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Embodiment of failure/Doom poster/Compassionate
Sep 14, 2023
Yeah, we're in a crazy species that just looooves tearing into each other. Can't wait to be traumatized by today's goofiness in other threads:

"You want romance, but guys won't give you the time of day? Well, romantic love IS a modernist illusion... but more importantly you're probably just that suicidal little creep no one wants to be seen walking next to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

"You seriously tried hanging yourself 30 times? Guess the brain damage preceded your attempts! 🤡"

"Hey grandpa Simpson, you think the minimum ctb age should be 21? Why's that? Is that when you lose interest in fondling them? 🙈"
And they deleted their disgusting post. Meditation guide obviously has some deep seated issues w Screenshot 2023 09 28 153104
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I didn't write any of those. I did write the last one about the jellyfish. Maybe the mods deleted it.
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Luce sicut stellae
Sep 26, 2023
Yeah, we're in a crazy species that just looooves tearing into each other. Can't wait to be traumatized by today's goofiness in other threads:

"You want romance, but guys won't give you the time of day? Well, romantic love IS a modernist illusion... but more importantly you're probably just that suicidal little creep no one wants to be seen walking next to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

"You seriously tried hanging yourself 30 times? Guess the brain damage preceded your attempts! 🤡"

"Hey grandpa Simpson, you think the minimum ctb age should be 21? Why's that? Is that when you lose interest in fondling them? 🙈"
Damn, are those real?


🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Damn, are those real?
My apologies; no, those were satirical. Thanks, I'll edit my post to make that clear!

And they deleted their disgusting. Meditation guide obviously has some deep seated issues.View attachment 120612
omfg thanks. That's... actually as cruel as the satirical putdowns I made up! 😮 I screenshotted it too, right before it got deleted.

For those who didn't see, here's Retroguy's thread from a couple weeks back:

I just suffer as a human.
with the complex brain, the ability to think and the nervous system and be stressed the ability to mentally/emotionally suffer as a human is unlimited really.

I was was born a jellyfish, no brain, no nervous sytem, no eyes, no ears.
No thoughts, worries, stress.
Just floating aimlessly in the ocean.
It would have been so pesceful.

Or a tree, again no brain, no thoughts or feelings or stress.

Then apparently out of spite, she just replied (referring to the loneliness that may kill him):
Yeh jellyfish don't have any problem finding a mate 😢

Interesting case study. No matter how racist & ageist such people act, they just play the damsel in distress & get a legion of supporters. irl, this sometimes plays out like: "Oh, did that dark skinned fellow bother you, ma'am? Better arrest him. Yeah, he's got such a pretty mouth — in prison he'll be EVERYONE'S girlfriend!"

I've noticed, abusive gals tend to have a harder time deploying violence against adult guys. (Though they attack children.) So they resort to manipulative/indirect methods — like when Creepy Catherine & Kidnap Kelli call armed policemen to steal EmmaD's children. In a post lost during the recent site downtime, I recall Emma explained how the cops harassed her daughter in school
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Luce sicut stellae
Sep 26, 2023
My apologies; no, those were satirical. Thanks, I'll edit my post to make that clear!

omfg thanks. That's... actually as cruel as the satirical putdowns I made up! 😮 I screenshotted it too, right before it got deleted.

For those who didn't see, here's Retroguy's thread from a couple weeks back:

Then apparently out of spite, she just replied (referring to the loneliness that may kill him):

Interesting case study. No matter how racist & ageist such people act, they just play the damsel in distress & get a legion of supporters. irl, this sometimes plays out like: "Oh, did that dark skinned fellow bother you, ma'am? Better arrest him. Yeah, he's got such a pretty mouth — in prison he'll be EVERYONE'S girlfriend!"

I've noticed, abusive gals tend to have a harder time deploying violence against adult guys. (Though they attack children.) So they resort to manipulative/indirect methods — like when Creepy Catherine & Kidnap Kelli call armed policemen to steal EmmaD's children. In a post lost during the recent site downtime, I recall Emma explained how the cops harassed her daughter in school
I was curious if those were real because she was saying that this guy was apparently messaging people here to take advantage of how vunerable they are
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Sep 21, 2023
Women are obsessed with looks. Even if it means they need to date a human that is in all aspects better, smarter, better looking then them.Men often are being called looking only for looks. No i think its the opposite. Men by nature are better looking then females. Females especially here in the West Europe are vastly overdating. Dating structurally much better looking humans then they self are. It is not a good development society wise. Its creates chaos in societies. Woman here in the west are are big reason western societies are such chaos. My parents are for instance mostly equivalent looking. Also about same size. Here in Netherlands you see couples werre the guy is 9 out of ten times the way better looking person, much bigger taller. I think you then on the wrong track.
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Sep 22, 2023
I also gave up on looking for a partner, but then again I never had such a strong interest in dating to begin with since I don't plan on being here much longer anyways
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Oct 17, 2021
It's funny how the grass is almost always greener on the other side friend. I've had several gfs and they've all ended horribly, I feel like if I had never had a gf in the first place I may not be in a place where I'm going to CTB. I am in no way minimizing your pain or saying having a gf is worse than having no gf, but for me right now I wish especially I had never met my last ex. The joy and elation of being in love, at least for me, is not at all worth the current pain of losing that love.

For me I'd like it to my experience with ecstasy addiction about 9 or 10 years ago. Yes it makes you feel amazing, but the come down afterwards is not worth it.
Feel the same way. I hadn't had a gf or sex until I was 22. Had a few serious relationships myself ended very poorly in the last decade plus. My most recent ex broke up with me due to my spiraling up and down moods. It was the right move for her and sadly for me even though I'll always love her. Until I work on improving the relationship I have with myself I'll always feel inadequate single or in a relationship.
OP I remember thinking I'd never fall in love or date when I was 18-21. It did happen as I worked hard on myself and became more confident with my goals academically, physically and worked through my mental health diagnosis.
I am suicidal and have been for the last 2 years. Addiction has cost me dearly professionally and I am too fucked up to date anyone right now. Porn fucks people up.


Aug 22, 2022
I am not a misogynist.
But the truth is that you females have a massive advantage when it comes to finding a mate.

It all starts from the fact that males are hornier than females and so are much more desperate.

That's why on dating apps even a 5/10 female will soon get tens of guys sending her messages while an equivalent 5/10 guy like myself will get no responses.
I just want to jump in here to dispel you misconception. The reason why women get more responses on dating apps is because the vast majority of participants on dating apps are male. Women seek relationship much more then hook ups or sex and do not prefer to use dating apps. The population of men and women is roughly equal in western countries and so as a consequence the aprox. SAME number of men and women are without partners.
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Jun 29, 2022
I'm right there with u man. I've had sex but never a full on relationship. Women say "work on yourself and love yourself" well guess what, I've been doing that for years now and still no women show me interest. I'm sure you've seen it too, they treat decent men like NPCs and go for the neurotypical, outgoing tall dude who treats people like crap. Women have it much easier, it's okay for them to have self esteem issues, be shy/socially awkward etc and they still find a loving partner. You're dead to women the second you show even a hint of social awkwardness or shyness. Btw no matter what they say, you're not "entitled" for being frustrated about not finding love. The people who say that have probably never been single longer than a couple weeks and don't know what it's like to be actually lonely for literal years. It's soul crushing and one of the reasons I'm CTB soon.
I just want to jump in here to dispel you misconception. The reason why women get more responses on dating apps is because the vast majority of participants on dating apps are male. Women seek relationship much more then hook ups or sex and do not prefer to use dating apps. The population of men and women is roughly equal in western countries and so as a consequence the aprox. SAME number of men and women are without partners.
This just isn't true. Statistics show that 60% of men in their 20s/30s are single, compared to 30% of women. That's a HUGE difference and I guarantee it's because they're all fucking the same small percentage of Chads. You can see it around you everyday, most men are treated like NPCs while the tall and/or extroverted neurotypical dudes are swarmed with positive, confidence-building attention.
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Deleted User#81194

Deleted User#81194

Staring into space
May 26, 2023
My apologies; no, those were satirical. Thanks, I'll edit my post to make that clear!

omfg thanks. That's... actually as cruel as the satirical putdowns I made up! 😮 I screenshotted it too, right before it got deleted.

For those who didn't see, here's Retroguy's thread from a couple weeks back:

Then apparently out of spite, she just replied (referring to the loneliness that may kill him):

Interesting case study. No matter how racist & ageist such people act, they just play the damsel in distress & get a legion of supporters. irl, this sometimes plays out like: "Oh, did that dark skinned fellow bother you, ma'am? Better arrest him. Yeah, he's got such a pretty mouth — in prison he'll be EVERYONE'S girlfriend!"

I've noticed, abusive gals tend to have a harder time deploying violence against adult guys. (Though they attack children.) So they resort to manipulative/indirect methods — like when Creepy Catherine & Kidnap Kelli call armed policemen to steal EmmaD's children. In a post lost during the recent site downtime, I recall Emma explained how the cops harassed her daughter in school
not surprised one bit, these types of women are much more common than you think.

one time at work when we was working in pairs. I was paired up with this women, she was always nice to everyone and me. When we had our mics muted this one day (she forgot to), she started ranting with her friend on how much she hated transgender people and anyone with a XY chromosome, she wish they were all dead/killed, she was a radical feminist. She was swearing so much, and I didn't say a word. I just let her continue without reminding her that her mic wasn't muted, when she finally came back to her PC, she realized her mic wasn't muted and got extremely nervous. They asked me not to tell anyone what I heard and I just said "sure..", I never did tell anyone but that just reminded me not to be so trusting of other people, especially those who try hard to please everyone and be nice. I'm always suspicious.
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Dec 15, 2021
24 years old and I've never had any single female friend. Basically I've never talked with any girl in my whole life because I have avoidant personality disorder and selective mutism.
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Old Friend

Old Friend

Sleep well, Airstrip One.
Sep 24, 2023
This just isn't true. Statistics show that 60% of men in their 20s/30s are single, compared to 30% of women. That's a HUGE difference and I guarantee it's because they're all fucking the same small percentage of Chads. You can see it around you everyday, most men are treated like NPCs while the tall and/or extroverted neurotypical dudes are swarmed with positive, confidence-building attention.

I've never seen that statistic. Can you possibly link to it? A part of it will be that it's more common for the man to be older than the women so many of those women will be in relationships with men 40 plus. I'd still be surprised if there was as many as twice the amount of single men in that age bracket though.

As for many of the comments on this sort of subject, there's a kernel of truth in most of them but it's never quite that simple.

I'll address the "chad" thing first. One thing I noticed when I was getting to "that age" was how certain assholes seemed to have no trouble getting women and if they broke up with one, there was another lined up. Often they weren't particularly good looking, didn't have money or anything special about them. But they had confidence. Women tend to like confidence in men, even if it's misplaced. It's not specifically because said guy is a "chad" per se.

The shy and socially awkward thing is certainly a disadvantage. It can be for both sexes but it's worse for guys. Mainly, guys are expected to go up and talk to girls, ask them out etc. Most girls won't do that. Girls are, on average, more rejection sensitive than guys. If they really like you they'll drop a ton of hints and if you're socially awkward you'll either not know what to do about it or not even notice it in the first place. Then she thinks you're not interested or worse, that you actually dislike her.

It can be tough but the best advice I can give socially awkward men is two things: firstly, work on your confidence and how you come across. I don't mean be fake. Nor do I mean it has to be a big transformation. Just some adjustments. Learn to be comfortable around women and manage the anxiety. It takes practice which leads neatly onto the second thing: meet people, especially female ones. If you stay in your room doing nothing, then of course you'll be single forever. All is not lost even for introverts. A lad I work with met his girlfriend playing Monster Hunter Rise online. Life can be amusing sometimes.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
My apologies; no, those were satirical. Thanks, I'll edit my post to make that clear!

omfg thanks. That's... actually as cruel as the satirical putdowns I made up! 😮 I screenshotted it too, right before it got deleted.

For those who didn't see, here's Retroguy's thread from a couple weeks back:

Then apparently out of spite, she just replied (referring to the loneliness that may kill him):

Interesting case study. No matter how racist & ageist such people act, they just play the damsel in distress & get a legion of supporters. irl, this sometimes plays out like: "Oh, did that dark skinned fellow bother you, ma'am? Better arrest him. Yeah, he's got such a pretty mouth — in prison he'll be EVERYONE'S girlfriend!"

I've noticed, abusive gals tend to have a harder time deploying violence against adult guys. (Though they attack children.) So they resort to manipulative/indirect methods — like when Creepy Catherine & Kidnap Kelli call armed policemen to steal EmmaD's children. In a post lost during the recent site downtime, I recall Emma explained how the cops harassed her daughter in school
He was saying he wished he was a jellyfish. So I said they don't have a problem finding a mate. Is that wrong? I meant his problem might be solved.
  • Hmph!
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Embodiment of failure/Doom poster/Compassionate
Sep 14, 2023
He was saying he wished he was a jellyfish. So I said they don't have a problem finding a mate. Is that wrong? I meant his problem might be solved.
Stop lying. You said this right after you accused him of being a sexual predator. You're disgustingly manipulative. You even have the audacity to ask me if I'm an incel then back pedal your argument after you had been exposed. Stop lying to yourself your behavior is disgusting. If the mods had any decency they'd ban you. You can barely speak speak English so I have no clue why I took you seriously in retrospect. (Not being rude you just don't seem comprehensive at all)
Anyways, my opinion on romantic relationships is that there's no guarantees and it's much difficult for men. Usually women have a lot more options so they can afford to be choosy. That ends up in a lot of men getting routinely filtered shall we say in dating circles. I don't think it's "misogynist" to mention that dating is difficult for men and there has been many statistics especially recently to prove that. At the end of the day all you can do is try, work on your appearance, meet people, become more charismatic. I don't think most women can relate to the scarcity men have when it comes to dating so I don't always find their opinions valid on this topic and a lot of them spout platitudes (just like pro-lifers) rather than being more objective, the way I see is all you can do is work on yourself and try but there's no guarantees.. I also think people discredit the importance of physical appearance too much. You don't need to be an Adonis by most people want someone they're physically attracted to in someway. Your looks at the of the day are a matter of genetics it has nothing do with you as a person but it can make a break you in terms of being conventionally attractive. I have two very attractive parents (not bragging but it's true) but happened to get the freakish qualities of both whilst my sister is very good looking, all sorts can happen with someone's appearance genetics wise which really sucks because it's not representative of someone's character but that's the superficial world we live in. I will say though, I think it's dumb to complain about "chads" or people who are better off than you. You're not them so it doesn't matter. If you want something dearly you will try for it but there's no guarantees. It's also a matter of fact that tons of average & below average dudes get girlfriends. There's some middle ground to be had here and the steps forward are logical, but like I'll reiterate there's no guarantees in love.
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Jun 29, 2022
I've never seen that statistic. Can you possibly link to it? A part of it will be that it's more common for the man to be older than the women so many of those women will be in relationships with men 40 plus. I'd still be surprised if there was as many as twice the amount of single men in that age bracket though.

As for many of the comments on this sort of subject, there's a kernel of truth in most of them but it's never quite that simple.

I'll address the "chad" thing first. One thing I noticed when I was getting to "that age" was how certain assholes seemed to have no trouble getting women and if they broke up with one, there was another lined up. Often they weren't particularly good looking, didn't have money or anything special about them. But they had confidence. Women tend to like confidence in men, even if it's misplaced. It's not specifically because said guy is a "chad" per se.

The shy and socially awkward thing is certainly a disadvantage. It can be for both sexes but it's worse for guys. Mainly, guys are expected to go up and talk to girls, ask them out etc. Most girls won't do that. Girls are, on average, more rejection sensitive than guys. If they really like you they'll drop a ton of hints and if you're socially awkward you'll either not know what to do about it or not even notice it in the first place. Then she thinks you're not interested or worse, that you actually dislike her.

It can be tough but the best advice I can give socially awkward men is two things: firstly, work on your confidence and how you come across. I don't mean be fake. Nor do I mean it has to be a big transformation. Just some adjustments. Learn to be comfortable around women and manage the anxiety. It takes practice which leads neatly onto the second thing: meet people, especially female ones. If you stay in your room doing nothing, then of course you'll be single forever. All is not lost even for introverts. A lad I work with met his girlfriend playing Monster Hunter Rise online. Life can be amusing sometimes.
Here is an article that talks about it: I appreciate the advice. I've done everything I can to become confident tho and nothing ever works. I try to fake it and it doesn't work. Obviously it's a me problem and clearly it's unfixable. I really, really tried to no avail. That's a large reason why I'm CTB soon, among other things.
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Sep 28, 2023
I've never had a gf either. I've never even had a woman as a friend.
But maybe in the next life :)
you don't know that. i know that saying "give it time" really doesn't do much, but the right person will come to you, i promise.
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I do not live for others to understand me...
Sep 13, 2023
@Retroguy , have you tried not relying dating apps on online dating? Have you thought about why looks matter so much on those apps? It's not just "female nature", it's because with apps you could only have an overview of their looks, basic life info, maybe some text they wrote. With that in mind, it should be understandable why girls there seemingly focus on that shallow part.

You also think and/or expect this theoretical gf of yours to take care of your sexual and emotional needs, Talking as if it'd be a solution to your problems. This is a combination of ignorance and entitlement on what a relationship is. It is a two-way street, and yet you put the sole blame your looks, just that "I'm ugly" or "Women only want 10's".

and this.... This is literally what people make fun of incels for saying.

You really think you're a "good guy"? What's so good that makes you a good guy? There's more to being good then being nice and agreeable, or doing "everything right". Also, there's the subtle implication that somehow, just by being a good guy, the world and women should go out of their way to give you love and rewards. That's simply not how the world works, Karma isn't real. You should learn that being good is it's own reward, not even expecting the world to return that favor. That's simply how it is, asking this world to be fair is asking too much of it.

Still, people will like you more if you weren't being nice just for an implicit reward. You'd have some amount of character.

While honestly we're all a little shallow, we'll put all those preferences and requirements aside for someone we have a real connection with; atleast most of us who aren't truly shallow. Your misogynistic attitude towards women is certainly a hindrance, but more importantly, you have many other problems then just not having a gf, I can tell.

Maybe also don't just think of women as a way to fulfill your lizard brain desire for a mate too. Learn to form connections with people. This is the first step to having a good friend (not even a potential gf), and you should start there before thinking about romance. Oh, and don't start feeling as if she has to be open to romance just because you made her a friend at that point; infact, do NOT become just friends with the plan of making it romantic later, you should be upfront about those intentions at the start.

That's just my 2 cents to you.
Love you girly ( I'm assuming your a girl)
Couldn't have said it better honestly.
I will never have a partner either but thats just my personal preference, I was mever interested in anyone romantically nor did I ever think about having a relationship with anyone.

But, I do understand your situation, having a broken heart due to your wish of having a partner not being fulfilled is very depressing, I hope you can find relief soon..
Same I doubt I'll ever have a partner....I have no romantic interest in anyone and never really have had any. I've been asked out before but I always reject anyone who does because I know I won't treat them right and I don't have the emotional compactly to be in a relationship.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Me reading this thread as an aroace person like:
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victim of existence
Aug 9, 2023
hey if you want to talk about it just send a message im here
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Aug 4, 2022
Poor guy got banned for speaking his mind
Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Poor guy got banned for speaking his mind
What do you mean? People don't get banned for that. Ages are not checked or verified on this site and he was asking random people to chat offline by the dozens. Maybe there was a problem of that nature. Or just too many complaints coming in about his messaging everyone. Not everyone was happy about it.
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Aug 4, 2022
What do you mean? People don't get banned for that. Ages are not checked or verified on this site and he was asking random people to chat offline by the dozens. Maybe there was a problem of that nature.
He texted me too and we talked offline. He is just sad and lonely


Efilist, atheist, pro-right to die.
Jun 8, 2023
If you want a gf, getting status/money is actually the most important thing. And even when personality enters the equation, it's stuff like being a stoic man (i.e. forget about her comforting you, you are there to be the strong man, and if you "fall" you're going to be abandoned), or not being "needy" (which doesn't just mean having your own life, but not letting her know you depend on her, even though that's the reason why one would be with her in the first place). That's because relationships are ultimately power struggles, and you need to win to gain her respect, along with passing all her shit tests. No companionship to be found in all that. If a friend acted like that, I think we'd all agree that is not a good friend, but if a "romantic" partner does it it's all okay.

And then you have sex becoming rarer and rarer with time, it often being used as a manipulation tool.

I never had a gf, and honestly, I'm glad about that. All this garbage has nothing to do with what love should be, and in the end, married or settled men are not in a much better condition than Incels, if at all.

In other words, love is a crock of shit, and you'd be wise not to depend on the idea of finding it. Though, in fairness that would actually apply to everything, as too often our needs can't properly be met in all various aspects of life. Which is a big reason why I want to ctb.
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Embodiment of failure/Doom poster/Compassionate
Sep 14, 2023
What do you mean? People don't get banned for that. Ages are not checked or verified on this site and he was asking random people to chat offline by the dozens. Maybe there was a problem of that nature. Or just too many complaints coming in about his messaging everyone. Not everyone was happy about it.
That's not remotely what happened, he left the site willingly. He's not the kind of person to accuse others of being a sexual predator and then continuously harass them when blatantly proven otherwise. You're the one who should've banned if anyone should have been. The moderators kindly deleted the SC I had of you back pedaling as well, how sweet of them.
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Embodiment of failure/Doom poster/Compassionate
Sep 14, 2023
You aren't the type to continually harass someone for no reason either are you. Oh wait, you love it and get off on it I see. Sad that YOU aren't banned for you continuing harasment.
You should've dropped your slander against him ages ago. I'm not surprised you can't tell the difference between harassment and defending and innocent person. Your narrative doesn't hold up. You should stop speaking of him if you don't want any quarrel. I will post this great screenshot again showing your character and lack of credibility. The irony of falsely accusing someone of being a sexual predator and then saying that I can't judge you as a person was clearly lost on you.
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Aeternum Vale
Sep 18, 2023
@Dot Maybe this thread should be locked and/or moved? OP is gone, and the topic is hardly germane to suicide.
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Defective Personel
Jan 20, 2023
Oh yeah, he wanted to chat with me, and we actually did.
As you'd expect, it was very offputting.

He seemed as if he was just lonely and wanting a friend, but it was quickly apparent he was only thinking I was a potential "Girlfriend", or rather, a mate, bc he always had the need to bring up how he would have sex every day with this girlfriend. He also made these empty complements about how I was a "cute girl" had a "nice voice" when he never saw nor herd me, so those words where artificial, empty, because it was literally impossible to appreciate these things.

In the short time we where talking, he outright ignored about half of what I was saying. I said that maybe he should get some male or non-romantic friends first, and he said he only needed/wanted that one girlfriend. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, however, I clarified that me and him would be just friends. Guess what he said then? He said he'd be fine talking with me for a few years then coming to me to be my boyfriend. WHAT? Really, things like that can happen, but he said it as if "This is how it'll go".

As we talked, it was apparent he wasn't interested in me, but this theoretical girlfriend, who'd basically be a doll to coddle him and have sex with him. I was just a vessel for that ideal, if becoming his girlfriend was unviable, or he believed I was a man, he would suddenly have zero interest. But that possibility isn't really different from the reality at all, again, having no interest in me as a person, only as his girlfriend.

I tried to talk about how has has some other problems, as he is shy and timid with social anxiety, but he still ignored all of that to try to somehow make me his gf.

Seems like he's hopeless, but at the same time, I wonder what's his real intention coming here. With his ban, it's possible he was reported for preying on vulnerable women within SaSu. I can't really say anything on if he's a predator or not. But I wouldn't be surprised, that nice attitude with all those empty complements could be him attempting to reel em' in before showing his true colors. It's common for abuses to be nice until you're actually in a relationship with them and invested.

If anyone else has something to bring to light about this guy, go ahead, especially if it shows why he was banned. Really sad people like this will try to infiltrate SaSu, and I doubt this is the last we'll see of this particular person. They'll just make another account and try again until something sticks.

That's not remotely what happened, he left the site willingly. He's not the kind of person to accuse others of being a sexual predator and then continuously harras them when blatantly proven otherwise.
While you could say he left willingly, and be technically correct, he really left to not deal with people disliking his conduct. As someone who talked with him, while I can't say he is a predator, while I could say he has many problems, and if it was latter confirmed he WAS a predator, it would certainly has some foreshadowing. Bro really trying to say he's not here to pick up girls when that's what he outright tried to do with me. Literally said he has zero interest in guy friends, only girl friends, especially in a romantic way.

Love you girly ( I'm assuming your a girl)
I prefer to be thought of as they/them online. I feel that people can place too much importance on gender even outside of love and sex. It's kinda weird how people tend to assume I'm a girl for some reason. I even had some guys ask if I was really a girl before doing what they clearly want to do.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
Oh yeah, he wanted to chat with me, and we actually did.
As you'd expect, it was very offputting.

He seemed as if he was just lonely and wanting a friend, but it was quickly apparent he was only thinking I was a potential "Girlfriend", or rather, a mate, bc he always had the need to bring up how he would have sex every day with this girlfriend. He also made these empty complements about how I was a "cute girl" had a "nice voice" when he never saw nor herd me, so those words where artificial, empty, because it was literally impossible to appreciate these things.

In the short time we where talking, he outright ignored about half of what I was saying. I said that maybe he should get some male or non-romantic friends first, and he said he only needed/wanted that one girlfriend. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, however, I clarified that me and him would be just friends. Guess what he said then? He said he'd be fine talking with me for a few years then coming to me to be my boyfriend. WHAT? Really, things like that can happen, but he said it as if "This is how it'll go".

As we talked, it was apparent he wasn't interested in me, but this theoretical girlfriend, who'd basically be a doll to coddle him and have sex with him. I was just a vessel for that ideal, if becoming his girlfriend was unviable, or he believed I was a man, he would suddenly have zero interest. But that possibility isn't really different from the reality at all, again, having no interest in me as a person, only as his girlfriend.

I tried to talk about how has has some other problems, as he is shy and timid with social anxiety, but he still ignored all of that to try to somehow make me his gf.

Seems like he's hopeless, but at the same time, I wonder what's his real intention coming here. With his ban, it's possible he was reported for preying on vulnerable women within SaSu. I can't really say anything on if he's a predator or not. But I wouldn't be surprised, that nice attitude with all those empty complements could be him attempting to reel em' in before showing his true colors. It's common for abuses to be nice until you're actually in a relationship with them and invested.

If anyone else has something to bring to light about this guy, go ahead, especially if it shows why he was banned. Really sad people like this will try to infiltrate SaSu, and I doubt this is the last we'll see of this particular person. They'll just make another account and try again until something sticks.

While you could say he left willingly, and be technically correct, he really left to not deal with people disliking his conduct. As someone who talked with him, while I can't say he is a predator, while I could say he has many problems, and if it was latter confirmed he WAS a predator, it would certainly has some foreshadowing. Bro really trying to say he's not here to pick up girls when that's what he outright tried to do with me. Literally said he has zero interest in guy friends, only girl friends, especially in a romantic way.


I prefer to be thought of as they/them online. I feel that people can place too much importance on gender even outside of love and sex. It's kinda weird how people tend to assume I'm a girl for some reason. I even had some guys ask if I was really a girl before doing what they clearly want to do.
I've had random people message me out of the blue telling me all sorts of creepy things he was saying to them. One was what seemed to be an underage person he was coming on to, kept saying repeatedly he never had a gf and wants a gf and indicating she should become his gf.
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Embodiment of failure/Doom poster/Compassionate
Sep 14, 2023
Oh yeah, he wanted to chat with me, and we actually did.
As you'd expect, it was very offputting.

He seemed as if he was just lonely and wanting a friend, but it was quickly apparent he was only thinking I was a potential "Girlfriend", or rather, a mate, bc he always had the need to bring up how he would have sex every day with this girlfriend. He also made these empty complements about how I was a "cute girl" had a "nice voice" when he never saw nor herd me, so those words where artificial, empty, because it was literally impossible to appreciate these things.

In the short time we where talking, he outright ignored about half of what I was saying. I said that maybe he should get some male or non-romantic friends first, and he said he only needed/wanted that one girlfriend. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, however, I clarified that me and him would be just friends. Guess what he said then? He said he'd be fine talking with me for a few years then coming to me to be my boyfriend. WHAT? Really, things like that can happen, but he said it as if "This is how it'll go".

As we talked, it was apparent he wasn't interested in me, but this theoretical girlfriend, who'd basically be a doll to coddle him and have sex with him. I was just a vessel for that ideal, if becoming his girlfriend was unviable, or he believed I was a man, he would suddenly have zero interest. But that possibility isn't really different from the reality at all, again, having no interest in me as a person, only as his girlfriend.

I tried to talk about how has has some other problems, as he is shy and timid with social anxiety, but he still ignored all of that to try to somehow make me his gf.

Seems like he's hopeless, but at the same time, I wonder what's his real intention coming here. With his ban, it's possible he was reported for preying on vulnerable women within SaSu. I can't really say anything on if he's a predator or not. But I wouldn't be surprised, that nice attitude with all those empty complements could be him attempting to reel em' in before showing his true colors. It's common for abuses to be nice until you're actually in a relationship with them and invested.

If anyone else has something to bring to light about this guy, go ahead, especially if it shows why he was banned. Really sad people like this will try to infiltrate SaSu, and I doubt this is the last we'll see of this particular person. They'll just make another account and try again until something sticks.

While you could say he left willingly, and be technically correct, he really left to not deal with people disliking his conduct. As someone who talked with him, while I can't say he is a predator, while I could say he has many problems, and if it was latter confirmed he WAS a predator, it would certainly has some foreshadowing. Bro really trying to say he's not here to pick up girls when that's what he outright tried to do with me. Literally said he has zero interest in guy friends, only girl friends, especially in a romantic way.


I prefer to be thought of as they/them online. I feel that people can place too much importance on gender even outside of love and sex. It's kinda weird how people tend to assume I'm a girl for some reason. I even had some guys ask if I was really a girl before doing what they clearly want to do.
In that case I don't disagree. I never knew he had done anything legitimate or there was anything proof of such thing. I just don't agree with the perspective of slander and prejudice which it intentionally was that's all. I don't care anymore and as I said there was nothing wrong with skepticism but don't agree with pointing finger where it's not warranted. If there was proof I would've never defended him. I'll drop topic and hopefully this thread is closed as it's not worth speaking about anymore. I understand Meditation guide's perspective but I think they could've conducted themselves much better especially when it came to providing proof instead of the initial prejudice/slander.
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