

Never play cards with a magician.
Apr 19, 2020
I too have a bit of a tinfoil hat, and this is an excellent discussion. I'm not sure about my opinion of it being a full blown hoax, but certainly something intentional or calculated. You have to look at who would stand to gain from something like this, the world is effectively changed in its entirety and I'm quite certain there are gains to be made from that alone.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
There have been plenty of conspiracies throughout history which have turned out to be real, so I try to have an open mind when it comes to this topic. The first question I ask myself when I look at conspiracy is, how many people are estimated to be involved in the conspiracy in question? The more people involved, the higher the risk of a leak, intentional or not. That's why I'm prepared to believe some of the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of JFK, as they only require the involvement of a handful of people, but not the conspiracy theories surrounding the moon landings, as they would require the involvement of tens of thousands of people. A COVID-19 conspiracy would require the involvement of many thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people in a multitude of countries, and for this reason I find this conspiracy theory unlikely to be true.
People who follow orders otherwise they lose their livelihood is how they are pulling off the hoax. A friend of mine went to the doctor a couple weeks ago for strep throat. He said that the doctor told him they label all respiratory illnesses as Covid. He wouldn't make this up. If it was as bad as they say it is why do they have to count all deaths as Covid regardless of what the actual cause of death is. The hospitals get big bonuses to label deaths as Covid. It's always about the incentives. Most people have shallow morals and don't really care if other people are harmed because there's often one degree of separation from them being held directly accountable. The way the system is designed everyone gets off the hook for causing harm to others. There's a lot of perverse incentives that fuel the high numbers of deaths from Covid.
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Jul 14, 2020
Recall that the second tower collapsing was reported in the UK something like 15 minutes before it actually happened.
Yes, and that 'slip up' is getting increasingly hard to find on the internet. When people re-upload it, it is taken down some time after.
Have you heard of Philip Marshall, an ex airline pilot and author of 'The big bamboozle', in which he argues that 9/11 was an orchestrated collaboration between the Bush administration and Saudi officials? He is now dead, along with his kids and dog, in an apparent murder-suicide. Hmm.

chipping, or vaccinations in the name of security.
This will almost certainly come into effect at some point.

this is indeed an act of social control and biological warfare on all humans regardless of nationality. It is to me indeed 1984 and Brave New World. In fact, I have suspicions that even those books were part of the long-term process of engineering whatever is coming to fruition, and that this may be but a phase of that
My suspicions also.
I get COVID, which I'm convinced I already did and am still suffering long-term effects from. My lungs are fucked. My heart function is not the same.
I may be wrong, but I remember reading a post a while ago where you also said you were convinced you had it and that you may in fact die from it.
Do you still think you could succumb to it, or do you think you are in a sort of recovery phase?

Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
What sucks is that if COVID was indeed engineered and intentionally released, those who are affected by it are the ones who have to own responsbility. Like someone throwing trash in your yard, you have to make the effort to clean it up yourself, only in this case, you may not have the tools to clean it up. It's a lot of effort on behalf of another's agenda that brings no personal benefit.

Even if it was engineered and released, people still have to deal with protection. The social engineering and control aspects come in with fear. People attack one another for not wearing masks and social distancing. There is finger-pointing, blame, violence, and manufactured unity in complying with self-isolation, wearing masks and social distancing. There is separation of those who do not comply, whether out of rebellion or out of ignorance. Many would call the rebellion ignorance and consider those who rebel to be agents of harm, rather than those who caused it.

It is concerning because there do indeed seem to be aspects of social engineering, just as there were after 9/11 with travel restrictions and loss of personal liberty in having to submit to body scans and invasive personal checks. (Recall that the second tower collapsing was reported in the UK something like 15 minutes before it actually happened.) If one wants the freedom to travel, one has to submit to indiginities and restrictions for the ostensible good and safety of all. The same thing is happening with COVID and the "new normal." If I want to go to the grocery store, I have to submit to having my temperature checked or I am denied entry. I anticipate that people will be restricted from travel if they don't submit to getting vaccinated, and that they will have some kind of record of having had the virus, which is nobody's fucking business, and will experience some kind of limitation or freedom as a result. They may face other restrictions for daily living if they refuse to comply to scans, chipping, or vaccinations in the name of security.

There is no freedom, no liberty, if one has to submit to personal invasions and limitations for the mythical idea of "security." I respect those who rebel, even if that means I get COVID, which I'm convinced I already did and am still suffering long-term effects from. My lungs are fucked. My heart function is not the same. I personally suspect, based on all the evidence I've seen in the present as well as many years leading up to it, that this is indeed an act of social control and biological warfare on all humans regardless of nationality. It is to me indeed 1984 and Brave New World. In fact, I have suspicions that even those books were part of the long-term process of engineering whatever is coming to fruition, and that this may be but a phase of that. Aldous Huxley was influential at the Esalen Instutite, where much social engineering has come from in the human potential and New Age movements.

I've seen and experienced enough things that I suppose you could say I have a tinfoil hat, but it doesn't do any practical good to wear one. Being "woke" has been of some benefit, I suppose, but I think even that is engineered, for what purpose I don't know. I only know that I don't have any power against whatever is happening. I'm not an intellectual sheep, but I'm no more empowered than a sheep. How can one fight an anonymous enemy?

It seems to me that it's all one big mindfuck game. Even the video in the OP -- that's quite a slick production. If it were 100% true and actually empowering for the masses, it would have never made it to production let alone been released. I think it's disinformation and propaganda seemingly in battle with other disinformation and propaganda.

I feel quite hopeless. I search for solutions and ways to experience personal agency and I come up with nothing. I have fears that I don't even bother to share because, aside from receving comfort that others share them, what good does it do to expose them when nothing can be done about them? Perhaps that's part of the social engineering, too, just more separation as a social animal, more fear, and more suffering. I fucking hate it. I normally don't even talk about these things on the forum because what's the use? Some will argue with me and I feel no need to go on the defense, I don't feel a need to convince anyone, and I certainly don't want to help someone else become "woke" if it's not an antidote and only increases hopelessness. To me the latter is not a rescue, merely an exchange of curses.

I am sickened by all that's happening in the world. Trump is a symptom. COVID is symptom. There's so much bullshit, and I think that the unity of being together alone, wearing masks and social distancing and fighting COVID together is nothing but fertilizer that hints of herbs and flowers but is really an invitations to fields of bullshit akin to concentration camps. Mostly I just feel despair, and that probably meets a goal of whatever is happeing, and if I feel hope, it's likely false. I don't see that there's anyone who could know what's going on and rescue everyone from a worldwide concentration camp. And who knows, I could even be contributing to the unknown cause just by writing about this. It's like Stasi control in the technolgical era. All I can do is try to be the best person I can in the midst of all this shit, try to have the best impacts on others that I can, and when it's too much, give up and suicide and hope that actually ends my suffering and imprisonment.

I have very similar feelings. We now live in a dystopian future and even discussing it adds to the confusion.
The world is moving on.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I too have a bit of a tinfoil hat, and this is an excellent discussion. I'm not sure about my opinion of it being a full blown hoax, but certainly something intentional or calculated. You have to look at who would stand to gain from something like this, the world is effectively changed in its entirety and I'm quite certain there are gains to be made from that alone.

For me, that is the conundrum of this and other ostensible power-driven conspiracies: who is it that would stand to gain?
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Jul 14, 2020
Found it. Sort of. This isn't the original article I read but this explains the terror quite well. Buckle up!
Wow, so China now has a real legal foothold in north american territory.
How could the Canadian government allow this to happen?
I guess the same reason the UK government allowed Huawei to take over its infrastructure.
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
Wow, so China now has a real legal foothold in north american territory.
How could the Canadian government allow this to happen?
Isn't that an eye-opener!?

Harper was probably paid off and promised some perk(s) in the future, or threatened with exposure of some ghost in his closet. Trudy's in China's...back pocket... and loving it: Tam is a WHO shill, Trudeau's basically giving Canada to China and we're letting it all happen. It's ridiculous! He won't stand up for the two kidnapped men, he won't say the word "Taiwan," and any mention of Wuhan is met with, well, ignorance. I lived in China and met some of the most beautiful human beings I've come across and, despite the constant smog and air pollution, it's a stunning place to be! People can't be blamed for being born with one passport over another but governments can (should?) be criticised and judge. Black Ribbon Day just passed. WHAT A JOKE! Against Stalinism and Naziism with no mention of the Uighurs, Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, (Palestine, Yemin, Syria...). ugh /rant
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Jul 14, 2020
Black Ribbon Day just passed. WHAT A JOKE! Against Stalinism and Naziism with no mention of the Uighurs, Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, (Palestine, Yemin, Syria...). ugh /rant
I know.
Stalinism and Nazism were two sides of the same coin and were both financed by the same big banks and financial institutions, so I sense that that whole period in history was somehow orchestrated in the shadows. Not in every detail but the big picture. But I could be totally wrong and it could all come down to random historical events and ostensible government decision making processes.
But anyway, yes, some people are suffering oppression and hardship from totalitarianism right now, yet no mention of them...
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Deleted member 18655

Deleted member 18655

Jun 4, 2020
I know.
Stalinism and Nazism were two sides of the same coin and were both financed by the same big banks and financial institutions, so I sense that that whole period in history was somehow orchestrated. Not in every detail but the big picture.
Now China and Soros fund everything! (where's the vomit emoji when you need it????)

Everything comes back to bankers. Rothschild could be the top of the 1% - we'll never know but it makes sense with their finger in every pot in every country. War never has anything to do with what they tell us, maybe for good reason (i.e., Weapons of Mass Destruction - it was an OPEC issue!). Canada seemingly caring about oppression around the world is a joke! The countries that get sympathy are probably the countries that gave a donation or kickback or two. The countries Trudeau dresses up for :wink:

BTW, why does he look like a crackhead these days? Someone on Twitter asked that - doesn't he know the barber shops are open??? :halo:
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Nov 4, 2019
People who follow orders otherwise they lose their livelihood is how they are pulling off the hoax. A friend of mine went to the doctor a couple weeks ago for strep throat. He said that the doctor told him they label all respiratory illnesses as Covid. He wouldn't make this up. If it was as bad as they say it is why do they have to count all deaths as Covid regardless of what the actual cause of death is. The hospitals get big bonuses to label deaths as Covid. It's always about the incentives. Most people have shallow morals and don't really care if other people are harmed because there's often one degree of separation from them being held directly accountable. The way the system is designed everyone gets off the hook for causing harm to others. There's a lot of perverse incentives that fuel the high numbers of deaths from Covid.

Interesting. Nothing, and I mean nothing, of that applies to the healthcare system in my country. It's against the law to try to identify whistleblowers and hospitals literally report themselves for misdonduct. Someone would object if it was a hoax.
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Aug 15, 2020
I have a tinfoil hat. I'm not going to deny it: I follow conspiracy theories. A lot of them are being proven true. I believe with my whole being that COVID is a planned hoax and a social experiment for a swift change of every aspect of life. I also believe that I need to stand for my beliefs while being open enough to try to empathise with people and try to take something from every discussion. I very much want this now, please.

Here's a link to a documentary called "Plandemic 2." Academics present evidence that we're all being lied to. Can you take the time to watch this and let me know your thoughts. i'm most curious about those who disagree with me. I want to know if anything in this doc changes any of your beliefs about COVID.

i didnt watch the link but it took me three months to believe it is a hoax once they opened businesses i knew for a fact it is a hoax, but i think it has to do with the global community, something will threaten humans soon, so military and authority systems of the whole world had to go through this hoax as a way to test and train the governments to follows international guidelines, i am glad you are into conspiracy, i think aliens are going to show up soon, once trump made the space force and elon musk excelled in his experiments, it means we are ready to deal with aliens, especially recently on cnn the pentagon will release some findings of alien craft or material
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Jul 14, 2020
think aliens are going to show up soon
You think it's about aliens, and not about implementing a new world order?
Maybe the two ideas can be combined in the theory that the illuminati are actually shape-shifting lizard aliens.
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Aug 15, 2020
shape-shifting lizard aliens.
i want to serve the lizard king, i wld love to be eaten by them if only they like my human worthless meat

well for my theory, it is just a theory, because on recorded history never a government assessed ufos seriously as the americans did which i respect a lot, i really want them to be aliens, but in reality i have never had a ufo experience , i just wish
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Jul 14, 2020
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I wld love to have a ufo experience.
Abduction, experimentation, being sacrificed to their gods, I don't care.
Just anything to make life interesting again

It's okay to say you want to be anally probed. It wouldn't be the worst disclosure to have been made on this forum.
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Aug 15, 2020

I wld love to have a ufo experience.
Abduction, experimentation, being sacrificed to their gods, I don't care.
Just anything to make life interesting again
same here, i want these fucked up experiences so i wld change my limited perspective, and still i am a scared little bitch always afraid of anything but i crave this shit a lot, especially when i watch the fucki ng aliens on official news channels
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I for one welcome our new shape shifting butt probing lizard aliens.
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Aug 15, 2020
It's okay to say you want to be anally probed. It wouldn't be the worst disclosure to have been made on this forum.
i dont mind being anally probed or fisted haha it wld be an honor if it was them alienssssss
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I'm honored to have been the one to instigate the inevitable devolution of this discussion.
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Jul 14, 2020
I'm honored to have been the one to instigate the inevitable devolution of this discussion.
I think Godwin's law can be also applied to the probability of anal probing by aliens eventually being mentioned in any discussion.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I don't know anything (yet) about your new favorite law, but:

conspiracy theory ----> aliens ----> anal probes

It was hubris to say I instigated the devolution, it goes to the OP and whoever introduced the topic of aliens. I am a mere cog in the machine.
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Jul 14, 2020
I think the OP is wholly to blame, and it is their total responsibility to get the discussion back onto the topic of how Covid19 is engineered top to bottom to create a global post-human totalitarian dystopia.
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Aug 15, 2020
I think the OP is wholly to blame, and it is their total responsibility to get the discussion back onto the topic of how Covid19 is engineered top to bottom to create a global post-human totalitarian dystopia.
to the op please dont ban me
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Aug 15, 2020
I don't think they will.
Your contributions were brilliant.
thanks a lot
you cant imagine, i ve been baned from forums many many many multiple times, i am always anxious i wld say something not in line
  • Aww..
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Aug 20, 2020
Hey you mad tinfoilhatters. I was away for awhile and missed some convo. It got too confusing. I was wondering if any of you conspiracy ppl are Qanon?

Also, @GoodPersonEffed I totally empathize with what you were saying about feeling hopeless about the COVID and social climate and everything happening here. It's terrible. I feel you. :heart:
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Jul 14, 2020
if any of you conspiracy ppl are Qanon?
I had to look Qanon up, I'd never heard of it.

The whole Qanon thing sounds like a psy ops to keep people distracted.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Hey you mad tinfoilhatters. I was away for awhile and missed some convo. It got too confusing. I was wondering if any of you conspiracy ppl are Qanon?

I used to research a subject that Q Anon followers are also into and I found them to be very frustrating. Their tin foil hats totally clash with mine. They were super conservative, acted like Trump is a victim and a patriot and a savior, and were completely oblivious to him being a pathological liar, let alone an abuser, racist, criminal, etc.

I agree with @worried_to_death that it seems like a psyops.