
Jul 14, 2020
Trump is the ultimate political troll. He invented it.
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
Happily, another nail in my coffin. Six months has driven me to the edge. You can count me out of four years of this rubbish!

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Sep 3, 2020
Why ? Don't you believe our dear leaders that the next five-year plan will also finish exceeding the expectations ? Such lack of empathy on your part towards our fellow comrades should be punished at a reeducation camp.
Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
Why ? Don't you believe our dear leaders that the next five-year plan will also finish exceeding the expectations ? Such lack of empathy on your part towards our fellow comrades should be punished at a reeducation camp.
Yup. Guilty. My Supreme Leader :pfff::pfff: (I can't even type that with a straight face) is in bed with China, has sold half the country to the Chinese and the other half to our neighbours to the south of us. He's spineless and only has a family name to ride on.

BUT, all world leaders signed an accord (last year I believe) for the World Economic Forum's Great Reset. The MSM report on if you dig for it. Every leader is bound to it. I haven't figured out how the U.S. has been able to wiggle out of things like funding the WHO, but they are at the centre of the Reset so, apparently within five years now instead of the original two, all will be revealed as well as reset.

I hope it all goes well. I'm not going to stick around to find out.


Sep 3, 2020
I'm afraid all our Dear Leaders happen to be clones of the same lizard. We do have one other-same who's particularly proud of being strict with his Mass Incarceration For Your Own Good Pogrom (er, program!) and a mindless populace who massively clapped from their balconies like lobotomized monkeys for three months straight before sorta thinking that maybe clapping was a bit much. But the majority are still proud of our successful program, or demand at most some cosmetic improvement. Only a bunch of flat-earther terrorists wouldn't want to combat the pandemic.

Even those who oppose the regime feel called to constantly clarify that they aren't anti-quarantine, while we go through the 180th uninterrupted-quarantine day.

I don't expect to stay either. I have a mild curiosity about how exactly the shit will unfold but I'm certain they'll disappoint.

I hope it all goes well.
It will eventually go well in that the current generation of zombies will croak and be replaced by some less syphilitic ones. But far beyond our time.


Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
I have no faith any government could plan something like this. My opinion on conspiracy theories like this is that someone would talk, it's just human nature. For example the moon landing, it is way easier to just go to the moon, then all the shit you'd have to do to fake it for decades. Plus the Soviets woulda called bullshit haha. So I don't believe that the world governments are responsible for covid. Mishandling the response, yes, creating the virus? I don't think so.
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Jul 14, 2020
My opinion on conspiracy theories like this is that someone would talk, it's just human nature
Not if they were given strong reasons not to talk...

Also, sometimes people do talk, but they are either silenced and labelled as insane, or they are 'disappeared'. For example, philip marshall who wrote 'the big bamboozle', which claimed that 9/11 was the outcome of a collaboration between the bush administration and saudi government officials, and that the official media/government narrative is a complete lie.
He is now dead, after having supposedly killed himself, his kids and his dog.
There are more like him, and it's now more and more difficult to access 9/11 conspiracy information on the internet.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I have no faith any government could plan something like this. My opinion on conspiracy theories like this is that someone would talk, it's just human nature. For example the moon landing, it is way easier to just go to the moon, then all the shit you'd have to do to fake it for decades. Plus the Soviets woulda called bullshit haha. So I don't believe that the world governments are responsible for covid. Mishandling the response, yes, creating the virus? I don't think so.

Then how can you explain Gates having a mock emergency response months before COVID that has come almost exactly to fruition? Like a British news report that announced the second World Trade Center tower being hit before it happened? Or little things like drive-in theaters making a comeback before COVID? How do you know there's not a hidden government in power over national governments?

And what's troubling to me is that such things are leaked into public awareness rather than attacks out of nowhere so that conspiracies would never be suspected.

Sorry if I pissed in your cornflakes. I'm just frustrated by all this, not by you.
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Jul 14, 2020
So I don't believe that the world governments are responsible for covid
Maybe not the individual governments, but the shadowy string-pullers behind the scenes.
The pyramid of power doesn't peak at the government level.
There are further levels.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Not if they were given strong reasons not to talk...

Such as having to perform egregious criminal acts to join the club. If one tries to tell or to leave, they get exposed. People with high moral values aren't going to be drawn to join, and if they gain them after doing such awful things, they're fucked. I think there's a reason why after centuries, even millennia, what happens in secret societies hasn't been exposed. If it is, I guarantee it's for an agenda, not because the power of good is winning.
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Got my ticket
Aug 18, 2020
@worried_to_death and @GoodPersonEffed you make very fair points. I can't explain any of that for sure. I also took no offense from your response @GoodPersonEffed no worries there. Maybe I just don't want to believe it? I don't know, any evidence can be faked right? I just find it highly unlikely anyone would do something like this intentionally. But you all have done way more research on this them me, so just consider me a conspiracy theory novice.
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Jul 14, 2020
Maybe I just don't want to believe it
Maybe, maybe not. It's up to you what you want to believe, no one is judging you.

I just find it highly unlikely anyone would do something like this intentionally
But, just look at how messed up this world is, how much suffering occurs, how the world's resources and wealth are unfairly and unequally distributed..All the inequality and injustice is the result of very high level decisions which have intentionally made the world the way it is.
I certainly don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that covid was also intentional so a plan could be rolled out.

As GPE mentioned, was the event 201 Gates meeting only a few months before the covid pandemic really just a coincidence?
Bill Gates is such a shifty and ominous character.
Such as having to perform egregious criminal acts to join the club
That's how it seems to work. Which is why no one is speaking up about what really happened with jeffrey epstein, either during his life or when he died. They can't speak up because they're all equally complicit and guilty. That's how you joined his 'club', by basically selling your soul.
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
I personally think that it's a mistake to try and understand the Powers That Be - as though they operate as we would. It is said that one needs to have psycopathic tendencies to rule. That's the lens through which it needs to be examined. Old money, nepotism, sinister views of humanity and a sense of entitlement that we just can't comprehend. It's sick. Very sick. Believing that the "elected" officials are there because we voted them into power and that they serve us is a fallacy. A manufactured one.

Event201, Agenda2030, Bilderberg, the Gates Family, the Clinton Family, Rothschilds, and the list goes on. None of these or other issues are brought to Mainstream Media because MSM is owned by a handful of people.

I respect and admire you, @foxdie for being uninformed about this stuff. Really. i've been following for about 25 years; I wish I didn't know and could just stand on the red circle and wait my turn. But I can't. You have a choice - to expose yourself or not, even just for curiosity's sake. But it's a hard Rabbit Hole to climb out of.

If you're interested at all, have a look at RebelNews and Ezra Levant (from Toronto). He and Rocco Galati are good, reputable sources for "the other side."

Then again, there's enough chaos in life right now. I would understand if you didn't want to touch any of it.

/ramble :heart:
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Jul 14, 2020
It is said that one needs to have psycopathic tendencies to rule. That's the lens through which it needs to be examined. Old money, nepotism, sinister views of humanity and a sense of entitlement that we just can't comprehend
I definitely think that this is true. I would be willing to bet that the majority of the kingpins in global affairs and international politics and economics (the ones not answerable to any national or international body because they in fact run the whole show) are high functioning psychopaths. It couldn't be otherwise. They are the ones responsible for the famines, starvation, wars, genocides, massive wealth inequalities.

Believing that the "elected" officials are there because we voted them into power and that they serve us is a fallacy. A manufactured one.
It's such a farce. De maistre said "in a democracy people get the leaders they deserve". This is such a misleading thing to say.
A more accurate, though less succinct, thing to say is that democracies give people the illusion of choice and freedom, but in fact one version of servitude over another slightly different version is imposed on them. They get the leaders they're told to get.
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Jul 14, 2020
You have a choice - to expose yourself or not, even just for curiosity's sake. But it's a hard Rabbit Hole to climb out of.
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." -- morpheus
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
It is said that one needs to have psycopathic tendencies to rule. That's the lens through which it needs to be examined.
I definitely think that this is true.

I disagree. I think it's that the power structures only allow the psychopatic to rule, not that a non-psychopath can't. I would agree with you if it weren't for Marcus Aurelius. But throughout his reign, he had to constantly remind himself to not fall prey to ego or comfort, and that he was a servant in a highest position of responsibility. If I were in a position of leadership, I would have pepole to advise me and remind me of the value of such ethics so that I adhered to them. If one hangs out with filthy people, they're going to get some dirt on them, too; I would pay someone well to follow me around with soap, a bowl of fresh water and clean towels.

There are people in the world willing and capable of this, but they are not allowed the chance to rule, and/or they do not have the training from childhood such as Aurelius did. One would think that by now the benefits of teaching how and making the effort to rise above the basest human instincts for the good of all would be obvious, encouraged, and closer to the norm.
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Jul 14, 2020
I would agree with you if it weren't for Marcus Aurelius
Maybe he's the exception that proves the rule? I can't think of many other leaders/rulers in history with the high ethics and integrity that Aurelius had.

I do agree that leadership and ability to rule and govern are qualities which in principle are open to non-psychopaths, but that the specific power structures and global financial systems of today's world (highly concentrated wealth, minority elites in control of majority of resources, profit motive economies etc) make it unlikely that non-psychopaths/non-sociopaths will reach positions of considerable influence.
Anyone with any amount of global power today is much, much more likely to be Machiavellian than Aurelian.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Maybe he's the exception that proves the rule? I can't think of many other leaders/rulers in history with the high ethics and integrity that Aurelius had.

Possibly. I hadn't considered that. I'd certainly like more examples! :pfff:

He was the last in a succession of five Stoic emperors, a period in which the Roman empire flourished.

He raised his son and successor with the same ethics and values, but they didn't take. And wtf, Aurelius?? You didn't have to pass it on to your son!

The norm was to adopt someone and raise them to be the successor. Once his son became emperor, the empire's fall was set in motion.

A side thought: governmental powers have historically exiled or murdered philosophers and academics -- those who are in a moral and intellectual position to speak truth to power. It happened in ancient Rome and Greece, too, to some of the most famous philosophers of several schools. Those in power don't like to be told they're wrong and held to a high standard, and they'll make an example of what happens to those who do. Only philosophers such as the Stoics learned that exile seems terrifying to a social animal but turns out to be great for the wise person; it's not really a punishment, it's an opportunity and also affords more freedom. I've certainly experienced that, being exiled from my family after speaking up. Those who were executed or forced to suicide walked to their deaths with their heads held high. I'm like that in life; I've at last earned my wisdom, self-respect, and self-worth, and I'm not going to relinquish any of it. I'm not a martyr, either, it's for me. Reminds me also of Jesus knowing he would be arrested and killed, and his previous statement: What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his very self?

We are our boundaries, and we are our values and ethics. When the former are crossed, and when we give up the latter, we feel like shit.

Btw, if interested and you don't know anything about him, check out The Sun King of France. What a fucking tyrant. That's far closer to the norm. Modern politicians are just wolves in sheep's clothing, I think many could easily be like him and Henry VIII if there weren't democratic institutions in place to keep such tendencies in check, that is, unless they're just screens and tools for those higher pyramidal power structures.
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
[QUOTE="GoodPersonEffed, post: 862497, member: 13859"
Ah, there's so much here. :tongue:

It's precisely the existence of such modern Power Structures (labelled as "democracies") - which are so entrenched in generations of corruption and self-serving interests of the ruling class - that stands as the primary reason I don't vote. Aurelius established systems rather than inheriting them.

Most leaders have people who represent moral or spiritual guides (symbols of their relating to the masses for the most part). Imagine if any of the G7 or G20 were guided by morals, values and ethics!

The world is one (or several) shady backdoor business deals and no one leader can go his/her own way. The larger bodies won't have it. Ever.

There is an independent politician in a nearby city. He's got a pretty good head on his shoulders - for a tradesman - and a mild tinfoil hat that disgusts most mainstream voters. I've begun to do some work for him. If he respresented the political system, I'd have no problem participating in it. But he's speaking against the narrative - demanding COVID data, providing WHO data that goes against the Cdn narrative and he promotes free thinking and he's anti-vax for the sake of lining the pockets of big pharma without question. He's one example of those not allowed to rule - he's painted as a backwoods nutjob. He and those he supports have my vote if I'm still here at election time. But I still think voting is a waste - there's not much that's not already been determined. We just get to watch the circus of Orange Man and the Dimentia Hair Smeller. And our crackhead-looking drama teacher riding on his father's name and chinese buying up of our country.

Oh, now you've got me fantasising about educating the masses as literate, cultured, free-thinkers who look out for their fellow humans... That's not a bad headspace to be in for the night. Until I wake up to the bad dream that is my reality. :wink:

You got me thinking about that TedTalk idea. I had chronic stage fright in college. It paralysed me until I joined Toastmasters. I loved it! I had been toying with the idea of joining about a year ago. I'll just add that to the evening's fantasy about education.

'Tis all good!
@worried_to_death imagine, the biggest names right now - Epstein, Maxwell, Gates, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc. - old money, bailed out or helped out by daddy, legal troubles bought and sold and they have set themselves up to influence so much! The experts we need to bow to.

It's such a sh*tshow of a time to be alive. Thank God I have a way out!
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
But I still think voting is a waste - there's not much that's not already been determined.

I stopped voting after Bush beat Gore in electrical college but lost the popular vote. He's not my spiritual or ethical guide, but Russell Brand said what I couldn't articulate: "I don't vote because I don't want to participate in the ee-loooooooo-shee-un."

We just get to watch the circus of Orange Man and the Dimentia Hair Smeller.

OMG have you noticed the hair smeller is almost the same shade of orange, only slightly browner and more evenly applied?

Oh, now you've got me fantasising about educating the masses as literate, cultured, free-thinkers who look out for their fellow humans... That's not a bad headspace to be in for the night. Until I wake up to the bad dream that is my reality.

I live this every day. And come crashing back down to the realization of my impotence and vulnerability.
Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
LOL at Orange Biden!!!

I like Russell Brand. What got me waybackwhen is George Carlin. His stand up on voting is great.

It's the crashing down and vulnerability that keep me grounded. I'd want to stay in the fantasy life and never face this hell. It's a crushing blow so I just fight the temptation to dream. It's sad but safer. :meh:


Jul 14, 2020
if interested and you don't know anything about him, check out The Sun King of France. What a fucking tyrant. That's far closer to the norm. Modern politicians are just wolves in sheep's clothing, I think many could easily be like him and Henry VIII if there weren't democratic institutions in place to keep such tendencies in check, that is, unless they're just screens and tools for those higher pyramidal power structures.
Louis XIV you mean? Yes, pretty much the archetype of a tyrannical narcissist who views human life as cannon fodder. His reign was probably a long-term cause of the french revolution because of his total disregard for the well-being of the ordinary citizens of france and his inability (or disinterest) to reform institutions and his obsession with expensive foreign wars.
Yes, Henry VIII was another one, just a despicable narcissistic ogre.

Once his son became emperor, the empire's fall was set in motion.
Commodus, right?

governmental powers have historically exiled or murdered philosophers and academics -- those who are in a moral and intellectual position to speak truth to power
you speak right. Happened at the russian revolution too, when the bolsheviks purged the country of tsarist intellectuals. And pol pot during the cambodian genocide when all intellectuals were targeted. It's a common pattern in history

Reminds me also of Jesus knowing he would be arrested and killed, and his previous statement: What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his very self?
That's one of the statements I've thought about the most. I mean, it's profound. I often wonder how these tyrants and dictators in history viewed the world and themselves. Surely they knew they would eventually die? Why did they think it was acceptable to cause the suffering they did and to only think about their own power and ego? Surely they must have known that all empires and dynasties disappear one day and they would inevitably end up nothing but dust? Maybe their type of mindset/'personality' is inaccessible to normally functioning people. Not because they were superior Übermenschen, but because they had no conscience or remorse or empathy. With the exceptions like M.Aurelius of course.
And also, Jesus was such a radical, in a good way.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Personally I think that in the US, your vote (for President) only matters if you live in a swing state. Think about it. With the way the electoral college works, if you live in California, then let's say you vote for Biden. Congratulations! He was always going to win California no matter what. Your vote is meaningless. Now let's say you're in California but you were going to vote for Trump instead. Guess what? Biden was always going to win California so your vote is just a tiny middle finger that doesn't matter. And don't even get me started on a third party (lol).

Of course, there will always be the chance for exceptions and miracles and honestly I can see why we have the electoral college system because if we really left it to purely the popular vote then we'd just have metropolitan and urban areas win everything which would just further the divide between those areas and the more rural ones in the country. I also don't think having more parties is a good idea either. The reason there are two dominant parties here is just that it makes it way easier that your party has a chance of winning if it's 1 in 2 versus 1 in 10. Both parties realize this which is why it's not going away anytime soon.

Edit: Sorry if I have derailed from what you guys were talking about. I skimmed the most recent posts and saw stuff about the election so I just felt like giving my thoughts. :mmm:
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
Zuckerberg's in the news this week warning Americans that the results of the election will be "days and weeks" after Election Day. Mr. Social Media is now an election expert!? As a platform for targetted advertising, Facebook and its CEO should really be anywhere but in the centre of that conversation.

Do you remember Hanging Chads? :mmm: It's that kind of chaotic atmosphere that will happen in November. I'm so glad I don't own a TV - you really do have a fundamental issue with being "United" in anything - race, politics, gender, class. It's a shame. With some of what the country was built on, there is potential for so much good to be done in your country and around the world. It's just mired in disunity.

I hope it's a relatively smooth process!
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Jul 14, 2020
The experts we need to bow to.
This is what we're told. They only have our interests at heart, mind you. They're our 'superiors' apparently. They're making the world a better, safer, cleaner, place so the prols and slaves can be more efficient..
F*ck that, I'm outta here
I like Russell Brand. What got me waybackwhen is George Carlin. His stand up on voting is great.
One of the first things I ever heard Carlin say was: "When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat."
The reason there are two dominant parties here is just that it makes it way easier that your party has a chance of winning if it's 1 in 2 versus 1 in 10. Both parties realize this which is why it's not going away anytime soon.
The downside of two dominant parties is that real change is very unlikely to ever happen because they are both beholden to corporate and financial interests, which also run the media and therefore have a stranglehold on propaganda dissemination and the manufacture of consent.
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trapped here
Nov 9, 2019
Personally I think that in the US, your vote (for President) only matters if you live in a swing state. Think about it. With the way the electoral college works, if you live in California, then let's say you vote for Biden. Congratulations! He was always going to win California no matter what. Your vote is meaningless. Now let's say you're in California but you were going to vote for Trump instead. Guess what? Biden was always going to win California so your vote is just a tiny middle finger that doesn't matter. And don't even get me started on a third party (lol).

Of course, there will always be the chance for exceptions and miracles and honestly I can see why we have the electoral college system because if we really left it to purely the popular vote then we'd just have metropolitan and urban areas win everything which would just further the divide between those areas and the more rural ones in the country. I also don't think having more parties is a good idea either. The reason there are two dominant parties here is just that it makes it way easier that your party has a chance of winning if it's 1 in 2 versus 1 in 10. Both parties realize this which is why it's not going away anytime soon.

Edit: Sorry if I have derailed from what you guys were talking about. I skimmed the most recent posts and saw stuff about the election so I just felt like giving my thoughts. :mmm:
But if the electoral college didn't exist doesn't that mean a very highly populated state like California could decide every election result? As far as I'm aware that's why ec exists.. I'm not an American though.

But at the same time I don't think it's right that you should win an election when you've lost the popular vote.

Though it hasn't just happened in America. Justin Trudeau lost it last year (but by 200k votes as opposed to millions in the 2016 election). There have been a couple times it's happened in U.K. elections too but it's rare.

I think it's kind of a tricky thing..
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
The downside of two dominant parties is that real change is very unlikely to ever happen because they are both beholden to corporate and financial interests, which also run the media and therefore have a stranglehold on propaganda dissemination and the manufacture of consent.
That's true too but honestly that could still happen even with more parties. Nothing about splitting two parties into more is going to do anything to the real people in power except maybe make it even easier for them to target specific groups and influence them a certain way. Ultimately future elections would probably still come down to being between two maybe three people anyway. It sucks but if I had a better solution I'd have been committed and taken away by now.

But if the electoral college didn't exist doesn't that mean a very highly populated state like California could decide every election result? As far as I'm aware that's why ec exists.. I'm not an American though.
Exactly, yeah. California, New York, certain parts of Texas would control practically all the votes.
...honestly I can see why we have the electoral college system because if we really left it to purely the popular vote then we'd just have metropolitan and urban areas win everything which would just further the divide between those areas and the more rural ones in the country...
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