My apologies for not reading this whole thread or watching the video.
To me this is just scare tactics and another way for big pharma to make more money.
Right from the start all borders should have been closed anytime a potential legitimate pandemic is lose in the wild. All planes out of China should have been grounded immediately and I would have suggested it for all other countries as well. Anyone that was on a flight during the shutdown should have been put into quarantine for 14 days full stop.
As the virus was known about a good month and if memory serves a couple months before that. Had everything shut down at the first signs this pandemic would have been over and under control within a few months instead of a year plus.
It's not rocket science and it is protocol for USAMRID and the CDC. The interesting questions start when you ask why this wasn't done. Normally you follow the money, while it's going to be a massive blow to the world economy it also means that certain people are going to become disgustingly richer. Usually it's those who already have too much money.
This is a coronavirus meaning it's basically non-lethal. I just checked the US numbers last week and the death rate is 1.7% which is flu territory. The only real concern about letting any virus run rampage through the population is when it mutates as that can't be controlled or foreseen. It can also lead to a much deadlier virus that could cause some real problems.
As for other thoughts, this is a great trial run for governments on how the population will react, how to manage the situation, and how to leverage it to suit their own needs. While this may be a bit out there for most people, it wouldn't surprise me if a government either released this on purpose or at minimum it gives them the data to create and release their own. Pandemics give governments full control of everything (think Martial Law).
There are a lot of aspects of every day life, like how the government is run, population control, police enforcement etc. It has long tendrils that impact almost all aspects of how our world is run. If you don't think that big data isn't crunching the numbers and finding information that could be used in a nefarious way that was never even thought of before I'd honestly be surprised.
Knowledge is power and they now have data on everything from how countries react, how people deal with these kinds of situations, where money is spent, how people move and handle long term restrictions and confinements on their freedom etc etc. It's endless.
Obviously I don't trust the governments (research false flags) and don't think they have our best interest at heart anymore. They aren't really in control anymore (big commerce is....just look to see who is in charge of things like the FDA, the Ministry of the Environment etc etc and you will see that they are all now the lobbyists from big agriculture, big oil et al). What this has left us is the people who once CEO' for the oil companies are now in charge of the government agencies that are supposed to have oversight on these companies. How do you think that's going to work out haha.
Back to the virus, it could be the start of a slow and controlled plan to manipulate the population by governments more than what they are doing now. It could be another way to bring a new revenue stream to vaccine makers. It could be benign.
At this point the crazies are running the insane asylum so who the hell knows what this means, if it's means anything, or where it may or may not lead.