

Better never to have been
Jul 4, 2021
"Never let a good crisis go to waste"
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Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
Whether this was planned or not, covid has showed how shitty humanity is, how they lack basic empathy and acknowleding of one another (seriously, refusing to wear a mask not only to protect yourself but especially OTHERS because ''muh fr3domz!'' ???), the selfishness (buying all the toilet paper thinking that the apocalypse is coming like, it's gonna end anyway you idiot leave some for others too. and why whenever something bad happens over the whole world these idiots think apocalypse is coming?), greediness especially of the companies, the richer getting even more rich during the pandemic while the poor lost their jobs, and the lack of sense and logic from the measures taken by authorities like that one where you're not allowed to leave the house after 10 pm (we did it, covid no more after 10 guys!). It's even more stupid nowadays not allowing just the unvaccinated go outside, like ykno vaccinated people can still get covid, right?

Humanity is fucked up beyond any reparation. Instead of getting closer and helping each other we divided even more, are more harsh to each other and we only slightly did nice things to each other during lockdown in our houses. After that the rat race started again and the rivalty is back. We only know to divide and make new categories or things to judge. There's this new one between vaccinated vs. unvaccinated that makes me want to puke. The discrimination is real. Instead of educating the antivaxx about the benefits, how it is safe and how it prevents you from getting your life more fucked up than it already is, they just scream ''DO THE VACCINE, VACCINE GOOD!''. This is not compelling even for a dog. Along with this ''argument'' they add even more compelling actions: like treating the unvaccined as the sc*m of the world, banning them from everything in life instead of educating. Unvaccinated people and especially antivaxx are plagued by fear. Fear can be eliminated through education, not through drastic measures that make them feel alienated from society. With these measures the antivaxx will clutch even more onto their conspiracy theories, it does the opposite result than what's desired. YouTube banning anti covid and anti vaccine speech will not convince them to adopt different views overnight. It's just a huge attack at free speech and plain censorship which will further make antivaxx think they are right (''see, we told you!''). We need to let people voice their opinions regardless of how they are. Censorship like this is the sweet, small but significant sign of a starting dictatorship.

In conclusion: I hope this species burns.
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Sep 21, 2020
Food for thought: People with Ph.d s constitute a large proportion of the people least willing to get the experimental 'vaccine' (which isn't one based on previous definitions of what a vaccine is).
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Average life non-enjoyer
Sep 11, 2021
I consider it a travesty it has not yeeted me. :-(


Sep 16, 2021
To answer OP's question, no we cannot. My thoughts line up with @MrBlue s comments on the previous page.


Sep 21, 2021
Covid is probably the reason I am a member of this forum. It has destroyed my entire life. I spent my entire life overcoming my anxiety disorder to the point that I was completely normal, and then Covid sent me right back to square one. Masks, vaccines, social distancing, everyone always being angry and demanding, lockdowns, the media, the world losing its mind. I went from a successful college athlete, to an unemployed dropout who cannot go five minutes without a panic attack. I lost my SO, and all of my friends when I had to drop out.

I just want life to go back to normal. I am sorry if that makes me selfish. I'm sorry if I am selfish for not wanting to wear a mask or be vaccinated. I am young, and in the lowest risk bracket. The healthy people should go and form a city, where life can go back to normal.
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Darkmoon Queen

Darkmoon Queen

Apr 1, 2020
I firmly believe that Covid was China testing a biological weapon. What disturbs me more is the speed at which world governments embraced this to start pushing freedom-limiting legislation and teaming up with big tech to censor all dissenters through bans and "fact checking".

And what disturbs me most is normie bootlickers making this a workable plan.
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Sep 21, 2020
I believe it is equally possible that it was a global cabal using the bioweapon to further their ongoing goals. China didn't really benefit much, if at all. Also, some bioweapons are designed not to kill everyone but just to create a panic that forces a shut down and destabilizes economies. China was already winning economically which meant they were steps away from winning militarily as well so I don't know why they'd need to shut down the world economy and impose internationally coordinated lockdowns through no-longer-creeping totalitarian police states around the world. Maybe they're in on it but I lean more toward a global arrangement between networks that might be heterogeneous but is probably largely dominated by one crowd. And I don't think that crowd is Chinese. I'll be dead before enough info comes out to provide evidence for one theory over another so I guess I don't really care. But that 'great reset' thing is not a conspiracy, contrary to what certain clowns such as junior turdeau have stated, in line with the script given to him by his Bronfman jewish crime family masters.
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Dec 13, 2018
For that year and a half i still don't understand how people will beleive everything they hear on mainstream. tomorrow they will say - Asteroid is comming and everyone should stop using any resources. Like world tax for saving us from fictional asteroid, with all the training lockdowns, extra unpaid work hours censorship and so on. And then they are going to be the ones who "saved" the planet, written in history for the next hundrets of years. They successfully pulled out covid, there is nothing that can stop them to pull that out too.
Or if they are not talking about an asteroid, then one is definatelly comming.

Don't have a prove or any fact to prove, but still beleive that they record anyone's dna and personal data after pcr is made. It's possible and it's alot of power to have. Never had made any test for covid and never will. And still they can track my dna by those relatives who already did test.
Something more crazy: those who took the shots, are going to have 1 more each year, till a new "variant" or "virus" emerges out of the ass of an elephant. And that "visus" is going to kill most of them. That's why they need 90%. And those who are not vaccinated are going in camps, cause they will be to blame for all. No facts, no prove at all to this, but the world had already seen crazier. And still wonder how friends with paid vac certificates are stopped at the airport and told, that they are not vaccinated for real. Just after passing the scanner.
I do expect those markers to come official too. You already have 8 shots, why not these new ones, cause we fight the fake certs, they are the enemy.
They always pull out stuff little by little. First we gona do it all, next - no we are good, now we start with hospitals, everyone else is not forced. Next schools, don't worry. Next everyone having a job, but you can work at home. Ya, now those who work at home too. Your 12-year old kids..., now those above 5. They always take it step by step, little by little, separating groups of sociaty, and it works perfect.
Just get to know some history and take a look at who used the same methods,
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May 18, 2019
Yes personally I have thought from the beginning that covid is a massive scam/ hoax in one way or another, how/ why exactly I am not sure but for sure is a scheme of some sort
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Dec 13, 2018
Does anyone knows a forum for this kind of staff? I'm freaking out of this covid lies. Will be very greatfull.


Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
Here they did it so that the unvaccinated will be unable to do anything else other than go to work and grocery shopping. Everything eslse requires vaccine certificate. Interesting, it's as if the vaccinated can't get and spread covid at all as well, right?? The least that we needed now is another polarization that will speed up the inevitable collapse. This unvaccinated vs. vaccinated dispute and the pandemic itself made me go insane.
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Dec 13, 2018
Those guys are pushing it hard now, cause they know how fragile the plan is. Just know that each half an year there will be less and less people to take the shots, after they have got the side effects of this crap. Anyone with 2-3 shots, will be considered unvaccinated and antivaxer. Only a "genious" can come after that.
In the end, they will shorten the population, some wars might went on, but those who played the game, the pawns who lied on TV and infrot of People - they will be left to pay the price. Exactly how they let the population pay the price, for their economic expansion and poisining of the planet. They poisened the planet, not the people by themselfs.