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Jun 19, 2022
@hopeless123 ah man I would not want anything to do with the police after that! My brother has had run-ins with the police and I've been put in positions of having to deal with them and I literally hated them for a good few years (it was my brothers fault obviously but it's just the way I was treated by some of them, long story). I'm over it now but I still want nothing to do with them if I can help it...and a major reason why I can't get raided.

Sorry the meds haven't helped, there's a lot of different ones aren't there it's quite overwhelming. I've never even tried cos I know some don't work and some make you worse or have side I struggle along.

Yeh I know what you mean, I literally only found out about N about a week ago and been reading everything I can since...I didn't know it was a thing I could possibly get a hold of. I've been so much happier this past week since I decided I can go with that and not hanging. Just to even know it's there as an option. All my anxiety left me. And then I read your Gutted for you. What a shame your neighbour didn't warn you they had been before so you could've prepared...
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peace out ss
Mar 11, 2022
Sorry CassieHoward, what would you like to know? What can I possibly say or prove to you what I'm saying is genuine.

I finished work Tuesday afternoon, came home, fell asleep, there's a knock on my door at around 5pm. One of neighbours said the police visited me on Monday a similar time, but I spend a lot of time at my mother's who has dementia, so I wasn't there.

The officer pushed her way into my flat, saying I was under arrest for possesion of a controlled substance, made me sit on the bed while another officer conducted a search of my flat and found my N in the fridge, and put them in two seperate evidence bags. I thought they took my meto but just the bottles. (I've taken a pic of my N before they were confiscated if you want me to pm them to you)

I was booked in at Guildford police station, they made me remove my belt, chain, hand sanitiser, and a pen. I had to sign something about my rights on a screen and was asked if i wanted a copy of their code of practice and did I want a solicitor. I said no. (I wanted to get out quickly) I went to the cell where I had to remove my trainers outside. After 2 hours maybe, they said we need to take your biometrics which was conducted by police staff, They pressed and rolled my hands and fingers across a pad to take my prints, my photo in a booth and a swab from my mouth for dna (to cross reference it or something).

I went back to the cell and after awhile I asked if I could have a headache tablet, they said yes, but it will be handed to me by the duty medic.

I asked him if he knew why I was there and he mentioned the N. He said it's a proper old school drug and was I using it to help me sleep and I said no, I bought it to help me die. I told the poor guy my whole shit life's really shit. I told him the last time I was arrested and taken to this station was in 2004 for rape! I was homeless at the time. I had nothing in my life but my local church. I was living in a temp room called a dispersed property where one day a CID and plain clothed officer arrested me at 7am for raping some poor girl multiple times. She apparnetly was raped by me over several months before she confided to her reverend at her local church..whcih just so happend to be my reverend at my local church. He told her to call the police, so she did and I was arrested. Long story short one of my homeless shitstain friends decided to pretend he was me! like wtf! had very rough sex with her before she snapped. He even gave her the address where I was staying. He was later arrested and the police apologised but my reverend never returned my calls.

I was running on pure survival mode and suicide wasnt on my mind at the time.

I told the medic Im linked with my local mental health team. I told my shrink every time I saw him, Im still suicidal and everytime he'd say then why are you still here talking to me. I told the medic, I live in a horrible bedsit, I have had no girlfriends or a partner, no children, no real friends and my mum is ill with dementia and I cant cope any more. My shrink has discharged me from care coordination and I have no where left to turn any more. I m 48 and tried everything and I'm tired and want to die. My last bit of hope to have some control over my life, the fucking police took.

Im telling you guys to be careful and Im now a liar.

somebody tell me what to do now, im lost, i cant even get an appointment to see my GP.
i sympathize with you of course, and you're right that regardless, it's a good reminder to exercise caution when you're dealing with something like N.

i imagine our seller will come up with something re: the UK situation right now. i would suggest just biding your time until then or looking into alternative solutions (of which a number exist.) if your story is true, the police will be watching you very closely for the foreseeable future so re-ordering right away won't lead to anything constructive in regard to your circumstances
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Waiting for the bus
Apr 2, 2022
@wljourney I wasn't making false claims-the person in the post said "arresting officer" and they were taken to the station and given a charge sheet. It totally sounded like they were arrested. I don't know how to quote from the thread but here is some of what they put and it's all there in the links-

"I've been released pending further investigation. My arresting officer (she is quite fit btw) in case she's reading this :D said she was given instructions to arrest me and collect a bottle of pentalbarbital info which came from intelligence, maybe GCHQ" Is that not an arrest?!

"i was arrested in front of neighbours. im devastated and have work in 5 hours" it's all on page 2 what happened to the poster, I wouldn't claim false facts, and the poster seems legit @hopeless123 They seized his phone too.
I see now which person you are referring to. Thanks. I hadn't seen the first link. My apologies!

I just read the posters latest summary of their experience.

Thanks for pointing this out. This is good to know.

The person also says they had been arrested in the past. They seem to have a record or at least previous interactions with LE.

I don't see them stating that police had a search warrant. I expect they did not. However once the N was found they were able to arrest and take them in.

IMO the lesson here is the same as it has been:

- do not let police come in without a warrant
- assess your own risk for potential legal consequences (based on prior LE issues, can you afford a lawyer, etc)
- assess your own willingness of such risk and the potential consequences for your personal situation.
if you tell the police you're "going to go to the car park", that you can't keep living, and that "you're just going to order again" and you dont get thrown into a hospital immediately, then there's no way it's real

"i had to convince him i wasn't a threat to myself" what, after telling them you're either going to order again or jump from a parking garage? op would have to post some kind of proof bc this is completely unbelievable.
Afaik the threshold for the assessment (when being formed as danger to oneself or others) is if you have a plan and the means.

There is some leeway in interpretation though. A plan would include specifics, as in "which car park" or "train tracks at XYZ station".
Example: saying "I'm going to hang myself" would be followed up with the question "what would you use to hang yourself".
Depending on the answer, the next question would be "do you have the rope/belt/etc available"…

What I'm trying to say is: it takes quite a few things to be in place before someone is being formed and kept for 72 hrs. Just the ideation and voicing the plan is not enough.
Especially considering how overwhelmed our hospitals currently are.

So, that alone wouldn't make me assume that the OP is lying or making things up.
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The Abyss

The Abyss

Why're we still here, just to suffer?
Dec 19, 2019
Sorry CassieHoward, what would you like to know? What can I possibly say or prove to you what I'm saying is genuine.

I finished work Tuesday afternoon, came home, fell asleep, there's a knock on my door at around 5pm. One of neighbours said the police visited me on Monday a similar time, but I spend a lot of time at my mother's who has dementia, so I wasn't there.

The officer pushed her way into my flat, saying I was under arrest for possesion of a controlled substance, made me sit on the bed while another officer conducted a search of my flat and found my N in the fridge, and put them in two seperate evidence bags. I thought they took my meto but just the bottles. (I've taken a pic of my N before they were confiscated if you want me to pm them to you)

I was booked in at Guildford police station, they made me remove my belt, chain, hand sanitiser, and a pen. I had to sign something about my rights on a screen and was asked if i wanted a copy of their code of practice and did I want a solicitor. I said no. (I wanted to get out quickly) I went to the cell where I had to remove my trainers outside. After 2 hours maybe, they said we need to take your biometrics which was conducted by police staff, They pressed and rolled my hands and fingers across a pad to take my prints, my photo in a booth and a swab from my mouth for dna (to cross reference it or something).

I went back to the cell and after awhile I asked if I could have a headache tablet, they said yes, but it will be handed to me by the duty medic.

I asked him if he knew why I was there and he mentioned the N. He said it's a proper old school drug and was I using it to help me sleep and I said no, I bought it to help me die. I told the poor guy my whole shit life's really shit. I told him the last time I was arrested and taken to this station was in 2004 for rape! I was homeless at the time. I had nothing in my life but my local church. I was living in a temp room called a dispersed property where one day a CID and plain clothed officer arrested me at 7am for raping some poor girl multiple times. She apparnetly was raped by me over several months before she confided to her reverend at her local church..whcih just so happend to be my reverend at my local church. He told her to call the police, so she did and I was arrested. Long story short one of my homeless shitstain friends decided to pretend he was me! like wtf! had very rough sex with her before she snapped. He even gave her the address where I was staying. He was later arrested and the police apologised but my reverend never returned my calls.

I was running on pure survival mode and suicide wasnt on my mind at the time.

I told the medic Im linked with my local mental health team. I told my shrink every time I saw him, Im still suicidal and everytime he'd say then why are you still here talking to me. I told the medic, I live in a horrible bedsit, I have had no girlfriends or a partner, no children, no real friends and my mum is ill with dementia and I cant cope any more. My shrink has discharged me from care coordination and I have no where left to turn any more. I m 48 and tried everything and I'm tired and want to die. My last bit of hope to have some control over my life, the fucking police took.

Im telling you guys to be careful and Im now a liar.

somebody tell me what to do now, im lost, i cant even get an appointment to see my GP.
Sn now.


Jun 19, 2022
@wljourney no problem, I should've specified the page it was on. Good advice there. Yeh aren't "proper" raids with search warrants conducted in the early morning hours? I've always known them to be.


Waiting for the bus
Apr 2, 2022
@wljourney no problem, I should've specified the page it was on. Good advice there. Yeh aren't "proper" raids with search warrants conducted in the early morning hours? I've always known them to be.
I am happy to be able to say that I have absolutely no idea what a raid looks like and don't care to learn first hand either. Let's hope this one example remains the only one. But yes, while they "pushed their way in" it doesn't necessarily sound like they had warrant. But the damage is done and I feel for the person who now have a slew of other problems. Apart from not having N. how extremely frustrating.
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disabled • slowly withering away 🍂
Aug 14, 2021
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peace out ss
Mar 11, 2022
I see now which person you are referring to. Thanks. I hadn't seen the first link. My apologies!

I just read the posters latest summary of their experience.

Thanks for pointing this out. This is good to know.

The person also says they had been arrested in the past. They seem to have a record or at least previous interactions with LE.

I don't see them stating that police had a search warrant. I expect they did not. However once the N was found they were able to arrest and take them in.

IMO the lesson here is the same as it has been:

- do not let police come in without a warrant
- assess your own risk for potential legal consequences (based on prior LE issues, can you afford a lawyer, etc)
- assess your own willingness of such risk and the potential consequences for your personal situation.

Afaik the threshold for the assessment (when being formed as danger to oneself or others) is if you have a plan and the means.

There is some leeway in interpretation though. A plan would include specifics, as in "which car park" or "train tracks at XYZ station".
Example: saying "I'm going to hang myself" would be followed up with the question "what would you use to hang yourself".
Depending on the answer, the next question would be "do you have the rope/belt/etc available"…

What I'm trying to say is: it takes quite a few things to be in place before someone is being formed and kept for 72 hrs. Just the ideation and voicing the plan is not enough.
Especially considering how overwhelmed our hospitals currently are.

So, that alone wouldn't make me assume that the OP is lying or making things up.
my interpretation was his/her ordering the n was the intent and the means ("i will drink n and i will do this by ordering it from x or y"). even if this is the case, le is notorious for bungling mental health cases

again, this is all arbitrary. and regardless of plausibility, i think we can all agree nobody should be arrested for making their own decisions about their own life.
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Jul 26, 2021
I ordered N from D to Thailand two days ago. I ordered just 1 bottle(1200 usd) because I cannot afford 2 bottles(1600 usd). Is 1 bottle enough to CTB? 😅 I'm male weigh 60 kg.
Has your package arrived?


Jul 21, 2022
I've been asked by D to provide a telephone number, is this normal?
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Jul 14, 2022
I'm so fucking scared that if I take only one bottle, I'll be found before it's too late. I live with my parents now so I don't have much options in terms of privacy. But it's likely they'll leave me alone for most of the day when I'm no longer working my job.


May 9, 2022
Hi all. Just thought I'd share that my order of N was seized and I received a welfare check last week. Won't go into details as I'm paranoid now that I'm being watched. What I will share: my order was seemingly lost for over a month (no updates to tracking), received tracking update one day and 5 days later got a wellness check. Also I am not the same person as @hopeless123. Stay safe.
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Apr 5, 2022
Hi all. Just thought I'd share that my order of N was seized and I received a welfare check last week. Won't go into details as I'm paranoid now that I'm being watched. What I will share: my order was seemingly lost for over a month (no updates to tracking), received tracking update one day and 5 days later got a wellness check. Also I am not the same person as @hopeless123. Stay safe.
Are you in the UK also?


Waiting for the bus
Apr 2, 2022
my interpretation was his/her ordering the n was the intent and the means ("i will drink n and i will do this by ordering it from x or y"). even if this is the case, le is notorious for bungling mental health cases

again, this is all arbitrary. and regardless of plausibility, i think we can all agree nobody should be arrested for making their own decisions about their own life.
Ahh I see, Yes very true.
I've been asked by D to provide a telephone number, is this normal?
Two things:

- Are you sure you have been in contact with the real D and not a scammer? (double check the exact spelling of his email with someone who has ordered and received N successfully)

- depending on the shipping carrier you have chosen (and local requirements in your country) a phone number may be required, yes. But it's not standard.
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Sep 6, 2021
Hi all. Just thought I'd share that my order of N was seized and I received a welfare check last week. Won't go into details as I'm paranoid now that I'm being watched. What I will share: my order was seemingly lost for over a month (no updates to tracking), received tracking update one day and 5 days later got a wellness check. Also I am not the same person as @hopeless123. Stay safe.


I was trying to send you a PM but you're a new user so I can't at the moment. For what it's worth my package arrived in 2 days so pretty sure no one checked it.

I'm still scratching my head how they found out. I had it delivered elsewhere but they knocked at my home address. I'm pissed off with how they treated me. Everyone else seems to have had a wellness check, I got fucking arrested. I'm still waiting on a call to to do some community service or something. Not happy with Surrey Police at all.

I'm also paranoid everything I say or buy online is monitored.

I'm thinking of deleting this account and signing up again and access here via TOR and a VPN. Has anyone else that has been caught, were you using a VPN? Would I be safe then?
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Jul 1, 2022
Hi all. Just thought I'd share that my order of N was seized and I received a welfare check last week. Won't go into details as I'm paranoid now that I'm being watched. What I will share: my order was seemingly lost for over a month (no updates to tracking), received tracking update one day and 5 days later got a wellness check. Also I am not the same person as @hopeless123. Stay safe.
Can you say what continent?
The Abyss

The Abyss

Why're we still here, just to suffer?
Dec 19, 2019
Package seized at customs & had welfare check, out 1200usd & no peace of mind; fucking great. Can't get anything going smooth.

If you're UK don't bother unless you want hassle.
Wants to stop it, how about looking into why ppl want to die instead & address that.
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September Salt

Jul 23, 2022
Package seized at customs & had welfare check, out 1200usd & no peace of mind; fucking great. Can't get anything going smooth.

If you're UK don't bother unless you want hassle.

Wants to stop it, how about looking into why ppl want to die instead & address that.
Can anyone comment on the current likelihood of interception in the US? Is there any way to decrease it, other than encrypted emails and Bitcoin?


Sep 6, 2021
Package seized at customs & had welfare check, out 1200usd & no peace of mind; fucking great. Can't get anything going smooth.

If you're UK don't bother unless you want hassle.

Wants to stop it, how about looking into why ppl want to die instead & address that.

Thanks for letting us know. I'm not reordering again.

Gutted for you, myself and everyone else getting caught.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
I see now which person you are referring to. Thanks. I hadn't seen the first link. My apologies!

I just read the posters latest summary of their experience.

Thanks for pointing this out. This is good to know.

The person also says they had been arrested in the past. They seem to have a record or at least previous interactions with LE.

I don't see them stating that police had a search warrant. I expect they did not. However once the N was found they were able to arrest and take them in.

IMO the lesson here is the same as it has been:

- do not let police come in without a warrant
- assess your own risk for potential legal consequences (based on prior LE issues, can you afford a lawyer, etc)
- assess your own willingness of such risk and the potential consequences for your personal situation.

Afaik the threshold for the assessment (when being formed as danger to oneself or others) is if you have a plan and the means.

There is some leeway in interpretation though. A plan would include specifics, as in "which car park" or "train tracks at XYZ station".
Example: saying "I'm going to hang myself" would be followed up with the question "what would you use to hang yourself".
Depending on the answer, the next question would be "do you have the rope/belt/etc available"…

What I'm trying to say is: it takes quite a few things to be in place before someone is being formed and kept for 72 hrs. Just the ideation and voicing the plan is not enough.
Especially considering how overwhelmed our hospitals currently are.

So, that alone wouldn't make me assume that the OP is lying or making things up.
If you tell them you're gonna kill yourself in the US you're going to a hospital whether they arrest you or not
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Sep 6, 2021
I was thinking, maybe the authorities have alerted courier companies for packages from certain countries, and they've x rayed them then let the police know?

That doesn't answer how they found me at my home address though.

I wonder if D knows something along the way has been compromised.

Just to repeat what I mentioned before, my arresting officer told me she had received a call and was told to search my home for bottles of pentobarbital and stopped the search when they thought they had found it.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
You got to love how they keep blaming this website for people taking their life but I feel like the truth is a lot of these people are going to do so regardless they're just going to resort to more brutal methods if they're at a point where they're researching suicide methods and their research and suicide websites they're probably going to kill themselves with or without the website they'll find the information somewhere else
I've been asked by D to provide a telephone number, is this normal?
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peace out ss
Mar 11, 2022
Can anyone comment on the current likelihood of interception in the US? Is there any way to decrease it, other than encrypted emails and Bitcoin?
those don't decrease it at all. it's just a layer of protection for you and the seller so that if it does get seized it's a) difficult to prove you physically ordered it, and b) difficult to trace it back to the seller.

to answer your question - no, not really. the whole thing with ordering is that it's a leap of faith. maybe it'll work out, maybe it won't
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Jun 26, 2022
I wish there was a way to have like fake N replicas so the police think they took it. It really sucks how risky and hard it is to access the gold standard method. It's really a gamble. Hate to see people exploit and scam others too when they are already at their rock bottom.
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Jul 3, 2022
Are most people getting it seized at customs or are they having it seized at their home? Because if I drink it soon after its arrival I should be fine if they're mostly seizing it at peoples homes? They seem to be getting seized at homes quite some time after the individual ordered it.
The Abyss

The Abyss

Why're we still here, just to suffer?
Dec 19, 2019
Are most people getting it seized at customs or are they having it seized at their home? Because if I drink it soon after its arrival I should be fine if they're mostly seizing it at peoples homes? They seem to be getting seized at homes quite some time after the individual ordered it.
People that ordered months ago are getting it at home, last month or so it's getting intercepted at customs. Cuck Island.
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Jul 3, 2022
Well, hopefully he'll do something different with shipping. I really need this to come through for me. :-/
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September Salt

Jul 23, 2022
Well, hopefully he'll do something different with shipping. I really need this to come through for me. :-/
Yeah, he needs to change things up, even if it means charging more.
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