For that year and a half i still don't understand how people will beleive everything they hear on mainstream. tomorrow they will say - Asteroid is comming and everyone should stop using any resources. Like world tax for saving us from fictional asteroid, with all the training lockdowns, extra unpaid work hours censorship and so on. And then they are going to be the ones who "saved" the planet, written in history for the next hundrets of years. They successfully pulled out covid, there is nothing that can stop them to pull that out too.
Or if they are not talking about an asteroid, then one is definatelly comming.
Don't have a prove or any fact to prove, but still beleive that they record anyone's dna and personal data after pcr is made. It's possible and it's alot of power to have. Never had made any test for covid and never will. And still they can track my dna by those relatives who already did test.
Something more crazy: those who took the shots, are going to have 1 more each year, till a new "variant" or "virus" emerges out of the ass of an elephant. And that "visus" is going to kill most of them. That's why they need 90%. And those who are not vaccinated are going in camps, cause they will be to blame for all. No facts, no prove at all to this, but the world had already seen crazier. And still wonder how friends with paid vac certificates are stopped at the airport and told, that they are not vaccinated for real. Just after passing the scanner.
I do expect those markers to come official too. You already have 8 shots, why not these new ones, cause we fight the fake certs, they are the enemy.
They always pull out stuff little by little. First we gona do it all, next - no we are good, now we start with hospitals, everyone else is not forced. Next schools, don't worry. Next everyone having a job, but you can work at home. Ya, now those who work at home too. Your 12-year old kids..., now those above 5. They always take it step by step, little by little, separating groups of sociaty, and it works perfect.
Just get to know some history and take a look at who used the same methods,