There's no shame. Men end up paying for sex one way or another. Whether it's the food at a restaurant, the gas in your car, the tickets to the movies, etc
How do you spell mysoganist
I developed a biting disorder as a kid and nobody did anything about it because nobody cared about my existence and well-being, so i ended up being an ugly adult. I was always pretty sensitive and despite of always being quite interested in sex, i used to think i would eventually find real love and only then have sex. This until i finally realized at 25 that i was really not attractive enough and paying for sex would be the only way for me to get any.
Thing is, ive been looking around and it seems to me that a even a lot of the attractive men pay for sex. And even when there is no money involved it almost seems like there is always something extra in for the women, some ego or status sort of a thing. I mean do women generally even want to have sex with men just for the sex? Is it that.. "meh" for women?
This is a pretty important question for me since i feel self-destructive and it has a bit to do with the fact that i can't get any without paying for it.
To put it bluntly, It would be pretty easy to find someone poorer than me and bring her to my country, where she can have a better life with the downside of having to take my dick every now and then. But i already know that i wont be enjoying any of it if I'm feeling ashamed for it all the time. So i'd rather just ctb.
This is a serious response. No criticism, judgements, ridicule or jokes. Different folks have different experiences with regard to sex as we pretty much all know. Many here have had a negative, abusive experience , men and women, that may/will forever cloud how much they may enjoy sex. There's medical reasons, there's mental health reasons, and on and on. There I go with under statements again, sorry. Bear with me. Personally, I feel like I've been blessed. I'm old now but lost my virginity at sixteen which was fairly typical at the time. I was sexually active several years before meeting my wife and remained monogamous ever after. Between those two points in time, mid 60s to early 70s, I had the opportunity to meet some wonderful women who knew what they wanted sexually and didn't mind asking for it. A great concept in my opinion. Additionally, many of them taught me valuable lessons. A couple of these ladies, slightly older and more experienced, taught me some glorious lessons. Hopefully, many here will know there's many, many ways to be sexual and express one's sexuality. Sex is important and it's only natural to ponder such activities. I learned a lot, in my opinion, because I was willing to learn what these women were willing to teach. Is sex "meh" to some women? We have to admit to the possibility. Are many men lousey lovers? Undoubtedly. Here's where I really want to be cautious because I'm in no position to judge or assume anything about another persons experience. I've always kinda sorta believed sexual attraction had to do less with appearance and more with other factor or at least equally so. In my mind, A lady engaging in a drunken, one night stand may give more consideration to Mr. Georgeous. A more serious deliberate situation may require a measure of social skill, personal hygiene, etc. I've had so many women tell me a sense of humor made a guy more attractive, so many that I believe it. Perhaps, hopefully, maybe some of the females here will offer their comments. Remember too I'm from a different generation and I have no clue about the attitudes of 20 somethings other than my grandchildren seem to be practicing some level of hedonism. Love, respect and best wishes.
BTW. I'f you're not already, I'd encourage you to treat women with a high degree of respect and as adults. Again, my opinion, meaning you're free to disagree, women in general want to feel safe during sexual encounters. Most often anyway and to be clear, we're talking about basic heterosexual sex ... No fetishes, no psychosis, etc. Take care
There's no shame. Men end up paying for sex one way or another. Whether it's the food at a restaurant, the gas in your car, the tickets to the movies, etc
How old are you. I'll bet you're still single or soon well be lol.
Boy I could have not said it any better than @4eyebiped did. The entire post was spot on and I could not agree with him more. Women generally are driven by emotion, NOT being sexist at all, this is my experience and absolutely nothing wrong with anything ever. Now I am much more emotionally driven than physical as there has to be a one on one mentally for me as far as sex goes.
Always remember that we are all the same in a general sense and also with different aspects within each of us that make life in general and one's own so special.
Plz allow me to interject that women can be just as impulsive and willing to engage in sex to "relieve" the physical as any man. Are we, as men, making the situation too simple here? Women are complex too. Can't say that enough. And remember this... Sex is only dirty if you're doing it correctly lol.
I agree with
Maybe I'm really naive, but I don't think that all romantic relationships simply have to be all about the struggle for power. It's possible to be equals. Compassion might be rare, but it exists. Sometimes the stronger person carries the weaker one without any sinister ulterior motives.
I like that thought. Gonna steal it from you