Everyone makes acquiring these items look so easy but in reality it's not. Unfortunately, metoclopramide is available only on prescription in my country. I've noticed metoclopramide is sold as Primperan on eBay and I get the strong impression that the seller knows what it's for. However, how do I know I'm not being scammed with aspirins or something else in the packets? Another insurmountable hurdle is SN itself. It has been put under the category of reportable substances, i.e. a poisonous substance, because of the uptick in suicidal deaths by SN. It does feel like the anti-choicers are getting the better of us.
Sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate are categorised as reportable substances, i.e. poisons and explosives precursors, in my country and bound to raise suspicions at customs. Unfortunately, the anti-choicers seem to be getting the better of us.