lol lmao
- Jun 1, 2023
- 304
my father is somewhat similar and for my entire life, i have no idea how he pulls it off.i want to be drugged out going through life. i want to feel like im already dead and existence isnt real anymore....
wouldnt it be "funny" (in that really not funny, ironic, i tried to tell you kind of way) if my exbf ended up homeless, alone, without me after all of this. why would this be "funny"? because we had a whole conversation about how id rather be homeless than without him because emotions mean more to me than material things. now? im moving into a house with land thats going to be given to me. he has the same offer but the house/land is less, but same idea. the difference? how i hear about him going on about how stressful work is and he works part time, not even full time. and his mother, is useless. he cant even cook for himself! tax season, stresses him out beyond belief because he has no idea what to do and has a problem with numbers. "hey dude, ive got a place where i will make it so you never have to worry about working or cooking or taxes or anything. just relax and enjoy your life" "nope" i told him, im not moving out there (in the middle of the woods) alone. i told him, if he wasnt going to move with me than my ex-hus is.
well, now my ex-hus is moving in so if something happens and my ex-bf needs me, there is shit all i can do except watch him be homeless because i sure as hell aint putting them under 1 roof, and im not just going to kick my ex--hus out, thats just wrong.
maybe i just find it funny as a defense mechanism...i read this thing on fb the other day (i know, such a reputable source of information XD) and it said something like "saying lol after every sentence to deflect it" (make it sound not so bad, i know i worded that wrong). and i say lol a lot.... "yeah, life sucks, lol"
if not find this funny what am i suppose to do? i tried!!!
everyone just eats his shit, full bore, like hes jesus himself. he can no wrong and if you notice him being an obese alcoholic, well thats your problem.
Ive seen so many dudes around here doing similar shit and they are less than useless.
just refuse to cook or clean and just drive around and be big guys and just pretend like they do big business and it JUST WORKS. IT JUST ALL WORKS OUT NO BIG DEAL