesting you should be punished, I have not said anything of the sort in my above post. Guilt shouldn't be felt either. Awareness of actual things is probably a good idea.

(and also racism can't exist against white people unless there is an entire monolith created and maintained against them which there isn't, there is however the inverse of that)
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Dec 6, 2018
I don't condone that type of behaviour regardless of race, creed or colour. However I'm led to believe that the non Caucasian still gets a raw deal in the land of the *free*

Johnny, unfortunately they get a raw deal in most of the western world. I have noticed that other countries are more discreet about racism and bigotry, the US is full of a bunch loudmouths. We deserve all the criticism we get over here, overrun with idiots.
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Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
There is nothing more disheartening than watching the same cycles of hatred and oppression repeat themselves over and over, and within your own lifetime no less.

Since moving to the south, it's like I have a front-row seat: people hating on each other over skin color, sexual orientation, political viewpoints. It's so tedious and utterly cretinous. We've already been through this countless times in generations past, and yet we seem to make absolutely no progress as a society, it's still the same old bullshit.

I was at the movies the other week, watching some godawful Hollywood garbage (really want those 90 minutes back). Anyway, every time a white person was killed, it was met with cheering and hollering by the black moviegoers around me. I mean it's just a film, but still, what sort of fucking troglodyte does that?

Then it occurred to me - it can never end. A dominant group oppresses a minority, that minority becomes embittered and equally toxic in return. People are incapable of being magnanimous because the hate is always there on a subconscious level, and their own pain and bad experiences spur their feelings of vengeance. The xenophobia and mistrust is instinctual and infectious, so it's not something that can be eradicated.

As bad as that is, I also recognize that the PC thought police is no solution either because I realize on some level that human expression should ideally not be constrained. Long story short - there are no good solutions. I don't think we can ever build a functional and harmonious world as long as we're stuck with such primitive mindsets.

Whose bright idea was it to create talking, hate-filled apes capable of nuclear war and utterly incapable of basic, inherent kindness? Sounds like a cosmic joke to me.

I do not think this is going to change, it's sad, but hatred is something that belongs to the human being, just as violence is also something that belongs to living beings in general.

I wish we could all respect each other regardless of race, religion, politics, sexual orientation etc ... but it is something utopian, you can not do with a magic wand that everyone is respectful, unfortunately.
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Oct 8, 2018
We whiteys have a lot to answer for, we whites are responsible for more blood than all non white put together.

Ludicrous.If you want to whip your back,i wont stop you.But dont push that mentality to others.Dont be surprised when people are not happy to accept guilt for things they have not done and push back.

On the topic itself,yes,its unsurprising that tribalism is not going away very easily.
We have to accept that in the end of the day,there are different cultures.And they are NOT all the same.
It is logical that people from different cultures mistrust each other.It is a very thin line both parties have to tread to begin a relationship of trust.
The problem is,lot of people benefit from bringing animosity between groups.
Identity politics is the classic example.Lots of people and groups have agendas and stand to benefit from divisions.You need to be extremely careful with these things.

One must honestly criticize the problems and blindness in every culture and group,without alienating them,which is hard to do.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I guess what I'm getting at is that while hate in and of itself is bad enough, the reaction to it is equally problematic. There's always a kind of pendulum swing that goes on, and when equilibrium is sought, it invariably goes too far the other way. It basically means any action or force used to stamp out the hate is justified. But to me, it has that "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" feel to it. I'm not sure if I'm making sense. But seeing all these "peace" protests that seem to have the opposite effect just kind of highlight how broken the whole approach is.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
Ludicrous.If you want to whip your back,i wont stop you.But dont push that mentality to others.Dont be surprised when people are not happy to accept guilt for things they have not done and push back.

Instead of responding like this, why not instead respond with something like "i'm not going to feel guilt, but i'm totally with people who aren't white" why is it never an added thing onto that beginning part.

On the topic itself,yes,its unsurprising that tribalism is not going away very easily.

I have not seen a single compelling piece of evidence indicating that tribalism is actually a thing. I would be seriously skeptical of that.
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Aug 20, 2018
And the fuse is lit.
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Dec 26, 2018
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Dec 6, 2018
Angst, I see where you are coming from, it does make sense. Over the last 30 years or so, I've seen an erosion in actual communication. I mean more than just basic listening or reacting, but understanding. We have devolved into one big attention grab, who can say or do the most outlandish thing to draw attention. In the US we are now reacting to situations instead of studying, discussing, and formulating solutions with all parties involved. The situation will not get better until people put the bs aside, don't react and actually actively listen. I'm not confident this will happen anytime soon either.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Angst, I see where you are coming from, it does make sense. Over the last 30 years or so, I've seen an erosion in actual communication. I mean more than just basic listening or reacting, but understanding. We have devolved into one big attention grab, who can say or do the most outlandish thing to draw attention. In the US we are now reacting to situations instead of studying, discussing, and formulating solutions with all parties involved. The situation will not get better until people put the bs aside, don't react and actually actively listen. I'm not confident this will happen anytime soon either.
This is exactly what I mean. The over-correction when it comes to trying to right a perceived wrong. There is no meaningful problem-solving whatsoever, it's just a deluge of knee-jerk reactions and heightened emotional states.
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Aug 20, 2018
Maybe in 100,000 years we'll be able to look back on all this and laugh.

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Dec 26, 2018
I have not seen a single compelling piece of evidence indicating that tribalism is actually a thing. I would be seriously skeptical of that.
Tribalism is codeword for "People with differing opinions who do not come together to dispassionately agree to disagree without trying to solve anything".
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Oct 8, 2018
why not instead respond with something like "i'm not going to feel guilt, but i'm totally with people who aren't white" why is it never an added thing onto that beginning part.

Because i dont agree with the fight.Because thats identity politics.
Why would i take a side,i am against this movement to blame whites for perceived grievances and i think its unapologetic racism.
I also dont take the white supremacist side either,because i also think that being white does not make you superior.
I am not the type of person that blames groups.

You can criticize ideologies,culture for sure.
Groups of people that might have nothing to do with each other except skin color?That does not help.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
Because i dont agree with the fight. Because thats identity politics.
Why would i take a side,i am against this movement to blame whites for perceived grievances and i think its unapologetic racism.
I also dont take the white supremacist side either,because i also think that being white does not make you superior.
I am not the type of person that blames groups.

You can criticize ideologies,culture for sure.
Groups of people that might have nothing to do with each other except skin color?That does not help.

Tbh watching you trying to juggle rewriting history while ignoring the entirety of the present is quite the show. White power structures exist. That is what racism is. Denying these things exist is about as ridiculously silly as not understanding other people's talking points that you've heard and then poorly wielding buzzwords like 'identity politics'.

There is no movement blaming whites, just movements blaming the existence of white supremacy for racism, which you claim to be fully against. I mean your response to "maybe not feel guilt but definitely support people who aren't white in their fight against racism" has led to your response of "No", "That's racist", and "I'm not a white supremacist though". Gross.
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Jan 5, 2019
I would pour more gasoline on this housefire, but meh this is getting locked soon enough.
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Jan 22, 2019
If my father decides to rob a bank, I don't go to prison for the crime, my father does. if my friend gets drunk and assaults someone, he gets Arrested, I don't. there is no hereditary guilt, or guilt by association. You can't imply an entire race should bear collective responsibility. for instance, some people have decided that the Jews should bear some kind of collective responsibility for being Jews. It's not correct or helpful, or has ever been a productive outlook for anyone. Stop being racist.
I couldn't agree with you more. I'm white but that means fuck-all because I'm not racist and will never be. You can look at yourself and look around you and make sure you don't become that person. Being racist is being blind. That's all I'm gonna say.
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Jan 22, 2019
Maybe in 100,000 years we'll be able to look back on all this and laugh.

Sounds like there are a lot of people who already are. The live audience seem to think it's funny.
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Aug 20, 2018
Sounds like there are a lot of people who already are. The live audience seem to think it's funny.
Fair enough. I was thinking more along the lines of laughing in disbelief, as we now do, at outmoded practices like applying leeches to cure medical conditions, or trying women for practicing witchcraft.
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Jan 5, 2019
I'm not offended or triggered, what do you mean "you people"?
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Mar 3, 2019
Forcing different ethnicities to live together is criminal, period, it was common sense, today under PC dictatorship you have to keep quiet and said racism baaad! every morning as the new religion.
That's why countries were originally race-based, so that similar people live with similar people of the same culture, upbringing, biology, mentality, history, tradition, etc.

There is no movement blaming whites
In which world do you live??
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