As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
I wish I could actually fall asleep...but then when I go to sleep I have nightmares. Awake I have bad memories and flashbacks of trauma. i hate having ptsd....
RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, SeekingSolace, goxua and 4 others
A few times i have gone to Girl friends houses and ex girl friends houses in the middle of the night. Just sort of sitting there on the other side of the road thinking about random stuff, for about 20mins then wander off again...
Has anyone else done this
It was valentines day and I would have got her a little something but its not the best idea. I stopped seeing her completely, so she wont know Im dead she will just move on.
A few times i have gone to Girl friends houses and ex girl friends houses in the middle of the night. Just sort of sitting there on the other side of the road thinking about random stuff, for about 20mins then wander off again...
Has anyone else done this
A few times i have gone to Girl friends houses and ex girl friends houses in the middle of the night. Just sort of sitting there on the other side of the road thinking about random stuff, for about 20mins then wander off again...
Has anyone else done this
It was valentines day and I would have got her a little something but its not the best idea. I stopped seeing her completely, so she wont know Im dead she will just move on.
I don't think I want to get better. Even if I tell myself that I want to feel better or that I should want to at least, that message doesn't seem to connect in my brain for some reason. I don't know how to explain it, rationally I might understand that I in part contribute to my own negative feelings, but emotionally that realisation simply isn't there and so I end up doing nothing at all.
Also, the urge to just hang myself is getting stronger and stronger. I really want to just take my scarf and get it over with, but I can't...
WOODESITY, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, EmotionlessWanderer and 3 others
But then, 2 minutes later I might suddenly spin the other way around and feel like I do want to be alive and that actually everything is perfectly normal, and then a few minutes later I go back to wanting to die again and so on and so forth. I don't get it
WOODESITY, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, SeekingSolace and 6 others
But then, 2 minutes later I might suddenly spin the other way around and feel like I do want to be alive and that actually everything is perfectly normal, and then a few minutes later I go back to wanting to die again and so on and so forth. I don't get it
Just feeling so weary today and can't concentrate on much of anything, can't get into anything either. Also fed up about reading about work being a health outcome and Amber Rudd shitting all over the Gp patient relationship with her idiotic policies that are now starting to creep into hospitals. Missing the elephant in the room that sick people too ill to work do fucking exist! Mental health is not solved by a job at Mc Donalds... Drowning in your own lung fluid is not cured by working at Starbucks... leave them the fuck alone and stop trying to co-opt the medical profession to suit your ideology. Renaming a sick note to a fit note does not magically cure anything either. Something is not voluntary if refusal means starvation either. Can I kill an MP but as a method to mask the awfulness of the act rename it a soil enrichment initiative? It is so damn Orwellian at this point. Wish I could just shut down and stop thinking. Instead, I am just ruminating in impotent rage. It is such wasted energy though, it is not like I can change anything... I am so tired and can't seem to escape today.
Walilamdzi, WOODESITY, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals and 9 others
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