

May 31, 2024

Dear SS members, I would like to share with you what I have learnt on the Sanctioned Suicide (SS) platform on Sodium Nitrite (SN), what to expect during an SN death and my own plan to Catch The Bus (CTB) with SN. I welcome your comments, feedback and ideas.

Here are the 3 parts I cover in this thread:
1. SN Death Protocols;
2. Description of SN Death;
3. How to Successfully CTB with SN.

…..….….. 1. SN Death Protocols ……....…...

Below are my own CTB protocols for SN. I came up with 2 options. The difference between the 2 options is the availability of drugs. Option #1 is close to what's highlighted in the Peacefull Pill Handbook [cf. 1st document attached]. My preference goes to Option #2 which is a mix of my own knowledge and of Stan's recommendations - but I don't have access to Ondansetron. In Option #2, I tried to come up with an SN protocol that Maximizes Peacefulness to be as close as possible to MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) standards (such as DDMP, DDMA and DDMAPh). Note that both Option #1 and Option #2 minimize the maximum time to death with the adjunction of Propranolol which enhances the lethality of SN. The expected Average Time to Death is 40 minutes. The expected Maximum Time to Death is 3 hours for Option #1 and 1.5 hours for Option #2. The probability of vomiting is close to zero with Option #2 because of a Symbiotic Antiemetics (AEs) Regimen of Metoclopramide and Ondansetron. Note that if you weight over 100kg (220 pounds), you should increase the SN drink from 25gm to 35gm.

Day 1

• 20:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
Day 2
• 4:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
• 12:00
-1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
• 20:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
Day 3
• No food on Day 3, only water
• 4:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
• 11:00
- Stop drinking water
• 12:00
- 1 X 1000mg of Paracetamol
• 12:20
- 3 X 10mg Metoclopramide
- Antiacid (with Magnesium Hydroxide)
e.g. 800mg Tagamet (H2 antagonist cimetidine)
• Wait 40 minutes
- During the wait time, dissolve 25gm of Sodium Nitrite in 50-100ml of plain water
- Prepare a second 25gm SN drink (in case vomiting happens)
- Pulverize 20x30mg tablets of Oxazepam (Benzos)
- Pulverize 0.8gm of Propranolol tablets
- Mix Oxazepam tablets with enough water until a drinkable solution is created
- Mix Propranolol in SN drink
• 13:00
- Drink SN + Propranolol in water
- Drink Oxazepam in water
• Lay back

Day 1

• 00:00
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
Day 2
• 12:00
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
• 00:00
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
Day 3
• No food on Day 3, only water
• 11:00
- Stop drinking water
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
• 12:00
- 1 X 1000mg of Paracetamol
• 12:20
- 3 X 10mg Metoclopramide
- Antiacid (with Magnesium Hydroxide)
e.g. 800mg Tagamet (H2 antagonist cimetidine)
• Wait 40 minutes
- During the wait time, dissolve 25gm of Sodium Nitrite in 50-100ml of plain water
- Prepare a 2nd 25gm SN drink (in case vomiting happens)
- Pulverize 0.5gm Diazepam + 7.5gm Morphine SR* + 1gm Propranolol (Mixture)
- Mix pulverized tablets with enough water until a drinkable solution is created
• 13:00
- Drink SN in water
- Drink Mixture in water
- Lay back

* Note: With Morphine SR, all you have to do is to open the capsules and to pulverize the micro-beads to make them fast release. "Crushing, chewing, or dissolving slow-release oral morphine capsules can cause rapid release and absorption of a potentially fatal dose of morphine sulfate." source: https://cpsa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slow-release-Oral-Morphine-Updated.pdf
Note also that you can replace Morphine with Fentanyl (as suggested in the PPH book) or Protonitazene.

=> SN Average Time to Death: 40 min
=> SN Maximum Time to Death: 2 hours

…..…… 2. Description of SN Death ………..

There are hypothetical descriptions of SN death experiences on the SS platform. Recently, I read of a hypothetical person who didn't take any antiemetics (AEs) nor benzodiazepines (benzos) nor Propranolol.

That account didn't sound great. Dizzy, nauseous, vomiting, fast heart beat, not knowing how they were feeling when the breath sounds were audible. Once again, she didn't take AEs, nor benzos, nor Propranolol.

I just want to fall into a peaceful sleep and know nothing about it.

…. 3. How to successfully CTB with SN ….


- The most important thing is to drink SN on an empty stomach and to not be rescued.
- It's good to take antiemetics (AEs) because it decreases the risk of vomiting. Note that metoclopramide is not the best AE (because it's a neuroleptic, it's going to make you feel down because it blocks dopamine). Best AEs are prokinetic AEs such as Ondansetron.
- An antacid with magnesium hydroxide is recommended because more SN is absorbed at a faster rate at the beginning of the process (note that vomiting is ok as long as enough SN has already been absorbed and that a second SN glass is available to drink). Indeed, a pre-dose of H2 antagonist cimetidine can increase absorption of SN (e.g. 800mg Tagamet taken 40 minutes before SN drink). [cf. 2nd document attached].
- Propranolol allows you to die faster and have fewer side effects. Stan recommends 800mg. Indeed, the concurrent use of a beta-blocker such as Propranolol enhances the lethality of SN. [cf. 2nd document attached].
- Take 0.6gm of Oxazepam (or 0.5gm of Diazepam) in water right after the SN drink. Benzodiazepines remove anxiety and this large amount will knock you down.

sources: Stan's recommendations on SS, PPH book and members posts.

Below is a compilation of relevant quotes:

« My understanding has always been that if one fasts 4-8 hours prior, uses 25g SN mixed with 50-100ml water, and is not interrupted, then one can expect death in 1-4 hours. I've repeatedly given this advice; if I am in error, I want to know so that I can correct it going forward, and also stop arguing with different advice. »

« The essential component is the SN. Everything else is meant to make the process easier for you and to minimise any possible symptoms and discomfort. […] The second most important step of the method after making the SN drink and swallowing it, is for the SN to stay in your stomach. You are drinking a toxic liquid and your body defences will recognise this and may try to cleanse your body. One of the defence systems is vomiting. (This is followed by a list of antiemetics that will perform as needed, as antinausea medication and some antiemetics will be ineffective.) »

« We know from anecdotal accounts prior to Stan's Guide being posted, as well as after, that antiemetics are not a guarantee that vomiting will not occur, and that vomiting is not a guarantee of method failure. »

« First, the antiemetic is "suggested" here, not insisted upon. Techically, I don't see that it is insisted upon in Stan's Guide either but, as I mentioned above, it's confusing. Second, while Stan's Guide said that keeping SN in the stomach is important, the PPH says what is of importance is rapid gut absorption. For this, the PPH recommends fasting and Tagamet, an H2 antagonist (Stan's Guide offers more options). However, neither fasting nor the antagonist is demanded as part of the regimen, while Stan's Guide says that fasting is an essential part of the regimen (not quoted, see link). »

« Keeping the SN in your stomach is the second milestone. To achieve this, you need to take an antiemetic. He's stating that the antiemetic helps you to achieve the second goal, prevention of vomiting. »

« Stan said "The regime is there to help you to have a higher success rate by not throwing up and lowering stomach acid, it's the SN that kills you."»

« Stan: Will it hurt?
"There could be some discomfort during the process, it's not a tickling contest. When it comes to physical pain, headaches (low level ones and not splitting migraines), a bit of a stomach ache perhaps. Fast heart rate which is not painful but I can appreciate it could increase anxiety. Laboured breathing as the body works to try and get more oxygen in, again not painful but could increase anxiety. But you may get no symptoms at all. If you have an underlying physical health condition, then nobody knows how you will react. people can't ask other people for a personal prognosis on how they react to SN. I absolutely understand people want to know. Just need to understand what could happen to you as the worse case scenario and then hope for the best. Again, the worse case scenario with SN is far less then many other methods that are as easy as this to do." »

« Particular types of antacid are a good idea, and may be more helpful than Metoclopramide (Meto) in that they assist the method in working, while Meto tries to stop something from happening but may or may not, depending on the person. »

Stan said: « The purpose of antacid has nothing to do with quicker absorption of SN. In your stomach there is something called gastric juices, one of the components of this juice is hydrochloric acid (HCL). When SN mixes with HCL, it converts to regular salt. There isn't enough HCL in your stomach to convert all of a 15/20/25gm dose, but it will reduce it. Therefore less SN gets passed to the small intestine where the process of actually transferring it into bloodstream starts. The stomach only prepares the food for digestion, it does not absorb it into the bloodstream. So the purpose of antacid is to help reduce that conversion so more SN moves into the small intestine. Can you be successful without antacid - yes. But seeing that it is the most simplest of the medications to get OTC I don't see why you should not. If you can only get a simple solution from your pharmacy, then something is better than nothing. »

« What you need is an Antacid with Magnesium Hydroxide in it. Why do you recommend that one over others? Well there are a number of other alkali that neutralise stomach acid, but this is the most benign on the list and has minimal to no conflict with other medications. It is generally known as Milk of Magnesia. »

Stan said: « Nausea for me regarding SN is such a voodoo subject because there are obvious causes for it such as taste and stomach saying "no thanks". But then that does not tally up with medical reports on people passing through accidental exposure. I personally believe the power of the mind is understated when we talk about this. I wish I had a hard, solid scientific answer as I know it is the biggest concern for people, but I don't. people who have taken Meto report vomiting so it is not a guarantee. »

« Now the popular narrative on the forum is that meto is a must, and vomiting is a common cause of method failure (which I said in a comment on this thread I may research anecdotes to either prove it or debunk it). »

« The vast majority of successes did not report redosing. Until recently, the folks who vomited still succeeded as long as they didn't receive medical intervention and as long as they took over 17g with 100ml or less of water. »

« What's been reported in the past is that if someone held the SN down for several minutes, then enough was in their system to succeed unless they were interrupted or sought help. That's been the common narrative for as long as I've been a member, until just recently. »

« No, neither are essential to SN working. An acid reducing agent, even a simple antacid is so ubiquitous, I can't imagine why one wouldn't use them. By far, the most important factor would be to reduce the time in the stomach, as SN is acid liable, and this means fasting and an empty stomach. Various studies have been conducted on transit speed out of the stomach and into the duodenum (where SN is absorbed). The simplest numbers I can give are that for a studied volume, 50% of the liquid is out of the stomach in 10 minutes. Numbers vary slightly depending on volume or osmolality and in studies with radiopaque isotopes, but it's a fair estimate as with an N overdose, individuals will die with N or SN in their stomach, unabsorbed. Said another way, parenteral dosing of either could be much lower than oral dosing. The reason such large doses are given is to ensure speed. Should the dose of SN be reduced? Definitely not, but this is why even with vomiting, people succeed. I'm almost loathe to talk about antiemtics but will highlight a few points. If prokinetic antiemetics are available, then use them. Likewise if Ondansetron is available as well, use it. If only Zofran is available, then use it. Vomiting has both a central and peripheral mechanism, and the seratinergic and dopaminergic antiemetics function at different receptors. The heavy preference for Meto vs Zofran is, in large part, regional|national. I've posted several times on why the advice to test Meto is horrible and should be stopped and won't repeat it here it seems the majority (vast majority?) will vomit with or without antiemetics. Redosing can overcome this. Likewise, I say this is why antiemetics are categorically not "essential." Stand guide is generally excellent and was put together to help others. I suspect in part it emparts a sense of control on behalf of those who follow it. Is everything in it essential? Of course not. Some of the items, such as a recommendation to take Ibuprofen or Tylenol likely will have ZERO impact on discomfort or headache. However, if people feel they help, then it is a positive and a benefit to take. Bottom line, the essentials for SN are fasting, SN, and possibly redosing in cases where vomiting occurs very quickly. »

« Stan's point was that if you have the correct amount of poison, an empty stomach and some backup shots in case of vomiting, you will die. However, the correct AE is a great helper to not vomit in the first place. Anything else is for your comfort. »

« I went through all the failed attempts reported on the forum, and there have been none that cited vomiting as the cause of failure. Only one may have been caused by vomiting, but there were other factors that could have been the cause, or a combination of factors. Of 23 cases, the overwhelming cause of failure (16 cases) was getting help or being interrupted. »

Sodium Nitrite MegaThread


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Apr 30, 2024
Commenting to find again later
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I’m tired
May 25, 2024
Very useful post. Thank you.
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May 31, 2024

Dear SS members, I would like to share with you what I have learnt on the Sanctioned Suicide (SS) platform on Sodium Nitrite (SN), what to expect during an SN death and my own plan to Catch The Bus (CTB) with SN. I welcome your comments, feedback and ideas.

Here are the 3 parts I cover in this thread:
1. SN Death Protocols;
2. Description of SN Death;
3. How to Successfully CTB with SN.

…..….….. 1. SN Death Protocols ……....…...

Below are my own CTB protocols for SN. I came up with 2 options. The difference between the 2 options is the availability of drugs. Option #1 is close to what's highlighted in the Peacefull Pill Handbook [cf. 1st document attached]. My preference goes to Option #2 which is a mix of my own knowledge and of Stan's recommendations - but I don't have access to Ondansetron. In Option #2, I tried to come up with an SN protocol that Maximizes Peacefulness to be as close as possible to MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) standards (such as DDMP, DDMA and DDMAPh). Note that both Option #1 and Option #2 minimize the maximum time to death with the adjunction of Propranolol which enhances the lethality of SN. The expected Average Time to Death is 40 minutes. The expected Maximum Time to Death is 3 hours for Option #1 and 1.5 hours for Option #2. The probability of vomiting is close to zero with Option #2 because of a Symbiotic Antiemetics (AEs) Regimen of Metoclopramide and Ondansetron. Note that if you weight over 100kg (220 pounds), you should increase the SN drink from 25gm to 35gm.

Day 1

• 20:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
Day 2
• 4:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
• 12:00
-1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
• 20:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
Day 3
• No food on Day 3, only water
• 4:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
• 11:00
- Stop drinking water
• 12:00
- 1 X 1000mg of Paracetamol
• 12:20
- 3 X 10mg Metoclopramide
- Antiacid (with Magnesium Hydroxide)
e.g. 800mg Tagamet (H2 antagonist cimetidine)
• Wait 40 minutes
- During the wait time, dissolve 25gm of Sodium Nitrite in 50-100ml of plain water
- Prepare a second 25gm SN drink (in case vomiting happens)
- Pulverize 20x30mg tablets of Oxazepam (Benzos)
- Pulverize 0.8gm of Propranolol tablets
- Mix Oxazepam tablets with enough water until a drinkable solution is created
- Mix Propranolol in SN drink
• 13:00
- Drink SN + Propranolol in water
- Drink Oxazepam in water
• Lay back

Day 1

• 00:00
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
Day 2
• 12:00
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
• 00:00
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
Day 3
• No food on Day 3, only water
• 11:00
- Stop drinking water
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
• 12:00
- 1 X 1000mg of Paracetamol
• 12:20
- 3 X 10mg Metoclopramide
- Antiacid (with Magnesium Hydroxide)
e.g. 800mg Tagamet (H2 antagonist cimetidine)
• Wait 40 minutes
- During the wait time, dissolve 25gm of Sodium Nitrite in 50-100ml of plain water
- Prepare a 2nd 25gm SN drink (in case vomiting happens)
- Pulverize 0.5gm Diazepam + 7.5gm Morphine SR* + 1gm Propranolol (Mixture)
- Mix pulverized tablets with enough water until a drinkable solution is created
• 13:00
- Drink SN in water
- Drink Mixture in water
- Lay back

* Note: With Morphine SR, all you have to do is to open the capsules and to pulverize the micro-beads to make them fast release. "Crushing, chewing, or dissolving slow-release oral morphine capsules can cause rapid release and absorption of a potentially fatal dose of morphine sulfate." source: https://cpsa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Slow-release-Oral-Morphine-Updated.pdf
Note also that you can replace Morphine with Fentanyl (as suggested in the PPH book) or Protonitazene.

=> SN Average Time to Death: 40 min
=> SN Maximum Time to Death: 2 hours

…..…… 2. Description of SN Death ………..

There are hypothetical descriptions of SN death experiences on the SS platform. Recently, I read of a hypothetical person who didn't take any antiemetics (AEs) nor benzodiazepines (benzos) nor Propranolol.

That account didn't sound great. Dizzy, nauseous, vomiting, fast heart beat, not knowing how they were feeling when the breath sounds were audible. Once again, she didn't take AEs, nor benzos, nor Propranolol.

I just want to fall into a peaceful sleep and know nothing about it.

…. 3. How to successfully CTB with SN ….


- The most important thing is to drink SN on an empty stomach and to not be rescued.
- It's good to take antiemetics (AEs) because it decreases the risk of vomiting. Note that metoclopramide is not the best AE (because it's a neuroleptic, it's going to make you feel down because it blocks dopamine). Best AEs are prokinetic AEs such as Ondansetron.
- An antacid with magnesium hydroxide is recommended because more SN is absorbed at a faster rate at the beginning of the process (note that vomiting is ok as long as enough SN has already been absorbed and that a second SN glass is available to drink). Indeed, a pre-dose of H2 antagonist cimetidine can increase absorption of SN (e.g. 800mg Tagamet taken 40 minutes before SN drink). [cf. 2nd document attached].
- Propranolol allows you to die faster and have fewer side effects. Stan recommends 800mg. Indeed, the concurrent use of a beta-blocker such as Propranolol enhances the lethality of SN. [cf. 2nd document attached].
- Take 0.6gm of Oxazepam (or 0.5gm of Diazepam) in water right after the SN drink. Benzodiazepines remove anxiety and this large amount will knock you down.

sources: Stan's recommendations on SS, PPH book and members posts.

Below is a compilation of relevant quotes:

« My understanding has always been that if one fasts 4-8 hours prior, uses 25g SN mixed with 50-100ml water, and is not interrupted, then one can expect death in 1-4 hours. I've repeatedly given this advice; if I am in error, I want to know so that I can correct it going forward, and also stop arguing with different advice. »

« The essential component is the SN. Everything else is meant to make the process easier for you and to minimise any possible symptoms and discomfort. […] The second most important step of the method after making the SN drink and swallowing it, is for the SN to stay in your stomach. You are drinking a toxic liquid and your body defences will recognise this and may try to cleanse your body. One of the defence systems is vomiting. (This is followed by a list of antiemetics that will perform as needed, as antinausea medication and some antiemetics will be ineffective.) »

« We know from anecdotal accounts prior to Stan's Guide being posted, as well as after, that antiemetics are not a guarantee that vomiting will not occur, and that vomiting is not a guarantee of method failure. »

« First, the antiemetic is "suggested" here, not insisted upon. Techically, I don't see that it is insisted upon in Stan's Guide either but, as I mentioned above, it's confusing. Second, while Stan's Guide said that keeping SN in the stomach is important, the PPH says what is of importance is rapid gut absorption. For this, the PPH recommends fasting and Tagamet, an H2 antagonist (Stan's Guide offers more options). However, neither fasting nor the antagonist is demanded as part of the regimen, while Stan's Guide says that fasting is an essential part of the regimen (not quoted, see link). »

« Keeping the SN in your stomach is the second milestone. To achieve this, you need to take an antiemetic. He's stating that the antiemetic helps you to achieve the second goal, prevention of vomiting. »

« Stan said "The regime is there to help you to have a higher success rate by not throwing up and lowering stomach acid, it's the SN that kills you."»

« Stan: Will it hurt?
"There could be some discomfort during the process, it's not a tickling contest. When it comes to physical pain, headaches (low level ones and not splitting migraines), a bit of a stomach ache perhaps. Fast heart rate which is not painful but I can appreciate it could increase anxiety. Laboured breathing as the body works to try and get more oxygen in, again not painful but could increase anxiety. But you may get no symptoms at all. If you have an underlying physical health condition, then nobody knows how you will react. people can't ask other people for a personal prognosis on how they react to SN. I absolutely understand people want to know. Just need to understand what could happen to you as the worse case scenario and then hope for the best. Again, the worse case scenario with SN is far less then many other methods that are as easy as this to do." »

« Particular types of antacid are a good idea, and may be more helpful than Metoclopramide (Meto) in that they assist the method in working, while Meto tries to stop something from happening but may or may not, depending on the person. »

Stan said: « The purpose of antacid has nothing to do with quicker absorption of SN. In your stomach there is something called gastric juices, one of the components of this juice is hydrochloric acid (HCL). When SN mixes with HCL, it converts to regular salt. There isn't enough HCL in your stomach to convert all of a 15/20/25gm dose, but it will reduce it. Therefore less SN gets passed to the small intestine where the process of actually transferring it into bloodstream starts. The stomach only prepares the food for digestion, it does not absorb it into the bloodstream. So the purpose of antacid is to help reduce that conversion so more SN moves into the small intestine. Can you be successful without antacid - yes. But seeing that it is the most simplest of the medications to get OTC I don't see why you should not. If you can only get a simple solution from your pharmacy, then something is better than nothing. »

« What you need is an Antacid with Magnesium Hydroxide in it. Why do you recommend that one over others? Well there are a number of other alkali that neutralise stomach acid, but this is the most benign on the list and has minimal to no conflict with other medications. It is generally known as Milk of Magnesia. »

Stan said: « Nausea for me regarding SN is such a voodoo subject because there are obvious causes for it such as taste and stomach saying "no thanks". But then that does not tally up with medical reports on people passing through accidental exposure. I personally believe the power of the mind is understated when we talk about this. I wish I had a hard, solid scientific answer as I know it is the biggest concern for people, but I don't. people who have taken Meto report vomiting so it is not a guarantee. »

« Now the popular narrative on the forum is that meto is a must, and vomiting is a common cause of method failure (which I said in a comment on this thread I may research anecdotes to either prove it or debunk it). »

« The vast majority of successes did not report redosing. Until recently, the folks who vomited still succeeded as long as they didn't receive medical intervention and as long as they took over 17g with 100ml or less of water. »

« What's been reported in the past is that if someone held the SN down for several minutes, then enough was in their system to succeed unless they were interrupted or sought help. That's been the common narrative for as long as I've been a member, until just recently. »

« No, neither are essential to SN working. An acid reducing agent, even a simple antacid is so ubiquitous, I can't imagine why one wouldn't use them. By far, the most important factor would be to reduce the time in the stomach, as SN is acid liable, and this means fasting and an empty stomach. Various studies have been conducted on transit speed out of the stomach and into the duodenum (where SN is absorbed). The simplest numbers I can give are that for a studied volume, 50% of the liquid is out of the stomach in 10 minutes. Numbers vary slightly depending on volume or osmolality and in studies with radiopaque isotopes, but it's a fair estimate as with an N overdose, individuals will die with N or SN in their stomach, unabsorbed. Said another way, parenteral dosing of either could be much lower than oral dosing. The reason such large doses are given is to ensure speed. Should the dose of SN be reduced? Definitely not, but this is why even with vomiting, people succeed. I'm almost loathe to talk about antiemtics but will highlight a few points. If prokinetic antiemetics are available, then use them. Likewise if Ondansetron is available as well, use it. If only Zofran is available, then use it. Vomiting has both a central and peripheral mechanism, and the seratinergic and dopaminergic antiemetics function at different receptors. The heavy preference for Meto vs Zofran is, in large part, regional|national. I've posted several times on why the advice to test Meto is horrible and should be stopped and won't repeat it here it seems the majority (vast majority?) will vomit with or without antiemetics. Redosing can overcome this. Likewise, I say this is why antiemetics are categorically not "essential." Stand guide is generally excellent and was put together to help others. I suspect in part it emparts a sense of control on behalf of those who follow it. Is everything in it essential? Of course not. Some of the items, such as a recommendation to take Ibuprofen or Tylenol likely will have ZERO impact on discomfort or headache. However, if people feel they help, then it is a positive and a benefit to take. Bottom line, the essentials for SN are fasting, SN, and possibly redosing in cases where vomiting occurs very quickly. »

« Stan's point was that if you have the correct amount of poison, an empty stomach and some backup shots in case of vomiting, you will die. However, the correct AE is a great helper to not vomit in the first place. Anything else is for your comfort. »

« I went through all the failed attempts reported on the forum, and there have been none that cited vomiting as the cause of failure. Only one may have been caused by vomiting, but there were other factors that could have been the cause, or a combination of factors. Of 23 cases, the overwhelming cause of failure (16 cases) was getting help or being interrupted. »

Sodium Nitrite MegaThread
Antiacid debate you need it or not:
In 2019, when Stan wrote his guide he used Ppeh as a reference and that year ppeh book recommended to use antiacid.

Basically raising the pH of the stomach (lowering the acidity) decreases the SN converting into Nitric oxide which is a vasodilator that will drop your blood pressure drastically resulting in unconsciousness. This is the main and fastest mechanism that SN knocks you out and antacids can slow this process resulting in you staying conscious longer. Most people think SN knocks you out by lowering oxygen levels in your tissues and yes that would eventually lead to unconsciousness, but the vasodilator effect is much quicker and is why people who take SN can collapse at any time without warning so it's best to be laying down or sitting after you take it.

Recently everything have changed, ppeh book says "The advantage of lowering stomach acid in order to lessen gastric no production (with the associated drop in blood pressure) vis a which allowing more nitrite to be directly absorbed into blood from the small intestine."

Therefore, the benefit (in terms of potentiation) of taking an antiacid and proton pump inhibitor (PPI), cannot be established, this is no longer advised.

Conversation in 2022: « "Hello Dr Nitschke,
Why are anticids no longer recommended for sodium nitrite? Is it because people lose consciousness faster without anticids?" Dr Nitschke: "Raising gastric pH might increase the NO2- that moves into the small intestine speeding death, but it decreases the NO production in the stomach and blood pressure drop. No longer a recommendation."»
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May 8, 2024
The latest edition of PPEH mention that the Propranolol isn't a "luxury" item but enhances the effect of SN by restricting cardiac output while the brain is trying to compensate the loss of oxygen therefore Propranolol taken with the anti emetics before the SN is effective according to the regime in the PPEH 2024. Though the new dosage is decreased to 400 mg. You can also "potentiate" SN by dissolving the Propranolol, but then 2 g, with the SN.

And yes, antacid though debated is no longer recommended.

However Propranolol or beta blockers are mentioned in the regime only "if available" and same regards to benzo after consuming the SN. It's the SN that's important.
The following has been observed by firsthand eyewitness after consuming 25 g of SN "potentiated" with 2 g of Propranolol;
@3 mins dizzy
@5 mins very drowsy, responsive
@12 mins unconscious
@15 mins deep sleep/ un-rousable
@25 mins increasing cyanosis
@30 mins irregular shallow breathing
@40 mins death
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May 31, 2024
The latest edition of PPEH mention that the Propranolol isn't a "luxury" item but enhances the effect of SN by restricting cardiac output while the brain is trying to compensate the loss of oxygen therefore Propranolol taken with the anti emetics before the SN is effective according to the regime in the PPEH 2024. Though the new dosage is decreased to 400 mg. You can also "potentiate" SN by dissolving the Propranolol, but then 2 g, with the SN.

And yes, antacid though debated is no longer recommended.

However Propranolol or beta blockers are mentioned in the regime only "if available" and same regards to benzo after consuming the SN. It's the SN that's important.
The following has been observed by firsthand eyewitness after consuming 25 g of SN "potentiated" with 2 g of Propranolol;
@3 mins dizzy
@5 mins very drowsy, responsive
@12 mins unconscious
@15 mins deep sleep/ un-rousable
@25 mins increasing cyanosis
@30 mins irregular shallow breathing
@40 mins death
Thank you for your comment. It nicely completes what I didn't know in the thread 🙏
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May 31, 2024
Thank you :)
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May 31, 2024

Dear SS members, I would like to share with you what I have learnt on the Sanctioned Suicide (SS) platform on Sodium Nitrite (SN), what to expect during an SN death and my own plan to Catch The Bus (CTB) with SN. I welcome your comments, feedback and ideas.

Here are the 3 parts I cover in this thread:
1. SN Death Protocols;
2. Description of SN Death;
3. How to Successfully CTB with SN.

…..….….. 1. SN Death Protocols ……....…...

Below are my own CTB protocols for SN. I came up with 2 options. The difference between the 2 options is the availability of drugs. Option #1 is close to what's highlighted in the Peacefull Pill Handbook [cf. 1st document attached]. My preference goes to Option #2 which is a mix of my own knowledge and of Stan's recommendations - but I don't have access to Ondansetron. In Option #2, I tried to come up with an SN protocol that Maximizes Peacefulness to be as close as possible to MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) standards (such as DDMP, DDMA and DDMAPh). Note that both Option #1 and Option #2 minimize the maximum time to death with the adjunction of Propranolol which enhances the lethality of SN. The expected Average Time to Death is 40 minutes. The expected Maximum Time to Death is 3 hours for Option #1 and 1.5 hours for Option #2. The probability of vomiting is close to zero with Option #2 because of a Symbiotic Antiemetics (AEs) Regimen of Metoclopramide and Ondansetron. Note that if you weight over 100kg (220 pounds), you should increase the SN drink from 25gm to 35gm.
I just found a source to have access to Ondansetron. So basically now I have access to 2 SN options to CTB. Can you help me with the pros and cons of each method? I want to make sure that I chose the right SN Protocol to have a Peaceful Death. Can you please share your suggestions and feedback?

Here are the meds used in each option:


AEs: Metoclopramide
1st Drink: 25gm SN + 0.8gm Propranolol
2nd Drink: 0.6gm Oxazepam


AEs: Metoclopramide, Ondansetron
1st Drink: 25gm SN
2nd Drink: 0.5gm Diazepam + 7.5gm Morphine SR + 1gm Propranolol

Option #1 is close to what's highlighted in the Peacefull Pill Handbook. It's tried and verified method.

In Option #2, I tried to come up with an SN protocol that Maximizes Peacefulness to be as close as possible to MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) standards (such as DDMP, DDMA and DDMAPh) - but it comes from my creative mind. Option #2 also has 7.5gm Morphine SR: is it necessary? What would be the impact of including 7.5gm of Morphine SR? What do you think of the change of AEs to include Ondansetron? What are your thoughts and suggestions on these 2 options? I am open to come up with a third option that would be the best of all. Thank you in advance to your help on this🙏

* Note that the MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) protocols such as DDMP calls for 15gm of Morphine.

Day 1

• 20:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
Day 2
• 4:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
• 12:00
-1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
• 20:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
Day 3
• No food on Day 3, only water
• 4:00
- 1 X 10mg Metoclopramide
• 11:00
- Stop drinking water
• 12:00
- 1 X 1000mg of Paracetamol
• 12:20
- 3 X 10mg Metoclopramide
- Antiacid (with Magnesium Hydroxide)
e.g. 800mg Tagamet (H2 antagonist cimetidine)
• Wait 40 minutes
- During the wait time, dissolve 25gm of Sodium Nitrite in 50-100ml of plain water
- Prepare a second 25gm SN drink (in case vomiting happens)
- Pulverize 20x30mg tablets of Oxazepam (Benzos)
- Pulverize 0.8gm of Propranolol tablets
- Mix Oxazepam tablets with enough water until a drinkable solution is created
- Mix Propranolol in SN drink
• 13:00
- Drink SN + Propranolol in water
- Drink Oxazepam in water
• Lay back

Day 1

• 00:00
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
Day 2
• 12:00
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
• 00:00
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
Day 3
• No food on Day 3, only water
• 11:00
- Stop drinking water
- 1 X 8mg Ondansetron
• 12:00
- 1 X 1000mg of Paracetamol
• 12:20
- 3 X 10mg Metoclopramide
- Antiacid (with Magnesium Hydroxide)
e.g. 800mg Tagamet (H2 antagonist cimetidine)
• Wait 40 minutes
- During the wait time, dissolve 25gm of Sodium Nitrite in 50-100ml of plain water
- Prepare a 2nd 25gm SN drink (in case vomiting happens)
- Pulverize 0.5gm Diazepam + 7.5gm Morphine SR + 1gm Propranolol (Mixture)
- Mix pulverized tablets with enough water until a drinkable solution is created
• 13:00
- Drink SN in water
- Drink Mixture in water
- Lay back
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Coconut blue

Coconut blue

May 13, 2024
tysm for making this ❤️
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Aug 1, 2023
Amazing write up and research. Thanks for sharing
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Jul 23, 2023
Thanks for this very helpful
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Jun 8, 2024
The latest edition of PPEH mention that the Propranolol isn't a "luxury" item but enhances the effect of SN by restricting cardiac output while the brain is trying to compensate the loss of oxygen therefore Propranolol taken with the anti emetics before the SN is effective according to the regime in the PPEH 2024. Though the new dosage is decreased to 400 mg. You can also "potentiate" SN by dissolving the Propranolol, but then 2 g, with the SN.

And yes, antacid though debated is no longer recommended.

However Propranolol or beta blockers are mentioned in the regime only "if available" and same regards to benzo after consuming the SN. It's the SN that's important.
The following has been observed by firsthand eyewitness after consuming 25 g of SN "potentiated" with 2 g of Propranolol;
@3 mins dizzy
@5 mins very drowsy, responsive
@12 mins unconscious
@15 mins deep sleep/ un-rousable
@25 mins increasing cyanosis
@30 mins irregular shallow breathing
@40 mins death

25g SN + 2g Propranolol in water dissolve and drinking?
Or the Propranolol after the SN drinking?

Propranolol tablets are available in various strengths, here is an overview of how many tablets you need for 2 g.
  • 10 mg: 200 tablets
  • 20 mg: 100 tablets
  • 40 mg: 50 tablets
  • 60 mg: 33.33 (rounded 34) tablets
  • 80 mg: 25 tablets
  • 120 mg: 16.67 (rounded 17) tablets
  • 160 mg: 12.5 (rounded 13) tablets
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Apr 30, 2024
May I ask a personal question? I have bad ashtma and propranolol makes it hard to breathe. Given the situation, would it be advised me still use it or skip this step?
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When will courage be mine
Dec 17, 2023
The latest edition of PPEH mention that the Propranolol isn't a "luxury" item but enhances the effect of SN by restricting cardiac output while the brain is trying to compensate the loss of oxygen therefore Propranolol taken with the anti emetics before the SN is effective according to the regime in the PPEH 2024. Though the new dosage is decreased to 400 mg. You can also "potentiate" SN by dissolving the Propranolol, but then 2 g, with the SN.

And yes, antacid though debated is no longer recommended.

However Propranolol or beta blockers are mentioned in the regime only "if available" and same regards to benzo after consuming the SN. It's the SN that's important.
The following has been observed by firsthand eyewitness after consuming 25 g of SN "potentiated" with 2 g of Propranolol;
@3 mins dizzy
@5 mins very drowsy, responsive
@12 mins unconscious
@15 mins deep sleep/ un-rousable
@25 mins increasing cyanosis
@30 mins irregular shallow breathing
@40 mins death
Where did it list 2 g of propranolol?
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Jun 7, 2024
I've posted several times on why the advice to test Meto is horrible and should be stopped and won't repeat it here it seems the majority (vast majority?) will vomit with or without antiemetics. Redosing can overcome this.
I have been wondering why redosing meto can better prevent vomiting. I cannot find an explanation anywhere.
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Jan 30, 2022
This is extremely helpful but I'm afraid for me that this is a bit complicated and might make me panic out if it. I recently tried a large dose of ambien and blood pressure medication, which resulted in me losing consciousness and falling in the bathroom. I was out for almost 90 minutes, I've been trying to figure out if the a higher dose maybe mixed with something else will cause me to pass out and cardiac arrest. I live alone so no one would be the wiser. I don't think anyone would notice for months if not weeks.

Hydrochlorothia-zide at 75mg
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Jun 8, 2024
Perhaps you could take Diazepam or Xanax 1 hour before drinking the SN, that would calm you down.
Not many, just enough to bring you down a bit.
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May 8, 2024
Where did it list 2 g of propranolol?
Where you potentiate the SN, you dissolve the P in the SN/ water mix
Where did it list 2 g of propranolol?

25g SN + 2g Propranolol in water dissolve and drinking?
Or the Propranolol after the SN drinking?

Propranolol tablets are available in various strengths, here is an overview of how many tablets you need for 2 g.
  • 10 mg: 200 tablets
  • 20 mg: 100 tablets
  • 40 mg: 50 tablets
  • 60 mg: 33.33 (rounded 34) tablets
  • 80 mg: 25 tablets
  • 120 mg: 16.67 (rounded 17) tablets
  • 160 mg: 12.5 (rounded 13) tablets
Yep I know, you dissolve the 2 g P in the SN/ water mix. In the video I watched in the PPEH Dr Nietzsche used 25 tablets a 80 mg P
Where did it list 2 g of propranolol?
Where you potentiate the SN/water mix by dissolving 2 g P in it.
25g SN + 2g Propranolol in water dissolve and drinking?
Or the Propranolol after the SN drinking?

Propranolol tablets are available in various strengths, here is an overview of how many tablets you need for 2 g.
  • 10 mg: 200 tablets
  • 20 mg: 100 tablets
  • 40 mg: 50 tablets
  • 60 mg: 33.33 (rounded 34) tablets
  • 80 mg: 25 tablets
  • 120 mg: 16.67 (rounded 17) tablets
  • 160 mg: 12.5 (rounded 13) tablets
Yes, in the video in the PPEH Dr Nitschke uses 25 tablets a 80 mg P to potentiate the SN by dissolving the P tablets in the SN/ water mix. First you mix the water and SN till it's dissolved then the P and stir till it's dissolved too.
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When will courage be mine
Dec 17, 2023
Where you potentiate the SN, you dissolve the P in the SN/ water mix

Yep I know, you dissolve the 2 g P in the SN/ water mix. In the video I watched in the PPEH Dr Nietzsche used 25 tablets a 80 mg P

Where you potentiate the SN/water mix by dissolving 2 g P in it.
In the most recent written version of PPEH the 2g of P
has been reduced to 400mg.....
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May 8, 2024
In the most recent written version of PPEH the 2g of P
has been reduced to 400mg.....
Yes I know, when taken as I mentioned above With the anti emetics Before the SN. There are different ways and therefore different amounts according to the regime.
Yes I know, when taken as I mentioned above With the anti emetics Before the SN. There are different ways and therefore different amounts according to the regime.
And you've mixed it up.
800 mg P was reduced to 400 mg when taken WITH the anti emetics BEFORE the SN/ water mix.
The 2 g of P to potentiate the SN has never been "reduced"...
Read carefully.
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When will courage be mine
Dec 17, 2023
Yes I know, when taken as I mentioned above With the anti emetics Before the SN. There are different ways and therefore different amounts according to the regime.

And you've mixed it up.
800 mg P was reduced to 400 mg when taken WITH the anti emetics BEFORE the SN/ water mix.
The 2 g of P to potentiate the SN has never been "reduced"...
Read carefully.
I have read the chapter over and over and can't find where 2g of P is used to potentiate the SN.
Can you screenshot it? Or give me the page # in the current PPeh? 🙏
I have read the chapter over and over and can't find where 2g of P is used to potentiate the SN.
Can you screenshot it? Or give me the page # in the current PPeh? 🙏 @Nettles
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May 8, 2024
I have read the chapter over and over and can't find where 2g of P is used to potentiate the SN.
Can you screenshot it? Or give me the page # in the current PPeh? 🙏
It's in the latest edition of the PPEH online you have to be a subscriber, it costs money. I've quoted it in here for you all to benefit from if you want more "proof" subscribe to the PPEH online version.
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Jun 8, 2024
Yes I know, when taken as I mentioned above With the anti emetics Before the SN. There are different ways and therefore different amounts according to the regime.

And you've mixed it up.
800 mg P was reduced to 400 mg when taken WITH the anti emetics BEFORE the SN/ water mix.
The 2 g of P to potentiate the SN has never been "reduced"...
Read carefully.
Sorry i am a little confused, there so many informations it is to much for my brain in the early morning :haha:

When i no taking antimetics before SN, then SN + 800mg P ?
When i use antimetics befor SN, than SN + 400mg P ?
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When will courage be mine
Dec 17, 2023
It's in the latest edition of the PPEH online you have to be a subscriber, it costs money. I've quoted it in here for you all to benefit from if you want more "proof" subscribe to the PPEH online version.
Hmmm...I am a subscriber to the online version...page #?
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Jun 8, 2024
Yes, in the video in the PPEH Dr Nitschke uses 25 tablets a 80 mg P to potentiate the SN by dissolving the P tablets in the SN/ water mix. First you mix the water and SN till it's dissolved then the P and stir till it's dissolved too.
I only find 40mg P, than i must use 50 tablets. I don't think there will be any difference, will there?
Only more tablets to pulverize.
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When will courage be mine
Dec 17, 2023
Hmmm...I am a subscriber to the online version...page #?
I just watched the video with Dr N and the potentiated SN with P. 2 g!!! Whoa. I'm just very confused as the written instructions still say 400mg. Can you clarify this for me? The P
I have are 20mg tablets so I would need 100.
I should probably crush them.
Are you clear with the timing? And combining with Meto AE?
I just watched the video with Dr N and the potentiated SN with P. 2 g!!! Whoa. I'm just very confused as the written instructions still say 400mg. Can you clarify this for me? The P
I have are 20mg tablets so I would need 100.
I should probably crush them.
Are you clear with the timing? And combining with Meto AE?
  • Yay!
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May 8, 2024
Sorry i am a little confused, there so many informations it is to much for my brain in the early morning :haha:

When i no taking antimetics before SN, then SN + 800mg P ?
When i use antimetics befor SN, than SN + 400mg P ?
Read it again the original thread not these comments just.
I just watched the video with Dr N and the potentiated SN with P. 2 g!!! Whoa. I'm just very confused as the written instructions still say 400mg. Can you clarify this for me? The P
I have are 20mg tablets so I would need 100.
I should probably crush them.
Are you clear with the timing? And combining with Meto AE?

I just watched the video with Dr N and the potentiated SN with P. 2 g!!! Whoa. I'm just very confused as the written instructions still say 400mg. Can you clarify this for me? The P
I have are 20mg tablets so I would need 100.
I should probably crush them.
Are you clear with the timing? And combining with Meto AE?

You have the exact same information as I have, I've written exactly what the PPEH says.
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Jun 8, 2024
I just watched the video with Dr N and the potentiated SN with P. 2 g!!! Whoa.
Can i only see the actually 2024 version if i a subscriber to the online version?
Then i am to young, i must been 50 years old is the information of the website.
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From milkyway
May 7, 2024
Nice write up man. I'm following the PPeH 2022 regimen since I have that on hand, which is very close to your first option. I plan to take a benzo to reduce anxiety during the procedure
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