Several people on the board have said you should use an acid reducers with magnesium hydroxide, to neutralise the hydrochloric acid already in your stomach.
Additionally, I know I need an acid reducer that is a H2-receptor antagonist, like Tagamet (cimetidine), Zantac (ranitidine) or Pepcid (famotidine) to lower the production of new acid.
It's for this reason that they're the most suggested as the antacid one should use when trying to ctb via SN. But when I check their ingredients, none appear to contain the aforementioned magnesium hydroxide.
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Am I being really stupid here and missing/misunderstanding something?
Would taking milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide) alongside the Tagamet/Zantac/Pepcid would be advisable?
@Busdriver thinks not, but could anyone else offer more explanation please?:) Could it have adverse effects (to peacefulness?, to ctb? etc).