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Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
No, why would I be?
I don't think you're being honest with me or with yourself. But it doesn't matter, you won't change my mind, and as I said, it's a matter of perspective. For example, I've been social isolating myself for some 5 years. Some people isolate themselves for 6 months and can't take any more of it and kill themselves. Hardcore hikikomoris have been doing this for decades. Just because they can, doesn't mean it will work for anyone else.
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New Member
Jan 29, 2021

but I'm suicidal mostly because of the actual cause (being ugly & short) rather than the consequence (that is-being virgin/not in a relationship)

If I were offered the choice to be attractive but stay single for the rest of my life I'd gladly accept it
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
23, never really talked to a girl. No friends, NEET, live in mom's basement, college drop-out, etc. All of my psychological damage comes from a lack of romance and I have no hopes of getting this resolved (my entire psychology is specialized in never getting a gf and killing myself as a result of getting left in kindergarten too early and the teachers being swapped around frequently). Tried online dating without results. Oh, and I will not date a non-virgin or a normie.

Looks like it's going to have to be incel-mode until I'm catching the bus.
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Maybe there is a hope!
Aug 14, 2020
I'm a very blackpilled incel. I view myself not worth a shit. I'm also mentalcel and fatcel as well. My most wish would be do die, but not in a sucidal death. Siimply to die and that's it.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I'm a very blackpilled incel. I view myself not worth a shit. I'm also mentalcel and fatcel as well. My most wish would be do die, but not in a sucidal death. Siimply to die and that's it.
Honestly the main reason I, despite being an incel myself, shy away from the larger incel community is having to keep track of all the terminology.

I think I can guess what some of the terms you used mean, like blackpilled just means redpilled but instead of being an activist about it, it just makes one very depressed right?
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Feb 6, 2021
Honestly the main reason I, despite being an incel myself, shy away from the larger incel community is having to keep track of all the terminology.

I think I can guess what some of the terms you used mean, like blackpilled just means redpilled but instead of being an activist about it, it just makes one very depressed right?

Not an incel, but I frequent many forums with pretty heavy incel vibes. The terminology confuses me as well. Fatcel? Like, does that just mean you're fat?
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Aug 31, 2020
Honestly the main reason I, despite being an incel myself, shy away from the larger incel community is having to keep track of all the terminology.

I think I can guess what some of the terms you used mean, like blackpilled just means redpilled but instead of being an activist about it, it just makes one very depressed right?
Yep pretty much
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Jul 10, 2019
My ex was an incel, then I gave him confidence and encouraged him to go to emt school and he repaid me by going ham and fucking everything that moved with his micro dick. Never again. Ladies, always date a man secure in themselves otherwise you risk putting in all that effort to fix them and they might be a shit person once they've gained status and confidence. I honestly find that most incels are addicted to masturbation, onlyfans, and anime girls, or some idea of a hypersexual pixy girl falling into their lap. Literally my ex. Also, I dont get why incels are so sex obsessed. Sex isn't like how it is in porn, do it with an escort and get a reality check at the very least, guarantee you, you'll probably regret blowing that 250. I mean à huge red flag was that he was 360 lbs and had a neckbeard and browsed 4chan and had a micropenis. But once he discovered that I would love him inspite of that he started to become really egotistical and then once he became an emt, all hell broke loose. He discovered "grindr" an app where even a 360 lb dude with a micropenis would be accepted and have people thirsting and wanting to do it, and bammmm he went ham. So as a caution to women here, be VERY careful about dealing with incels, alot of them have porn addictions and given the chance will exercise their perceived sexual frustrations by basically going ham and either burdening you with the expectation you act like an ahegao anime girl and dress in cosplay and shit for him, or he will go fuck everything that moves.
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Jan 22, 2021
You're 18 bro, I'm not sure you'd say the same thing if you were 30.
I'm 40 and I agree with the sentiment entirely
My ex was an incel, then I gave him confidence and encouraged him to go to emt school and he repaid me by going ham and fucking everything that moved with his micro dick. Never again. Ladies, always date a man secure in themselves otherwise you risk putting in all that effort to fix them and they might be a shit person once they've gained status and confidence. I honestly find that most incels are addicted to masturbation, onlyfans, and anime girls, or some idea of a hypersexual pixy girl falling into their lap. Literally my ex.
That is it in a nutshell
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Jan 17, 2021
My ex was an incel, then I gave him confidence and encouraged him to go to emt school and he repaid me by going ham and fucking everything that moved with his micro dick. Never again. Ladies, always date a man secure in themselves otherwise you risk putting in all that effort to fix them and they might be a shit person once they've gained status and confidence. I honestly find that most incels are addicted to masturbation, onlyfans, and anime girls, or some idea of a hypersexual pixy girl falling into their lap. Literally my ex. Also, I dont why incels are so sex obsessed. Sex isn't like how it is in porn, do it with an escort and get a reality check at the very least, guarantee you, you'll probably regret blowing that 250.
Onlyfans? No
Anime girls? No
Masturbation? Yes but I'm sure most single guys do that so I don't know why that's a problem.

Also I feel you're implying with your post that a disproportionate number of incels are shit people. That may be a popular statement to make but it's not exactly fair. Plenty of people with status are also shit, in fact people with very high status are often given a pass on morality.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Ladies, always date a man secure in themselves otherwise you risk putting in all that effort to fix them and they might be a shit person once they've gained status and confidence.
Yes, leaving the angry, lonely and insecure men alone (and only dating the already well-off) will do wonders for a society. I'm sure they'll gather confidence and security on their own from the complete lack of affection and the computer screen. What could ever go wrong?
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Yes, leaving the angry, lonely and insecure men alone (and only dating the already well-off) will do wonders for a society. I'm sure they'll gather confidence and security on their own from the complete lack of affection and the computer screen. What could ever go wrong?
I don't remember when I saw that, but someone created a "Gini coefficient" for both genders and surprise, women are far more egalitarian than men with regards to relationships (which means men are either incels or chads and women aren't like that at all). That's modern society.


Jul 10, 2019
Yes, leaving the angry, lonely and insecure men alone (and only dating the already well-off) will do wonders for a society. I'm sure they'll gather confidence and security on their own from the complete lack of affection and the computer screen. What could ever go wrong?
So why is it your girlfriends responsibility to dispel your unhealthy view about sex. Maybe you should fix it yourself by idk, not obsessing over it constantly. I literally gave my entire being to this dude to try to build up confidence he had over his penis size, his body weight and everything. But really what should have been fixed was that he didn't obsess over sex so much. Anyways im to tired to deal with a raging incel, you may go back to 4chan and your hentai now.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
So why is it your girlfriends responsibility to dispel your unhealthy view about sex. Maybe you should fix it yourself by idk, not obsessing over it constantly.
Samuel L Jackson What GIF by Coming to America
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Jul 10, 2019
Exactly, maybe if incels didn't chronically masturbate hours each day and bask in their self loathing, maybe the dopamine dependency in their brain would return to normal and they wouldnt be so hypersexual, and perhaps not have a unhealthy view of sex or expect women to act like a tragic hypersexual pixy from an anime. Try nofap fam, reset your insatiable libido so you can idk not care about sex like a true chad. (yes he taught me the 4chan lingo too)
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
This forum is great no-fap material. Don't need T and A when I got S and N.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
This thread looks like shooting at the ambulance and I wonder whether it's going to be locked.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
This thread looks like shooting at the ambulance and I wonder whether it's going to be locked.
Some people have a tendency to generalize vastly from anecdotal experiences. You know, let me tell you about this black guy that I went to school with...
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Jul 10, 2019
Yes, leaving the angry, lonely and insecure men alone (and only dating the already well-off) will do wonders for a society. I'm sure they'll gather confidence and security on their own from the complete lack of affection and the computer screen. What could ever go wrong?
Is this an issue about being insecure? Or is this an issue about feeling like you need sex to exist and basking in your self loathing over the importance of sex. No girl should have to deal with that. Alot of trauma women have is already sex-based, and that can fuck someone up really bad. I personally wouldn't care if a guy is insecure Id date him, now if he's insecure and angry and bitter because of lack of sex sorry but that's major red flags for what he holds important in his life, which is his own sexual gratification.


Jul 10, 2019
That doesn't justify obsessing over it to an unhealthy extreme where you are literally spending money for escorts and porn numb nuts. Honestly if that is your sole motivator in life to reach self actualization and it seems the reason you want to cbt. I cant really say anything but feel pity that you consider it that much of an importance. Anyways I'm sure the onlyfans girls will capitalise on them. Incels make for the best type of customers in my experience. Oh and don't expect any girl to like you if all you are going to do is bitch about sex and how you don't get any. Maybe if you uh idk, went outside and stopped fapping to anime girls and actually knew how to talk to a girl without expecting her to act like a anime or movie trope you'd have better luck.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
That doesn't justify obsessing over it to an unhealthy extreme where you are literally spending money for escorts and porn numb nuts. Honestly if that is your sole motivator in life to reach self actualization and it seems the reason you want to cbt. I cant really say anything but feel pity that you consider it that much of an importance. Anyways I'm sure the onlyfans girls will capitalise on them. Incels make for the best type of customers in my experience. Oh and don't expect any girl to like you if all you are going to do is bitch about sex and how you don't get any.
You're actually the one obsessing with sex here. @GenesAndEnvironment doesn't focus on that in his first post.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
That doesn't justify obsessing over it to an unhealthy extreme where you are literally spending money for escorts and porn numb nuts. Honestly if that is your sole motivator in life to reach self actualization and it seems the reason you want to cbt. I cant really say anything but feel pity that you consider it that much of an importance. Anyways I'm sure the onlyfans girls will capitalise on them. Incels make for the best type of customers in my experience. Oh and don't expect any girl to like you if all you are going to do is bitch about sex and how you don't get any.
I have no idea who you think you're talking to. I am not one of your several ex boyfriends.
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Jul 10, 2019
You're actually the one obsessing with sex here. @GenesAndEnvironment doesn't focus on that in his first post.
He self identified as an incel that's already at the point of obsession where you base your whole identity off of your lack of sex, sorry to break it to you bud.
Anywhoo there's bigger issues in the world than Ohh I'm a virgin poor Mee girls don't like me cos im not 6 foot. Pfft.
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Jul 23, 2020
Nobody asked about your life story, @Unlucked. Congrats on making the thread lose its focus by projecting your trauma onto everyone here.
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